Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf
Privacy Level: Private with Public Biography and Family Tree (Yellow)

Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 12 Mar 2021 | 58,756 contributions | 1,101 thank-yous | 3,908 connections
Communication Preferences: I am interested in communicating private message with anyone who shares the same genealogical or historical interests. Here is my family tree.
Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf
Born 1960s.
Ancestors ancestors
Son of and [private mother (1940s - unknown)]
Brother of and [private brother (1970s - unknown)]
Problems/Questions Profile manager: Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf private message [send private message]
Profile last modified | Created 30 Dec 2013
This page has been accessed 6,532 times.



Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf Won Team Bronze in the Sourcing Slalom in the 2023 WikiGames.
Dutch Descendants
Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf has Dutch Ancestry
Flag of Suriname
Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf migrated from Suriname to Curacao.
Flag of Curacao
Flag of Curacao
Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf migrated from Curacao to the Netherlands.
Flag of the Netherlands
Flag of the Netherlands
Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf migrated from the Netherlands to New Zealand.
Flag of New Zealand

Born in in Suriname in 1967 to Dutch Parents, and has mainly Dutch ancestors, see the fan chart below, researching ancestory since 1996 and has a website The Dijkgraaf, Smouter, Rolffs Family Genealogy Site

Moved to Curacao when 2, the Netherlands at age 4, and New Zealand at nearly 10.

Is employed in I.T. as an Integration Consultant.

Is married. No children.

Fan chart showing country of birth created with Fan Chart App

My name

According to Dutch naming traditions Coen should have been named Cornelis after his grandfather, but his parents decided it was too old fashioned. It did upset the grandfather for a bit, but he came around in the end and named a boat after him,

Cornelis Dijkgraaf (1908-1993) on the boat Coentje

For the origins and meaning of the Dijkgraaf name see the Dijkgraaf Name Study

Ancestor Statistics

Generation Relation Total w/ Birth Year Earliest Birth Year Latest Birth Year Average Birth Year Gen Length Average Lifespan
1 Self 1/1 1967 1967 1967 - -
2 Parents 2/2 1939 1940 1940 27 -
3 Grandparents 4/4 1906 1910 1908 32 90
4 Great-Grandparents 8/8 1860 1880 1873 35 80
5 2x Great-Grandparents 16/16 1821 1856 1842 31 73
6 3x Great-Grandparents 32/32 1773 1831 1807 35 68
7 4x Great-Grandparents 64/64 1738 1798 1775 32 66
8 5x Great-Grandparents 79/128 1714 1773 1749 26 67
9 6x Great-Grandparents 56/256 1687 1750 1719 30 64
10 7x Great-Grandparents 41/512 1660 1710 1686 33 64

Average generation length: 31

Average lifespan: 72

Oldest ancestor: Cornelia Adriana Rolffs (1909-2011), 102 years old.

Generated with Ancestor Statistics and Tables Generator


This user is a native speaker of English.
Deze gebruiker heeft een gemiddelde kennis van de Nederlandse taal.

I'm fluent in English, and get by in Dutch as I didn't speak or read it much for quite a few years since I was ten, but doing genealogy has improved it a bit again. Sometimes to translate to or from Dutch I will use or Google translate

Descendant of Charlemagne

  • Descendant of Charles Carolingian (abt.0748-0814) through 89 paths.
  • 7 x 39 Generations
  • 21 x 40 Generations
  • 28 x 41 Generations
  • 19 x 42 Generations
  • 9 x 43 Generations
  • 3 x 44 Generations
  • 2 x 45 Generations

My Surnames

Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf is a member of the Dijkgraaf Name Study Project.
Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf is a member of the Van Fleet Name Study Project.
Click on Surname to view EKA - Earliest Known Ancestor
  • Paternal ancestors
''t Hart
Alemannia (Etichonen, Alemannen), Algautsdatter , Alsace , Altena , Altena , Altena , Amiens , Anjou , Argenau , Ariens , Arijson , Arkel , Arnulfing , Asperen , Austrasia , Autun , Autun
Barendrecht, Bastiaen , Bastiaenen , Bavaria , Bayern , Bayeux , Bayeux , Bayeux , Bigorre , Bigorre , Billung , Billung , Blieskastel , Blieskastel , Blois , Blom , Blonk , Bode , Boet , Borst , Bosonid , Botter , Boulogne , Bourgogne , Bourgogne , Bout , Boutkan , Bretagne , Bretagne , Bretagne , Broeckhuijsen , Broekhuijsen , Buerman , Buijtenwegh , Burgunden
Cantabria, Carcassonne , Carolingian , Cassebant , Castel , Chalon , Claesdr , Corbic , Cornelis , Cornelisdr , Cornelisse , Coster , Costerus , Cranendonck , Cranendonck , Cranendonck , Crequy , Crijns , Cuijck , Cuijck , Cunegonde
D' Astarac, Dagsburg , De Bruijn , De Chartres , De Dijon , De Veth , DeTreves , Dijkgraaf , Dircksdr , Dorsman
Eifelgau (von Eifelgau), England , Eysteinsdottir , Eysteinsdottir
Ferrette, Flanders , Flandre , Foix , Franks , Friesland , Friuli
Gennep, Gerrits , Gijsbertdr , Gilisse , Gilisse , Gillise , Goudzwaard , Gracilius , Groen , Gâtinais
Hadaburg, Hainaut , Halfdansdottir , Harlebecque , Heer Roelof Duijc dochter , Heeze-Millen , Hendrix , Hengebach , Hesbaye , Heusden , Hildeburg , Hohenberg , Holland , Holland , Hoogwerf , Huijsman , Huy , Höfemann
Jacobs, Jacobs , Jacobsdr , Jacobsdr , Jan die Blondedr , Jansdr , Jansen , Janssen , Jelijt
Kaasen, Kalkman , Kenniphaas , Kent , Kessel , Klaasdr. , Knaap , Knaep , Koese , Kolijn , Kommers , Kraanhoorn , Krijger , Krijger , Krijgsman , Krijgsman , Kurvink
Langstraat, Laon , Laon , Laon , Leenderts , Lenske , Liudolfing , Liutfride , Liébana , Liébana , Loches , Longwy , Longwy , Loon , Looz , Lorraine , Loukin Florisdr , Louvain
Maertensdr, Maine , Mainz , Marinisse , Meeldijk , Meijer , Meijer , Melgueil , Mercia , Mercia , Merovingian , Merum , Messemaker , Metz , Meuwis , Michielsdr , Moerkerken , Moha , Mâcon
Netten, Nienaber , Noordzij , Nordgau , Normandie
Oeren, Oijen , Ollebek , Olofsdotter , Opmeer , Ouwerkerck , Overeijnder
Paleologus, Pallars , Palsrok , Paulusse , Pellen , Pieter Molenaersdr , Pieters , Pieters , Pieters , Poitou , Prins
Rhenen, Rijsdijk , Ringelheim , Ringelheim , Robertian , Rolffs , Rook , Roucy , Rügen
Sachsen, Sachsen , Saxony , Schilderman , Schouten , Schriek , Schuitvlot , Schwaben , Schwaben , Sens , Servaes , Seyn , Sliedrecht , Snijder , Spoleto , Sponheim , Spuij , Steenvoort , Steijn , Suevia , Sánchez
Tamboer, Teisterbant , Tempelaar , Termijn , Thielmans , Thijsdr , Thüringen , Toledo , Toulouse , Troost
Uten Goye (uten Goye)
Van Engeland, Verburg , Verdun , Vermandois , Vermandois , Verschoor , Verstraten , Visser , Von Hornbach , Von Lutzelstein , Von Luxemburg , Vroegop , Vurens
Walichszoon, Welf , Wenden , Wenssen , Wenssen , Wessex , Wessex , Wiltshire , Wiltshire , Woerden , Wollebrants , Wormsgau , Wormsgau , Wyt
d'Aquitaine, de Alsace , de Bekker , de France , de Hainaut , de Hooch , de Kinder , de Klerk , de Listigen , de Munnik , de Potter , de Reu , de Roon , de Ruijter , de Witt , de Zeeuw , deStVarne , den Blijker , den Hollander , den Hollander , du Bois
ferch Clemen (Dumnonia), ferch Guitoli
n, n
of Dagsburg, of Essex , of Kent , of Mumhan , of the OBOTRITES
van Amstel (Van Amstel), van Angoulême , van Bemmel , van Brakel , van Bree , van Crayestein , van Cuijck , van Cuyck , van Driel , van Drimmelen , van Drimmelen , van Kiev , van Moordrecht , van Namen , van Oistrum , van Ooststroom , van Os , van Oversteeg , van Parijs , van Rij , van Santen , van Schaijck , van Slingelandt , van Teylingen , van Voorne , van Zeders , van de Bulk , van de Lahngau , van den Berg , van den Bergh , van der Dussen , van der Kemp , van der Meijden , van der Schilt , van der Spek , van der Steen , van der Steen , van der Voorden , von Hochstaden , von Riparian , von Sachsen , von Wickrath
  • Maternal ancestors
Benschopper, Blaak , Boel , Bosman
Hofman, Hoornweg
Jacobsdr, Jaquesse , Jongerius
Klootwijk, Kok , Kool , Kooren , Kruijthof
Langstraat, Leenheer , Legerstee
Oskamp (Oskam)
Schoof, Smouter , Stehouwer , Stok , Storm
Verburg, Verdel , Verhoef , Vermeij , Verschoor , Verweij
Wildschut, Wilschut , Wuister
Zevenbergen, Zijderlaan
de Jong, de Wit , de Wit , den Boggende
op 't Dorp
van Baaren, van Driel , van Gent , van Maurik , van Nes , van Son , van Vliet , van Vliet , van Vliet , van Wingerden , van den Have , van den Heuvel , van der Leeuw , van der Pligt , van der Schee

Wiki Tree

Friday Date Night
I found a date for some profiles during Friday Date Night!
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Red Hot Effort Milestone
Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf reached the Red Hot Effort milestone by sourcing 100 profiles in the October 2022 Sourcerers Project Sourcerers' Challenge.
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Yearly Golden Achievement Milestone
Coen Jacob reached the Golden Achievement milestone by sourcing at least one profile in every month of the 2022 Sourcerers' Challenge
Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf participated with Flying Dutchmen during the 2021 Source-a-Thon, adding sources to 93 previously unsourced profiles. Team total of 3098
Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf competed with the Collaborative Conifers in the 2023 WikiGames.
WikiTree Day
WikiTree Day Attendee: 2023

I've been a member of WikiTree for a while, but only started seriously using WikiTree since 2021.

I take part on Friday date night, and also Source-a-Thons and Connect-a-Thons, WikiTree Games, WikiTree Day. I also take part in the regular monthly Sourcerers Challenge.

I'm a coordinator for the Netherlands Project and for the One Name Study Dijkgraaf, and a Mentor.

My to do lists for Netherlands profiles using WIkiTree+ searches.

Favourite WikiTree Apps

WikiTree BEE
WikiTree BEE
Nederlands Portaal
Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf maakt gebruik van het Nederlands Portaal.


  • First-hand information. Entered by Coen Dijkgraaf

Advance Directive

Digital Afterlife

It may seem morbid, but in the event of my untimely demise I want to be sure that none of my hard work on WikiTree ends up being deleted. While I fully intend on being around to manage all my profiles for the 20 years or so, in the event of my sudden death I hereby give permission for all of my private profiles to be transferred to any of the following slightly-active WikiTreers in my family, whether or not they are currently on the trusted lists:

Only the Trusted List can access the following:
  • Coen Jacob's formal name
  • nicknames
  • e-mail address
  • exact birthdate
  • birth location
  • images (8)
  • private siblings' names
  • spouse's name and marriage information
For access to Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf's full information you must be on Coen Jacob's Trusted List. Please login.

Comments: 57

Leave a message for others who see this profile. If you prefer to keep it private, send a private message to the profile manager. private message
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Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl In the Money Milestone for 300 sourced profiles
Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf reached the In the Money milestone by sourcing 300 profiles in the August 2024 Sourcerers Project Sourcerers' Challenge.

Coen, thanks for your work to improve our shared tree.

posted by Bill Feidt
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Red Hot Effort Milestone for 100 sourced profiles
Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf reached the Red Hot Effort milestone by sourcing 100 profiles in the July 2024 Sourcerers Project Sourcerers' Challenge.

Coen, thanks for your work to improve our shared tree.

posted by Bill Feidt
Hi Coen! Thanks so much for your work in improving our shared tree!
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Blue Skies Milestone for 50 sourced profiles
Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf reached the Blue Skies milestone by sourcing 50 profiles in the June 2024 Sourcerers Project Sourcerers' Challenge.
Hi Coen,

Thank you for your good work in the Bezemer/Besemer profiles: Much appreciated!

posted by Bastiaan Bezemer
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Blue Skies Milestone for 50 sourced profiles
Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf reached the Blue Skies milestone by sourcing 50 profiles in the March 2024 Sourcerers Project Sourcerers' Challenge.

Coen, thanks to your contributions to the project.

posted by Bill Feidt
Hi Coen! Thanks so much for your work in improving our shared tree!
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Blue Skies Milestone for 50 sourced profiles
Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf reached the Blue Skies milestone by sourcing 50 profiles in the January 2024 Sourcerers Project Sourcerers' Challenge.
Hi Coen!! Thank you for your consistent improvement of WikiTree by participation in the Sourcerers Project during 2023!
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Yearly Golden Achievement Milestone for 1 sourced profile tracked every month
Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf reached the Golden Achievement milestone by sourcing at least one profile in every month of the 2023 Sourcerers Project Sourcerers' Challenge.
Hi Coen!! Thanks so much for your work in improving our shared tree!
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Blue Skies Milestone for 50 sourced profiles
Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf reached the Blue Skies milestone by sourcing 50 profiles in the December 2023 Sourcerers Project Sourcerers' Challenge.
Hi Coen, could I get you to do a quick check of the categories on a profile after saving, after adding the Netherlands sticker? It adds a category and if it's not exactly right it adds an incorrect red category to the profile. There's been a few recently. Many thanks, regards, Margaret
Hi Coen!! Thanks so much for your work in improving our shared tree!
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Red Hot Effort Milestone for 100 sourced profiles
Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf reached the Red Hot Effort milestone by sourcing 100 profiles in the November 2023 Sourcerers Project Sourcerers' Challenge.
Hi Coen! Thanks so much for your work in improving our shared tree!
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Blue Skies Milestone for 50 sourced profiles
Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf reached the Blue Skies milestone by sourcing 50 profiles in the October 2023 Sourcerers Project Sourcerers' Challenge.
Hallo Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf zou jij de PPP van Jetses-22 willen af halen, zodat deze kan worden gemerged in Jetses-16.


posted by Enoch Stuivenberg
Hi Enoch, I can't remove PPP, only Project Leaders can. I've asked Eef to do so.
posted by Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf
Thanks so much for your work in improving our shared tree, Coen!!
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Red Hot Effort Milestone for 100 sourced profiles
Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf reached the Red Hot Effort milestone by sourcing 100 profiles in the August 2023 Sourcerers Project Sourcerers' Challenge.
Coen, Thanks so much for your work in improving our shared tree!
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Red Hot Effort Milestone for 100 sourced profiles
Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf reached the Red Hot Effort milestone by sourcing 100 profiles in the July 2023 Sourcerers Project Sourcerers' Challenge.
Hi Coen,

I saw you every once in a while adding people born in Northrhine-Westphalia and married in the Netherlands to Category: Germany, Needs Birth Record. Maybe you also want to add them to a migration category like Category: Prussia, Emigrants to the Netherlands?

Kind regards

posted by Florian Straub
Hi Flo.

I'm not that familiar with German history, so I don't know when (for which time period) the category would be appropriate. Feel free to add them to the appropriate categories, or to update the categories if I haven't picked the right ones. It is a collaborative tree after all, and by me adding the Needs birth record, then it comes to attention to those that can update it.

posted by Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf
Hi Coen,

in a nutshell: Space:Germany_Project_Category_Guidelines#Migration_Categories

By the way: the Migration Category Helper of WBE now also supports Dutch provinces.

Kind regards from Black Forest

posted by Florian Straub
You stated "Dutch women don't take on husbands name". That's a mistake. Lots of women still do that, although this is no longer an obligation as it was in the past. Nowadays if you are married or have a registered partnership, you may use your partner's surname. This concerns the daily use of your partner's surname. You can register this name (or have it registered) with your municipality in the Municipal Personal Records Database (BRP). You do not need your partner's permission for this. The Tax and Customs Administration, your health insurance company, and other authorities will write to you using the name you have chosen. Your official surname will not change as a result. Official documents always state your official surname. For example on your passport or driver's license.
posted by Ed Visser
Yes, but the profile I made that comment and pre-dates women being legally being able to take their husbands name in the Netherlands. Yes, they may have been informally known by their husbands name, but as you stated, it won't be their official name. So it should not be their Current Last Name, but possibly under Other Last Name
posted by Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Red Hot Effort Milestone for 100 sourced profiles
Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf reached the Red Hot Effort milestone by sourcing 100 profiles in the June 2023 Sourcerers Project Sourcerers' Challenge.

Coen, thanks for your work to improve our shared tree.

posted by Bill Feidt
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Red Hot Effort Milestone for 100 sourced profiles
Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf reached the Red Hot Effort milestone by sourcing 100 profiles in the May 2023 Sourcerers Project Sourcerers' Challenge.

Coen, thanks for your efforts to improve our shared tree.

posted by Bill Feidt
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Blue Skies Milestone for 50 sourced profiles
Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf reached the Blue Skies milestone by sourcing 50 profiles in the April 2023 Sourcerers Project Sourcerers' Challenge.

Coen, thanks for your sourcing efforts this month.

posted by Bill Feidt
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Blue Skies Milestone for 50 sourced profiles
Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf reached the Blue Skies milestone by sourcing 50 profiles in the March 2023 Sourcerers Project Sourcerers' Challenge.

Coen, thanks for your efforts to improve our shared tree.

posted by Bill Feidt
Hi Coen, could I get you to do a quick check of the categories on a profile after saving, after adding the Netherlands sticker? It adds a category and if it's not exactly right it adds an incorrect red category to the profile. Many thanks, regards, Margaret
Hmm, looks like Dark Mode hides that link red link, as they all turn green. I'll have to see if I can fix that in the Browser Extension.
posted by Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Yearly Golden Achievement Milestone for 1 sourced profile tracked every month
Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf reached the Golden Achievement milestone by sourcing at least one profile in every month of the 2022 Sourcerers Project Sourcerers' Challenge.

We appreciate your consistent work in improving WikiTree through the Sourcerers Project in 2022!

posted by Mel Bishop
Hi Coen!
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Red Hot Effort Milestone for 100 sourced profiles
Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf reached the Red Hot Effort milestone by sourcing 100 profiles in the December 2022 Sourcerers Project Sourcerers' Challenge.

Thanks for all your work this month and in 2022 for the Sourcerers Project! Happy New Year!!!

posted by Mel Bishop
Congratulations on earning a 100+ sticker in the November 2022 Sourcerers Challenge and thanks for all the improvements you've made to WikiTree!
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Red Hot Effort Milestone for 100 sourced profiles
Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf reached the Red Hot Effort milestone by sourcing 100 profiles in the November 2022 Sourcerers Project Sourcerers' Challenge.
posted by Mel Bishop
Hi Coen

Just a note to say how much it is appreciated that you signed up to participate in the Biobuilder Challenge for November 2022., thank you for your contributions, if you have any more please add by the 3oth of November. If you want to track your work see the link on Bob is in the process of updating this. If you have any suggestions for a challenge then please let Bob or Anne know.

Questions? You can always use the G2G link in the Help Menu to find answers or click reply to this message and I will try to answer your questions.

All the best, Janet ~ A member of the Appreciation Team and a fellow bio builder

Thanks for all your work, Coen!
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Red Hot Effort Milestone for 100 sourced profiles
Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf reached the Red Hot Effort milestone by sourcing 100 profiles in the October 2022 Sourcerers Project Sourcerers' Challenge.
posted by Mel Bishop
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Red Hot Effort Milestone for 100 sourced profiles
Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf reached the Red Hot Effort milestone by sourcing 100 profiles in the August 2022 Sourcerers Project Sourcerers' Challenge.

Coen, thanks for your efforts to improve our shared tree.

posted by Bill Feidt
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Blue Skies Milestone for 50 sourced profiles
Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf reached the Blue Skies milestone by sourcing 50 profiles in the July 2022 Sourcerers Project Sourcerers' Challenge.

Thanks for your efforts to improve our shared tree.

posted by Bill Feidt
Hi Coen,

Thanks for your contributions to the monthly Sourcerers Challenge. We appreciate your work!

Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Red Hot Effort Milestone for 100 sourced profiles
Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf reached the Red Hot Effort milestone by sourcing 100 profiles in the Jun 2022 Sourcerers Project Sourcerers' Challenge.
posted by Mel Bishop
Thanks Coen, we appreciate your work!
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Blue Skies Milestone for 50 sourced profiles
Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf reached the Blue Skies milestone by sourcing 50 profiles in the April 2022 Sourcerers Project Sourcerers' Challenge.
posted by Mel Bishop
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Red Hot Effort Milestone for 100 sourced profiles
Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf reached the Red Hot Effort milestone by sourcing 100 profiles in the March 2022 Sourcerers Project Sourcerers' Challenge.

Thanks for sourcing with us again, Coen.

posted by Bill Feidt
Hi Coen,

Thanks for participating with the Sourcers in February!

Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Red Hot Effort Milestone for 100 sourced profiles
Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf reached the Red Hot Effort milestone by sourcing 100 profiles in the February 2022 Sourcerers Project Sourcerers' Challenge.

We appreciate your work, Mel

posted by Mel Bishop
Welcome to the Netherlands and the Dutch Roots Project Coen!

At our Dutch Roots Project page you can find all project info .. if you still have questions or need some help feel free to ask, we're all happy to help :)

Here's a direct link to our most important links for info for and about Dutch profiles. And here's the latest Project Update.

Good luck, have fun and thanks for joining !

the Dutch Roots Project Team :)
posted by Bea (Timmerman) Wijma

This week's featured connections are Continental Congress participants: Coen Jacob is 23 degrees from Samuel Adams, 21 degrees from Silas Deane, 22 degrees from Eliphalet Dyer, 20 degrees from Ben Franklin, 23 degrees from Mary Goddard, 19 degrees from Benjamin Harrison, 22 degrees from Stephen Hopkins, 20 degrees from Edmund Pendleton, 20 degrees from Peyton Randolph, 23 degrees from George Read, 19 degrees from John Walker and 22 degrees from Artemas Ward on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.