Judy (Flamer) Bramlage
Privacy Level: Private with Public Biography and Family Tree (Yellow)

Judy (Flamer) Bramlage

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 26 Jun 2018 | 45,239 contributions | 1,457 thank-yous | 3,621 connections
Communication Preferences: I am interested in communicating private message with cousins and anyone else with an interest in genealogy. Here is my family tree.
Also see RowleyResearch.org for more information on the Rowley One Name Study
Judy L. Bramlage formerly Flamer aka Hendricks
Born 1940s.
Ancestors ancestors
Sister of [private brother (unknown - unknown)] and
Descendants descendants
Mother of [private daughter (1960s - unknown)]
Problems/Questions Profile manager: Judy Bramlage private message [send private message]
Profile last modified | Created 26 Oct 2011
This page has been accessed 7,959 times.


Judy (Flamer) Bramlage participated with Little_Team_on_the_Prarie during the January 2025 Connect-a-Thon, and added xx connections.
Judy (Flamer) Bramlage completed week 1 through week 5 for a total of 55 profiles. in the Watchlist Weevils Challenge.
RootsTech Attendee: 2025
Judy (Flamer) Bramlage is a member of the Rowley Name Study Project.
Judy (Flamer) Bramlage is a member of the Eastman Name Study Project.
US Black Heritage PATH Graduate
Judy (Flamer) Bramlage is a graduate of the US Black Heritage Project's PATH.
Judy (Flamer) Bramlage Created 50 profiles for Africatown Plateau Cemetery in the Alabama Challenge.

I create a lot of Black heritage profiles in order to grow the Tree. If I manage one of your family member profiles, I would love to add you as the profile manager. Please message me.

Judith Lee was born on 18 Sep 1943 at Pacific Hospital, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California,[1] the daughter of William Flamer and Arlene Eastman. In 2024 she celebrated her 81th Birthday. She matriculated first at Long Beach State College, then for a year at Memphis State University, returning to California State University at Long Beach to obtain her Bachelor's degree in Mathematics. The college was forced to go to University status because of the stiffness of its requirements for many of its degrees, including Mathematics.

She married first James Hendricks in 1963 at Lakewood, Los Angeles, California.[2] They had one daughter.[3] Jim was in the U.S. Navy. He died in an automobile accident in 1969. She then married Edward Clement Bramlage, Jr. in 1970 at Las Vegas, Nevada[4], who was a military contractor. Ed brought two stepchildren to the marriage who spent the summer with them. Ed died of a heart attack in 1976. After Ed's death, Judy went back to school part-time and got her Master's degree in Business Administration in managing programmers.

Judy retired as a government contractor who specialized first in programming then in computer security in 2005. Now working on genealogy, around her health (as we all do). she specializes in a one-name study (Rowley, Rowlee, etc) which was inherited from Ernst Spencer and Tedd Rowley. See research coordination efforts at http://www.RowleyResearch.org, the Rowley Project Page here on WikiTree, the matching study on Rowley Study on Geni.com, the Rowley Guild of One-Name-Studies, or the third study on FamilyTreeDNA. She also sponsors the Eastman Name Study and the Eastman Guild of One-Name Studies. In addition, she is assistant team leader for Alabama for the U.S. Black Heritage project.

In her spare time around the genealogy work, she applies herself to completing the series the Lady and the Unicorn needlepoint tapestries from the Cluny Museum, Paris. Thus far she has completed the smallest at 23 square inches, a 6"x4" side piece, and a 36"x60" piece. These were started in 1997 but put away for about fifteen years. The one in her frame at the moment is 2x3 feet and there is no date for completion. She has four more to go; one is 4x6 feet.

To add a little spice to her life in Salt Lake City, Judy participates in the Red Hatters Society up to three times a month, a weekly art class, and an every week-day water aeobics class.

Digital Afterlife

It may seem morbid, but when I die I want to be sure that none of my hard work on WikiTree ends up being deleted. While I fully intend on being around to manage all my profiles for the next 20 years or so, in the event of my death I hereby permit all of my private profiles to be transferred to any of the following slightly-active WikiTreers in family and friends, whether or not they are currently on the trusted lists:

Jeffrey Eastman (for all Eastman profiles)
Sharon (Rowley) Piersma (for all Rowley profiles)
Jennifer (Hendricks) Parsons
Jeffery Kuhn
Jimmie Fadden

If none of them want the joy of them, then any other wikitreers are welcome.

Judith is still living.


  1. Certified Copy of Birth Record for Judith Lee Flamer, Record Type: California State Birth Record, Subject: Judith Lee Flamer, Number: 5001 Publication: 5 October 1943
  2. Certified copy of marriage between James Earl Hendricks and Judith Lee Flamer, State of California Marriage Record, 1963
  3. Certified Copy of Birth Record for Jennifer Lynn Hendricks, Record Type: Florida State Birth Record, Subject: Jennifer Lynn Hendricks
  4. Certified copy of marriage between Edward Clement Bramlage Jr and Judith Lee (Flamer) Hendricks, State of Nevada Marriage Record, 1970.


Personal knowledge submitted by Judith Bramlage, See the Changes page for the details of edits by Judith and others.

Only the Trusted List can access the following:
  • Judy's formal name
  • full middle name (L.)
  • e-mail address
  • exact birthdate
  • birth location
  • images (10)
  • private siblings' names
  • private children's names (1)
  • spouse's name and marriage information
For access to Judy Bramlage's full information you must be on Judy's Trusted List. Please login.

DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships. Maternal line mitochondrial DNA test-takers:
  • Judy (Flamer) Bramlage: Family Tree DNA mtDNA Test Full Sequence, haplogroup H3, FTDNA kit #226932
It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Judy: Have you taken a test? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.
Comments: 41

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Thank you for participating in the December 2024 USBH Connecting Challenge and helping us create 3795 profiles. We created a total of 50,162 profiles for the year through the challenge. We exceeded our 2024 goal of reaching 400k profiles and finished out the year with 455,869!

You can see your personal 2024 challenge total and your all time 2021-2024 total on the 2024 tab here: our tracking spreadsheet.

We will continue the 1880 Census Project in 2025

Hi Judy, I sent you a private message on 13 Jan 025 about your request to take the Profile Improvement Project's PIP Voyage. It would have been in an email from WikiTree with the subject heading "WikiTree Profile Improvement Project Voyage" I am following up as I haven't heard from you. Did you receive my message?
posted by Robin (Dodge) Shaules
Judy, please help the 1776 sticker / category error reporting on https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Johnson-84594. The Little River Militia in categories lists it for South Carolina.

There is a Major Cunningham https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Cunningham-2121 but is he the Major being referred to? Major C is currently coded for Cumberland County Militia, Virginia Militia, American Revolution... Thanks

posted by Beryl Meehan
Hi Judy, We had 21 members sign-up for the Connect-a-Soldier challenge, the group connected 430 Soldiers to members of their families and added a total of 5,380 profiles during the Thon. Great Job Everyone, we beat last years record by 70 soldiers!!!
Judy (Flamer) Bramlage participated in the January 2025 US Civil War Project Connect-a-Soldier Challenge.
Thank you Judy for joining the challenge, you connected 19 soldiers and added 110 profiles.
posted by Pam Kreutzer
Hi Judy, I can't thank you enough for all the work you done on my Brick Wall for Henry Monk Fisher. What a wonderful surprise if was when I got my weekly E-mail and saw all the work you did You must of spent hours. What a true blessing you are. It was even a bigger surprise to find out that you are my 15th cousin! Thanks again. Have a great year.
posted by Chris Wine
Welcome to the South African Roots project

We look forward to work with you

Here is our home page to help you navigate the project rules https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Project:South_Africa Do ask if you need help

You should add your association to the Red Hat Society on your profile page, Judy.
posted by Judi Stutz
edited by Judi Stutz
Hi Judy, Thank you for participating in the March-April POW’s who Died in Andersonville Prison Challenge, there were 25 members who contributed to the Challenge. At the beginning of the challenge there were 137 Profiles created, we are now at 1,629 profiles.
Judy (Flamer) Bramlage created soldier profiles in March-April 2023 US Civil War Project POW Died in Andersonville Prison Challenge.

In case you’d like to continue creating profiles for these soldiers we have a new space page https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:POW%27s_Who_Died_in_Andersonville_Prison whose purpose is to steadily create profiles for the 12,681 soldiers buried in Andersonville National Cemetery.

Thank you again for joining the Challenge.

posted by Pam Kreutzer
Hi Judy,

On the profile for Abigail Rowley you've made changes that suggest she wasn't the daughter of Moses Rowley by a first unknown wife, yet the silver book doesn't say that at all. What are the sources that argue against her being his daughter? I note that you changed her birth statement to say that there's a birth record in Windsor that provides this evidence, can you please cite that record so that we have some sort of support for this information?

You also make a statement (on the purported mother's profile Unknown Rowley that it was only in the imagination of the author in 1906, but Abigail's will clearly states relationships to her siblings, whether they were by adoption, or otherwise, the relationships are stated and aren't imaginary. So I think that comment isn't accurate.

Mayflower Project co-Leader
posted by Bobbie (Madison) Hall
edited by Bobbie (Madison) Hall
Hi Judy,

You may have already heard about this, but Mayflower Descendant 68 (2020), pages 192+ has an article on Shubael Rowley (1696-1756) and his son Shubael (1725-1795) offering pretty clear evidence that Shubael (1725) is definitely a descendant of Edward Fuller. I noticed on your Rowley Research site, you might not have the most current information for Shubael, his wife Hannah Brown, and some of their descendants

S Willson

posted by S (Hill) Willson
I was entering Mayflower Vol 5, Edward Fuller, into Wikitree.com but hadn't yet gotten to Shubael and Hannah (Brown) Rowley when I took a break to have shoulder surgery and then move. I hadn't gotten that far. Yes, it 100% right. Now I need to get back to that task and to updating my own website (RowleyResearch.org). Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
posted by Judy (Flamer) Bramlage

Acadian heritage connections: Judy is 21 degrees from Beyoncé Knowles, 21 degrees from Jean Béliveau, 19 degrees from Madonna Ciccone, 21 degrees from Rhéal Cormier, 19 degrees from Joseph Drouin, 20 degrees from Jack Kerouac, 19 degrees from Anne Murray, 22 degrees from Matt LeBlanc, 20 degrees from Roméo LeBlanc, 20 degrees from Azilda Marchand, 19 degrees from Mary Travers and 20 degrees from Clarence White on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.