She appears to sign her name as "Ailcy" on her marriage record, and she is also "Ailcy" in the 1850 census as well as the records pertaining to the administration of her husband's estate.. In the 1860 census, the writing is faded but appears to be "Alcie". Other reported spelling variations: Alcy, Ailcey (also on marriage record, as recorded by the clerk), Alay, Alecy, Alsie, Elsie.
A modern biographical sketch submitted to History of Washington County, Arkansas gives her name as Nancy without a source. (Page 1178, entry on brother-in-law James Lewis who married Nancy Reed.)
Arkansas, Probate Records, 1817-1979. Letters of administration 1840-1868 vol B: 163 (Image 112). James Reed. "We do hereby appoint Ailcy Reed of the County of Washington administratrix of all and singular the goods and chattels rights and credits which were of the said James Reed".
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