Sigurður Eysteinsson
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Sigurður Eysteinsson

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 28 Aug 2019 | 27,024 contributions | 210 thank-yous | 1,280 connections
Sigurður J. Eysteinsson
Born 1970s.
Ancestors ancestors
Brother of [half], [private brother (1970s - unknown)] [half] and
Father of [private daughter (2010s - unknown)]
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Profile last modified | Created 6 Aug 2019
This page has been accessed 3,250 times.



This user can contribute with a near-native level of English.
Denne bruger kan bidrage på flydendedansk.
Denne brukeren/brukaren har god kjennskap til norsk.
Denna användare har kunskaper på mellannivå i svenska.

Born in Reykjavik Iceland on the 7th of May 1974. 1974-1977 Lived my first 3 years in Reykir (V-Hunavatnssysla, Iceland) where my father taught at the Secondary municipal boarding-school (Héraðsskóli) and where my mother taught English in the primary school.

1977-1979 We lived at Laugar (Snæfellsnes, Iceland) where my parents taught at the primary school.

1979-1980 We lived for a year where my father filled in as the primary school headmaster during the official headmaster's one-year sabbatical leave.

1980-1985 During the summer of 1985 moved Reykholt (Borgarfjörður, Iceland) where my father took over as the headmaster of Reykholtskóli, a secondary municipal boarding-school. That autumn I entered the regional primary school at Klepjarnsreykir (Kleppjárnsreykjaskóli).

1985-1987 We lived in Farum, Denmark. During my father studies at DPU teachers university in Emdrup, Copenhagen and computer studies at the EDB school in Copenhagen.

... to be continued...


  • 7 May 1974 (GMT 16:20) Born at Fæðingarheimilið in Reykjavík, Iceland.[1]
  • 1974 - 1977 Residence at Reykir in Hrútafjörður, Iceland.[1]
  • 1977 - 1979 Residence at Laugargerði on Snæfellsnes.[1]
  • 1979 - 1980 Residence at Grundarfjörður on Snæfellsnes, Iceland.[1]
  • 1980 - 1985 Residence at Reykholt in Reykholtsdalur in Borgarfjörður, Iceland.[1]
  • 1985 - 1987 Residence in Farum on Sjælland in Denmark.[1]
  • 1987 - 1991 Residence in Selfoss, Árnessýsla, Iceland.[1]
  • Jan - Jul 1991 Residence in Reykjavík, Iceland.[1]
  • 1991 - 1992 Residence in Lat ya (ตำบล ลาดหญ้า) in Kanchanaburi province, Thailand.[1]
  • 1992 - 1995 Residence in Reykjavík, Iceland.[1]
  • Apr - Jul 1995 Residence in Hong Kong Central district, Hong Kong.[1]
  • 1995 - 1999 Residence in Reykjavík, Iceland.[1]
  • May - Aug 1999 Residence in Irvine, California, United States.
  • 1999 - 2001 Residence in Reykjavík, Iceland.[1]
  • 2001 - 2002 Residence in York, Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom.[1]
  • 2002 - 2022 Residence in Reykjavík, Iceland.[1]
  • 2022 - present Resident in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Tenerife, España.[1]


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 First hand knowledge. Entered by Sigurður Jónas Eysteinsson 21 Nov 2020
  • First-hand information. Entered by Sigurður Eysteinsson at registration.


  • Paternal, maternal and full sibling relationships are confirmed by a MyHeritageDNA test match between Sigurður Eysteinsson and his sister Arnrún Ósk Eysteinsdóttir. Their most-recent common ancestors are their parents Eysteinn Óskar Jónasson and Jódís Arnrún Sigurðardóttir. Predicted relationship from MyHeritage: Sister, based on sharing 2,695.2‎ cM across 43 segments.
  • Paternal relationships is confirmed by a GEDmatch test match between Sigurður Eysteinsson GEDmatch CW371531C1 and his father Eysteinn Óskar Jónasson GEDmatch FR7475040. Estimated number of generations to MRCA = 1.0, based on sharing 3570.0 cM across 43 half-match segments.
  • Father/daughter, Maternal and half sibling relationships are confirmed by a 23andMe test match between Sigurður Eysteinsson and his niece Áslaug Cortes, the daughter of Axel Cortes, Sigurður Eysteinsson's maternal half-brother. Their most-recent common ancestor is Jódís Arnrún Sigurðardóttir, Sigurður Eysteinsson’s and Axel Cortes's mother and Áslaug Cortes’s paternal grandmother. Predicted relationship from 23andMe: Half Niece, based on sharing 950 half-identical cM across 33 segments.
  • Y-DNA Haplogroup: R1b -M269 > L23 > L51 > L11 > P312 > DF19 > Z302 > FT11655 > Z8193 > FT18289 > Z39896 > Z39898.
  • mtDNA Haplogroup:T2a1a8.

Only the Trusted List can access the following:
  • Sigurður's formal name
  • full middle name (J.)
  • e-mail address
  • exact birthdate
  • birth location
  • images (1)
  • private siblings' names
  • private children's names (1)
  • spouse's name and marriage information
For access to Sigurður Eysteinsson's full information you must be on Sigurður's Trusted List. Please login.

DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships. Paternal line Y-chromosome DNA test-takers:
  • Sigurður Eysteinsson: Family Tree DNA Y-DNA Test 700 markers, haplogroup R-Z39898, FTDNA kit #B543125, MitoYDNA ID T12603 [compare]
Maternal line mitochondrial DNA test-takers:
  • Sigurður Eysteinsson: Family Tree DNA mtDNA Test Full Sequence, haplogroup T2a1a8, FTDNA kit #B543125, MitoYDNA ID Z10145 [compare]
It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Sigurður: Have you taken a test? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.
Comments: 15

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Sæll Sigurður,

Þú ert með formóður að nafni Una Jónsdóttir f. 1720 d. 25. júlí 1797 Mín formóðir var Vilborg Jónsdóttir f. 1727. Þær voru alsystur sbr. islendingabók. Móðir þeirra var Rannveig Jónsdóttir f. 1684 og Jón Höskuldsson f. 1679 d. eftir 1752 Ég leitaði að skyldleika okkar og styrsti skyldleiki erum við 7 og 9 liður frá Magnúsi Gunnlaugssyni í gegnum Klingenbergsættina, mín megin. En Rannveig er formóðir mín í 8 lið (ég er dótturdótturdóttur...dóttir hennar. beinn kvenliður. ) það vantar tengingu við móður hennar Rannveigar í

Sæl frænka.

Veist þú hver móðir Rannveigar var?… og ef svo, geturðu gefið mér heimildina fyrir því? Því þá get ég bætt henni við hérna á WikiTree… það eru margar heimildir sem vantar á Íslendingabók. Kær kveðja

P.S. Fyrst þú ert afkomandi þeirra í beinan kvenlegg þá deilir þú með þeim Hvatbera DNA… veistu hver mtDNA haplógrúbban þín er?

posted by Sigurður Eysteinsson
edited by Sigurður Eysteinsson
Kvenleggurinn stoppar (eða byrjar) með Rannveigu, amk í Íslendingabók.

Það kemur fram að hún og Jón Höskuldsson, eiginmaður hennar bjuggu á Næfurholti árið 1729 ásamt 5 börnum: Þórarinn (f.1709), Una (f.1720), Guðlaug (f. 1922), Vilborg (f. 1927), og Jón (f. 1923). Skv. Manntali 1703 bjó Jón þá í Geldingalæk, Rangárvallahrepp ásamt fyrri eiginkonu og tengdamóður. Á bls. 294 Í Rangvellingabók eftir Valgeir Sigurðsson segir: "Jón Höskuldsson -1729-1733- ætt ókunn,Síðari kona, Rannveig f. 1684 á lífi 1729 Jónsdóttir, Bjarnasonar bónda á Hæli í Gnúpverjahreppi, Jónssonar..." og síðan eru talin upp börn þeirra. Að lokum kemur fram að Jón bjó í Skálholti í Gnúpverjahreppi árið 1752. Ég er enn að leita að frekari upplýsingum, en Rannveig er ekki tengd móður í islendingabok, þó að kona Jóns föður hennar og þeirra 4 synir koma fram. Kirkjubækur eru ekki á netinu frá þessum tíma.

Í dag 2 mai 2024 er ég ekki enn búin að "taka DNA testið" en það eru nokkur ár síðan ég verslaði 3 kit. Svo ég veit ekki hver happlogrúbba MtDNA er hef.

Við erum 3 systurnar sem allar eigum dætur. (og syni) Dóttir Stefaníu á einungis syni, Guðrún Torfhildur á 2 dætur Eldri dóttir hennar á son og dóttur og yngri dóttir hennar mun líklega einungis eiga einkason. Ég á síðan engin (og mun líklega aldrei eignast nein) barnabörn, Svo að Birna Dröfn Hallgrímsdóttir f. 2015 er eini einstaklingurinn sem hefur líffræðilega getu til að koma MtDNA okkar til næstu kynslóðar.

Það sem kemur fram er:

Birna 2015, systir hennar dó fyrir fæðingu.

Ólöf 1983 er dóttir Stefaníu. Sigríður f1982, Írís f1993, eru dætur Guðrúnar, og Guðrún 1991 er dóttir mín

Stefanía 1956, Guðrún 1959, Guðbjörg(ég) f 1961 erum alsystur

Eyrún f 1926-2002 systir hennar dó við fæðingu

Ólöf f. 1897-1985, Stefanía f. 1889-1903, Gróa f.1887-1954 báðar systur ömmu voru barnlausar

Ólöf f 1861-1949, 7 systur, ég veit ekki hvort einhver af móðursystrum ömmu eignuðust börn

Gróa 1829-1900 átti hálfbróður sammæðra

Kristín f 1788-1860, átti 6 alsystur, Vilborg, Kristín, Sigríður, Elín,Guðrún og Una (sama og Ólöf eldri)

Elín f.1759-1841 var skv. islendingabok einkadóttir

Vilborg f. 1727 átti 2 alsystur Una 1720-1797 og Guðlaug 1722-1787

Rannveig Jónsdóttir f. 1684 Föður foreldrar þekktir, móðir óþekkt.

Faðir Jón Bjarnason... Íslendingabok segir hann hafa verið einkason.

En Jón Espólín segir að Bjarni og Vilborg hafi átt 2 syni sem báðir fengu nafnið Jón. Jón Espólín skrifar að yngri sonurinn hafi flutt Suður-með-sjó... Vogum að Vatnsleysu.

Valgeir Sigurðsson segir að faðir Rannveigu hafi búið Í Kálfatjörn á Vatnsleysu þegar manntalið var tekið 1703.

Islendingabok. hafnar því að albræður hafi einnig verið alnafnar... og tengir Rannveigu sem dóttur Jóns Bjarnasonar f1954 við Votumýri.

Jón á Votumýri f. 1654 var yngri en Jón húsmaður í Naustakoti hjáleiga Kálfatjörn f. 1652

En föðursystir Rannveigu var prestfrú á Fellsmúla í manntali 1703 þar sem Rannveig var 19 ára þjónustustúlka

Genalega séð breytir það engu... Albræður og engar upplýsingar til staðar um móður Rannveigar.

posted by Guðbjörg Gísladóttir
edited by Guðbjörg Gísladóttir
Hello Sigurður,

Thanks for creating pre-1700 profile Ingibjörg Sigurðardóttir (abt.1515-aft.1595).

Please provide at least a birth or death location estimate rather than leaving both locations blank. This helps disambiguate people since we have a global tree, locations help distinguish one profile of the same name from another. Even an estimate such as a continent, e.g., Europe or North America, is better than blank. Please read more here. Please explain the rationale for your estimate in a = = Research Notes = = section.

In the case of Ingibjörg, you cited that she was a housewife in Iceland in 1529, from this it is reasonable to estimate she was born in Europe, possibly in Iceland.


posted by William Foster Jr
For some reason I only saw your comment now. Checking out Ingibjörg Sigurðardóttir (abt.1515-aft.1595) I can see that I added estimated birth and death location. I suppose I must have added her and then been disrupted only to come back to it and finishing it up. Sometimes life happens in the middle of Genealogy ;-)...

But, as a rule, when I make a profile I add all the available information that I have at hand... including at least estimated birth or death location. If I have one and no information on the other... and there is some possibility that they might have been born or passed away abroad... I may leave one of them blank. There may be some profiles from when I first came on here that are more sparse... but I've been working on filling those out as well. If you run across one of those, the best way to get my attention is just to comment on those profiles... then it shows up on my history fead... I get so few comments down here that I barely check them out. All the best!

posted by Sigurður Eysteinsson
edited by Sigurður Eysteinsson
Hi! Are you interested in participating in this year's Spring Clean-a-thon on April 23? We would appreciate all the help we can get even if you only have a moment to clear a few errors. If you are interested you can sign up on the following link, let them know you want to be on Team Nordic Noir, formerly Spic-n-Span Scandinavians:

Thank you for letting me know. I'll check it out!

All the best!

posted by Sigurður Eysteinsson
Hi Sigurður

Thanks for joining us! I hope you're enjoying our site and our community. I just wanted to check in and see how things are going. Have the New Member How-To pages been helpful or left you with questions?

It's great to have you on board. Enjoy your time here, and good luck growing your branches. If you need help just click on my name you'll be transferred to my profile where you can post a message or send me a private message.

Mindy ~ WikiTree Mentor

When our hearts turn to our ancestors, something changes inside us. We feel part of something greater than us. — Russell M Nelson

posted by Mindy Silva
Hi, Sigurður,

Thanks for taking the Pre-1700 Quiz!

Because pre-1700 ancestors are shared by many descendants, working within the projects which coordinate them is essential.

Use the Pre-1700 Projects list to find one which best fits your research focus, whether time period, location, or topic. Read the goals and tasks of the project and join if it is a good fit.

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Can't find what you're looking for? Let me know, and I can make some suggestions! :-)

Deb ~ Pre-1700 Greeter

posted by Deb (Lewis) Durham
Greetings cousin! (6th half cousin once removed). Welcome to Wikitree!
posted by Boris Charlton
Thank you cousin!

Sorry for the late reply. I got lost on other DNA genealogical sites for some time. But I'm back on here in full force. One of the things that I've been obsessed with trying to figure out is where the missing NPEs, that are messing up my DNA matches, fit in my tree. I now strongly suspect that one of them fits in the slot where Guðmundur Guðmundsson sits in my tree. Breaking up our shortest connection (1/2 6C1R). But that is not our only connection so even if that turns out to be true then we are still cousins ;-) ... just a little farther back... in line with the numerous small size segments (3cM) we share on GedMatch. Kind regards Your Icelandic cousin Siggi Jónas

posted by Sigurður Eysteinsson
Hi Sigurður,

Thanks for having a Big Heart and adopting Orphan Profiles. You will want to read this After adopting orphans FAQ to understand what to do next and it explains the special attention those profiles need.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

David ~ WikiTree Mentor

posted by David Selman

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Please let me know if you have any questions. I'm always happy to help!

Mary ~ WikiTree Greeter

P.S. If links do not work in an email from WikiTree, try them from the comment section on your profile page.

posted by Mary Richardson

This is just a note to say hi and to let you know that I'm available to answer questions about joining WikiTree. To contact me, click the link to my name, then send a private message or post a comment on my profile page.

Ludwig ~ WikiTree Greeter

P.S. If links do not work in an email from WikiTree, try them from the comment section of your profile page.

posted by Ludwig Kraayenbrink

This week's connection theme is the Puritan Great Migration. Sigurður is 20 degrees from John Winthrop, 20 degrees from Anne Bradstreet, 20 degrees from John Cotton, 20 degrees from John Eliot, 20 degrees from John Endecott, 20 degrees from Mary Estey, 20 degrees from Thomas Hooker, 20 degrees from Anne Hutchinson, 21 degrees from William Pynchon, 18 degrees from Alice Tilley, 20 degrees from Robert Treat and 20 degrees from Roger Williams on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.

E  >  Eysteinsson  >  Sigurður Eysteinsson

Categories: En-4 | Da-3 | No-2 | Sv-2