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Russell Ernest DeLong (1881 - 1893)

Russell Ernest DeLong
Born in Dakota Territory, United Statesmap
[spouse(s) unknown]
[children unknown]
Died at about age 12 in South Dakota, United Statesmap
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Profile last modified | Created 23 Jul 2009
This page has been accessed 308 times.


Research Notes

Russell Ernest DeLong was born in 1881 in Moody County, South Dakota. He died in 1893. Son of Orval Albert DeLong [1]


  1. Find a Grave, database and images ( : accessed 16 May 2020), memorial page for Russell Ernest De Long (1881–1893), Find a Grave Memorial no. 41274410, citing Colman Cemetery, Colman, Moody County, South Dakota, USA ; Maintained by Mill (contributor 46799965) .

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