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Elisabet Virgilia Ragnhild Leontina (Generosi) Nepote (1890 - abt. 1991)

Elisabet Virgilia Ragnhild Leontina (Elisabeth) Nepote formerly Generosi
Born in Stockholm, Sverigemap
Ancestors ancestors
Wife of — married [date unknown] in Swedenmap
Died about at about age 100 in Stockholmmap
Problems/Questions Profile manager: Richard Wheeler private message [send private message]
Profile last modified | Created 6 Sep 2009
This page has been accessed 446 times.


Italian citizen. Born in Stockholm, Sweden, to Napoleone Generosi, a Italian salesman/peddler/street organ player, and his Swedish wife. At the time of her birth, the family lived a Glasbruksgatan in Stockholm. By 1895, her parents had separated. In the 1900 census, Elisabeth is listed at École Française in Stockholm, which was at the time run by Jenny Müller. In the 1910 census, she is listed with the family of her brother Romeo and working as a seamstress.

1890 census, Glasbruket vestra N:o 2, Katarina, Stockholm
Generosi, Napoleon, f. 1854 i Parma i Italien, handlande (merchant) (Note: states that he is a Swedish subject)
Jönson, Amanda Kristina, f. 1863 i Stockholm
Romeus Benediktus, f. 1886 i Stockholm
Rinaldo Umberto Angelo, f. 1889 i Stockholm
Elisabet Virgilia Ragnhild Leontina, f. 1890 i Stockholm

1910 census, Kv. Bonden mindre 11, Katarina rote 25, Stockholm[1]
Generossi, Romeo Benedetto, f. 1886 i Stockholms katolska församling, Cementarbetare (cement worker)
Hulda Oktavia, f. 1884 i Kungsholm Stockholms stad, hustru
Carminiella Lina Virgilia, f. 1905 i Kungsholm Stockholms stad, dotter
Ragnhild Elisabet Virginia, f. 1890 i Stockholms katolska församling, Sömmerska (seamstress)


  1. Folkräkning 1910 - Katarina församling, Stockholms stad, bildid: Folk_101025-238

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Categories: Italians in Sweden