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Elisabetha (Fleenor) Staub (bef. 1751)

Elisabetha Staub formerly Fleenor aka Stab
Born before in Germanymap [uncertain]
Daughter of [father unknown] and [mother unknown]
[sibling(s) unknown]
Wife of — married 1770 in Frederick, Marylandmap
Descendants descendants
Died [date unknown] [location unknown]
Problems/Questions Profile manager: Jeanie Watts private message [send private message]
Profile last modified | Created 20 Jan 2022
This page has been accessed 84 times.
The Birth Date is a rough estimate. See the text for details.



Based on the record of her marriage by 1769, this Elizabetha (___) was probably born before 1751, possibly in Germany. Her origins are disputed.

She married Peter Staub by 24 September 1769, when the St. Peter's Rocky Hill Lutheran parish register identifies them as a married couple being confirmed in the church.

The date of her death is unknown. Some, without source, give a death date of 11 January 1825.


Children of Elisabetha (____) and Peter Staub/Stab include at least:

  1. Nicolaus, b. 17 May 1771, bp. 30 Jun 1771
  2. Adam, b. 15 Dec 1772, bp. 25 Apr 1773
  3. Joh. Jacob, b. 10 May 1775, bp. 25 Aug 1775
  4. Christian, b. 10 Apr 1777, bp. 25 May 1777

Research Notes

Distinguishing Elisabetha Ehrhardt and Staub

This profile represents the Elisabetha (___) who married Peter Staub/Stab. She is not the same person as the Elisabetha who married Georg Ehrhardt. The St. Peter's Rocky Hill Parish Registers, 1769-1889 (available on here) show that both couples were having children and getting them baptized at the same church at the same time.

For further details, including a table summarizing the relevant parish records, see the following Free Space page: Distinguishing Elizabetha Ehrhardt and Elizabetha Staub

Disputed Origins

Many researchers identify her parents as Johannes Flinner and his wife Anna, although researchers also frequently conflate Elisabetha Ehrhard and Elisabetha Staub. The parish records do show that Johannes and Anna Flinner acted as godparents at St. Peter's Rocky Hill Lutheran Church in Frederick County, Maryland, for both couples, but others also acted as the godparents for both of them. Thus, it is unclear what if any family relationship existed between the Flinners and either Elisabetha. In the absence of further evidence establishing the nature of that relationship, the claim that Elisabetha, the wife of Peter Staub was the child of Johannes and Anna Flinner remains speculative.

For further details, including a table summarizing the relevant parish records, see the following Free Space page: Distinguishing Elizabetha Ehrhardt and Elizabetha Staub

Disputed Birth Location

A prior version of this profile, without source, gave the location of her birth as Wartenburg, Wittenberg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany.


Some of the relevant records are included here:

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Comments: 7

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Elisabetha Staub's child Nicolaus Staub was baptized on 30 June 1771 in Rocky Hill, Frederick, Maryland, United States.<ref>

Baptism of child Nicolaus Staub: "Pennsylvania and New Jersey, U.S., Church and Town Records, 1669-2013", database with images

Historical Society of Pennsylvania; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Historic Pennsylvania Church and Town Records

Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Record 2451 #2106738033 (accessed 27 August 2024)

Name Elisabetha Staub
Gender Female
Spouse Peter Staub
Child Nicolaus Staub


Elisabetha Ehrhardt's child Anna Elisabetha Ehrhardt was baptized on 25 January 1772 in Rocky Hill, Frederick, Maryland, United States.<ref> Baptism of child Anna Elisabetha Ehrhardt: "Pennsylvania and New Jersey, U.S., Church and Town Records, 1669-2013", database

Historical Society of Pennsylvania; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Historic Pennsylvania Church and Town Records

Ancestry Record 2451 #2106738054 (accessed 27 August 2024)

Name Elisabetha Ehrhardt
Gender Female
Spouse Georg Ehrhardt
Child Anna Elisabetha Ehrhardt


Elisabeth Stab's child Joh Jacob Stab was baptized on 25 August 1775 in Rocky Hill, Frederick, Maryland, United States.<ref> Baptism of child Joh Jacob Stab: "Pennsylvania and New Jersey, U.S., Church and Town Records, 1669-2013", database

Historical Society of Pennsylvania; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Historic Pennsylvania Church and Town Records

Ancestry Record 2451 #2106738122 (accessed 27 August 2024)

Name Elisabeth Stab
Gender Female
Spouse Peter Stab
Child Joh Jacob Stab


Elisabeth Ehrhard's child Johann Ehrhard was baptized on 4 Jun in Rocky Hill, Frederick, Maryland, United States.<ref> Baptism of child Johann Ehrhard: "Pennsylvania and New Jersey, U.S., Church and Town Records, 1669-2013", database

Historical Society of Pennsylvania; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Historic Pennsylvania Church and Town Records

Ancestry Record 2451 #2106738006 (accessed 27 August 2024)

Name Elisabeth Ehrhard
Gender Female
Spouse Georg Ehrhard
Child Johann Ehrhard


posted by [Living Johnson]
Fleenor-165 and Flinner Fleenor Fleiner-1 are not ready to be merged because: See comments on both profiles. There were two different Elisabethas -- one married Georg Erhardt & the other married Peter Staub. Both had children whose godparents were Johannes Flinner & his wife Anna, but it is unclear whether either Elisabetha was actually their daughter.
posted on Flinner Fleenor Fleiner-1 (merged) by Scott McClain
There must be some kind of proof of something to differentiate the two Elizibeth's?

Can we have one as Fleenor and the other as Unknown and put their husbands and kids associated with Elizabeth. I think we can follow the DNA for which one belongs to who? Just a thought, then we can do further research separately. What do you think?

This is how it flagged me - Error 663: USA too early in marriage location

posted on Flinner Fleenor Fleiner-1 (merged) by [Living Johnson]
edited by [Living Johnson]
It is possible that we might eventually be able to prove that one or the other (or even both) of these Elisabethas was the daughter of Johannes Flinner and his wife Anna using DNA evidence, but at this distance it would require a triangulated match, and will probably be a challenge. We can't really designate one or the other as a Fleenor -- either or both of them MIGHT be a Fleenor, or might not.

Since this Elisabetha (Fleenor-411) is currently attached as the mother of Staub children, and the other (Fleenor-165) is currently attached as the mother of Ehrhardt children, I suggest that we make this Elisabetha (Fleenor-411) the profile for the Elisabetha who married Peter Staub, and the other Elisabetha (Fleenor-165) the profile for the Elisabetha who married Georg Ehrhardt. We can leave them both as (uncertain) children of Johannes & Anna Flinner for now, and just include a Research Note explaining the issue. If everyone agrees with that approach, I can take a first crack at doing it. I will post a similar comment on Fleenor-165.

posted by Scott McClain
I think that would be great and a start at figuring this out.

I have done some DNA conformations, not an expert but I could give it a shot and see what happens?

posted by [Living Johnson]
Since we know that Johannes Flinner and his wife Anna acted as godparents for the children of two different Elisabethas -- the one who married Georg Erhardt and the one who married Peter Staub -- and we don't know which (if either) of those Elisabethas was actually the daughter of Johannes Flinner and his wife Anna-- I suggest that (1) we make one of these profiles the Elisabetha who married George Erhardt & the other the Elisabetha who married Peter Staub; and (2) we detach the parents for both of them, and add a Research Note explaining about the baptismal records that suggest one or the other might have been the daughter of those parents.
posted on Flinner Fleenor Fleiner-1 (merged) by Scott McClain
The Last Name at Birth should not include multiple different spellings of the same name. For guidance on WikiTree naming rules for the LNAB, see this here. It's unclear which of these spellings was the original spelling for the children of Johannes Flinner and his wife Anna, but the profiles for all of the other children use "Fleenor" so it might be good to stick with that.

However, as explained in the Research Notes for Fleenor-165, there are probably two different women named Elizabetha Fleenor/Fleiner/Flinner at Peter Rocky Hill Lutheran Church in Frederick County, Maryland -- one who married Georg Erhardt & another who married Peter Stab/Staub. They are not the same person because the St. Peter's Rocky Hill Parish Registers, 1769-1889 (available on here) show that both couples were having children and getting them baptized at the same church at the same time. They are both connected to Johannes & Anna Flinner somehow because Johannes and Anna acted as godchildren for some of the children of both couples, but it is not clear what the relationship was. It's possible that one or the other (or even both) were just family friends rather than daughter and son-in-law of Johannes & Anna Flinner.

posted on Flinner Fleenor Fleiner-1 (merged) by Scott McClain

Acadian heritage connections: Elisabetha is 25 degrees from Beyoncé Knowles, 26 degrees from Jean Béliveau, 26 degrees from Madonna Ciccone, 23 degrees from Rhéal Cormier, 24 degrees from Joseph Drouin, 28 degrees from Jack Kerouac, 24 degrees from Anne Langstroth, 23 degrees from Matt LeBlanc, 23 degrees from Roméo LeBlanc, 25 degrees from Azilda Marchand, 23 degrees from Mary Travers and 25 degrees from Clarence White on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.

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