"OBITUARY" Daily Examiner (Grafton, NSW : 1915 - 1954) 25 May 1935: [1]
The death occurred at Runnymede private hospital, at about 10 o'clock last night, of Mr. William Greentree, of Duke street, Grafton, at the age of 57 years. He had been in failing health for about eight months, and was removed to Runny mede on Thursday last.
The deceased was a native of Grafton and, with the exception of a few years when he was living at Clunes, on the Richmond, he spent the whole of his life in the Clarence River district.
He was one of the founders of the firm of Messrs. Cox, Greentree and Stevens, coach builders, of Prince street, and he retired from the business at the end of last year. In his nearly days he was prominently associated with the sporting life of the community, and was particularly interested in rowing, being thewinner of a num ber of important events on the Clarence.
About 32 years ago, Mr. Greentree was married to Miss Ada Allison, of Grafton, who survives him with two daughters and one son. The daughters are Mesdames C. A. Bultitude, of Carr's Creek,and Miss Eileen Greentree, of Grafton, and the son is Mr. Reg Greentree, of Bulli, and formerly junior clerk in the Copmanhurst Shire Council office at Grafton.
There are five sisters of the deceased, viz., Mesdames T. Parker, South Grafton, & Page and Mc Cracken, of Sydney, and Misses Ada and M. Greentree, of Sydney. Brothers of the deceased are Messrs. George Greentree of Bowral, and Fred Greentree, of Quean-beyan. The Mayoress of Soufh Grafton, Mrs. Carl T. Schwinghamnier, is a niece of the deceased.
The funeral is appointed to leave Christ Church Cathedral at 4 p.m. to-day, for the Grafton cemetery. Members of Lodge Prince Leopold are requested to attend a Lodge of Sorrow at 3.30 p.m. Members of the Loyal Clarence Lodge, M.U.T.O.O.F. of which the deceased was a member, will also attend the funeral.
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