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Rebekka Gilbert

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 2 Jul 2023 | 1,057 contributions | 41 thank-yous | 442 connections
Communication Preferences: I am interested in communicating private message with anyone who shares the same genealogical or historical interests. My family tree is at <>.
My paternal grandfather and his older brother we adopted upon my grandfather's birth by a paternal aunt and her husband which is where the Gilbert surname comes from. Their biological parents were Helen Tegmeier and Walter Krueger. Helen's mother was Walter's eldest sister Anna Louise Tegmeier(Krueger). There are extremely distant Gilbert cousins and ancestors in my tree but none that I would potentially share paternal DNA with. My father's Y-DNA from 23andMe came back as R-Z12 and his mtDNA was listed as H2a2. I was partially adopted(transfer of maternal rights) and know my birth mother, however only a year ago I learned who her father was with confirmation via an Ancestry DNA test which I manage. I also manage my maternal grandmother's Ancestry account.
Rebekka N. Gilbert
Born 1990s.
Ancestors ancestors
Daughter of [private father (1970s - unknown)] and [private mother (1970s - unknown)]
Sister of [private sister (2000s - unknown)] [half]
Mother of [private son (2010s - unknown)]
Problems/Questions Profile manager: Rebekka Gilbert private message [send private message]
Profile last modified | Created 1 Jul 2023
This page has been accessed 379 times.


Just someone with a love for history. Maybe one day I can do genealogy research for a living and not just a hobby.

Reason for Reseaching In early January 2021, Stepma bought the family 23andMe tests. This test revealed that my dad is not my sister's biological father as well as some interesting genetic information. This test (and others!) revealed how my direct maternal great-grandmother's parents emigrated from Transylvania in the 1910s and '20s, proved the insane amount of German heritage on my father's side, and showed a hint of some Maltese ancestry on my maternal grandfather's side somewhere. Including the biggest surprises of all: Polish, Russian, Middle Eastern Jewish, Finnish, and New France on Dad's side, and several nobility ties on my maternal side!

DNA Results

23andMe Results French & German 67.3% -Bavaria, Germany British & Irish 24.6% - All included regions Broadly Northwestern European 2.3% Eastern European 2.8% Greek & Balkan 1.7% -Sibiu, Romania -Bihor County, Romania Italian 0.4% Broadly European 0.8% Unassigned 0.1%

Ancestry Results England & Northwestern Europe 42% Germanic Europe 29% Scotland 17% Sweden & Denmark 10% Scotland 8% Central & Eastern European 4% France 3% Wales 3% Norway 2%

MyHeritage Results English 52.3% East European 26.8% Scandinavian 8.9% -Sweden (Västra Götaland) Finnish 7.1% Italian 3.6% Greek and South Italian 1.3%

FamilyTreeDNA Results England, Wales, and Scotland 69% Central Europe 20% Scandinavia 5% Baltic 4% Finland <1% East Slavic <1% Greece & Balkans <1% Arabian Peninsula <1%

mtDNA Full Sequence: V


  • First-hand information. Entered by Rebekka Gilbert at registration.

Only the Trusted List can access the following:
  • Rebekka's formal name
  • full middle name (N.)
  • e-mail address
  • exact birthdate
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  • images (1)
  • private siblings' names
  • private children's names (1)
For access to Rebekka Gilbert's full information you must be on Rebekka's Trusted List. Please login.

DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships. Maternal line mitochondrial DNA test-takers:
  • Rebekka Gilbert: Family Tree DNA mtDNA Test Full Sequence, haplogroup V, FTDNA kit #985049
It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Rebekka: Have you taken a test? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.
Comments: 6

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Hello Bekka,

Congratulations on certifying to work on pre-1700 profiles! It’s very important to read and understand the Pre-1700 Profiles page. These profiles for deep ancestors are shared by many, and collaborating on them works best if we all follow the guidelines in the certification quiz.

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Erin ~ WikiTree Pre-1700 Greeter

Hi Bekka,

Thanks for having a Big Heart and taking responsibility for Orphaned Profiles. You will want to read this After Adopting Orphans as it explains the special attention adopted profiles will sometimes need from their profile managers. You may also want to go through the new member help on How to manage your Watchlist.

posted by Robin Lee
Hi Bekka

Your profile runs on; in the Edit box, hit the <enter> key to break up paragraphs along with removing exact dates and places, etc.

Thank you!

posted by [Living Moore]
Hi, Bekka

At WikiTree, we aim to protect the privacy of all living individuals for their protection and in line with data protection legislation.

WikiTree has excellent privacy controls, but that won’t protect you and your family if you publish your personal information or the information of your living family members in your biography, Communications section, or on the profiles of others.

Since WikiTree is a public website, I suggest you remove references to dates, locations, or living individuals from your biography, or communication section, or comments.

For further information, see Privacy and Data Protection. For WikiTree’s Privacy Policy, see Privacy Policy.

Many thanks

Sheryl ~ WikiTree Greeter

posted by [Living Moore]
Hi, Bekka

Thank you for signing the WikiTree Honor Code; we appreciate it! We're happy to have you as a new Wiki Genealogist.

Make sure to check out the Intro to WikiTree page to learn how to get involved:

Sheryl ~ WikiTree Greeter

posted by [Living Moore]
Hi, Rebekka

Do you have any questions about our Honor Code?

I'm happy to help!

Sheryl ~ Volunteer WikiTree Greeter

posted by [Living Moore]

Connections to Super Bowl halftime show performers: Rebekka is 26 degrees from Prince Nelson, 21 degrees from Dan Aykroyd, 19 degrees from Garth Brooks, 29 degrees from Chubby Checker, 26 degrees from Ella Fitzgerald, 19 degrees from Dusty Hill, 32 degrees from Whitney Houston, 20 degrees from Mick Jagger, 23 degrees from Paul McCartney, 21 degrees from Tom Petty, 19 degrees from Chris Stapleton and 25 degrees from Shania Twain on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.

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