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William (Ebben) Ebbans (1856 - abt. 1926)

William Ebbans formerly Ebben aka Ebben, Ebbon, Evans
Born in Market Harborough, Leicestershire, Englandmap
Ancestors ancestors
Husband of — married 30 Aug 1875 in Lower Gornal, Staffordshire, Englandmap
Descendants descendants
Died about at about age 69 in Walsall, Staffordshire, Englandmap [uncertain]
Problems/Questions Profile manager: Alison Palmer private message [send private message]
Profile last modified | Created 30 Dec 2018
This page has been accessed 149 times.



Early Life

Flag of Leicestershire (adopted 2021)
William (Ebben) Ebbans was born in Market Harborough, Leicestershire, England.
This profile is part of the Ebbans Name Study.

William was born 21 June 1856 in Market Harborough, Leicestershire. He was the son of railway labourer Thomas Ebben and Sarah Collins.[1]

By the time of the 1861 census, the family had moved to Coseley, Staffordshire. They appeared to share a house on Broad Street with his mother's brother, William Collins, and his family.[2]

1861 Census - Broad Street, Coseley, Staffordshire

Name Relation Status Age Occupation Birth Place
William Collins HeadMarr31LabourerLestershire Mar' Harbour
Catherine CollinsWife33"
Eliza CollinsDaur8"
Mary Collins"5Staffordshire Tipton
Elizabeth Collins"4 mo"
Thomas Ebben HeadMarr37Lab Norfolk [Old] Buckenham
Sarah EbbenWife33Lestershire Mt Harbour
William Ebben Son4"

By the 1871 census they had moved to nearby Brick Kiln Street (no. 2).[3]

1871 Census - 2 Brick Kiln St, Coseley, Staffordshire

NameRelationCond.AgeOccupationWhere Born
Thos EvansHeadMarr52LabourerNorfolk Old B[uck]ingham
Sarah Evans45Leicestershire Mark Harborough
William Evans 15"
Mary E. Evans8Staffs. Sedgly

Adult Life

William married Phoebe Mills on 30 August 1875 at Lower Gornal, Sedgley, Staffordshire. At the time of their marriage, both were residing at Tipton, Staffordshire.[4]

His father died only a few years later in 1878, after which his mother and sister returned to Harborough.

In the 1881 census, William and Phoebe were recorded with their four young children at No 4 Wallbrook Street, Coseley. William was working as a 'Bricklayers Labourer'.[5]

1881 Census - 4 Wallbrook Street, Coseley, Staffordshire

NameRelationCond.AgeOccupationWhere Born
William EvansHeadMarried24Bricklayers LabourerCoseley [Staffordshire]
Phoebe EvansWife"24-Tipton "
Ann EvansDaughterUnm7Scholar"
Mary Evans""4"Coseley "
Thomas EvansSon"3Infant"
Edward Evans""2""

Sadly, the young Edward who appeared on the 1881 census died sometime before 1884, when his sibling, also named Edward, was born. Two more children, Clara, Samuel. were added to the family. (William & Phoebe also had another child named Samuel in 1886 who died before his second birthday in 1888.)

By the 1891 census, the family had moved to Walsall and were recorded at 39 Chapel Street. William was still working as a bricklayer's labourer, but his two eldest daughters were now also employed; 17-year-old Annie as a presser; and 14-year-old Mary Elizabeth as a domestic servant. Clarry's place of birth suggests that the family also lived in Birmingham for a time before settling in Walsall.[6]

1891 Census - 39 Chapel St, Walsall, Staffordshire

NameRelationCond.AgeOccupationWhere Born
William EbbansHeadM34Bricklayers LabourerLeicester Market Harbro
Phoebe EbbansWifeM34-Stafford Tipton
Annie EbbansDaur17Presser"
Mary Elizabeth Ebbans"14Domestic Servant" Coseley
Thomas EbbansSon13"
William Ebbans"8"
Edward Ebbans"6"
Clarry EbbansDaur1Warwick Birmingham
Samuel EbbansSon1 MStafford Walsall

Between 1895 and 1908, they lived in Walsall, Staffordshire at 20 Augustus Street, and then 140 Bridgeman Street until at least 1915.[7][8][9]

At the time of the 1901 census, the family were recorded at 20 Augustus Street, Walsall.[8]

1901 Census - 20 Augustus Street, Walsall, Staffordshire

NameRelationCond.AgeOccupationWhere Born
William EbbansHeadM44Stone PavierLeicestershire Market Harboro
Phoebe EbbansWifeM44Staffs Tipton
Thomas EbbansSonS22Labourer (Bricklayers)" Coseley
William EbbansSonS18""
Edward EbbansSonS16" (Forge Blacks)"
Clara EbbansDaurS11Warwickshire Birmingham
Samuel EbbansSonS10Staffs Walsall
George EbbansSonS8"
Lillie EbbansDaurS6"
John EbbansSonS5"
Phoebe EbbansDaurS3"

In the 1911 census, the family were recorded at 140 Bridgeman Street, Walsall. William was working as a railway labourer, his sons as ironworkers, and daughter Lily as a servant. [9]

1911 Census - 140 Bridgeman Street, Walsall, Staffordshire

NameRelationAgeCond.OccupationIndustryWhere Born
William EbbansHead54MarriedRailway LaborerRailway CoLeicestershire Market Harbor
Pheaby EbbansWife54"Staffs Tipton
Edward EbbansSon26SingleIronworkerIronworker" Wallbrook
Samuel EbbansSon20"""" Walsall
George EbbansSon18""""
Lily EbbansDaur16"Servant""
Jack EbbansSon15"IronworkerIronworker"
Pheaby EbbansDaur13" -"
Edward EbbansGrandson3" -"

Particulars as to Marriage: Completed years of marriage - 35; Total Children born alive - 15; Children still living - 10; Children who have died - 5

Later Life

On 29 March 1920, William and Phoebe were involved in a 'curious case of assault'.

Bridgeman Street Trader's Story of Assault by Neighbour
A rather curious case of assault was heard at the Guildhall yesterday, when William and Phoebe Ebbans, 140, Bridgeman Street, were summoned by Edward Lawrence, 142, Bridgeman Street.
Mr. Addison stated that complainant carried on business as a fishmonger and fruit salesman at 142 Bridgeman Street. Defendants lived next door but one. On Monday night, March 29, complainant heard footsteps in the yard, and gong outside, called "Who's there?" The male defendant presently appeared out of the darkness, and said: "I'll kill you and the dog. I want none of your boxes." Defendant then struck complainant on the temple, on the left ear, and in the chest, and he was knocked off the box, and suffered a broken rib. As he was getting up the woman appeared on the scene, and threw a bucket of water over him.
William Ebbans who is a railway paver, who was represented by Mr. J. H. Evans, said that as he was passing through the yard complainant called out that he (Ebbans) had interfered with the boxes. Complainant was drunk, and used vile language, and when witness went to ask him to use better language complainant attempted to strike him. Witness then hit him in self-defence.
Mrs. Ebbans denied throwing the water, or that she was in the yard at the time.
William Ebbans's evidence was corroborated by Thomas Groom, caster, Augustus Street, whose yard adjoins that of Lawrence.
Considering the case proved against the male defendant, the Bench fined him 40s. and costs, and dismissed the summons against the woman." - Walsall Observer, 17 April 1920, p7, c1 [10]

In the 1921 census, William and Phoebe were at 140 Bridgeman Street, Walsall. Also with them was there married daughter Lily, with her husband and child, as well as two grandchildren, Edward and Reginald William.[11]

Name Relation Sex Status Age Birth Place Occupation Employer
William Ebbans Head M Married 65 Leicestershire, England Pavior L & N W Rly (Queen St)
Phoebe Ann Ebbans Wife F do 65 Walsall, Staffordshire, England Home Duties
Lily Bullcock Daughter F do 26 Walsall, Staffordshire, England Home Duties
George Henry Bullcock Son-in-law M do 26 Walsall, Staffordshire, England Loader Under Ground Aldridge Colliery Co (Aldridge
Lily Bullcock Granddaughter F Both alive 4 Walsall, Staffordshire, England
George Henry Bullcock Grandson M Both alive 1 Walsall, Staffordshire, England
Edward Ebbans Grandson M Both alive 6 Walsall, Staffordshire, England
Reginald William Ebbans Grandson M Both alive 3 Walsall, Staffordshire, England

William died in 1926 at the age of 70.[12]

Research Notes

  • birth index does not give mother's maiden name but it is on the record as Collins
  • witnesses at marriage: Benjamin Didluck and Ann Martin
  • 1881 census - birthplace was recorded as Coseley, Staffordshire rather than Market Harborough.
  • 1891 census - name was misread and transcribed as Ettans
  • Possible death reg for son Edward - Edward Evans, died 1883, age 4, Dudley FreeBMD Deaths
  • Name has been recorded or transcribed as: Ebben, Evans, Ebbon, Ettans


  1. England & Wales General Register Office, GRO Online Index - Birth ( : accessed 10 Feb 2023), database entry for EBBEN, WILLIAM (Mother's maiden surname: - ). GRO Reference: 1856 S Quarter in MARKET HARBOROUGH Volume 07A Page 15. (record image seen)
  2. "England and Wales Census, 1861," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 24 October 2019), William Ebbon in household of Thomas Ebbon, Sedgley, Staffordshire, England, United Kingdom; from "1861 England, Scotland and Wales census," database and images, findmypast ( : n.d.); citing PRO RG 9, The National Archives, Kew, Surrey.
  3. "England and Wales Census, 1871", database with images, FamilySearch ( : 28 September 2019), William Evans in entry for Thomas Evans, 1871.
  4. "England Marriages 1538-1973" FindMyPast] William Ebbon & Phoebe Mills, 1875, Lower Gornall Record Image Seen
  5. "England and Wales Census, 1881," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 13 December 2017), William Evans, Sedgley, Staffordshire, England; from "1881 England, Scotland and Wales Census," database and images, findmypast ( : n.d.); citing p. 4, Piece/Folio 2870/97, The National Archives, Kew, Surrey; FHL microfilm 101,774,818.
  6. "England and Wales Census, 1891," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 5 May 2019), William Ettans in household of Williams Ettans, Walsall Foreign, Staffordshire, England, United Kingdom; from "1891 England, Scotland and Wales census," database and images, findmypast ( : n.d.); citing PRO RG 12, Staffordshire county, subdistrict, The National Archives of the UK, Kew, Surrey.
  7. Electoral Records 1895 - 1908; 1908 - 1915
  8. 8.0 8.1 "England and Wales Census, 1901," database, FamilySearch ( : 21 May 2019), William Ebbans, Walsall, Staffordshire, England, United Kingdom; from "1901 England, Scotland and Wales census," database and images, findmypast ( : n.d.); citing Walsall subdistrict, PRO RG 13, The National Archives, Kew, Surrey.
  9. 9.0 9.1 "England and Wales Census, 1911," database, FamilySearch ( : 4 July 2019), William Ebbans, Walsall St Matthew, Staffordshire, England, United Kingdom; from "1911 England and Wales census," database and images, findmypast ( : n.d.); citing PRO RG 14, The National Archives of the UK, Kew, Surrey.
  10. Walsall Observer, 17 April 1920, p7, c1 via FindMyPast
  11. "1921 Census Of England & Wales", Archive: The National Archives; Series: RG 15; Piece number: 13202; District reference: RD 370 RS 3 ED 34, FindMyPast Image - FindMyPast Transcription (accessed 8 December 2022), William Ebbans (65), married, Pavior, head of household at 140 Bridgeman Street in Walsall registration district in Staffordshire, England. Born in Leicestershire, England. Employed by L & N W Rly.
  12. England & Wales General Register Office, GRO Online Index - Death ( : accessed 16 Sep 2020), database entry for Ebbans, William. (Age at death: 70). GRO Reference: 1926 S Quarter in WALSALL Volume 06B Page 548.

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