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Hánaga Choumenekaka Decorah (abt. 1750)

Chief Hánaga Choumenekaka "Raisin" Decorah aka Anaugah, Decora, DeKaury
Born about in Wisconsinmap
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Husband of — married [date unknown] [location unknown]
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Died [date unknown] [location unknown]
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Profile last modified | Created 14 Aug 2016
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Hánaga Decorah is a part of Wisconsin history.
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Hánaga was Ho-Chunk.


The name Anaugah is a corruption of Hánaga, a birth order name for the second born son.

Choumenekaka is so badly corrupted that it cannot be reconstructed. However, there are two candidates: Čonimánįga, "Walks First," and Čoraminąka, "Sits Blue." These are names found in the Winnebago Upper Moiety.


Since Old Gray-haired Decora was the first born son (Kųnųgá) and was known to have been born in 1746, the birth year for Hánaga as 1750 seems plausible. Neither of these could have been the offspring of Flight of Geese, who married Spoon Decora late in his life.

"'Collections - State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Volume 21'; State Historical Society of Wisconsin; 1915, p. 121: Anaugah de Kaury, Winnebago chief. See Decorah, Raisin...'" [1]

"'Indian History of Winneshiek County Iowa: Genealogy and History of the Decorah Family', by Dennis; 2011: 'Anaugah, or the Raisin Decorah, named by La Ronde, Chou-me-ne-ka-ka.'" [2]

"Decorah (Choumenekaka), Raisin (Anaugah), Winnebago chief, 3, 286, 7, 347, 20, 267.'" [3]

"Grignon's Recollections... When I spent my first winter at Wisconsin Portage, in 1801—02, the De Kau-rys were among the most influential of the Winnebagoes. Chou-ga-rah, or The Ladle, the son of a French trader named De Kau-ry, and the sister of the head chief of the nation, was then. the head chief. He was at this time an old man, and died at the Portage about 1808, and, by his request, was placed in a sitting posture in a coffin, and the coffin placed on the surface of the ground, with a small cabin erected over it, and that surrounded with a fence. He was succeeded by his eldest son, Ko-no-kah De Kau-ry, or The Eldest De Kau-ry, who lived to a great age. He had four brothers, and five sisters—his brothers’ names were Au-gah De Kau-ry, called by the whites T he Black De Kau-ry; Anau-gah De Kau-ry, or the Raisin; Nah-ha-sauch-e-ka De Kau-ry, usually called Rascal De Kau-ry, who did every thing he could to render himself mean and hateful, and was yet destitute of courage; the name of his younger brother I have forgotten. Three of the sisters married Indian husbands, one of lthem married first a trader named De Reviere, and afterwards Perrish Grignon, and the other a trader named Jean Lecuyer.'" [4]

"Dekaury, or Schachipkaka, was principal chief of the Winnebagoes, often called by his countrymen Konokoh Dekaury, meaning the eldest Dekaury.

Schachipkaka, was the son of Choukeka, called by the whites, Spoon Dekaury; and who was the son of Sabrevoir De Carrie, corrupted into Dekaury, an officer in the French army in 1699, under De Boisbriant; and resigning his commission in 1729, became an Indian trader among the Winnebagoes, subsequently taking for a wife the head chief’s sister, named Wahopoekau, or Glory of the Morning. After living with her seven or eight years, he left her, and their two sons, whom, she refused to let him take away, but permitted him to take their daughter.

De Carrie re-entered the army, and was mortally wounded at Quebec, April twenty-eighth, 1760, dying of his wounds at the hospital at Montreal. His eldest son, Choukeka, or the Spoon or Ladle, was made a chief, and was quite aged when he died at the Portage about 1816 and, at his request, was buried in a sitting posture, on the surface of the ground, with a small log structure over it, surrounded by a fence. I saw his burial place in 1828, when the red cedar posts, of which the fence was made, were yet undecayed. His widow died, two miles above Portage, about 1868, at a very advanced age. The old chief’s sister, who had been taken by her father to Montreal, and educated there, was married to Laurent Fily, a Quebec merchant, whose son', of the same name, was long a clerk for Augustin Grignon, and is frequently mentioned in Grignon’s 'Recollections.'

'Choukeka was succeeded by his son, Schachipkaka, who had six brothers and five sisters. One of the brothers was called Ruchkaschaka, or White Pigeon, called by the whites Black Dekaury; another, Choumenekaka, or Raisin Dekaury; another, Kokemauneka, or He-who-walks-between-two-Stars, or the Starwalker; another, Young Dekaury, called by the whites, on account of his trickish character, Rascal Dekaury; another, Waukon-gako, or The Thunder Hearer; and the sixth, Ongskaka, or White Wolf, who died young. Of the sisters, three married Indian husbands; one married a trapper named Dennis De Riviere, and afterwards to Perrish Grignon; the other to John B. l’Ecuyer, the father of Madame Le Roy. At the western end of the Portage, there was a warehouse built; and three houses where Perrish Grignon and his wife, sister of the chief Dekaury, were living; the second one was occupied by his son, Lavoin Grignon; the other one by J. B. l’Ecuyer. Mr. Le Roy was living near where Mr. O. P. Williams’ house was subsequently located. He told me that Major Twiggs, of the Fifth Regiment of infantry, required the place where his first house stood for postpurposes; for which however, he paid him well.'" [5]

"'In that early day the races were much mixed, French and Winnebago especially, and in some degree, American and Winnebago also. All the DeKaury’s were descended from a half breed. The original DeKaury was a fur trader on Doty’s Island, located at Neenah, and married the daughter of the chief of the nation at that place. He left a large progeny, when, summoned to defend New France, he went to the lower colonies and was mortally wounded at Quebec, April 28, 1760. He died of his wounds at Montreal soon after...'" [6]

"John a épousé Elizabeth Winnosheek Dekaury, fille d’un chef de la tribu des Winnebago." [translated: John married Elizabeth Winnosheek Dekaury, daughter of a prince of the tribe of Winnebago.] [7]

"THE WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGIST And Transactions of The Wisconsin Archeological Society, Volume 6, Number 1', by Charles Edward Brown; The Wisconsin Archeological Society; USA; 1906-1907, pp. 136-137: '...Hopokoskau, or Glory of the Morning, also known as the Queen of the Winnebago, was the mother of the celebrated line of Creole chiefs known to border history under the various names of Decorah. She was the sister of the head chief of the Doty island village. (5, W. H. C, 156-297.) Of the date of her birth there is no record. Her Indian name is also given as Wa-ho-po-e-kau. She became the wife of Sabrevoir De Carrie, an officer in the French army, in 1699, under De Boisbriant. He resigned his commission in 1729, and became a trader among the Winnebago, subsequently marrying Glory of the Morning. After seven or eight years, during which time two sons and a daughter were born, he left her, taking with him the daughter. During the French and Indian war, he [re-enlisted in] the army, and was mortally wounded before Quebec, on April 28, 1760. This places his injury as occurring two weeks before the fall of that stronghold, and the deaths of both Wolfe and Montcalm. He must have been injured in some of the almost daily assaults made by Wolfe upon some part of the long defenses on the bluffs of the St. Lawrence. He died in the hospital at Montreal. Glory of the Morning refused to go to Montreal with her husband and remained in her island home with her sons. The daughter whom De Carrie took with him, married Sieur Laurent Fily, a merchant of Quebec, who subsequently removed to Green Bay, and has descendants... Captain Jonathan Carver who visited the Queen in 1766... 'No one could tell her age; but all agreed she must have seen upwards of one hundred winters.'" [8]


  1. [1]
  2. [2]
  3. "Collections - State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Volume 12'; 'State Historical Society of Wisconsin'; 1915, p. 121."
  4. "'Annual Report and Collections of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin for the Year Volume 3'; 1904, p. 286."
  5. "'Collections of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Volume 7: Narrative of John T. De La Ronde'; State Historical Society of Wisconsin; 1908, p. 347."
  6. "'A Standard History of Sauk County, Wisconsin, Volume 1', by Harry Ellsworth Cole; Lewis Publishing Company, 1918, p. 193."
  7. "'HISTOIRE GÉNÉALOGIQUE DE LA FAMILLE DENYS', by Yves Drolet; Montreal, Canada; 2016, p. 13."
  8. [3]
  • "Hocak Encyclopedia: 'Origin of the Decorah Family', translated by Richard L. Dieterle." [4]
  • WikiTree profile DeKaury-2 created through the import of The Sammons Family Tree.ged on Jun 9, 2011 by Steve Sammons. See the Changes page for the details of edits by Steve and others.
  • Source: S2852711167 Repository: #R2852704208 Title: Public Member Trees Author: Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006. [5] Repository: R2852704208 [6]

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