Steven Greenwood
Privacy Level: Private with Public Biography and Family Tree (Yellow)

Steven Greenwood

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 23 Jul 2020 | 8,815 contributions | 1,159 thank-yous | 582 connections
Communication Preferences: I am interested in communicating private message with anyone who shares the same genealogical or historical interests. Here is my family tree.
Looking to find missing links to some end points in my branches of the world tree. I thank my paternal grandmother for doing a lot of the work on our local family tree over the last two decades. I feel it is my responsibility to continue this journey.
Steven M. Greenwood
Born 1980s.
Ancestors ancestors
Son of [private father (1950s - unknown)] DNA confirmed and [private mother (1960s - unknown)]
Brother of [private brother (1970s - unknown)] [half] and [private brother (1990s - unknown)] [half]
Problems/Questions Profile manager: Steven Greenwood private message [send private message]
Profile last modified | Created 23 Jul 2020
This page has been accessed 9,997 times.




Steven Greenwood is an four-year editor of this wiki site (Greenwood-3667), having joined on 23 Jul 2020. He may appear on social media under his handle Realgar.

Starting in February 2024, he became the Coordinator of the Tanzania Project, which is a subproject of the Global Project. (Need help with this.)

Starting 11 Jan 2023, he is the Team Leader of the Germany Project's Categorization efforts.

From 26 Jan -July 2022, he was the Team Leader of Lower Saxony Team within Germany Project (it has since been restructured).

Greenwood has also worked on other wikis including:

He believes he has a thorough understanding of wiki markup.

Greenwood currently resides in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and has been making occasional trips to Sauk County, Wisconsin for some first-hand research.

He had 376 connections with 7 degrees as of 30 Jul 2022, 390 as of 16 Aug 2022, 405 as of 26 Aug 2022, 423 as of 13 Sep 2022, 427 as of 16 Oct 2022, and 428 as of 5 Nov 2022 (WikiTree Day). His degrees to QEII decreased by one after making a new connection to the tree through the Pope surname. It was 434 at the beginning of the January 2023 Connect-a-Thon, down from 441 a week earlier. This was likely due to some changing along the Alwin/Raedel line. After the January Thon was over, when Greenwood was actively working on his CC7, that number increased to 455. After the April Connect-A-Thon, it jumped slightly to 458. By October 2023 due to the occasional branch improvement over the year, it has increased to 476. After a Elfmas Wish was granted in early January 2024, the CC7 increased to 512! After making some Wisconsin connections during the January 2024 Connect-A-Thon, it jumped to 527, mostly in the 6th and 7th degree circle. At some point in the year this grew to 533. By Dec 2024, it reached to 550 (!), mostly in the 7th degree. After Connect-A-Thon XIII (January 2025), it rose by 32 to 582, from contributions in the 5th, 6th, and 7th degrees!

Space Pages Managed

His personal category is accessible at Category:Greenwood-3667, which includes his brick wall ancestors and multiple maintenance categories.

Genealogical Interests

Steven Greenwood is a member of the Germany Project.
Steven Greenwood has German Roots.
Steven Greenwood has roots in the region now known as Niedersachsen, Germany.
Steven Greenwood has roots in the region now known as Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany.
Steven Greenwood is a member of the Klitzke Name Study Project.
Steven Greenwood is a member of the Ripke Name Study Project.
Steven was featured in a Meet Our Members Post on the G2G Forum!
WikiTree Day
WikiTree Day Attendee: 2022
Steven Greenwood participated with Germany Genies during the 2021 Source-a-Thon, adding sources to 30 previously unsourced profiles.
Steven Greenwood participated with Germany Genies during the 2022 Source-a-Thon, adding sources to 8 previously unsourced profiles.
Steven Greenwood participated with Germany Genies during the 2022 Connect-a-Thon, and added 36 connections.

The Genies placed 16th out of 30 teams with 1,725 connections and had a normalized score of 157.
Steven Greenwood participated with Germany Genies during the January 2023 Connect-a-Thon, and added 36 (again!) connections.

The Genies placed 3rd out of 35 teams with 5,596 connections and had a normalized score of 295.
Steven Greenwood participated with Germany Genies during the April 2023 Connect-a-Thon, and added 79! connections.

The Genies placed 3rd out of 34 teams with 5,221 connections and had a normalized score of 326, the highest!
Steven Greenwood participated with Germany Genies during the January 2024 Connect-a-Thon, and added 21 connections.

He tied with 556th place out of 704 total participants. The Genies placed 4th out of 37 teams with 5,331 connections and had a normalized score of 254.
Steven Greenwood participated with Germany Genies during the July 2024 Connect-a-Thon, and added X connections.
Steven Greenwood was a RAWKER in the We Will RAWK You Event.
This user is a native speaker of English.
Dieser Benutzer hat grundlegende Deutschkenntnisse.
Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel básico de español.

To-Do List

His research is predominately focused on his pedigree. The paternal surnames include GREENWOOD, RIBBKE/RIPKE, WIATROK/WIATRICK, SCHIEFELBEIN, MITTLESTADT/MITTELSTEADT/MITTELSTAEDT, KROLL, POST, STOLTE, SCHULZ, GAUSE, MAAHS/MAAS/MAAß, PERLEBERG, MÜLLER, OETZMANN, GLEASH, and KLITZKE. The maternal surnames include SPROLL/SPRAUL/SPROUL, SAUER, and HUBER (clearly more underdeveloped).

The families of paternal origin largely started in Landkreis Uelzen, Hanover, Prussia (now Lower Saxony, Germany) and Pomerania/Posen, Prussia. Both groups emigrated to America and ended up in Sauk County, Wisconsin in the United States, an area apparently with a similar farming capability to that of the Luneberger Heide or the Central European Plain (See projects). His maternal ancestors appear to be confined to southern Germany (Rheinland-Pfalz/Baden-Württemberg) and stayed in Germany until the last generation.

Despite not having direct ancestry through the Milwaukee area, he finds that he is working more on profiles in the area that he lives, as cemeteries are accessible and local geography is better understood after a good decade of residence.

In addition, he is interested in the distribution of KELSNER around the world. Per Forebears, the surname only appears in Germany (100% in North-Rhine Westphalia) and the United States. Overall it appears as a ratio of 1:331,233,388 people (effectively the population of the United States in 2010).[1]

Recent knowledge from Y-DNA results in late 2021 are pointing to a strong paternal origin of Scotland through the father of Leo Greenwood. If said father was an Armstrong, it would be consistent with that of Clan Armstrong's placement overseas. The results state a Haplogroup of R-M269, consistent with Armstrong research, and one match is of the Glasgow surname, which incidentally leads to Glasgow, Scotland through Northern Ireland.

mtDNA matches also appear to point in a Scandinavian direction, but how it gets there is currently unknown. His maternal lines need to be expanded to confirm this connection.

Greenwood is concerned that mental illness in his family lineages plays a big part in his own experiences. There may be an attempt to understand the conditions his ancestors faced and the troubles they endured in their lives. If anything, it would be in the hopes to generate more awareness of mental health in America and end the stigma.


Greenwood has to acknowledge the previous research already performed by Donna Lange (Sauk County and Germany specialist who may have been responsible for much of the ground truth regarding his ancestry and adjacent families to his own that emigrated to America), Eberhard Behnke and Heinrich Porth (German genealogists of the Uelzen area), Heather Abrahamson (genealogist with a strong focus on the families of Sauk County), Kathy Waddell (transcriber of many cemeteries in Sauk County to, the late Oscar Sandstrom (gravestone photographer who documented many sites in Sauk County to Find A Grave), and his first cousin twice removed Kathy Janzen nee Ribbke.

The Germans: WikiTree genealogist (and WikiTreer of the Week for Feb 1-7, 2021) Dieter Lewerenz has been incredibly helpful in regards to translating documents and acquiring information from the area of Landkreis Uelzen, Niedersachsen (more below). My ninth cousin once removed and WikiTreer of the Week for June 5-12, 2023 Oliver Stegen has also been integral to unlocking the structure of the Gause family of Bienenbüttel, through his access to long out-of-print books, and was able to break my first brick wall! Later thoughout 2022 and 2023, WikiTreer of the Week for Mar 1-8, 2022 Florian Straub was able to communicate with locals in Rheinland-Pfalz and acquire documents for individuals on my maternal side.

Surnames as of 12 May 2023

For earlier surname charts, see the Research subpage.

Click on Surname to view EKA - Earliest Known Ancestor
Paternal Grandfather , Paternal Grandmother vs Maternal Grandfather , Maternal Grandmother ancestors
Abbot (Abbott) , Abbott , Alyngham , Andrews
Bausche, Behn , Benedict , Betke , Birdsall , Bock , Braithwaite , Bridgham , Brüggemann , Buchholz , Burmeister , Burmester , Bülow , Bünstorff
Carstens, Cherrye , Clement , Cook
Dreyer, Dreyer
Eacre, Ebeling , Elithorpe
Fletcher, Friedrichs
Gade, Gause , Gifford , Gleash , Goche , Grasmeyer , Greenwood
Hagelberg, Hahn , Hallensleben , Hamborg , Harms , Harriman , Hartig , Hilmer , Huber , Hull
Kempe, Klinge , Klitzke , Koch , Koosen , Kroll
LeMonte (Sproll) , Linde , Lübbe , Lückenbach
Maahs (Eickhoff) , Maaß , Mallory , Markham , Meier , Mennerich , Merriman , Messenger , Meyer , Meyer , Meyer , Meyer , Meyer , Meyer , Meyer , Meyer , Miles , Mittelstaedt , Müller , Müller , Müller
Niebuhr, Niemann
Oetzmann (Ötzmann)
Parker, Perau , Perleberg , Ponz , Post , Preston
Rebek, Ribbke , Riekmann , Riggert , Ring , Ring
Sale, Sander , Sander , Sauer , Schiefelbein , Schlickau , Schmets , Schröder , Schröder , Schulz , Schulz , Schütte , Scott , Shepard , Stegen , Steinhauer , Steinmetz , Stephinson , Stolte
Teldau, Tiedemann
Warfer, Wellmann , Wiatrok , Winchester
Ziesemer, Zilmer

Surnames as of 14 Oct 2024 (15 generations)

Click on Surname to view EKA - Earliest Known Ancestor
Paternal Grandfather , Paternal Grandmother vs Maternal Grandfather , Maternal Grandmother ancestors
Abbot (Abbott) , Andrews , Ashenden
Barron (Baron) , Bausche , Behn , Belcher , Benedict , Betke , Birdsall , Bock , Bridgham , Brüggemann , Buchholz , Burmeister , Burmester , Bülow , Bünstorff
Carstens, Clement , Cook
Dreyer, Dreyer
Ebeling, Elithorpe
Gade, Gause , Grasmeyer , Greenwood
Hagelberg, Hahn , Hallensleben , Hamborg , Hammond , Hammond , Harms , Harriman , Hartig , Hawkins , Hilmer , Huber , Hull
Kempe, Klinge , Klitzke , Koch , Koosen , Kroll
LeMonte (Sproll) , Linde , Lucht , Lyon , Lübbe , Lückenbach
Maahs (Eickhoff) , Maaß , Mallory , Martin , Meier , Mennerich , Merriam , Merriman , Messenger , Meyer , Meyer , Meyer , Meyer , Meyer , Meyer , Meyer , Meyer , Miles , Mittelstaedt , Müller , Müller , Müller
Niebuhr, Niemann
Oetzmann (Ötzmann)
Perau, Perleberg , Ponz , Post , Preston
Rebek, Ribbke , Riekmann , Riggert , Romancsyk
Sale, Sander , Sander , Sauer , Schiefelbein , Schlickau , Schmets , Schröder , Schröder , Schulz , Schulz , Schütte , Scott , Sealis , Stegen , Steinhauer , Steinmetz , Stephinson , Stolte
Taylor, Teldau , Tiedemann , Tolman
Warfer, Wellmann , Wiatrok , Winchester
Ziesemer, Zilmer

Surname meanings

  • Behn/Behne = 1) An unusual name of Low German and Flemish origin, one of the diminutive forms of the medieval male personal name "Benedict", adopted from the Latin "Benedictus", "Blessed". 2) from a short form of the personal name Bernhard. in some cases, perhaps a variant of Bein, from Middle Low German ben ‘bone’, ‘leg’.[2]
  • Burmester/Burmeister = Derived from the German words bur or bauer, meaning "farmer," and meister, meaning "master;" thus, the name literally means "master farmer." Alternatively, the Low German term Burmester refers to the town elder who held a position just below that of the mayor.
  • Eickhoff = from Middle Low German eke + hof 'farmstead', 'manor farm'. Topographic name from Westphalia for someone who lived at or owned a farm or estate that was marked by oaks.
  • Friedrichs = Patronymic name from Friedrich,[2] derived from the root frid meaning "peace" and ric meaning "ruler" or "power".
  • Gause = Of geese or like a goose.
  • Horstmann = "Man of the wood".
  • Huber = Derives from the German word hube meaning "hide", a unit of land a farmer might possess, granting them the status of a free tenant. It is in the top ten most common surnames in the German-speaking world.
  • Klitzke = "Klitz" from Old Germanic klotz meaning "awkward, clumsy" + ke = son of = son of awkward or clumsy one.
  • Kroll = from Middle High German krol = "curly hair".
  • Maas = Dutch and North German patronymic name, archaic short form of Thomas and possibly a toponymic name from the river Maas (Meuse)
  • Maahs = Americanization of Maas, highest concentration in Wisconsin.
  • Mennerich - Unknown, the highest concentration in Niedersachsen.
  • Mittelstadt/stedt/staedt = Habitational name of Mittelstädts or Mittelstedts in Bavaria or Baden-Württemberg, effectively "Middle town".
  • Müller = also Mueller, Muller, an occupational name for "miller", one who works at a mill, the most common surname in Germany, Switzerland, and some French départements.
  • Oetzman - Unknown. Either original to Germany or an Americanization from Oetzmann. There is a large population of Oetzmans in Sauk County, Wisconsin.
  • Oetzmann - Unknown, the highest concentration in Germany, in America it is Minnesota
  • Perau = Possible variation of Anglo-Saxon Pereau which comes from Peter.
  • Ribbke = Americanization of Ripke, unique to Central Wisconsin though family members have since spread out.
  • Richers = Derived from the name Richard, which is composed of the elements ric, meaning "power", and hard, meaning "hardy" or "brave".
  • Riggers = 1) North German: Frisian patronymic, a variant of Ricker.[2] 2) Derived from the Middle High German words reigel or reiger, both meaning "heron".
  • Riggert = Derived from the name Richard, which is composed of the elements ric, meaning "power", and hard, meaning "hardy" or "brave".
  • Ripke = Germanized form of Slavic Ripka ‘fish’ (see Czech ryba). from a pet form of the personal name Riepe, Ribbe or Rippert, a compound of ric ‘power(ful)’ + berht ‘bright’, ‘famous’.[2]
  • Sander = patronymic name, meaning son of Alexander. The name derives from the abbreviation xander, with Alexander deriving from the Greek "Ἀλέξανδρος" (Aléxandros), meaning "Defender of the people".
  • Sauer = from Middle High German sur = sour", nickname for an embittered or cantankerous person.
  • Schiefelbein = Habitational name of Schievelbein, Pomerania.
  • Schulz = Occupational name for a person of authority such as sheriff, magistrate, overseer, from the Middle High German schulteize = the person in charge of collecting payments on behalf of the lord of the manor.
  • Steinhorst = "Rock wood".
  • Stolte = from Middle Low German stolt = "proud", magnificent".
  • Tiedemann = "Man of the people".
  • Wiatrok/Wiatrick/Waitrok - Unknown, Polish in origin.
  • Zimmer = "Room".
  • Zimmermann = "Man of the room", effectively "carpenter".

Ancestor Table

"I've seen this a few times (i.e. Robinson-27225, Langholf-2), and I wanted to recreate one of my own."

There are 2046 total possible ancestors within 10 generations without pedigree collapse. Changes are before and after March 2021 Gause Brick Wall Breakthrough.

Ancestor # of Possible Ancestors # of Identified Ancestors  % of Identified Ancestors # Id'd 2022  % Id'd 2022 Birth Year
Parents 2 2 100% 2 100%
Grandparents 4 3 75% 3 75% 1927-1944
Great-grandparents 8 6 75% 6 75% 1900-1919
2nd great-grandparents 16 8-->12 50%-->75% 12 75% 1868-1893
3rd great-grandparents 32 12 -->14 37.5% --> 43.75% 14 43.75% 1838-1859
4th great-grandparents 64 9 -->13 14.1% --> 20.31% 16 25% 1798-1820
5th great-grandparents 128 6 -->10 4.68% --> 7.81% 18 14.06% 1769-1810
6th great-grandparents 256 8 3.12% 12 4.68%
7th great-grandparents 512 8 1.56% 16 3.12%
8th great-grandparents 1024 13 1.27%

New data available from the Tree App Ahnentafel which actually automatically calculates percentages is available here, as of 3 Mar 2024:

  • Parents 2/2 = 100%
  • Grandparents 4/4 = 100%* one grandparent is unknown beyond name.
  • 1GG 6/8 = 75%
  • 2GG 12/16 = 75%
  • 3GG 16/32 = 50%
  • 4GG 19/64 = 29.69%
  • 5GG 22/128 = 17.19%
  • 6GG 17/256 = 6.64%
  • 7GG 21/512 = 4.10%
  • 8GG 37/1024 = 3.61%
  • 9GG 49/2048 = 2.39%
  • 10GG 41/4096 = 1.00%
  • 11GG 33/8192 = 0.40% (1 duplicate)
  • 12GG 31/16384 = 0.19%
  • 13GG 19/32768 = 0.06%
  • 14GG 22/65536 = 0.03%
  • 15GG 16/131072 = 0.01% (0.012207%)
  • 16GG 8/262144 = 0.00% (0.0030517%)
  • 17GG 4/524288 = 0.00% (0.0007629%)
  • 18GG 1/1,048,576 = 0.00% (0.0000953%) (John Atte Stone-7360)
  • 19GG 2/2,097,152 = 0.00% (0.0000953%) John's parents (Walter Atte Stone and Elizabeth Empson) - current only "sources" for Elizabeth, after GEDCOM dump, is Ancestry tree and Rootsweb link
  • 20GG 2/4,194,304 = 0.00% (0.000047683%) (William Atte Stone and Unknown Unknown (1369-1409))
  • 21GG 2/8,388,608 = 0.00001192% (Unknown Stone (b. abt. 1330)) and UNKNOWN-58112
  • 22GG 2/16,777,216 = 0.00001192% (Walter Atte Stone) and UNKNOWN-58113
  • 23GG 1/33,554,432 = 0.000002980% (Phillip Stone)
  • 24GG 1/67,108,864 = 0.000001490% (Walter Stone)
  • 25GG 1/134,217,728 = 0.0000007450% (Philip Stone (1220-1250)) - current only "source" is an Ancestry tree....

Cousins on WikiTree

Greenwood is related to the following Wiki Genealogists:

mtDNA results imply a relationship to Declan Thornton (genetic distance 2) and a 1:1 GEDmatch comparison shows a shared segment 7.1 cM on Chr 9. 594 SNPs. 70.038 Pct SNPs are full identical. Total Half-Match segments (HIR) 7.1cM (0.197 Pct). Estimated number of generations to MRCA = 7.5 (approximately a seventh cousin).

mtDNA results imply a relationship to Cindy Cotton (genetic distance 2) however there does not appear to be any considerable shared DNA through a 1:1 GEDmatch comparison.

Y-DNA results and theory to the paternal family of Leo Lane Greenwood led to a possible match with three people via Francis Armstrong Jr (abt 1695 - 1783) though distant:

  • Susan Harding (later Reeves): 1:1 GEDmatch comparison shows 3 shared segments when reducing threshold to 3 cM, including largest segment = 4.5 cM. Total Half-Match segments (HIR) 11.5cM (0.32 Pct). 51.466 Pct of 199716 SNPs used for this comparison are fully identical.
  • Kenneth Harding: 1:1 GEDmatch comparison shows 2 shared segments when reducing threshold to 3 cM, including largest segment = 5.2 cM. Total Half-Match segments (HIR) 8.2cM (0.229 Pct). 51.589 Pct of 199319 SNPs used for this comparison are fully identical.
  • Louis Parker: 1:1 GEDmatch comparison shows 4 shared segments when reducing threshold to 3 cM, including largest segment 5.1 cM. Total Half-Match segments (HIR) 16.2cM (0.45 Pct). 51.254 Pct of 200348 SNPs used for this comparison are full identical. Comparing Kit T657339 (*Lou Parker) [Migration - F2 - F] and Kit XX4022213 (*SMG) [FTDNA]

Using Daniel Armstrong (abt. 1794 - 1864), two people come up for comparison:

  • Jan Lamoureaux (later Klatt): 1:1 GEDmatch comparison shows 1 shared segment at full analysis = largest segment 8.3 cM. Total Half-Match segments (HIR) 8.3 cM (0.232 Pct). 51.018 Pct of 178362 SNPs used for this comparison are fully identical. Estimated number of generations to MRCA = 7.1. When reducing threshold to 3 cM, comparison shows 6 shared segments. Total Half-Match segments (HIR) 28.7cM (0.801 Pct)
  • Her daughter Nicole (Dull) Lacko: 1:1 GEDmatch comparison shows 8 shared segments when reducing threshold to 3 cM, including largest segment = 4.8 cM. Total Half-Match segments (HIR) 32cM (0.893 Pct). 51.617 Pct of 210598 SNPs used for this comparison are fully identical.

Another person with a close connection via a One-to-Many DNA comparison is Scott Luther Byrd, showing 4 shared segments, including largest segment = 22.8 cM. Total Half-Match segments (HIR) 64.4cM (1.795 Pct). Estimated number of generations to MRCA = 3.9. 51.239 Pct of 200997 SNPs are fully identical.

Fellow Uelzen project member Dieter Lewerenz does not immediately appear to be a cousin, but who knows given future connections.

After a connection was made into a different part of the World Tree during the January 2023 Connect-a-Thon, where Greenwood finally made the connection of his paternal line to the Lanes, which led to the Yales, and then the Ives... well let's just say he has a bunch of new notable cousins like Winston Churchill, Burl Ives (5th 2R), and Taylor Swift (10th 2R). Now comes the verification of these lines through genetics. The Armstrong line is still unverified.

DNA confirmation

  • Relationship is confirmed by FamilyTreeDNA test match between Greenwood-3667 and his father Greenwood-3668. Largest segment (longest block): 284.04 cM. Sharing 3567 cM.
  • Relationship is confirmed by a GEDmatch test match between Greenwood-3667 XX4022213 and his grandmother Ribbke-1 AM2970285. Largest segment: 132.6 cM. Estimated number of generations to MRCA = 1.4, based on sharing 1925.3 cM (53.682 Pct) across 35 half-match segments.
  • GEDmatch test match between Greenwood-3667 XX4022213 and Lyon-6103 AG7740033. Largest segment = 38.3 cM. Estimated number of generations to MRCA = 3.9, based on sharing 64.3cM (1.794 Pct) across 3 half-match segments.
  • GEDmatch test match between Greenwood-3667 XX4022213 and Stegen-15 JR2069839X when reducing cM threshold to 3 cM. Largest segment: 5.3 cM and 67.859% of the 474239 SNPs are fully identical. It determined that we have 12 shared segments and 47.6cM (1.326 Pct) of Total Half-Match segments (HIR). I would estimate the generations to MRCA to be around 10-12.
  • GEDmatch test match between Greenwood-3667 XX4022213 and Mike Gates A397094 when reducing cM threshold to 3 cM. Largest segment: 6.1 cM and 51.422% of the 197842 SNPs are fully identical. Klitzke is a common ancestral surname and I surmise that his 3GG Carl Ferdinand Klitzke (2 Feb 1802 Borntin, Pommern? - 12 Sep 1869 Stewardson, Shelby County, Illinois) and my 4GG August Ferdinand Klitzke (Apr 1813 Prussia (Borntin, Pommern?) - 1881 Sauk County, Wisconsin), both brick walls, are brothers.

Notable cousins

In leadership: Of the Presidents of the United States, currently, five of them have been identified as cousins:

Their first ladies:

Their children:

Wisconsin Governors:

Other leaders:

In music:

In acting:

In sports:

In science and technology:

In authorship:

Other notables:

Friends, family, and colleagues

He has convinced a few people he knows to join WikiTree. Most tend to have German and Polish roots and a majority are the first representing their surnames: Some entries have the number of degrees of separation or the relationship noted.

His friend Walker-17311 (Connected as of 15 Jul 2023, 27°) had joined in 2015 before Greenwood had any knowledge of their sign-up.

His friend Beard-5746 (36°) had also joined in December 2020 but it is unclear if it was inspired by Greenwood.

Ongoing recruitment for individuals Brockman (North Carolina), Hurtado (California, Columbia), Fields (Tennessee), and Kuecker (Wisconsin).


Important links and spaces

Current Projects

Greenwood has a project for Sauk County, Wisconsin, the location where many of his ancestors lived. In June-July 2021, he visited the county to obtain research materials and photographed headstones across five cemeteries:

He is in the process of splitting up the Sauk County page into different villages and townships as he acquires more information.

He also started one for Landkreis Uelzen, Niedersachsen, where many of his ancestors originated, now that a majority of the place name categories for that Landkreis have been created. The concern on WikiTree, however, is that there may be some misunderstanding about the naming of the categories, as categories representing collective municipalities have been shifted to those of either towns or villages, Bevensen in particular.

"Historically, the collective municipalities were larger than the individual municipalities and within those individual municipalities were the villages themselves. This nesting should really be represented within the category structure, from Kreis to collective to individual municipality to village, for example: Niedersachsen [German state] --> Kreis Uelzen [county equivalent] --> Bevensen (or now Bevensen-Ebstorf) [collective municipality] --> Bad Bevensen [municipality] --> Gollern [village]. Those profiles that are unclear on the exact village should go in the higher tier of category. The project hopes to clear up this confusion and/or inconsistency. In the near future, we hope to address the historical changes of this area and create the appropriate categorical structure for that."

Because of his work on this Landkreis, he was chosen to lead the Lower Saxony Team.

A third project is German inventors and discoverers, a space to corral famous German scientists and discoverers with Wikipedia articles into the WikiTree.

Other projects and peoples


Greenwood created the page for Wisconsin scrap sculptor legend Dr. Evermor (25 deg) on 12 Aug 2020 and wrote its biography.

On 17 Sep 2020, Greenwood came across the mysterious German performance artist "Thea Alba", who supposedly could write with all ten fingers at once, with not much background information on her. Yet he figured out who Thea Alba (unconnected) was thanks to a book published in July 2020 on the descendants of Martin Luther.

In December 2020, Greenwood focused on building and formatting profiles of geologists and collectors, such as Thomas A. Greene (21 deg) and Fisk Holbrook Day (21 deg), and profiles of those involved with the Star Wars franchise, to the extent of creating categorization for it. At that time he hoped to have both geologists and Star Wars actors as upcoming weekly themes and connections, the latter did occur (see below).


January and February 2021, he took on additional tasks of assisting personal friends and colleagues with their trees and history (see Friends, family, and colleagues).

He took over Namesakes of United States Counties on 20 Feb 2021 in the hopes to reactivate and complete that project.

For May the Fourth 2021 Connections, Greenwood helped recommend and expand some of the Star Wars profiles he had worked on, including Grant Imahara (27 deg), Peter Mayhew (25 deg) and Christopher Lee (25 deg).

Later May 2021, Greenwood was tasked with helping build Team Prussia on WikiTree, and created the page for Posen, Prussia Team.

From July-August 2021, he transcribed names from A County Named Sauk to assist with Sauk County research.

In October 2021, he participated in his first Source-a-Thon where he sourced 30 profiles. In January 2022, he participated in his first Connect-a-Thon where he tied for 366th place out of 660 participants with 36 points and his first WikiTree Challenge (for Jimmy D. Wales, founder of Wikipedia, 24 deg 15C). In Jimmy's Challenge, he contributed over 80 edits, created profiles for four direct ancestors (Prander-1 which became Normann-61, Levenicht-3, Both-225 and Both-226), one first relative (Levenicht-20), and four additional relatives (Hargrove-1337, Pralow-15, Thielman-38, Lorenzen-412), and claimed ten bounty points for a total of 28 points! Additionally some other non-connected profiles were made in affiliation with the project (Penny-2634, Normann-73, Kimpel-177, Kimpel-178, and Kimpel-179, and Nerdenholtz-1 and Nerdenholtz-2).


January 2022 was also the month when he was (finally!) approved for a One Name Study of the Klitzke family.

From 31 Jan to 7 Feb 2022, Greenwood was featured as the WikiTree Member of the Week.

He participated in a Cemetery Connectors Challenge, having created 11 profiles (22nd out of 55 contributors), though unfortunately was not able to connect them to the tree during the challenge.

The death of Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters II director Ivan Reitman OC (29 deg) on 12 Feb 2022 led to a push to have his profile featured on the Main Page, in addition to either other directors and/or producers, or people associated with the Ghostbusters franchise (maybe for Ghostbusters Day on June 8?).

His second WikiTree Challenge to participate in was for Adrienne Wilkinson (Challenge 4: 17 Feb-24 Feb 2022) (22 deg) where he scored 12 points for creating that many nuclear relative profiles, including Kreyling-14, Kreyling-15 and the wife (Bitner-449) and children of Rhodes-4766.

On 4 Mar 2022, the 17th birthday of Wookieepedia, Greenwood started .. something not Star Wars-related: a sequel to the Namesakes Project, Namesakes of Municipalities.

On 16 Mar 2022, he built a biography for wrestler Scott Hall (21 deg) after the profile was opened up. On 24 Mar 2022, he created the profile for computer scientist Stephen Wilhite (unconnected), the creator of the GIF, and on 26 Mar 2022, he created the profile for Foo Fighters drummer Oliver Hawkins (23 deg) and connected him to the world tree.

1 Apr 2022 was the day that the 1950 United States Census was released to the public both for research and for transcribing, to which Greenwood performed both tasks as part of the The WikiTree 1950 Census Indexers Group. You can help transcribe the census here once you search for a county and district.

By 27 Apr 2022, the Ripke Name Study was first available and edited.

On 18 May 2022, he created a profile for living science communicator Bill Nye (20 deg) in preparation for WikiTree's science week. Profile privacy needs to be overridden by Notables Project to be viewable.

For Ghostbusters Week (week of 8 Jun 2022), Greenwood provided the majority of the list of featured connections, with Ivan Reitman being the main focus.

On 30 Jun 2022, Azure set up the Röbbel, Niedersachsen One Place Study for Greenwood.

In early August 2022, he helped set up a document for the WikiTree Day Scavenger Hunt (to be continued in 2023).

On 15 Aug 2022, he created the profile for Wisconsin business owner Ralph Charles Ehlenbach (30 deg) and added to his local German branches.

In early Sept 2022, he placed 10th in contributions to the WikiTree Challenge for Olivia Newton-John (26 deg), having focused heavily on the Ehrenberg family.

On 30 Sept, he contributed to the 7th Annual Source-A-Thon, riding with Team Germany Genies once again! He was only able to contribute 8 sources this year though.

Greenwood also looked to assist with the Mark Hamill (16 deg) Challenge of early Oct 2022. However, many of the profiles were outside of his area of expertise and real-world issues prevented full participation.

On 15 Oct 2022, Greenwood was able to finish up documentation of Sections 6, 7, and 8 (as well as 10) of Saint John's Cemetery.


In January 2023, Greenwood contributed 36 connections during Connect-A-Thon, and made the connection between him and the Great American Bottleneck population, allowing him to finally see the relationships to American cousins (see above).

In early February 2023, he helped contribute to the WikiTree Challenge working in tandem with One Place Studies, particularly in the Monksfield and Vick lines, and recommended the creation of the Shoreditch, Middlesex, England OPS.

In April 2023, for the second Connect-A-Thon of the year, Greenwood contributed 79 profiles alongside Germany Genies, helping his team remain in 3rd place overall and 1st place normalized! This also allowed him to expand the genealogy of his LEGO Master counterpart Dawn.

For May 2023, Greenwood created a weekend-long Star Wars pop-up challenge featuring Christopher Sean (Friel), the voice of Kazuda Xiono in Star Wars: Resistance.

In July 2023, Greenwood contributed ever so slightly to Connect-A-Thon in terms of profile creation (13), however, he was able to attend EIGHT Connect-A-Thon hangouts via Streamyard for the first time, cheering on Team Germany Genies!

In August 2023, he created the profile for Paul Reubens, best known to the world as Pee-wee Herman, in the wake of his death, followed in September 2023 by Steve Harwell, vocalist of Smash Mouth. In October 2023, he created the profile for the late Shawna Leavell Trpcic, Hollywood costumer that worked heavily with Lucasfilm projects in recent years.


In January 2024, Greenwood sought to gather all the German One Name Studies into one place, since categorization was for all One Name Studies, and it could assist Germany Project. Also in January, he once again joined Germany Genies for Connect-A-Thon.

On 24 Sep 2024, he created the profile for the late Dan Jezek, founder of BrickLink, on what would have been the 14th anniversary of his death.

On 27 Sep 2024, the day that Dame Maggie Smith passed away, he mildly restructured the categorization within Films to create the Wizarding World category and nest Harry Potter films within that to account for additional products since released (namely Fantastic Beasts).

On 1 Oct 2024, he created the profile for recently deceased notable Frank Fritz. Ron Lamoreaux connected him to the World Tree through his mother.

On 2 Oct 2024, he created the profile for recently deceased notable Ken Page.

He created the Living Notable profile for Canadian actor Michael Cera on 12 Oct 2024.

On 17 Oct 2024, he created the profile for recently deceased notable Liam James Payne.

On 5 Dec 2024, he created the Living Notable profile for Canadian singer and songwriter Carly Rae Jepsen.

On 30 Dec 2024, cousin bait was successful in getting the attention of a Klitzke cousin (possibly 4th or 5th) who contacted him, and allowed him to find the relationship based on existing profiles here.


On 16 Jan 2025, he created the profile for Milwaukee baseball legend Bob Uecker after his passing, and visited the memorial at Miller Park (aka American Family Field) that night.

He signed up to participate in Connect-A-Thon XIII, held from 17 Jan 2025 to 20 Jan 2025, contributing once again with Team Germany Genies.

On 15 Feb 2025, he received permission to create the profile of his late geoscience department colleague Andrew Parisi who passed away in March 2024.

Wisconsin name studies

These are not mine but others in the state that I reside in.

The following Name Studies don't have a Wisconsin category yet, but have profiles in Wisconsin:


  • 2000 - 17 Dec 2020
  • 2500 - 10 Apr 2021
  • 3000 - 23 Jul 2021
  • 3500 - 8 Jan 2022
  • 4000 - 10 Feb 2022
  • 4500 - 3 Apr 2022
  • 5000 - 16 Sep 2022
  • 6000 - 9 Feb 2023
  • 6666 - 7 May 2023
  • 7000 - 10 Aug 2023
  • 7500 - 17 Dec 2023
  • 7777 - 11 Feb 2024
  • 8000 - 15 Apr 2024 (with large update to Klitzke Name Study page)
  • 8500 - 20 Dec 2024

Thank Yous

My third cousin once removed Jori Lyon gave me my 1000th Thank You on 23 Jan 2024. It was for specifying the burial place for a Mr. "Dutch" Pfaff.


"The COVID-19 pandemic had made me very aware of my mortality. I feel it responsible to state what should occur in the event of my demise. If I pass, my Landkreis Uelzen profiles should be handed over to my tenth cousin Oliver Stegen, my Sauk County, Wisconsin profiles to Ribbke-16, the profiles attached to Kelsner-1 to them and all other profiles to Gazinski-1" -- Greenwood-3667 21:35, 3 April 2022 (UTC)


  1. Kelsner on Forebears
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Dictionary of American Family Names ©2013, Oxford University Press
  • First-hand information. Entered by Steven Greenwood at registration.
  • Cousins derived using WikiTree Connection Finder and My Cousins.

Only the Trusted List can access the following:
  • Steven's formal name
  • full middle name (M.)
  • e-mail address
  • exact birthdate
  • birth location
  • images (5)
  • private siblings' names
For access to Steven Greenwood's full information you must be on Steven's Trusted List. Please login.

DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships. Paternal line Y-chromosome DNA test-takers:
  • Steven Greenwood: Family Tree DNA Y-DNA Test 111 markers, haplogroup R-M269, FTDNA kit #949014, MitoYDNA ID T15960 [compare]
Maternal line mitochondrial DNA test-takers:
  • Steven Greenwood: Family Tree DNA mtDNA Test Full Sequence, haplogroup H31, FTDNA kit #949014, MitoYDNA ID T14473 [compare]
It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Steven: Have you taken a test? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.
Comments: 143

Leave a message for others who see this profile. If you prefer to keep it private, send a private message to the profile manager. private message
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Hi Steven,

The England Project sent a request to Co-manage this profile with you -Payne-23632. Please could you action the request or respond to me directly if you have any questions.


posted by Lizzie (Batman) Griffiths
edited by Lizzie (Batman) Griffiths
Hey cuz,

I'm working on a large unconnected branch (several hundred profiles), involving previously active WikiTree'ers Popelek-3 and Birth-4 and everyone in between. Looks like I found an emigrant to Wisconsin from that branch: Johann F Mludek, but no connection yet.

Could you be so kind and look whether you find him in other sources, esp. whether he had a wife and children? Thanks!

posted by Oliver Stegen PhD
Hmm, I wonder if he actually is a Mlodek here in Wisconsin, because that's a surname I've come across before.
posted by Steven Greenwood
Neither in OFB Groß Peterwitz (with 392 Mludeks) nor in OFB Janowitz (with 37 Mludeks) is the spelling Mlodek attested. The only instance of Mlodek in the entire domain is a father-son pair in OFB Grzendzin. Which is not to say that they cannot have changed the spelling over the Big Pond ;-)

So, yes please, by all means look for him as Mlodek as well, even though the spelling is Mludek on his grave pictured at FindAGrave.

posted by Oliver Stegen PhD
edited by Oliver Stegen PhD
P.S.: It was quicker to post a question about him on G2G - see the first answer I got within an hour :)
posted by Oliver Stegen PhD
Hey cuz,

Didn’t know you had a relationship to Tanzania as well. On the project page, I substituted a couple of residual instances of copy-paste occurrences of „Ethiopia“ as well as added a link to the Kondoa Cemetery space page which I „manage“ (to be honest, I created it but there isn’t much to manage beyond what I originally posted). At this stage, I‘ll refrain from joining yet another project. However, I‘m listed as the so far only Swahili language volunteer at the Language Volunteers Page List, so once the need arises, people can just give me a shout. You may want to have a look at the sw category; there are a couple of others with Swahili language skills who may be interested in Tanzanian genealogy.

Cheers! Or better: Kwa heri!

posted by Oliver Stegen PhD
edited by Oliver Stegen PhD
Thank you, Oliver. Yes David gave me the keys to this project after waiting for African projects to be sorted out. My time in that country was limited but the effects of being there last forever. I was just talking about my research in the Ngorongoro Volcanic Highlands with people today at a Darwin Day event. I definitely would appreciate assistance in Kiswahili. I've attempted to learn it but it's giving me difficulty for the moment. I was going to clear out those typos from another project. Thanks for catching those yourself.
posted by Steven Greenwood
If Duolingo is a format that works for you, you may want to try their Learn Swahili.

Can you give me a link where I could read up on your time in Ngorongoro, preferably with photos?

posted by Oliver Stegen PhD
Yes I have Swahili selected on Duolingo. That was the struggle.

I can send you a link to my thesis.

posted by Steven Greenwood
Hi Steven, This category you sent to be renamed needs it's new destination category created.

See the link to the destination category is red, because it hasn't been created. That link needs to be green.

Many thanks, regards, Margaret, Categorization project.

Hi Margaret. Sorry about that oversight. While my contributions do not display changes to categories, I did actually created the replacement category and shifted the subcategory to that new one.
posted by Steven Greenwood
Thanks for that Steven, Editbot would have moved the subcategory but not without the new destination category being created. :)
Side note: It's weird that WikiTree doesn't consider category work contributions, but adding a comment it does...
posted by Steven Greenwood
Actually, category changes count towards your contributions but they are not listed in your contributions list.
posted by Oliver Stegen PhD
Merry Christmas, cousin Steven!

While I leave your Secret Santa wish to the elves (I am more of an elf-assisting gnome), I still have a present for you: another emigrant from Uelzen to Sauk: Heinrich Wilhelm Schwenkhoff, first of his name on WikiTree, hailing from the new category of Woltersburg, and I was able to connect him to the common tree via the Grosskruegers, already entered by cousin Christian. Merry indeed!

Best genealogical wishes from Germany,


posted by Oliver Stegen PhD
Oh geez I just saw this. Thanks so much for continuing to make WikiTree, especially our neck of it, awesome.
posted by Steven Greenwood
Hey cuz!

Thanks for the congrats :) Btw, our connection shortened to 12 degrees, by lateral movement via Gause - Albers - Ostermann. Many greetings across the Pond!

posted by Oliver Stegen PhD
Greetings Poland Project member! We have new information and updates:
  • For the last several months, the Poland Project has been undergoing new organization with new volunteers. We are excited about how the project can enhance Wikitree!
  • We have several different task teams that need volunteers. Please take a look at this page to see which one interests you: Volunteer Tasks. Once you have decided which task team you would like to work on, please reply to this comment.
  • The only requirements for ongoing membership in the Poland Project are that you join a team and respond to the periodic check-ins from the Project Leaders/Coordinators. We recognize that people lead busy lives and are grateful for any and all contributions you can make.
  • Once you have joined a team, please join the Poland Project Google Group to receive project updates and participate in project and team discussions. You can also follow Project news via the tags 'Poland_Europe' or 'Polish_Roots' or 'Polska' on G2G.
  • If we don’t hear from you in the next 45 days, your membership badge will be removed. In this case please don't be offended as you're welcome to rejoin at any time. Please also note, that in order to receive help researching your Polish ancestors, membership is not mandatory. Just ask your questions in the G2G forum and tag them with 'Poland_Europe' or 'Polska' in order for our knowledgeable researchers to see them.

The Poland Project Coordinators: Skye, Tina & Maggie

posted by Tina Kobus
Congratulations on your breakthrough during our Thon, and on the discovery of all those notable cousins :) Exciting!
posted by Oliver Stegen PhD
Just saw this! Thanks for that. I still feel weird about being connected into the Great American Bottleneck, but my confidence in the relationship between my 2GG and his birth mother was just strong enough to make that connection.
posted by Steven Greenwood

Jelena (Eckstädt-2) contacted me concerning place categorization, strongly suggesting the insertion of (Samt-)Gemeinde as a mid-level category between Dorf/Stadt and (Land-)Kreis. I've started an example with my native Samtgemeinde Gellersen:

If Jelena confirms that I understood her correctly, I'll continue with those additional categories in LK Harburg and Lüneburg (and also Uelzen unless you would like to get active in there).

Best wishes for the New Year!!!


posted by Oliver Stegen PhD
Jelena approved, and I completed Landkreis Lüneburg, cf.

Looks like a nice closure on 2022 ;-)

posted by Oliver Stegen PhD
Jelena had to go to sleep but I completed the remainder of Uelzen. I believe everything that we had is in order. Now we just need to find people that belong to those placename categories that don't exist yet (redlinks on the Landkreis Uelzen page).
posted by Steven Greenwood
Great! I'm onto finding people in those red-link categories and then creating the categories concerned. Yay!
posted by Oliver Stegen PhD

I think I found several descendants of your fourth cousin 7 times removed Wilhelm Christoph Heinrich Riggers; they changed the family name to Riggert. I established the link through Johann Heinrich Riggert Senior and Junior and created profiles with links to both and to FindAGrave. Let me know if these relatives have living descendants in Wisconsin whom you know personally. That would be awesome! :)

posted by Oliver Stegen PhD

Could you have a look if you find Henry Bockelman at a Milwaukee cemetery? He's the son of German immigrants from the Uelzen area and died in Milwaukee in 1936. The source for him at OFB "Uelzen Auswanderer" claims that he's on FindAGrave but I didn't find him there. Thanks!


posted by Oliver Stegen PhD
edited by Oliver Stegen PhD
Hey Oliver. I'm currently outside the area for the holiday but I will do my best to follow up when I return. I believe I've run into the name with other local living people having this name in their branches.
posted by Steven Greenwood
I did try looking for it. No luck so far.
posted by Steven Greenwood
Hi Steven. Thank you for participating with the Germany Genies during this weekend's Source-a-Thon! Together we sourced 964 profiles. Go Genies!
Steven Greenwood participated with Germany Genies during the 2022 Source-a-Thon, adding sources to 8 previously unsourced profiles.
posted by Traci Thiessen
edited by Traci Thiessen
This year's wasn't good timing with everything else happening. I hope to contribute more in the next one.
posted by Steven Greenwood
Congrats on the 5K! (belatedly)

Here's to the next K: Cheers! :)

posted by Oliver Stegen PhD
Sorry for the late notice!

From your friends at the Appreciation Team:

Congrats on the Super Star Badge!

posted by SJ Baty
Thank you very much, sir! Admittedly I have much to catch up on this month.
posted by Steven Greenwood
I've commented on the pages of your 6th and 7th greatgrandmothers Trine Dorothee and Anne Marie. Happy expanding! ;-)
posted by Oliver Stegen PhD
Was able to extend out the Schröders to the 1600s at least.
posted by Steven Greenwood
Hello, We are off and runnin! (No Foolin’) Here is the Archives Link…
posted by Pam (Dale) Fraley
Congratulations on 4000 edits! Keep up the good work ... ;-)
posted by Oliver Stegen PhD
Other than the first month here, that might have been the fastest I added 500 contributions, which I know is still pennies compared to the number of edits some people have here.
posted by Steven Greenwood
Don't fret! I personally consider your "2p's worth" a treasure. And from the responses you got on your WikiTreer of the Week's interview, it looks like there are many who think likewise. As the Swahili say, "safari ni hatua", i.e. a journey consists of steps, so keep plodding ahead ... ;-)
posted by Oliver Stegen PhD
Thanks so much for your help with the Jimmy Wales Challenge!
posted by Maggie N.
Congrats on the new input from your Y-DNA results! Quite a Christmas present, huh?

Best wishes from Germany, Oliver

posted by Oliver Stegen PhD
Congratulations, Steven, on 3000 contributions (and 200 thank-yous ;-) ) !!! Well done!!!
posted by Oliver Stegen PhD
Hi Steven,

thanks for your comment .

You are right, there are about 40 Huber in this family book of Oggersheim. And a few Sauer and Saur. Do you have some more detailed information? The family book only goes up to 1814. The later documents can all be found in the town's archives. I have to go there again soon anyway.

Stay healthy Lothar

posted by Lothar Wolf
I only have my brick walls that were *probably* born around 1910, Johann Sauer and Louisa (Luisa) Huber, and the Hoover family-connected Michael Huber who lived in 1700s Oggersheim. Yeah its a large gap right now.
posted by Steven Greenwood
Congratulations on your blue generous genealogist badge, you deserve it! :-)
posted by Kylie Haese
Congratulations on 2500 contributions! Woohoo!
posted by Oliver Stegen PhD

Acadian heritage connections: Steven is 23 degrees from Beyoncé Knowles, 22 degrees from Jean Béliveau, 22 degrees from Madonna Ciccone, 22 degrees from Rhéal Cormier, 23 degrees from Joseph Drouin, 24 degrees from Jack Kerouac, 21 degrees from Anne Murray, 23 degrees from Matt LeBlanc, 22 degrees from Roméo LeBlanc, 21 degrees from Azilda Marchand, 21 degrees from Marie Travers and 23 degrees from Clarence White on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.