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Giacomo Dallafiore (1878)

Giacomo Dallafiore
Born in Costageminiana, Italymap
[spouse(s) unknown]
[children unknown]
Died [date unknown] [location unknown]
Problems/Questions Profile managers: Val Pruett private message [send private message] and J.j. Meidl private message [send private message]
Profile last modified | Created 12 Aug 2009
This page has been accessed 436 times.


Giacomo Dallafiore was an Italian barrel organ player, intermittently visiting Sweden from 1891 and on. He and his brother Giuseppe were initially registered together with their parents. The Swedish census 1900 lists the family together.[1] They also appear in [Rotemansarkivet (where you may have to repeat the search). When they were in Stockholm they lived in Katarina parish in the Glasbruket quarter, where many Italians lived.[2] They may have spent less time in Stockholm than they did travelling around the country. They did not "sign off" when they left Sweden but were just transferred to the list of absentees.[3]


  1. Folkräkning 1900 - Katarina församling rote 13, Stockholms stad, bildid: Folk_001013-548 Riksarkivet SVAR
  2. BiS, Befolkningen i Sverige 1860-1947 (ArkivDigital) AID: r27.p168629481
  3. BiS, Befolkningen i Sverige 1860-1947 (ArkivDigital) AID: r27.p168628157

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Dallafiora-2 and Dallafiore-3 appear to represent the same person because: The name of Dallafiora-2 is a mistranscription
posted by Eva Ekeblad

D  >  Dallafiore  >  Giacomo Dallafiore

Categories: Emilia-Romagna, Needs Birth Record | Italians in Sweden