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Frank Aubrey Greentree (1898 - 1898)

Frank Aubrey Greentree
Born in Grafton, New South Wales, Australiamap
Ancestors ancestors
Died at about age 0 in Grafton, New South Wales, Australiamap
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Profile last modified | Created 6 Jan 2010
This page has been accessed 291 times.


Frank Aubrey Greentree was born and died in 1898 at Grafton, New South Wales, Australia. He was the only son of Alfred George Greentree and Ada Rose (née Cowper) Greentree. He was just one day of age.


  • Birth NSW BDM Index 30791/1898 GREENTREE FRANK A (parents) ALFRED G & ADA R (GRAFTON)
  • Death NSW BDM Index 13961/1898 GREENTREE FRANK A (parents) ALFRED G & ADA R (GRAFTON)

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