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Privacy Level: Private with Public Biography and Family Tree (Yellow)

Stephanie Dodd

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 3 Apr 2022 | 8,047 contributions | 109 thank-yous | 3,270 connections
Communication Preferences: I am interested in communicating private message with anyone who shares the same genealogical or historical interests. My family tree is private but I want to collaborate on deep ancestors or historical figures.
Stephanie L. Dodd aka Possehl
Born 1960s.
Ancestors ancestors
Daughter of and [private mother (1940s - unknown)]
Sister of [private sister (1970s - unknown)]
[children unknown]
Problems/Questions Profile manager: Stephanie Dodd private message [send private message]
Profile last modified | Created 3 Apr 2022
This page has been accessed 1,273 times.


The biography for S Dodd is empty. What can you add?
WikiTree Day
WikiTree Day Attendee: 2023
WikiTree Day
WikiTree Day Attendee: 2022
Stephanie Dodd competed with the Heavenly Hemlocks in the 2023 WikiGames.


Stephanie Dodd competed with the Fantastic Firs in the 2023 WikiGames.
Stephanie Dodd is a member of the Mid-Atlantic Team in the Jan 2025 Connect-A-Thon.


  • First-hand information. Entered by S Dodd at registration.

Only the Trusted List can access the following:
  • Stephanie's formal name
  • full middle name (L.)
  • e-mail address
  • exact birthdate
  • birth location
  • private siblings' names
  • spouse's name and marriage information
For access to Stephanie Dodd's full information you must be on Stephanie's Trusted List. Please login.

DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships. It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Stephanie:
  • 100.00% X DNA 100.00% Stephanie Dodd: AncestryDNA, GEDmatch SL7757935 [compare] [compare x], Ancestry member possehlsl
Have you taken a test? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.
Comments: 31

Leave a message for others who see this profile. If you prefer to keep it private, send a private message to the profile manager. private message
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Hi Stephanie,

Thank you for being a part of the Profile Makeover challenge last year. We hope to see you again in 2025!


Stephanie Dodd made over 1 profile in 2024 in the Profile Makeover.
Hi Stephanie, I sent you a message about the 1880 census in Maryland. Can you check and see if you got it? If not, I'll resend. thanks! Emma

Hope you all had an enjoyable Labor Day weekend. The annual Source-a-thon is coming up the weekend of Oct 4th to 6th. I hope you will be able to join us to help improve the health of Wikitree by sourcing some profiles. To register for the Mid-Atlantic team, comment on this post in G2G:

Mickey Bazley Co-Captain Mid-Atlantic Team

posted by Michele Bazley
Thanks for participating in the July Connectathon as part of the Mid-Atlantic Team. A fun way to do some after thon clean up is to join the [Watchlist Weevil Challenge]. While it is on week four, you can still join. And, it is possible to do multiple weeks challenges in one week in order to catch up.

Again thanks!

Mickey Bazley Co-Captain

posted by Michele Bazley
Hi Stephanie,

The next Connect-a-thon will be from 8 am Friday, April 12 to 8 am Monday, April 15th. I hope you will be able to join us. We are again using the new way to register we that was inaugurated in January. This link will take you to the post for the Mid-Atlantic Team:

MIckey Bazley Co-Captain Mid-Atlantic Team

posted by Michele Bazley

Thanks so much for being a part of the Mid-Atlantic team for the January Connect-a-thon! Working together we added 2,334 profiles. A special shout out to Star Kline who was our number one scorer.

Please check your suggestions list (it is on the My Wikitree drop down menu) before orphaning any profiles.

Two of our team members have have been nominated to be RAWKed in February, Stephen Tomaszewicz and Dave Stern. It would be wonderful if they both got picked. If you love connecting, you can sign up to help RAWK 5 members of Wikitree in February here:

Mickey Bazley Co-Captain Mid-Atlantic

posted by Michele Bazley

Can you believe it is time for another Connect-a-thon? It will run from 8 am EST Friday, January 19th to 8 am EST Monday, January 22nd. I hope you will join us. Registration ends on Wednesday, January 17th at midnight EST. Registration is a little different this time around. You have to find the post for your team and reply to that post. Here is the link for the Mid-Atlantic Team:

Mickey Bazley Co-Captain Mid-Atlantic Team

posted by Michele Bazley
You are the manager of Anthony Leon Hayden-6158, and I've made a profile for his second wife, Mabel A Fletcher/Melius/Toner/Hayden, Fletcher-17528. Would you take some time to look over Flecther-17528 and let me know if you agree that this is the correct person for Hayden's 2nd marriage? The marriage record hasn't been found yet, but I'm quite certain Mabel is the right lady.

Thanks, Warren

posted by Warren Kuntz
Evidence suggests this is a good match. I also do not have marriage record.
posted by Stephanie Dodd
Hi Stephanie,

Could you please change the last name of Isa May Harmon to Isa May Harman with an "an" instead of the "on". This family is part of the Indiana challenge and her name needs to match her siblings and her parents. Thank you.

posted by Deena (Smith) Cross
Thanks. I fixed that yesterday morning.
posted by Stephanie Dodd
Hi Stephanie,

Thanks so much for participating in the April Connectathon and being part of the Mid-Atlantic Team.

Mickey Bazley Co-Captain Mid-Atlantic Team

posted by Michele Bazley

It is hard to believe but it is time for another Connect-a-thon. It will start 8 am Friday, April 21st and run through 8 am Monday, April 24th. We hope you will join the Mid-Atlantic Team again for another weekend of adding profiles to Wikitree. To register, please answer this post in the G2G forum:

Mickey & Lucy Co-Captains Mid-Atlantic Team

posted by Michele Bazley
Hi Team Mid-Atlantic!

The January Connect-a-Thon is coming up shortly, 8 AM EST, Friday January 13th to 8 AM EST Monday, January 16th.

The rules are simple. You need to start from an existing profile and add family to it, parents, children. (If you have siblings to add, add the parents first.) It must have at least one source.

You get a point for each profile you create. You do not have to use the challenge tracker or count--the system will do it automatically. Avoid creating profiles for living people as they will not count.

There is a lnk for the challenge tracker on our team page;

Our team chats on Discord. These are the instructions for setting it up are here:

To get to know your team mates and make sure you can get into Discord and our team chat, try posting a picture of something in your home town without any explanation. And, the others can try to guess where it is. This is just for fun and not required!

If you don't want to use Discord or have problems with it, you can send a pm to either Lucy or me with any questions.

Mickey Bazley Co-Captain Mid-Atlantic Team

posted by Michele Bazley
Thank you for participating in the 2022 USBH Connecting Challenge and helping us reach 161,603 profiles! We’re going for 250,000 profiles in 2023!

We’ve started the January challenge here: January Connecting Challenge.

You can see your 2022 total and your all time 2021-2022 total on our tracking spreadsheet.


Hi Stephanie. This is out on my Rutan line as well. Darline Rutan Johnson's father William Rutan. How do we compare notes?

Lola Weber my email: [email address removed]

All the sources I have are listed here on Wikitree. I had not had a chance to expand beyond that but can do it now and you can see what that does for you.
posted by Stephanie Dodd
Also, best way to compare notes might be for you to add what you have to Wikitree!
posted by Stephanie Dodd
Thank you for joining the November USBH Connecting Challenge and helping us create 4748 new profiles! Our new total is 153,062. We’re going for 250,000 profiles next!

All first-time participants can add the participant sticker to their profile. Connecting Challenge Stickers

We’ve started the December challenge here: December Connecting Challenge.

100 Profiles
Stephanie Dodd created 152 new profiles during the November 2022 US Black Heritage Project Connecting Challenge.


Hi Stephanie, thank you for participating in the USBH Connecting Challenge. We love the help! I have noticed there are no biographies at all on the profiles you are creating and I bet what's happening is you are putting the AA sticker code in the notes box when you create the profile. This wipes out the automatically added bio. What our project members do instead is add the sticker after creating the profile so the auto bio will be written for us. When a profile has no biography at all, it will generate a Data Doctor suggestion. Thanks, Emma
Thanks. Two-step process - got it. It's been super interesting to work on this.
posted by Stephanie Dodd
I think I have "fixed" them all now with at least the basic bio.
posted by Stephanie Dodd
Thanks so much, Stephanie! Emma
Hi S,

Wow, even with our challenge tracker issues Mid-Atlantic Part Deux had credit for sourced 1,503 profiles and Mid-Atlantic US was credited with sourced 1357 profiles. Thanks for being part of Team Mid-Atlantic.

Mickey Bazley & Lucy Selvaggio-Diaz Captains

posted by Michele Bazley
Hi S,

I didn't see you on the list of Team MidAtlantic members for the 2022 Source-a-thon and was hoping you'd participate. There's not much time left to register since it will start at 8 am on Friday, September 30th. If you're interested in registering, be sure to answer this post:

Hope you enjoy a beautiful Fall season!

posted by Star Kline
Hi S,

We hope you can join Team MidAtlantic for the 2022 Source-a-thon. It will start 8 am EDT on Friday, September 30th and end at 8 am on Monday, October 3rd. The Source-a-thon is different from the Connect-a-thon in that we will be working on existing profiles. There are links on our team page to lists of unsourced profiles:

To register for the Source-a-thon, please answer this post:

Also different is that most of the prizes given out at the hang outs are donated by members so there are a wide variety. If you would like to look at what has been donated so far or to donate a prize yourself:

Looking forward to seeing you there

Mickey Bazley & Lucy Selvaggio-Diaz Co-Captains Mid-Atlantic Team

posted by Michele Bazley
Hi, we're related to the same Sauble/Sable ancestor. I can't find your DNA test at ancestry. Have you put your kit anywhere else, like gedmatch? Greetings, cousin! Jane
posted by Jane Peppler
Added Gedmatch ID. Looks like we have a small connection. Thanks for reaching out!
posted by Stephanie Dodd
Thank you! I have another match on the same spot (using DNA painter). Do you know anybody else related to the Sauble/sabel family who might have a kit somewhere that allows chromosome matching? Jane
posted by Jane Peppler
Thanks so much for being a part of the Mid-Atlantic Team for the July Connect-a-thon. As a group we added 3.824 profiles to Wikitree. Hope to see you in October for the Source-a-thon.

Mickey and Lucy, Co-Captains

posted by Michele Bazley
Welcome S

We are so happy you decided to upgrade to the Family Member level.

Please visit our tutorial pages to learn how to use WikiTree: How To Use WikiTree. They will save you time, energy, and frustration as you add your family profiles.

Exploring the site is the best way to learn. One way to do that is to check out the drop-down menus on the top right side of your profile page. Finding a known ancestor and collaborating with the profile manager is another great way to start.

Questions? You can always use the G2G link in the Help Menu to find answers.

Pam ~ WikiTree Greeter

Acadian heritage connections: Stephanie is 19 degrees from Beyoncé Knowles, 19 degrees from Jean Béliveau, 20 degrees from Madonna Ciccone, 18 degrees from Rhéal Cormier, 19 degrees from Joseph Drouin, 20 degrees from Jack Kerouac, 20 degrees from Anne Langstroth, 19 degrees from Matt LeBlanc, 19 degrees from Roméo LeBlanc, 19 degrees from Azilda Marchand, 18 degrees from Mary Travers and 19 degrees from Clarence White on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.