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Thomas W Ewing (1818 - 1891)

Thomas W Ewing
Born in Smith, Washington, Pennsylvania, USAmap
Ancestors ancestors
Husband of — married 1 May 1840 in , Holmes, Ohio, USAmap
Father of
Died at age 72 in Harlem, Stephenson, Illinois, USAmap
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Profile last modified | Created 28 Feb 2015
This page has been accessed 596 times.




Name: Thomas W. EWING
Given Name: Thomas W.
Surname: EWING[1][2] [3][4][5] [6][7][8][9]


Date: 5 Feb 1818
Place: Smith, Washington, Pennsylvania, USA[10][11] [12][13][14][15]


Member of First Presbyterian Church
Place: Freeport, Stephenson, Illinois, USA[16]
Member of First Presbyterian
Place: Millersburg, Holmes, Ohio, USA
Note: no date recorded[17]
Date: 1836
Place: Holmes, Ohio, USA[18] [19]
Date: 1848
Place: Freeport, Stephenson, Illinois, USA[20][21]
Date: 27 Jan 1891
Place: Freeport, Stephenson, Illinois, USA
Note: "The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at one o'clock from the family home. The reamins will be taken to Cedarville for interment."[22]


Presbyterian[23][24] [25]


Date: 1840
Place: Monroe, Holmes, Ohio, USA[26]
Date: 1850
Place: Lancaster, Stephenson, Illinois, USA
Note: Lived with: William (father, 61); Sarah (mother, 57); John (brother, 30); Andrew (brother, 24); David (brother, 21); Margaret (sister, 22); Allison, May (unknown, 16)[27]
Date: 1860
Place: Freeport, Stephenson, Illinois, USA
Note: Lived with: Sarah (wife); Julia (daughter); William (son); John (son); Ellen (daughter); Mary (daughter); Florance (daughter)[28]
Date: 1865
Place: Lancaster, Stephenson, Illinois, USA[29]
Date: 1870
Place: Freeport, Stephenson, Illinois, USA
Note: Lived with: Sarah (wife, 51); Wm (son, 25); Ellen (daughter, 19); Mary (daughter, 17); Florence (daughter, 11)[30]
Date: 1880
Place: Harlem, Stephenson, Illinois, USA
Note: Lived with: Sarah (wife, 61); William T (son, 33); Flora (daughter, 21)[31]


Date: 1860-1864
Place: Shannon, Carroll, Illinois, USA[32]
Date: 1872
Place: Harlem, Stephenson, Illinois, USA[33]
Date: Abt 1889
Place: Harlem, Stephenson, Illinois, USA[34]
Date: Abt 1889
Place: Freeport, Stephenson, Illinois, USA[35]


Date: 1880
Place: Harlem, Stephenson, Illinois, USA[36]


Husband: Thomas W. Ewing
Wife: Sarah E. Haughey
Date: 1 May 1840
Place: Holmes, Ohio, USA[37] [38]
Husband: William Ewing
Wife: Sarah Mathews
Date: 11 Jan 1816
Place: Pennsylvania, USA[39]
Child: Thomas W. Ewing
Child: John Ewing
Child: William Ewing
Child: Andrew Mathews Ewing
Child: Mary Jane Ewing
Child: Margaret Ewing
Child: David Walker Ewing


Date: 26 Jan 1891
Place: Harlem, Stephenson, Illinois, USA
Cause: from injuries received in a runaway[40] [41]


Date: 27 Jan 1891
Place: Cedarville, Stephenson, Illinois, USA[42]
Name: Wright Cemetery (Cedarville Cemetery?)


  1. Source:#S3 Vol. 77, No. 36, Page 8 Date: 20 Jan 2010
  2. Source:#S39 M593, roll M593_275, Freeport Ward 2, p. 109A, accessed 13 Feb 2010 Date: 14 Feb 2010
  3. Source:#S46 Page 521. accessed 19 Feb 2010. Date: 19 Feb 2010
  4. Source:#S58 Date: 9 Mar 2010
  5. Source:#S65 "Thomas Ewing, a Pioneer of this County, Passes Away," 30 Jan 1891, p. 3, col. 6.
  6. Source:#S673 William Ewing, 1883, William Ewing Date: 14 Jan 2013
  7. Source:#S687 Page 685-686. Date: 7 Feb 2013 THOMAS EWING, farmer, Sec. 21 ; P. O. Freeport ; born in Washington Co., Penn., near Pittsburg, Feb. 5, 1818 ; stayed at home till 18 years of age, then went to Holmes Co., Ohio ; in 1836 he engaged in the mercantile and grain business; he started for Freeport in Nov., 1848, where he stayed, giving his attention to mercantile pursuits ; in 1860, he went on to a farm, near Shannon, Carroll Co., 111. ; he was there four years ; sold out and bought a farm here, one and a half miles north, called the Waddle farm, but, liking this farm better, bought it of Hiram Bright, and is now working it ; the farm ains 142 acres, valued at $60 per acre ; he has held township and school offices. Is a Republican, and has been ever since the party was organized. Mr. Ewing joined the Presbyterian Church when 18 years old, in Washington Co., Penn., and in May, 1840, married Miss Sarah Haughey, Steubenville, Jefferson Co., Ohio; they have had six children-Julia A., William T., John A., Sarah E., Mary O. and Flo Ewing. Mr. Ewing's father is of Irish extraction, and came to Chester Co., Penn., when 7 years of age; here he grew to manhood, and was married to Miss Sarah Mathews, who was a native of Chester. His mother is now dead, but his father is a hale, hearty old man of 90 years of age.
  8. Source:#S688 "Parish Records," Thomas Ewing Date: 9 Feb 2013 Hello Reverend Armour, I am reaching out to you in hopes of learning more about my ancestors, who I suspect were members of the Millersburg congregation. In 1835 or 1836 William and Sarah Ewing came from Washington County, Pennsylvania and in 1840 were living in Monroe Township. They moved on to Illinois in 1848. I am looking for any records of them being received into or dismissed from the congregation or any records for births or marriage between 1835-1848. The relevant surnames would certainly be Ewing and Haughey but possibly also Mathews and Wright. I would be so grateful for any information you could provide. Thank you in advance. Kind regards, Mike-- Dear Mike, I will forward your request to our church historian. I hope we can help you trace your family's history. God bless you in your search, Rev. Burnetta Armour Hello again Reverend Armour, Thank you very much for your swift response. The Ewings were strongly Presbyterian for many generations and I am just getting started with the religious aspects of my family's background, including research. I hope this will help illuminate part of their history for me. Many thanks again and best wishes to you and your congregation. Kind regards, Mike --- Dear Mike, Our Clerk of Session/Church Historian searched through our records and found the following information: Mrs. Sarah Ewing and Mary Jane Ewing joined the church on December 19, 1845 by certificate (which means they were baptized somewhere else and transferred membership to our congregation). Thomas Ewing was also a member, but was dismissed from membership, probably to another church; we don't have a date for his dismissal. I hope this helps in your search. You might also want to check with the Holmes County Genealogical Society. God bless you in your searching, Pastor Burnetta Armour --- Dear Pastor Armour, Thank you very much for this information - it is very helpful. If I may, I'd like to make a ribution in thanks for your efforts and in furtherance of your congregation. Please let me know how I may do that. In case you or your historian are interested, Mrs. Sarah (MATHEWS) EWING is my 4th great-grandmother and was born 5 Jun 1793 supposedly in Chester County, PA. Mary Jane and Thomas are two of her seven children. Mary Jane married John HAUGHEY 23 Mar 1846, in Holmes County according to government records - I am surprised they did not marry in the church if she was a member there. Thomas also married in Holmes County, in 1840, John HAUGHEY's sister, Sarah E. HAUGHEY. I am surprised that there are no records for the other children, viz. John, William, Andrew, Margaret and David. If your historian knows of any other Presbyterian congregations that were active 1835-1848 in Holmes county, I would be further much obliged. Kindest regards, Mike Ewing --- I'm glad we could help. That is so interesting. The journeys our families took is fascinating to me. I'll pass your message along to our historian, Elaine. About other churches in Holmes County during that time...Elaine told me today that that there were Presbyterian churches in all the small communities in Holmes County. There were churches at Berlin, Nasheville, Glenmont, and Killbuck (I believe). Sadly those churches have long since died. There records may be archived at the Presbytery (Muskingum Valley Presbytery), but more than likely are archived with the PCUSA historical society. There are only three Presbyterian churches left in Holmes County..Clark Community in the Southern part of the county (I pastor that church as well. Some of thier old, old records have been lost); Hopewell, which is the oldest Presbyterian church in the county and is located west of Millersburg; and Millersburg First, which was founded in1825. If you would like to make a ribution, you can mail it to Millersburg First Presbyterian, 90 S. Clay St., Millersburg, OH 44654. If yiunever find yourself in Holmes County come and worship with us. Peace, Pastor Burnetta
  9. Source:#S972 Births. Date: 8 Dec 2014
  10. Source:#S3
  11. Source:#S39
  12. Source:#S46
  13. Source:#S65
  14. Source:#S687
  15. Source:#S972 Births. Date: 8 Dec 2014
  16. Source:#S65
  17. Source:#S688
  18. Source:#S46
  19. Source:#S687
  20. Source:#S46
  21. Source:#S687
  22. Source:#S65
  23. Source:#S65
  24. Source:#S687
  25. Source:#S688
  26. Source:#S83 M704, roll 273, Monroe, p. 404, Thomas Ewing, accessed 28 Jul 2010.
  27. Source:#S36 M432, roll M432_129, Lancaster, p. 266A, accessed 13 Feb 2010
  28. Source:#S37 M653, roll M653_230, Freeport, Stephenson, Illinois, USA, p. 133, Thomas Ewing, accessed 2 Apr 2011
  29. Source:#S398 accessed 18 Sep 2011), Thomas Ewing. Date: 18 Sep 2011 Note: Film Number:972767 Digital Folder Number:004679642 Image Number:00348 Page:18
  30. Source:#S39 M593, roll M593_275, Freeport, p. 109A, accessed 13 Feb 2010
  31. Source:#S38 T9, roll T9_252, Harlem, enumeration district (ED) 176, accessed 13 Feb 2010 Date: 14 Feb 2010
  32. Source:#S687
  33. Source:#S46 521. accessed 19 Feb 2010. Date: 19 Feb 2010
  34. Source:#S65
  35. Source:#S65
  36. Source:#S38 T9, roll T9_252, Harlem, Stephenson, Illinois, enumeration district (ED) 176, p. 141.4000, accessed 19 Feb 2010
  37. Source:#S46 521. accessed 19 Feb 2010.
  38. Source:#S687
  39. Source:#S3 Vol. 77, No. 36, Page 8 Date: 20 Jan 2010
  40. Source:#S65
  41. Source:#S58 Date: 9 Mar 2010
  42. Source:#S65
  • Source:S3 The Fort Lupton Press - "Fort Lupton Pioneers" Series Vol. 77, No. 34 - Vol. 77, No. 39 Publication: Fort Lupton, Colorado, 27 May 1976 - 1 July 1976 Date: 20 Jan 2010
  • Source:S36 1850 United States Federal Census Publication: Archives and Records Administration, 1850 Date: 13 Feb 2010
  • Source:S37 1860 United States Federal Census Publication: Archives and Records Administration, 1860 Date: 14 Feb 2010
  • Source:S38 1880 United States Federal Census Publication: Archives and Records Administration, 1880 Date: 14 Feb 2010
  • Source:S39 1870 United States Federal Census Publication: Archives and Records Administration, 1870 Date: 14 Feb 2010
  • Source:S398 "Illinois State Census, 1865," database, Publication: ( :2011) Date: 18 Sep 2011
  • Source:S46 Portrait and Biographical Album of Stephenson County, Ill:aining full page portraits and biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens of the county, together with portraits and biographies of all the governors of Illinois, and the presidents of the United States. American Libraries (Internet Archive). PDF Download. Author: Chapman Bros., editor Publication: Date: 18 Feb 2010
  • Source:S58 PRICE Gary. Personal E-mail 8 Mar 2010 Title: to Michael Douglas Ewing, e-mail, 9 Mar 2010, "Re:Ewing Family Research"; privately held by Ewing, Anaheim, California, 2010.Anaheim, California, 2010. Author: Gary Price, Freeport, Illinois Date: 9 Mar 2010 Text: Michael, I found the following information today in the History Room Thomas W Ewing died January 26 1891 in Harlem Township. The obituary states he was buried at the Wright Cemetery which no one in the history room had heard of but I would guess the burial was at Grandview Cemetery just south of Cedarville. There are several Wright burials at the cemetery about the same time however there is no Ewing gravestones but one was not readable. I also found a death notice for Mrs. William (Sarah) Ewing who died September 28 1869. Also an article that states WT Ewing was moving west dated Octor 1886. I will look further. If you want copies of the noted above we must ask for per page. Are you interested in marriage records? Gary Price Pat Clarke Fogel, SCGS
  • Source:S65 Freeport Weekly Democrat Author: Illinois. Freeport. Text: Thomas Ewing, a Pioneer of this County, Passes Away. [30 Jan 1891] Patrick Hayden Expires this Morning and Little Robbie Dorman is Called From Earth - Other Obituary Mention. From Monday's Daily. Thomas Ewing, a resident of this county over forty years, passed away in this city last night, from injuries received in a runaway last fall. The deceased was born on Feb. 15, 1818, in Washington county, Pa. In 1836 he moved to Ohio, where he wasa married to Miss Sarah E. Haughey. In 1848 they removed to this county, locating in Lancaster township, and afterward in Harlem township, residing there until about two years ago, when the family moved to Freeport. Besides the wife four children out of a family of six are left:William T., of Harlem; John T., of Iowa; Mrs. Charles F. Barber, of this county, and Miss Martha, who resides at home. Mr. Ewing was an honest, conscientious christian gentleman, and by careful industry had accumulated considerable property. He was a member of the First Presbyterian church. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at one o'clock from the family home. The remains will be taken to Cedarville for interment.
  • Source:S673 William, Ewing; Probate File
  • Source:S687 The History of Stephenson County, Illinois, aining a History of the County, its Cities, Towns &c., Biographical Sketches of Citizens, War Record of its Volunteers in the late Rebellion, General and Local Statistics, Portraits of Early Settlers and Pro Title: The History of Stephenson County, Illinois, aining a History of the County, its Cities, Towns &c., Biographical Sketches of Citizens, War Record of its Volunteers in the late Rebellion, General and Local Statistics, Portraits of Early Settlers and Prominent Men, History of the Northwest, History of Illinois, Map of Stephenson County, Constitution of the United States, Miscellaneous Matters, &c., &c. Author: Western Historical Company, editor Publication: Chicago (Cook), Illinois:Western Historical Company, 1880. Date: 7 Feb 2013
  • Source:S688 Ohio, Holmes Co, Millersburg - First Presbyterian Church Records Title: Parish Records. Author: First Presbyterian (Millersburg (Holmes, Ohio, USA) Date: 9 Feb 2013
  • Source:S83 1840 United States Federal Census Title: 1840 U.S. census, Digital images Author: Ohio, Holmes Publication: Archives and Records Administration, 2 Date: 28 Jul 2010
  • Source:S972 EWING Family Bible
  • FSFTID 9V4M-3P1


Note HI16(Research):3 Jan 2012
No probate file found in Stephenson County.

Ewing-1243 was created by Mike Ewing through the import of 150226 Ewing Harry WikiTree.ged on Feb 26, 2015.

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