Margaret (Gale) Haining
Privacy Level: Private with Public Biography and Family Tree (Yellow)

Margaret (Gale) Haining

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 28 Aug 2018 | 127,543 contributions | 7,595 thank-yous | 4,238 connections
Communication Preferences: I am interested in communicating private message with anyone who shares the same genealogical or historical interests. Here is my family tree.
Margaret A. Haining formerly Gale aka Tullipan
Born 1950s.
Ancestors ancestors
Daughter of [private father (1930s - unknown)] and [private mother (1920s - 2000s)]
[sibling(s) unknown]
[children unknown]
Problems/Questions Profile manager: Margaret Haining private message [send private message]
Profile last modified | Created 27 Aug 2018
This page has been accessed 11,441 times.


New South Wales flag
Margaret (Gale) Haining was born in New South Wales, Australia
Margaret (Gale) Haining participated in the June 2021 Categorization Project DBE 8071 Challenge.
Margaret (Gale) Haining participated in the June 2021 Categorization Project DBE 8072 Challenge.
Margaret (Gale) Haining is a member of the Australia Project.
Margaret was featured in a Meet Our Members Post on the WikiTree Blog!
Margaret (Gale) Haining participated with The Wizards of Aus during the 2019 Source-a-Thon, adding sources to some previously unsourced profiles.
Margaret (Gale) Haining participated with The Wizards of Aus during the 2019 Connect-a-Thon.
Margaret (Gale) Haining is participating with Team Australia during the 2019 Clean-a-Thon, correcting 440 suggestions.
Margaret (Gale) Haining participated with Team Australia during the 2018 Source-a-Thon, adding sources to some previously unsourced profiles.
Scottish flag
Margaret (Gale) Haining has Scottish Ancestors.
English flag
Margaret (Gale) Haining has English ancestors.
Margaret (Gale) Haining has Irish ancestors.

Born in Bathurst, New South Wales, Australia.

Brought up on the south coast of New South Wales in Bomaderry, in the Shoalhaven area.

!970-1972: 3 years General Nursing training, at St George Hospital, Kogarah, in Sydney. (Hospital based training before Nursing was a university degree).

1989-1994: Bachelor of Business (Accounting) degree, studied externally, part time at the University of Southern Queensland, in Toowoomba, Queensland.

1990-2009: Owner/operator of two tax preparation franchises, consisting of 6 offices on the Sunshine coast in Queensland, registered tax agent.

Lived in Queensland now since 1975, my husband, 4 children, and 4 of my 7 grandchildren are all Queenslanders, I'm in the minority at State of Origin time, fortunately I'm not a football fan!

Retired registered tax agent, now able to spend more time on my long term hobby of family history.

Gradually adding my previous research after uploading a Gedcom file.

As a member of the Data Doctors and Categorisation Projects, I'm concentrating on improving Australian profiles and categories..


  • First-hand information. Entered by Margaret Haining at registration.

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For access to Margaret Haining's full information you must be on Margaret's Trusted List. Please login.

DNA Connections
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Comments: 180

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Hi Margaret, Thanks for the editing on Chris and Liam Hemsworth's profiles.

As discussed with Amanda Myers, the 'See also" section of the Biography should not be formatted as bold text. I have adjusted the profiles accordingly. Cheers, William

posted by William Maher
Hi Margaret,

Sorry for the late reply. As requested by the Notables Project, I've opened up the profiles Glombik-1 and Kornhauser-11.

posted by Gabriela Mermon
Margaret, Just looking up Clipperton Island - Pacific Ocean - Associated with PG Taylor (Aust flier)

It appears no one has done a profile for Mr Clipperton - a very early pacific pirate.

John Clipperton Born c. 1676 Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England Died June 1722 (aged 45/46) Galway, Ireland Nationality English Occupation Privateer Known for Namesake of Clipperton Island

Geoff Raebel - The Shire

posted by Geoffrey Raebel
Thanks for your work on Edwin H Harper (Harper-18778). When I created the profile, I couldn't find a 7th South Carolina Cavalry category and to be honest I was more in trailblazer mode. Also if you are looking for profiles to work on I've been documenting the crew of a US Navy WWII Q-ship, USS Atik. She was one of two ships converted early in the war (USA early, not UK and dominions early).

posted by Anthony VanCampen
Ok, I gave you access to Cantor-209.
posted by Dannon Van De Linder
A bit of a whirlwind today, two living notable profiles in my family accepted today along with my membership of the Notables Project. Can you arrange for my badge please.
Hi Eddie, yes I'm working on it! :) Regards, Margaret
Just wondering am I going to receive my badge ?
Hi Eddie, I've sent another message to the project leader, hopefully you will soon have a badge. Regards, Margaret.
Should I have a Notables Badge? If so, I don't have one. I look foward to working ith you.


posted by [Living Spivey]
Hi Jerry, yes, as you joined via the Google group, you get a Notables Badge. I'll arrange for a leader to award that to you.

Regards, Margaret, Project Co-ordinator, Notables Project.

Margaret, you are the magician of categories. Thank you for helping out on that Slovakian cemetery request!
posted by Maggie N.
Thanks Maggie, no problem, seeing as there were already some cemetery categories in an easy to follow structure, it's relatively easy to copy the same structure and Pam had given a lot of info about the region and district. The categories are pretty basic, but someone someday will be able to add more if required.
Hi Margaret,

Thank you so much for joining the Southern Cross Stars for the Connect-a-Thon this weekend. There is information on the Southern Cross Stars page, and our chat post at . We'll see you on the new Aussie Challenge Teams channel on Discord. You can message me any time if you have any other questions. I'm always happy to help! Gillian, Southern Cross Stars Team Leader

posted by Gillian Thomas
Hi Margaret. You might like to know about this ship arrival category request.
posted by Jim Richardson
I'm contacting you for the annual ANZACS Project membership checkin. We really appreciate your involvement in the Project in the last year. Thank you so much for all your help to improve profiles of ANZACs on WikiTree.

Please could you reply to this profile comment, or send me a private message to let me know if you'd like to stay on in the Project, and to let me know what ANZACs activity you're planning to work on over the coming year. There are some ideas for activities on this page - Project:Anzacs. You could also add or update your entry on the 'Project Members and what we are doing' heading on that page.

If you've moved on to other things for the moment, that's absolutely fine. We'd appreciate if you'd let us know so that we can remove you as a member of the Project.

The ANZACs Project is a sub-project of the Military and War Project, which has a channel on Discord. If you're not on Discord yet, here's some information - Help:Discord. It's a great way to communicate with other members of the Project and help each other out.

We're always happy to receive any ideas or suggestions that you have to make our project even better.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Gillian ~ ANZACS Project Leader

posted by Gillian Thomas
Hi Gillian, I'm happy to stay in the project, I'm planning to do something on the Gallipoli cemeteries this year. There are 20 cemetery categories on WT in the Gallipoli area. Some might need renaming, tidying up, existing profiles added and others that don't have profiles yet.



posted by Margaret (Gale) Haining
edited by Margaret (Gale) Haining
That will be brilliant! Thanks for that. So glad you're staying with us.
posted by Gillian Thomas
Hi Margaret

This is the time for the annual 2024 check in with members of the Military and War Project. Have you been active during the last six months in the Military and War Project? Note that it is a requirement to respond to the Military and War Project Check-ins. Please respond to this message by clicking the reply button below this message, to post your answer. I look forward to hearing from you..

Many thanks,

Mary, Project Coordinator, Military & War

posted by Mary Richardson
Hi Mary, thanks for the check-in message. Yes, I'm categories team leader in the Australia Project and have been working on the Australian WWI and WW2 unit categories over the the last year, getting them changed to the correct format, so that both stickers are able to be used on our profiles. Also adding stickers and creating new unit categories to those profiles that are in the top level army categories, finding records for those that don't have them on their profiles (quite a few!)

Thanks for all you do for the project, regards, Margaret

Thanks Margaret for checking in. I marked you ACTIVE.. Mary
posted by Mary Richardson
Hello Margaret

I am happy to stay with the project.

Kind regards SHaron

Hi Margaret

I would like to stand down from the Australian Projects team for the moment. Life has a habit of getting in the way of my genealogical pursuits and, for now, other things must take priority. Thank you for having me in the team, it was fun. Blessings Lynne

posted by Lynne (Ardill) Byass
Hi Lynne,

Thank you for your reply to the checkin, and for your involvement in the Australia Project in the past, and your past contributions to WikiTree, they are much appreciated.

As you are not in a position to be an active team member in the Project at this time, we will remove you from the Project list. You are always more than welcome to re-join at any time.

Kind Regards

Margaret Haining Membership Coordinator

Hi Margaret. A G2G question you might like to look at: How do I answer Category for Australia Immigrant Voyage.
posted by Jim Richardson
Thanks Jim :) (plus 30 characters)
Hi again Margaret: another one about location formats. Maybe this can be left as it is, but some of the suggestions expressed may need correcting.
posted by Jim Richardson
Hello Margaret, Since I seem to be creating new cemetery categories daily, and working on linking profiles to existing cemetery categories, I thought I had better officially join the Categories Project, but that seems to be closed for now. Is is alright to be adding categories even though not a member of the Project?

I am part of the Cemetery project. Cheerio, Patricia

posted by Patricia Roche
Hi Patricia, yes unfortunately the Categorization Project has no leader for almost two years, and may be restructured, no-one seems to know what the future holds so we just keep doing what we do! Thank you for working on and creating cemetery categories, much appreciated! You certainly don't need to be a member of the Categorization project to create cemetery categories.

Kind regards, Margaret

Lack of leadership is unfortunate since categories are becoming so popular. I've previously just added them to my watchlist profiles, then started helping with G2G requests and began to wonder if I'm overstepping. Will continue to help with easiest ones that I feel confident with.
posted by Patricia Roche
Hi Margaret,

Thanks for your patience.

"Did you get my message about the country name in the migration CIBs?" I am obviously missing something simple. The correct country is Congress Poland. I had not spotted any difference between the group that has been processed (Siedlce Governorate) with all the others.

In the last 5 minutes I spotted a small difference. "The Category:Migrants from Siedlce Governorate to New Jersey" does not have an entry for "location=", the others do, However I thought this was something I thought I had been doing consistently when I created the Governate categories.

What am I missing?

posted by Steve Thomas
edited by Steve Thomas
Hi Steve,

Answering the 2nd part first, you'll see I did the Siedlce Governorate ones, that's why they've already gone through, the others are still waiting on review, i'll get some of those approved later, ready for the next Editbot run. There's a big pile in there at the moment (yours and others). The level 4 and 5 categories don't need a location parameter, they don't have a location parent category. You only NEED a location parameter with the level 3 ("Xxxxxx, Emigrants) IF the location parent is going to be different to the location name of the category. See where the location parent category (Siedlce (Province)) is different to the location name in the category (Siedlce Governorate).

BTW, there is no name= parameter in the Migration CIB so you don't need that in there.

The first part, I sent a private message which would have come as an email, but you musn't have received. I'll copy the text so what follows here is copied from that message:

Just a question. Yesterday I fixed a red category that was on a profile for "Migrants from Siedlce Governorate to somewhere". As well I changed the upper level ones to Governorate. That was the first time I actually went to the category

On that category there is a red sign saying that the category will be deleted, presumably once the profiles are categorized into the correct categories.

If that is the case, and that one is deleted, what will be the "Country, Emigrants" category? Again, I'm assuming "Russian Empire, Emigrants" will be the country level category?? If that is the case, then Russian Empire should be used as the country in all the Category Info boxes instead of Congress Poland (if Congress Poland will be deleted). Editbot doesn't rename categories where it is added by a CIB parameter. They need to be done manually.

If Russian Empire isn't going to be the country after Congress Poland is deleted, what will be? Again, that should be the country used now in the CIBs.

Cheers, Margaret

Thanks very much Margaret,

Your comment about locations parameters for level 4 or 5 migration categories makes sense to me. I didn't know that rule. I had merely copied what had worked for me before.

The red banner will disappear. The "Congress Poland, Emigrants" needs to stay in place. The banner was put there by Skye in the Poland Project. The Congress Poland was a migration entity and underneath the Country "Russian Empire". The whole point of this exercise was to break Congress Poland into smaller fragments. It also improves the consistency with the other Governorates in the Russian Empire. I was going to wait till the Governorates were finished before advising Skye that this work was completed and remove the red banner.

No, I had not received your e-mail via the Personal Message system. The system does not like me. I have received some e-mails but I know of several occasions where I had not received a message sent to me. It is a major reason I prefer to use Discord.

Thanks again for your patience and education,

Cheers, Steve.

posted by Steve Thomas
Hi Steve,

It doesn't matter if you do put the location in the 4 or 5 ones, it just doesn't do anything.

If that category isn't going to be deleted, then maybe that red message should be deleted or changed to something else so it's not so misleading.

Cheers, Margaret

Thanks Margaret,

I agree. The banner was a loose end in this work-in-progress. My last sentence in the second paragraph "I was going to wait till the Governorates were finished before advising Skye that this work was completed and remove the red banner.". With the governorates so close I will advise Skye of the work and delete the banner now.

Cheers, Steve.

posted by Steve Thomas
Hi Margaret

The 2023 Source-a-Thon is coming up on the weekend commencing 29 September. As usual it’s a 72 hour event. The Southern Cross Stars team will be participating and we’d love to have you on the team again if you’re available. You can register at now at register-now-for-the-2023-source-a-thon. We’re not a super-competitive team, so even if you are only free for a couple of hours or you like to work slowly and go down rabbit holes, it will be fun to have you involved. It all helps to improve the tree. We’ll be on Discord again too, if you like to chat during the event.

Gillian, Captain, Southern Cross Stars

posted by Gillian Thomas
Hi Margaret,

I see you deleted a category from as non-existent. That's right. I thought maybe this was the way to get that category. Following the prescribed procedure by posting in G2G asking for help did not result in any answer:

What options are left?

posted by Sjaak Spijkermans
Hi Sjaak, I would suggest contacting the Holocaust Project to get advice from them as to where in their category structure the new categories would fit. Regards, Margaret
Hi Margaret,

I saw you updating Germany Needs Birth Record Category Content every once in a while. If this is technically necessary, I'm fine with it. If not: the page will be updated every week with automatically generated content anyways, so a dead link is no problem there for a few days.

Kind regards from Black Forest

posted by Florian Straub
Thanks Florian, I was deleting a link to a category that was sent to be deleted. While there is still a link somewhere to it, the category can't be deleted. Regards, Margaret
G'Day Margaret

My Name is Allan Watt My family settled in the Tommerong area in the 1850's Great great Grandson of James Watt and Margaret Mathie I just noticed on one of your Trees A William Watt who came from the same area in Scotland as my Ancestors I am only new at this game So I just thought I would give you a yell Kind Regards Allan

posted by Allan James Watt
Hi Allan, great to hear from you, as you probably saw from my tree, I'm a GG granddaughter of James Watt & Margaret Mathie, via James and Mary Ann Turner. Looks like we are 3rd cousins, on both the Watt and Turner sides, with brothers James and Andrew marrying sisters Mary Ann and Jane Turner.

Welcome to WikiTree, I hope you are enjoying your time here, you'll find our Watt family back to William Watt are all on WikiTree.

Kind regards, Margaret

Thanks Margaret. "Category: Needs Destination to be Identified" is now empty and can be deleted. Cheers, Steve.
posted by Steve Thomas
Margaret you are approved for Military and War Google Group


Mary Richardson, Project Coordinator

posted by Mary Richardson
Welcome to the Military and War Project, Margaret Haining. The Military and War Project covers many wars such as the War of 1812, Spanish American War, Anzacs, The Great War, World War II, Vietnam, Korean Conflict, Mexican American War, Afghanistan, and Iraq and others.

In addition to the Military and War badge, I also awarded the Great War badge to you.

Natalie Trott is the leader of the project.

We use the Military and War Google group for discussion. If you apply, please include your full name and WikiTree link.

Mary Richardson, Project Coordinator

posted by Mary Richardson
edited by Mary Richardson
Thank you Mary, I have applied to join the Google group. :)
Hi there Margaret,

You added a Category for Llandecwyn, Merionethshire, for which many thanks. In future, if you add a Category, please can you use the Category Information Box format that we use for Places in Wales. If you don't know how to do that, please give me a shout and I can show you, or I'll do it for you if you prefer. Steve

posted by Steve Bartlett
Hi Steve, I've tracked down the history of this category;

8 Sept 2022 Wendy Jones added a category to Margaret Evans profile. with the information on the category. Wendy Jones then initiated a rename (incorrect spelling), its listed on Editbot log file for 9 September also see Editbot change on Margaret Evans profile. my name is listed on the Editbot file as reviewing the rename. I would have reviewed the rename and must have found that Wendy didn't create the new category for the renaming, otherwise, if she had, the new one would be in her name. I've created it for her and copied exactly what she had on the old category. That's why my name is on it as creator.

Hope that clarifies things, regards, Margaret

Hi Margaret,

I copy some of the message I sent to Florian in the Germany Project. Some of this debate is not going to go away quickly.

<<quote>> Thankyou for renaming the migration categories form "Migrants from Hanover ...." to "Migrants from Kingdom of Hanover...... ". Editbot renamed the category last night. I received >50 change notices.

I know that Jelena wants to eliminate historic categories. I am very happy to only use modern day location categories for any Births, Deaths and Marriages. Some historic categories need to be kept for migrating ancestors. The "Kingdom of Hanover" is very clearly a historic reference. <<endquote>>

posted by Steve Thomas
Hi Margaret - you wrote: these two categories both have links that need to be changed before they can be deleted, AND

Ladies Companion of the Garter has been cleaned. Awaiting removal of one link from a personal profile for "Knights of the Garter"

posted by Jo Fitz-Henry
Thanks Jo, much appreciated :)
Other category cleaned now too.
posted by Jo Fitz-Henry
Thank you for providing categorization for Edmond Leannis Simms (abt.1837-aft.1861). There has been some discussion regarding whether Edmond Simms was for the CSA or USA. The fact that his widow was able to file for and get a pension seems to indicate that he was for the USA. But the category, 3rd Regiment, Tennessee Cavalry (Forrest's), would align him with the CSA. Is the "Company B" the deciding factor? Or am I misreading the category all-together?
Hi Rebecca, I'm not able to help with deciding the side, I just looked for the correct category for the unit= parameter of the sticker, as what you had previously was creating a red category. See my changes.

Someone else had already added the category itself, but there is another category for 3rd Regiment Tennessee Cavalry (Union) that might be more applicable. I've added it to the profile as well, you can decide which one is correct. Looks like there is a 3rd Regiment category for both sides.

Just leave the unit= parameter blank, it doesn't affect the sticker display, and just determine which of the two categories to remove.

Regards, Margaret

Thank you Margaret. This profile was my first experience with Civil War veterans and I'm still learning. I really appreciate all of your help.
Thank you for fixing the flag on that Faulk-1088 profile. I couldn't get the flag I wanted to work.
Thanks Margaret for fixing my French migration category. Steve.
posted by Steve Thomas
You are very welcome, just part of my routine category fixing. :) Cheers, Margaret.
Thank you Margaret for following behind me and fixing my fat-fingered categorization mistakes! Emma
No problem, I just come across anything that creates red categories :), Cheers, Margaret
Many Thanks Margaret for adding the Cemetery cat to Odendal-9

You are a star !!

Kia ora,

I have copied the Code Used for the {{England Sticker l Cornwall} to a number of my ancestors profiles and get the message to say that what I am doing is reserved to members of the England sticker group.

Nga mihi nui

Clare Pierson

posted by Clare Pierson
Hi Clare, can you give me a link to an affected profile, I'm not sure what the problem could be, regards Margaret
Thanks, Margaret. One of the profiles is Atkinson-9977
posted by Clare Pierson
Hi Clare, have a look at what I've done,, the sticker now displays correctly. I think you were using a capital I instead of the pipe symbol | in the sticker. The pipe symbol | on my keyboard is on the same key as the \ right hand end of row of numbers.

Hope that helps, regards, Margaret

Excellent. I couldn't find the pipe symbol on my keyboard. I just found that one that looks like a colon above the backward \ works. Thank you very much!
posted by Clare Pierson
We thought we should let the Categorization Project know the 1776 Project will soon begin maintenance of the American Revolution category. No changes to the structure of the category will be done. At this phase of maintenance, only additions to existing sub-categories (the regiments) will take place. Please let me know if there is anyone else I should inform.

Betty - 1776 Project Leader

posted by Betty (Skelton) Norman
Hi Betty, thanks for your message, as you probably know the Categorization project doesn't currently have any leadership, so the project is is in limbo.

Regards, Margaret

Hi Margaret - the Categories pertaining to the re-organisation of the Nobility of the British Isles are going to be in flux for a few days as they are such a mess. Please bear with me and Stephen if we inadvertently leave a category unhitched during this time. <grin>

Thanks, Jo

posted by Jo Fitz-Henry
Thanks for adding the newest member to the Prussia Team. The ancestry is very interesting. There's a number of Wikitree profiles for people who emigrated from West Prussia to Queensland in the late 1800's.
posted by Steve Thomas
Thank you Margaret for your review of my ancestor's civil war service and corrections. I appreciate your help!!!
posted by Noliwe Hill
Hi Margaret, Anytime a red link category request shows up for Emma DNA Sandbox, those are category threads I'm activity working on for a project. It throws me off if someone else takes care of them for me because I'm adding profiles and other subcategories to them in a systematic manner. Thanks, Emma
Hello Margaret,

Thank you for reacting promptly and "disconnecting" Ernest Arthur Little from a marriage to one Margaret Louisa Jane Rawlings. Best Wishes, Geof

posted by Geoffrey Coleman
Thanks Margaret for fixing the ship Heloise (1835).

It's been so long since I renamed a category!

posted by Steve Thomas
Steve, no problem, all good. Thanks for finding the launch date. :)
Hi Margaret,

Thank you for the corrections to Jansje Hollander her profile. I must have been sleeping when I put in the information in the sticker (and using a different keyboard than I’m used to). Will pay additional attention from now on.

Cheers, Joan

posted by Joan Hollander
Thanks Joan, you're not alone, we often get red categories from incorrect info in the Dutch Roots stickers. If you do a quick check of categories after saving, you can pick up any typos, happens to us all at times!

Cheers Margaret :)

Hi Margaret,

I've noticed that you are adding ship passenger lists to the South Australia, Free Space pages category. I've seen a few myself, Space:Prussian_Immigrant_Ships_to_South_Australia

posted by Steve Thomas
Hi Steve, I'm going through the "Arrivals to <State>" categories and adding the free space pages that are linked to voyage categories to these categories, All the states are done , except SA which I've just started, I've done A and B so far.

Cheers, Margaret

Thanks Margaret,

I am finding this category quite interesting to read. It's nice to see that the Swan River Colony gets its own category. I also like some of the history of some of the ships. For example, some of my ancestors arrived at Port Adelaide on a voyage from Hobart on the Palmyra. They were part of a group of German migrants that originally settled in NZ in 1844, but the plan was not successful. Cheers, Steve

posted by Steve Thomas
edited by Steve Thomas
Hi Margaret,

Thank you for editing the ROH Sticker for Kenneth Eugene "Kenny" Demorest (1922-1942) for me. I wasn't sure what I was doing wrong when I put it on his page.

posted by David Owens
Hi Margaret,

Thanks for adding White Hut to the profile of Augusta (Lindner) Hillman. What tempted you to look at this profile? Cheers, Steve

posted by Steve Thomas
Hey Steve, actually Leandra requested it on our category request page, don't know how she came across it?? I didn't even notice it was one of yours when I created the category :) Cheers, Margaret
Hi Margaret,

Thanks for repairing the ship names 'Cesar Godeffroy' and 'Peter Godeffroy', built in the Godeffroy shipyard at the Reiherstieg wharf. I'm sure I created one of the original errors (Peter Goddefroy) while I was renaming the voyages categories to '......., Arrived ......'

I've seen other ships with variable spelling. One is the 'Skjold', which arrived at SA in 1841 and is spelt 'Skiold' in NZ. Another example is the 'Iserbrook' which was also built by Joh. Ces. Godeffroy & Sohn.

Regards, Steve.

posted by Steve Thomas
Hi Steve, I've got a category request for the 1856 arrival of the "Johann Cesar" which I'll be doing shortly, as well as correcting "Caesar" in the parent ship. What's your opinion on "Johan" or "Johann", given that Wikipedia uses both in their article, although "Johan" seems to be used the most??

Regards, Margaret

Thanks Margaret,

Johann Cesar.

I'm confident holding onto the 'nn' in Johann, but I've seen Cesar spelt Caeser a number of times as well. e.g.

The ship's list copies the following information: "The Hamburg bark JOHANN CESAR was built at Reiherstieg, Hamburg, by Joh[ann] Ces[ar] Godeffroy & Sohn, Hamburg, for its own account, in 1851/52; Bielbrief [certificate of registry] 3 September 1852. 182 Commerzlasten/390 tons; 37,9 x 8,1 x 5,12 meters (length x beam x depth of hold)."

Another reference lists the following voyages from Hamburg: 1852/1853 - Sydney/Batavia/Semarang 1853/1854 - Melbourne/Valparaiso/Huasco, Chile/Herradura, Chile/Islay, Peru 1854/1855 - Adelaide/Valparaiso/Caldera, Chile/Islay 1855/1857 - Moreton Bay/intermediate ports/Calcutta 1857/1858 - Sunderland/Totoral, Chile/Valparaiso 1858/1859 - Cape of Good Hope/East London/Bombay/Cochin, India 1859/1860 - Cardiff/intermediate ports/Kronstadt 1860/1861 - Cape of Good Hope/Antwerp 1861/1863 - Nikolajewsk, Amur/intermediate ports/London 1863/1865 - Moreton Bay/intermediate ports/Caldera, Chile/Valparaiso 1865/1867 - Moreton Bay/intermediate ports/Le Havre

posted by Steve Thomas
edited by Steve Thomas
Hi Margaret, thanks for adding navigation tabs to Space:Prussian_Settlement_in_Australia_-_German_Australians.

I've been experimenting in Space:County_Cavan_Team. Regards, Steve.

posted by Steve Thomas
Yes, we are adding them to all the project pages and team pages, so people can easily move to find other resources.

Cheers, Margaret

[Comment Deleted]
posted by Steve Thomas
edited by Steve Thomas
deleted by Steve Thomas
Hi Steve, that one was one of the old migration categories superseded by the new structure, it only had a handful of profiles. I think there was one other of yours that didn't have a lower level category as well, it looks like from his wife's profile that she was widow when she emigrated, so he might not have made it here? Always interesting how we found Wikitree, similar to me, I found the profile of my GG-grandfather on here in a google search, created by Kath Cobcroft, who turned out to be my third cousin. Regards, Margaret
[Comment Deleted]
posted by Steve Thomas
deleted by Steve Thomas
Hi Margaret, I have been working today and yesterday on a Bussorah Merchant 1883 voyage page, I just had a message that you had started the same, but I see it is now orphaned. Would you like me to incorporate what you had done already and add you to the trusted list?

Were any of you family on that ship? I'll make sure I add their profiles. Of course I hope to add ALL the profiles.... but its going to take a while!

Hi Leisa, my history with the category is I did the renaming for it, back in March when we were converting all the categories to the new format, (I imagine you got my message about all that). Anyway, there was excess information on the category page which belonged on a FSP, which I created, linked it to the category, then orphaned it. So, no, I have no actual connection to the voyage.

What I'll do, is move anything you haven't got to your page, and then get rid of that old one, and link your page in the category info box. I did just notice your inline references weren't showing on the page, so I've added a Sources heading and references tag so you can see them.

One of the links on the old page is the passenger list from NSW archives which could be helpful for you. I'll just add them to the page and let you re-arrange where you want them, I don't think there is much you don't have.

Good luck with it all! Regards Margaret

posted by Margaret (Gale) Haining
edited by Margaret (Gale) Haining

This week's featured connections gave Famous Speeches: Margaret is 21 degrees from Abraham Lincoln, 18 degrees from Winston Churchill, 25 degrees from Charles de Gaulle, 19 degrees from Vida Goldstein, 20 degrees from Patrick Henry, 18 degrees from John Kennedy, 24 degrees from Hin-mah-too-yah-lat-kekt Nez Perce, 21 degrees from Louis Riel, 16 degrees from Eleanor Roosevelt, 27 degrees from Sojourner Truth, 23 degrees from Richard von Weizsäcker and 18 degrees from William Wilberforce on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.