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Ganwyd Elizabeth ("Bessie") Davies tua 1891 yn Llanrwst, yn ferch i Robert Henry Davies a'i wraig Jane.
Ymfudodd y teulu i St Helens yn Swydd Gaerhirfryn erbyn geni'r plentyn nesaf, Cassie, tua 1893.
Erbyn 31 Mawrth 1901, roedd y teulu'n byw yn Ashcroft Street, Parr, St Helens. Roedd yna bum plentyn - Alfred E Davies (17), Charles Davies (14), Bessie Davies (10), Cassie Davies (8) and William Davies (6). Ar noson y cyfrifiad, roedd ganddyn nhw ymwelydd sef Nellie Griffiths, merch 12 oed a anwyd yn Llanrwst.
Erbyn 2ail Ebrill 1911, roedd y teulu'n dal yn byw yn St Helens, a dim ond Bessie a William oedd yn dal efo'u rhieni. Roedd Bessie'n 20 mlwydd oed, ac roedd ganddi swydd yn golchi (poteli mae'n debyg) mewn gweithfa poteli. Mae'n debyg (o enwau'r swyddi - fel "bottle washer" a "taker in") fod y gweithfa poteli yn cymryd i mewn poteli gwag a'u golchi ar gyfer eu defnyddio eto, yn ogystal â gwneud poteli newydd o wydr.
Priododd Bessie ag Edward Pickett ym 1914 yn Eglwys y Drindod yn Parr Mount, St Helens. Debyg iddyn nhw gwrdd drwy'u gwaith - bu Edward yn brentis gweuthurwr poteli ym 1911.
Ganwyd eu mab, Charles Howell Pickett, ym 1915 yn St Helens, a bu farw ym 1917 yn ddwy flwydd oed.
Bu farw Bessie ym 1918, yn 26 oed. Fe'i claddwyd ar y 6ed o Fawrth 1918 ym mynwent St Helens, mewn bedd lle claddwyd eisoes brawd a chwaer i Edward a fu farw'n ifanc.
Mae peth ansicrwydd mai merch Robert a Jane ydy hi, gan fod ddwy Elizabeth Davies arall o tua'r un oed â hi yn St Helens ym 1901, ac un arall ym 1911. Er hyn, merch Robert a Jane sy'n gweddu orau gan mai Bessie yw ei henw yn y ddau gyfrifiad fel yng ngyfnod ei phriodas. Hefyd rhoddodd Bessie'r enw Charles Howell Pickett i'w mab, ac mae Howell yn enw anghyffredin iawn yn St Helens. Roedd yr Elizabeth Davies arall oedd yn St Helens ym 1901 a 1911 wedi'i geni yn St Helens, a heb gysylltiad agos amlwg â Chymru.
Elizabeth ("Bessie") Davies was born in about 1891 in Llanrwst. She was the daughter of Robert Henry Davies and Jane Davies.
The family had moved to St Helens, Lancashire by the time the next child, Cassie, was born in about 1893.
By March 31st 1901, the family were living in Ashcroft Street, Parr, St Helens. There were five children - Alfred E Davies (17), Charles Davies (14), Bessie Davies (10), Cassie Davies (8) and William Davies (6). On the night of the census, they had a 12-year-old visitor, Nellie Griffiths, who had been born in Llanrwst.
By April 2nd 1911, the family were still in St Helens, and only Bessie and William were still living with their parents. Bessie was 20, and working as a washer in a bottle factory. It seems (from the job names, like "bottle washer" and "taker in") that the bottle works took in empty bottles to be washed for reuse, as well as making new bottles from glass.
Bessie married Edward Pickett in 1914 at Holy Trinity Church in Parr Mount, St Helens. They may have met through their work - Edward was an apprentice bottle maker in 1911.
Their son Charles Howell Pickett was born in 1915 in St Helens, and died in 1917 at the age of two.
Bessie died in 1918, aged 26. She was buried on 6 Mar 1918 in St Helens Cemetery, in a grave with Edward's siblings who died in childhood and where his mother is buried.
There is some uncertainty that she is in fact the daughter of Robert and Jane, because there were two other Elizabeth Davieses of similar age in St Helens in 1901, and one other in 1911. However the daughter of Robert and Jane is certainly the best match for Bessie Davies who married Edward Pickett, because she was called Bessie in both censuses, which matches the name on the marriage record. Also, Bessie Pickett's son Charles was given a Welsh middle name, Howell, which is quite an unusual name in St Helens. The second best census match for her, who was also in St Helens in 1911, was born in St Helens and with no indication of a close family connection with Wales.
Acadian heritage connections: Elizabeth is 29 degrees from Beyoncé Knowles, 28 degrees from Jean Béliveau, 26 degrees from Madonna Ciccone, 29 degrees from Rhéal Cormier, 28 degrees from Joseph Drouin, 27 degrees from Jack Kerouac, 28 degrees from Anne Murray, 28 degrees from Matt LeBlanc, 26 degrees from Roméo LeBlanc, 27 degrees from Azilda Marchand, 26 degrees from Marie Travers and 28 degrees from Clarence White on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.
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Categories: Morris-18630 Missing Baptism | Holy Trinity Church, Parr Mount, St Helens, Lancashire | St Helens Cemetery, St Helens, Lancashire | St Helens, Lancashire | England, Bottle Works Labourers | Morris-18630 Cymru