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This profile is a collaborative work-in-progress. Can you contribute information or sources?
"Profile represents [Duncan-1199 | William Duncan (1692 - 1781)]] (married Ruth Rawley)
This profile suffers an array of issues, which may never be resolved.
No original source records have been located to confirm birth or marriage records. It appears that some erroneous information may have been published, and perhaps republished/reported, making the “actual facts” obscure. There is a great deal of conflicting information surrounding William – Many Source-to-Source discrepancies; co-mingling, Lack of records; conflicting family stories; number of Duncan’s with the same names, etc..
Ancestry for "William Duncan, the Elder," or even a maiden name for his wife Ruth, is considered Unproven and should be viewed with caution. Although many "history" publications give her name as Rawley, as well as lists of children, the "oldest source found" for this was the "transcription of the 1565 Bible" Claims made regarding "Rev. William Duncan the Martyr of Perthshire" should also be viewed with extreme skepticism. (See Comparison of Sources Summary
-- Name Variations Duncan - Dunkin - Doncom
-- No Middle Names for anyone (or designations I, II, III) listed in either bible. The source/connection for these is Unknown and probably erroneous FAG or Ancestry (Gedcom) mistakes
Styled As: ("The Elder") (William I of "Culpepper")
(Tithables were white males age 16 and older)
Dates: The conflicting Bible Statements regarding Birth of 1674 may refer to William's Father; while the 1694 date may refers to "youngest g son (William)" who married Ruth Rawley, This may have been misinterpreted (or an Error) and leaves open the possibility the "youngest g son" refers to a separate William, supposedly born about 1694 -1700; married 1722 (Ruth Rawley); who should be Wm IV vs Wm III.
It is likely that the four brothers may have been accompanied by their families, grown children, cousins, sisters, etc.
Wife Ruth from Land Records -- last name unproven.
The genealogies for the Duncan's of the Fauquie/Culpeper Virginia (to Kentucky) area are jumbled. (Kit 22694 ) (R-M222 -- Duncan Subgroup B OGAP08 - Bute, Scotland).
The available information seems to indicate that the data is essentially inconclusive at present. These results, by themselves, appear to mean little without the underlying genealogical information. Additionally, it appears there are a number of inter-marriages between families, which may also be a contributor. As more data becomes available, hopefully the spouses and children may be more clearly defined and should be adjusted accordingly.
YDNA results show that the families of Rev William and Ruth Duncan and Marshall Duncan I (1710-1777) are in the same Duncan Subgroup B and haplogroup R-FGC33214. The families that are represented by this haplogroup: [1]
(No explanation of which wiki ID William m Who (or son of who) other than following text) William Robert Duncan III was DNA affirmed to be a cousin of William Robert Duncan. "William Robert Duncan lll" Birthdate: April 19, 1692 Birthplace: Dumfries-shire, Scotland Death: October 15, 1781 (89) Culpeper County, Virginia, United States Immediate Family: Son of William Duncan and Margaret Duncan Husband of Ruth Duncan
Father of John Pekin Duncan; Mehitable Duncan; Ann Duncan; Rice Duncan; Rawley Duncan and 16 others Brother of Andrew Duncan; Ellen Moode; Elizabeth Darnell; Barbara Duncan; Susan Duncan and 11 others
DNA_Cousin_Generic_male TreeMoss Matthew_Scott_Duncan
A DNA triangulation has confirmed that the sons Rawley Raleigh Duncan and Joseph Duncan are their sons, the DNA data being listed on both their profiles. In addition, the DNA data further confirms that most likely that Benjamin Duncan is a son of Rawley Raleigh Duncan and is a descendant of William Robert Duncan and Ruth Rawley.
What we are still missing is any DNA data that links the Rawley family to the Duncan family. If you have any clues that would link these 2 families, please contact the Duncan Name Study.
Wm Duncan III b Apr – 1674
"youngest g son [widely interpreted as William (III)] married Ruth Rawley" [2]
(vs widely accepted birth of Apr 19 1692 ; fifth son and seventh child)[3]
Married Feb 11, 1722 Virginia Ruth Rawley [only] child of Mathew Rawley of Wales settled in Va 1719. (No age at marriage given on this entry)[2]
Died Oct. 15, 1781 Culpepper VA – [Will Proven Oct. 15, 1781] [3]
Culpeper was formed 1748 from Orange
Madison was formed 1792-3 from Culpeper
Orange and Culpeper Co. records and "Green Family Records" indicate that a William Duncan with his brothers Charles, Henry, and Thomas immigrated to America between 1690 and 1694. Those four brothers are generally considered to be the four sons of Rev. William Duncan (married to Susan Haldane who died about 1692). These names correspond to the 1595 Bible. [2] [3]
" William Duncan, ["youngest grandson"], widely accepted as son of William Duncan and Margaret McMurde (McMurdo), was born about Apr. 19 1692-1694 in Scotland. [3] Exact location is unknown but variously reported as Dumfries; Dumfrieshire; Perth; Perthshire.
William was married on Feb 11, 1722 to Ruth Rawley, [only] child of Mathew Rawley of Wales. Exact location is unknown, but most likely Orange (vs Culpepper) Virginia. [2]
William died before Oct. 15, 1781.[4] His will did not name his wife, Ruth, who probably died before 1781, but the will did name seven children, corresponding to Bible entries. [3]
TOP Father of Margot (Duncan) Kirk, , \,, , and Jeremiah Dunkin [add child]
Will Named 7 children 2 others via Land transactions = Total 9 Identified /all others as "DISPUTED"-- 1752 Bible Named 8 (s/b born 1723 - 1745) -- Chew Summary is at Odds with 1781 Will and 1752 Bible.
From 1752 and 1565 Bibles & VA Land Records.
Dates are Almost The Same in Both Bibles – Rice (Feb 15, 1734) listed in both bibles but not on Will - Neither Bible Lists “Ann“ of Will -- Guess would be that Ann is Joseph’s Twin – As Both Bibles List Nancy (no date vs 1732) & Mary (1732 vs 1736) -- Most Likely it is Nancy “Ann” & Mary Jane, "Ann" as Joseph's Twin . (Charles not listed in 1565 - but is listed in 1752 - undated; Listed in Will).
From Chew's Summary; KY Bibles; KY Histories etc. Discrepancies in names and dates
- Unproven Chew Information is Suspect) [5]
Chew Summary - William and Ruth Duncan's children were
Margaret Haldane (b. 1727),
Mehitable (1729),
Ruth Elizabeth (1732),
Mary Ann (b. 1734), (see Mary Duncan-1202 listed above (possible twin)
[[Duncan-2541 | Contemporary Rawley (b. 1736) (M. Sallie McLain) and/or Nancy Nicholson (or Chowning),
William, (b. Dec 6 1739-Jun 10 1824),
Charles (b. Oct 8 1742) (m. Susan Bourne),
James (b. 1746) (m. Siene Browning (Sina) and
Townsend. (m. Unknown)
DISPUTED - Locations at odds with other "proven" Children; there is no source or support for this; other than circumstantial fact
William Received patriotic service credit for materials and supplies.[6][7]
Although unproven for all sons (John d. 1774; Rice and James), it would appear as if William's sons were active participants in the Revolutionary War (in varying degrees of participation).
Dunsmore War Rosters show: William Russell's Company -- John Duncan; , Ranley Duncan (Probably Rawley); John Duncan Jr., Ruo Duncan (Possibly Rice or a second Rawley); Glade Hollow Fort - John Dunkin; Blackmore's Fort Roster -- Rawley, William and James Duncan.
Due to Indian attacks in the Summer and Fall of 1774, all Southwest VA enrolled men for periods of service. The Governor of VA was Dunsmore .
Capt. Wm. Russell's Co.
John Duncan pd 19 days serv., 1.8.6 (son of Wm. Elder)
Rice Duncan 17 days, total pd. 1.5.6. (son of Wm. Elder)
Rawley Duncan 18 days, 1.7.0. (son of Wm. Elder)
John Duncan, Jr., 18 days, 1.7.0. (son of Rawley ?)
Rice Duncan, 99 days, 7.8.6. (served second time)
Capt. Daniel Smith's Co.
John Duncan, 82 days, 10.5.0
Capt. Walter Crockat's (Crockett's) Co.
Jno. Duncan, 108 days, 8.2.0 (to Blount Co. TN)
Joseph Duncan, 108 days, 8.2.0 (to Washington Co. TN)
Lt. Edmundson's detachment
(Augusta Co. records re Andrew Duncan)
John Duncan, 18 days, 1.7.0 (see John Jr. in Russell's Co.)
Capt. Doak's Co.
Joseph Duncan, 3 days
Capt. Looney's Co.
Wm. Duncan, 40 days
Capt. David Looney's Co.
William Duncan paid 34 days service 2.11.0
Rolly (Rawley) Duncan paid 34 days service, 2.11.0 (Rawley known on Looney's Payroll KY Histories)
From Auditors Acct (other than actual service)
Dated 24th day of February, 1781 Brumfield Parish; Culpepper VA; Proven Oct. 15, 1781 [10]
Orange Co. VA Deeds 1-365: 16 Oct. 1736, Benjamin Cotman and Joseph Cottman (sic), of parish of Hapony? in Co. of Sumersett in MaryLand, to William Duncan of parish of Hamilton in Co. of Prince William (no state), the said Ben. Coloman (sic) and Jos. his son, 5 shillings sterling, 450 acres by estimation in Co. of Orange where James Cannon ... sold to sd. Benj. Coloman and Joseph his son, by a side of a north river of Gourdwine river and on the north side thereof, ... (later Benj. Cottman & Joseph Colman his son). /s/ Benjamin Cottman, Joseph Cottman. Wit. John Simpson, Gerrard Banks. Ack. in court 19 Oct. 1736. 1-367: Release, sum of £86 current money. /s/ Benjamin Coleman, Joseph Coleman. (FHL film 33,011) [The names William, Thomas, David and John are all in early Maryland Records]
Culpeper County,Virginia April 15-17 1749 Deed Bk. A, 1749-1753, Vol. 1, p.1., FHL # 975.5392 R2d. . David Kinkead . . . . to William Duncan of St. Mark's Parish, Orange County. . . . . 660 acres in St. Mark's Parish . . . at the mouth of a branch of Kinkead's Run . . . side of Besse Bell Mountain. . . . .
1762 to 1781, William Duncan (and Ruth) of Brumfield Parish, Culpeper County, Virginia, gifted parcels of land to their sons as listed in the 1781 Will; and an additional parcel sold to Francis Browning which bordered property of sons'. Four Northern Neck (VA) Land Grants to William (Orange) (G-51: 23 May 1747; G-52: 24 May 1747; H-728: 4 Nov. 1756; all mention "mouth of Alins Run."
C-245: 20 Dec. 1759, William Duncan and Ruth (X), his wife, of Bromfield Parish, Culpeper Co., to Francis Browning, Jr., of same Co., for £25, 224 acres in Broomfield Parish between Allens Run & Mill Run. No wit. (FHL film 30,943)
See also:
Mary Ann Duncan Dobson "Duncan Research Files" (Consolidated, sourced and acknowledged); and the many Duncan Researchers that have provided information.
The Genealogy Bug
Home page contains links to:
Published Manuscript of Marshall Duncan
Duncan Surname Association (DSA) >/
The Clan Donnachaidh website:
The DNA website:
The DNA results to-date:
Edmund West, comp.. Family Data Collection - Births & Deaths -- [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2001.
Original data: Filby, P. William, ed. Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s. Farmington Hills, MI, USA: Gale Research, 2012.
Yates Publishing. U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004.
Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783; (National Archives Microfilm Publication M246, 138 rolls); War Department Collection of Revolutionary War Records, Record Group 93; National Archives, Washington. D.C.
NOT LIKELY -- In 1740 they lived in Westmorland King George County, VA. [Ref - Original data: Jackson, Ron V., Accelerated Indexing Systems, comp.. Virginia Census, 1607-1890. Compiled and digitized by Mr. Jackson and AIS from microfilmed schedules of the U.S. Federal Decennial Census, territorial/state censuses, and/or census substitutes.]
Another contributor, Chris M. Douglas, provided unsourced information including: William was born in 1690. William Duncan ... He passed away in 1781 . Heather Brown WikiTree profile Duncan-1199
Sandy Harris for creating WikiTree profile Duncan-2482 through the import of Clark Goudy Odenbaugh Price Family Tree_2013-02-04.ged on Feb 4, 2013.
Jack Templeton. Duncan-1550 created through the import of GedTem12:18.ged on Dec 19, 2011 Source S-2128385086 Repository: #R-2146436631 Text:
Name: Address: Note: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created.
was the son of William & Margaret(McMurde)Duncan. Family Data Collection shows year and place of birth. US Canada Passenger & Immigration List 1500-1900, shows William Duncan arriving in North Carolina in 1694. Source: David Dobson, "The Original Scots Colonist of Early American". Supplement 1607-1707. Baltimore, MD. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1998, Pg 185, found in the Library. Virginia Census 1607-1890, shows residence in 1740 as King George County, Virginia. US Sons of the American Revolution 1889-1970 application, shows David Duncan as the great grandson of William Duncan, and shows William Duncan born in Scotland. William Duncan married Ruth Rawley, 11 Feb 1721 in Orange County, Virginia.
U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current "Family Tree," database, FamilySearch ( : modified 04 February 2019, 21:21), entry for William Robert Duncan III(PID; contributed by various
Connections to Kings: William is 16 degrees from Martin King, 15 degrees from Barbara Ann King, 14 degrees from George King, 14 degrees from Philip King, 18 degrees from Truby King, 13 degrees from Louis XIV de France, 14 degrees from King Charles III Mountbatten-Windsor, 12 degrees from Amos Owens, 16 degrees from Gabrielle Roy, 19 degrees from Richard Seddon, 21 degrees from Pometacom Wampanoag and 28 degrees from Charlemagne Carolingian on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.
D > Duncan > William Robert Duncan III
Categories: Y-DNA Haplogroup R-FGC33214, Duncan Subgroup B, Duncan Name Study | Y-DNA Haplogroup R-FGC33214 | Immigrant, Duncan Name Study | Deaths, Culpeper County, Virginia, Duncan Name Study | Births, Dunbartonshire, Scotland, Duncan Name Study | Estimated Birth and Marriage Date | Duncan Clan | Patriotic Service, Virginia, American Revolution | NSDAR Patriot Ancestors
after reading this I feel as though all the bible entries are sort of like people just plugging in anyone on offer into their Ancestry trees. And, never mind if they don't fit, shave off a few years, add a few to another, change a name or two and Robert is your father's brother. It is admirable to try to keep a running tabulation of a line of family, however, it's hard to keep up with when you do not have all the facts. When they began this genealogy after being away from some of the people who might actually remember but are thousands of miles away and email had a long time to wait for its birth. Let's face it... bible genealogies or pedigrees are not the most likely correct. I'm sure there are some that are. Clearly not all of these.
Good luck. We could all use some.
When Madison County was formed from Culpeper County in 1792, Bromfield Parish became its parish. In 1833, its boundaries were increased to cover Rappahannock County. For many years, it was incorrectly called Bloomfield Parish. References (Use for) Bloomfield Parish (Rappahannock and Madison counties, Virginia : Episcopal) It was cut off from St Mark's in 1752. Google Books page is here
Regards Sandy
Info at Duncan-1199 is correct
Dunkin-676 - incorrect spelling
Chromsome 4 Start Location:15,348,071 End Location: 24,135,679 (cM) 10 SNPs 921
Largest segment = 10.0 cM Total of segments > 7 cM = 10.0 cM 1 matching segments Estimated number of generations to MRCA = 5.3
Comparing Kit A708530 (*Nick/Anc/Auto) and A366065 (*VKilgour)
Chromosome 4 Start Location: 14,990,008 End Location: 24,135,679 (cM) 10.6 SNPs 2,106
Largest segment = 10.6 cM Total of segments > 7 cM = 10.6 cM 1 matching segments Estimated number of generations to MRCA = 5.2
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