Roger Fontaine
Privacy Level: Private with Public Biography and Family Tree (Yellow)

Roger Fontaine

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 9 Jan 2023 | 944 contributions | 45 thank-yous | 2,404 connections
Communication Preferences: I am interested in communicating private message with anyone who shares the same ancestors. My family tree is at < richard&n=fontaine&oc=0&type=tree>.
interesting to research De la Fontaine Solare, into de Fontaines, and simply Fontaine. The Fontaine dit Lafontaine , Pion, dit Pontbriand of Quebec are also interesting, especially those around Verchères in 1700.

I'm listing our Fontaine dit Bienvenu Facebook page for your enjoyment. I'm also looking for connections between Fentons and Fontaines around the 1600's. Variants like deFenton sound like deFontaine, De Fountain, etc. Many Fentons are in Staffordshire and Virginia, USA in the 1700's. and there was migration between England and France in the 1600's, partly because of the Catholic persecution of Huguenots and Protestants fleeing France.

Roger R. Fontaine aka Bergeron-Fontaine
Born 1950s.
Ancestors ancestors
Brother of [private brother (1940s - unknown)], , , [private brother (1940s - unknown)], [private sister (1950s - unknown)] and [private brother (1950s - unknown)]
Father of , [private son (1970s - unknown)], and [private daughter (1980s - unknown)]
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Profile last modified | Created 9 Jan 2023
This page has been accessed 1,705 times.


The biography for Roger Fontaine I've included my mother's family name as additional name to honour her contribution to my being. therefore: "Bergeron-Fontaine"

Template:Languages EN-1,


  • First-hand information. Entered by Roger Fontaine at registration:

==I have been involved in genealogy research since 1991, for 31 years, have published a family tree history book °Fontaine dit Bienvenu au Manitoba 1668-1991° , self-published by Fontaine Edition Limitée, sold 100 copies in French, translated and sold 30 copies in English, out of print; currently being held in the reference section of the Saint-Boniface Library and at the Centre du Patrimoine of the Société Historique de Saint-Boniface, at the Centre Culturel Franco-Manitobain at 340 Provencher Boulevard, Saint Boniface Manitoba. My main family tree website which i manage is located on with family name of °Fontaine dit Bienvenu° and °de la Fontaine°, ==

ref: <Réunion de famille Fontaine dit Bienvenu <ref: La Liberté, journal hébdomadaire, Saint Boniface, Presse-Ouest, article: La famille Fontaine de Sainte-Agathe, section Actuel- 9-15 Aout, 1991 de Karine Beaudette/>


ref:<; />

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  • private children's names (4)
  • spouse's name and marriage information
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DNA Connections
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Comments: 6

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Thanks for having a Big Heart and taking responsibility for Orphaned Profiles. You will want to read this After Adopting Orphans as it explains the special attention adopted profiles will sometimes need from their profile managers.
posted by Robin Lee
Hello, Roger!

Congratulations on certifying to work on pre-1700 profiles! It’s VERY IMPORTANT to read and understand the Help:Pre-1700 Profiles page. These profiles for deep ancestors are shared by many, and collaborating on them works best if we all follow the guidelines in the certification quiz.

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Pippin Sheppard ~ WikiTree Pre-1700 Greeter

posted by Pip Sheppard
Hi, Roger

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Sheryl ~ WikiTree Greeter

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Pippin Sheppard ~ WikiTree Greeter

posted by Pip Sheppard

Connections to Super Bowl halftime show performers: Roger is 23 degrees from Prince Nelson, 16 degrees from Dan Aykroyd, 23 degrees from Garth Brooks, 28 degrees from Chubby Checker, 22 degrees from Ella Fitzgerald, 23 degrees from Dusty Hill, 32 degrees from Whitney Houston, 23 degrees from Mick Jagger, 20 degrees from Paul McCartney, 20 degrees from Tom Petty, 20 degrees from Chris Stapleton and 14 degrees from Shania Twain on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.

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