Patrick Griffith
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Patrick Griffith

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 3 May 2018 | 6,144 contributions | 577 thank-yous | 543 connections
Communication Preferences: I am interested in communicating private message with anyone who shares the same genealogical or historical interests. My family tree is at <>.
Patrick D. Griffith
Born 1960s.
Ancestors ancestors
[sibling(s) unknown]
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Profile last modified | Created 3 May 2018
This page has been accessed 1,734 times.


Irish Famine Immigrant Ancestors

All on my mother's side.

My maternal grandmother, Mary Honora Manning, was the granddaughter, on both sides, of Irish immigrants. My maternal grandfather's mother, Catherine Ravey, was the daughter of Irish immigrants.

g-g-g-gp Terrance Reavey = Catherine Cuffe - Armagh, co. Armagh > Washington County, Vermont.
g-g-gp Henry Ravey (son of Terrance and Catherine) and Catherine Duffey (daughter of Andrew Duffy and Mary _____) - Armagh, co. Armagh > Washington County, Vermont.
g-g-gp Daniel Manning and Honora Mahoney (dau. of John Mahoney/Mahana and Mary _____) - co. ? > Washington County, Vermont.
g-g-gp Thomas Flinn (s. of Roger Flinn and Mary _____) and Mary Donlan - Kilmore, Taghmaconnell, co. Roscommon > Washington County, Vermont.

Seeking any and all information regarding the above in Ireland.

Other Most Wanted / Brick Walls


g-g-g-g-gp Samuel Jordan and Ruth Rand of Moretown, Duxbury, and Wolcott, Vermont.
g-g-g-g-gm Abigail Stafford, wife of Simeon Wells of Duxbury, Vermont.
g-g-g-g-g-gf George Chesley of Barrington, New Hampshire and Vershire and Waterbury, Vermont.
g-g-g-g-g-gf David DeCamp of Elizabethtown and Perth Amboy, New Jersey, and Charlestown, New Hampshire. Hessian? 🤔 Or Huguenot?
g-g-g-g-g-g-gp William Richardson and Hannah Meeker of Elizabethtown, New Jersey, parents of David DeCamp's wife, Abigail Richardson.
g-g-g-g-g-g-gf Levi Goss of Lancaster/Bolton, Massachusetts, and Winchester, New Hampshire.


g-g-g-gf John Smith of Barnard, Vermont.
g-g-g-g-g-gm Abiah _______, wife of Benjamin Bowen of Ashford, Connecticut.
g-g-g-g-g-g-gf John Bowen of Ashford, Connecticut, father of Benjamin.

PGM Ancestors

Paternal and Maternal

John Crowell
Yelverton Crowell and Elizabeth _____
John Proctor and Martha Harper
Robert Bradish and Mary Howe
[They did not emigrate, but descended from Thomas Goodenow and Ursula (_____) Goodenow through sons Thomas (paternal) and Edmund (maternal), below.]


John Rogers
Mary (Bradish) Gibbs
Edward Bumpus
William Warriner and Joanna Searle
Joseph Baldwin and Hannah Whitlock
Samuel Chapin and Cicely Penny
Robert Blott and Susanna Selbee
Thomas Woodford and Mary Blott
William Whiting and Susanna Wiggin
William Pynchon and Anna Andrew
George Wyllys
John Pynchon and Amy Wyllys
William Chandler and Annis Bayford
Thomas Chandler
John Stevens and Katherine _____
Walter Nichols
William Osgood
Anthony Colby and Susanna _____
John Hoyt and both of his wives, Frances _____ and Frances _____
Francis Jordan and Jane Wilson
Thomas Rowell
Henry Pinder and Mary Rogers
Valentine Rowell and Joanna Pinder
William Barnes and Rachel _____
William Warner
Thomas Wells and Abigail Warner
Robert Barnard and Joanna Harvey
John Dane and Frances Bowyer
James Howe and Elizabeth Dane
Robert Keyes and Sarah Swett
John Blanford and Dorothy _____
John White and Joan West
William Alford and Mary Draper
Hezekiah Usher and two of his three wives, #1, Frances _____ and #3, Mary Alford, by her first husband, Peter Butler
Henry Phillips
John Dwight and Hannah _____
Benjamin Gillam and Ann _____
William Hutchinson and Ann Marbury
Thomas Savage and Faith Hutchinson
John Prescott and Mary Gawkroger
John Prescott
George Hayward and Mary _____
Walter Allen and Rebecca Ward
Thomas Goodenow and Jane _____ (Ruddock?)
William Curtis and Sarah Elliot
Philip Curtis
John Holland and Judith Stevens
John Johnson
Constance (Brigham) Crosby
Hannah (Crosby) Johnson
George Felt and Elizabeth Wilkinson
Samuel Andrews and Jane _____
Thomas Davis and Christian Bellsire
George Corliss and Joanna Davis
Thomas Dow and Phebe _____
John Woodbury and Agnes Napper
William Dodge and Elizabeth _____
William Woodbury and Elizabeth Patch
Nicholas Woodbury and Anna Palgrave
Susanna (Gentleman) Hunter
Humphrey Woodbury and Elizabeth Hunter
John Webster and Mary Shatswell
Robert Day
Moses Pengry
George Marsh and Elizabeth _____
John Page and Mary Marsh
Thomas Whittier
John Ayer and Hannah _____
Rebecca (Ayer) Aslet
Nicholas Brown and Elizabeth _____ (Leids?)
William Lamson and Sarah Ayres
Renald Foster and Judith Wignol
William Story and Sarah Foster
Thomas French and Sarah Riddlesdale
Thomas Hardy and Anne French
Thomas Tenney and Ann Mighill
Elizabeth (_____) Loker
Richard Newton and Anne Loker
Edward Larkin and Joanna _____ (Hale?)
William Buck
Roger Buck
Henry Brooks
John Mousall and Joanna _____
John Brooks and Eunice Mousall
Henry Collins and Ann _____ (Rial?)
George Stocking and Anna _____
Andrew Benton and Hannah Stocking
William Reynolds and Alice Kitson
Nicholas Norton and Elizabeth _____ (Isaac?)
Thomas Bays and Ann Baker
James Skiffe and Mary _____
Robert Codman
Frances Albright Wells Coleman
William Beardsley and Mary Harvey
Mary (Beardsley) Wells
William Goodwin and Elizabeth White
John Crow and Elizabeth Goodwin
Vincent Meigs
John Meigs and Thomasin Frye
James Davis and Cicely Thayer
John Davis
John Perkins and Judith Gater
Thomas Bradbury and Mary Perkins
Joseph Hull
John Heard and Elizabeth Hull


Stephen Jordan
John Andrews and Jane Jordan
James Bradish
Robert Kinsman anf Mary Sadler
John Maynard
Stephen Gates and Ann Neave
Robert Allyn and Sarah _____
Thomas Pierce and Elizabeth _____
Mary (Pierce) Tufts
Thomas Lynde
John Lawrence and Elizabeth _____
Samuel Morse and Elizabeth Jasper
Joseph Morse and Hannah Phillips
Edward Griswold and Margaret _____
Francis Gould
Thomas Rogers and Grace Ravens
Elizabeth (Rogers) Smith
Christopher Grant and Mary _____
Robert Cross and Anna Jordan
William Vinson and Sarah _____
Robert Hibbard and Joan _____
William Read and Susanna Hayme
William Holloway and Grace _____
Edward Colburn and Hannah _____
Edward Bishop
Samuel Corning and Elizabeth _____ (Huntley?)
Nicholas Holt and Elizabeth _____
Gregory Stone
Daniel Stone
Edmund Goodenow and Ann _____
Thomas Axtell and Mary _____
John Goodenow and Mary Axtell
Thomas King and Ann _____
Edmund Rice and Thomasine Frost
Thomas Rice and Mary King
Ralph Earle and Joan Savage
Robert Carr
Edward Winn and Joanna _____
George Bullard and Margaret _____
Samuel Wright and Margaret _____
Henry Burt and Eulalia Marche
Samuel Wright and Mary Burt

Profiles from above that are PGM Candidates

Ann _____ Gillam
Joanna _____ Larkin
Agnes Napper

Profiles from above that are not, but should be, PGM Candidates

John Prescott, ch. imm.
Judith _____ Holland
Christian Bellsire
Mary Marsh; her 1st ch. bp. 11 July 1641, Hingham
Rebecca Ayer, ch. imm.; m. 8 Oct 1648, Newbury
Elizabeth _____ Browne
Eunice Mousall, child imm.

Others that should probably be PGM Candidates

Paternal and Maternal

Richard Knight


William Quinby
Robert Quinby
Stephen Crawford
William Buss and Hannah _____ (Merriam?)
John Smith, and his mother,
Alice (Barnes) Marryon-Smith


John Burnham
Peter Tufts
Abraham Warr

Scottish POW Ancestors

William Cahoon, d. 24 June 1675, Rehoboth, Massachusetts.
John Clarke, d. aft. 4 November 1694, Exeter, New Hampshire.
Daniel Forbush, d. October 1687, Marlborough, Massachusetts.
Ingram Moody, d. aft. 9 October 1693, Lynn, Massachusetts.
James Ross, d. 18 September 1690, Sudbury, Massachusetts.

Surnames, going back 11 Generations

Click on Surname to view Earliest Known Ancestor
Paternal Grandfather , Paternal Grandmother vs Maternal Grandfather , Maternal Grandmother ancestors
Abbot (Abbott) , Adams , Allen , Allis , Andrews , Andrews , Aslett , Axtell , Ayer , Ayres
Bacon, Ballard , Barnard , Barnes , Beacon , Beardsley , Bellsire , Bennett , Benton , Bishop , Blanford , Bliss , Bowen , Bradbury , Bradish , Brewer , Brewer , Brooks , Brown , Brown , Browne , Bruce , Buck , Bumpas , Burnham , Bursley , Buss , Butler
Cahoon (Colquhoun) , Carr , Chandler , Chapman , Chesley , Chesley , Clark , Clement , Clothier , Coburn , Colby , Cole , Collins , Colton , Conant , Corliss , Corning , Crane , Crawford , Crawford , Crooker , Crosby , Cross , Crow , Crowell , Cuff , Curtis
Davis, Day , DeCamp , Dimmick , Divoll , Dodge , Donlan , Dow , Draper , Duffey , Durkee
Earl (Earle) , Eldridge , Elliot , Ellsworth , Emerson
Farnham (Forman) , Farrar , Faulkner , Felt , Flynn , Forbush , Ford , Foster , Frame , French , Froe , Fuller
Gammon, Geaffit , Geer , George , Gibbs , Gifford , Gifford , Gillam , Goodenow , Goss , Gould , Graves , Green , Griffith , Griswold
Hale, Ham , Hardy , Hayward , Heard , Heyward , Hibbard , Holland , Holt , Hovey , Howe , Hoyt , Hubbell , Hunter
Johnson, Johnson , Jones , Jordan , Jordan
Keyes, King , Knight , Knight , Knight
Lamson, Larkin , Lathrop , Lawrence , Lewis , Lynde
Mahoney, Manning , Marble , Marsh , Marston , Maynard , Meigs , Meservey , Mighill , Moody , Moore , Morgan , Morse , Mudgett
Newton (de Newton) , Newton , Newton , Nichols , Norton
Page, Palgrave , Palmer , Parrish , Parsons , Pengry , Pengry , Perkins , Perriman , Phillips , Pierce , Polly , Prescott
Quimby (Quinby)
Rand, Ransom , Ravey , Rayment , Reed , Rice , Rice , Richardson , Rindge , Rogers , Ross , Rowell , Runnels , Russell
Sargent, Shatswell , Sheldon , Simons , Smith , Smith , Smith , Smith , Smith , Smith , Stafford , Stanhope , Stevens , Stewart , Stocking , Stone , Story , Straw
Tenney (Tenny) , Thomas , Tucker , Tufts
Varney, Vinson , Vivion
Waddell (Wattles) , Waget , Walden , Waldo , Walker , Walker , Warriner , Waters , Webster , Wells , Wells , Wheeler , White , White , Whiting , Whittier , Wicom , Wilford , Wiswall , Woodbury , Wray

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  • Patrick's formal name
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DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships. It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Patrick: Have you taken a test? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.
Comments: 13

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Nice job on the update for Hannah (Hudson) Turner! Thanks very much.
posted by Bobbie (Madison) Hall
Oh, awesome, that made me look for her probate record much later than I previously had... and there it is: will written 27 Jan 1716/17, proved 23 Dec 1717. I'll get this added tonight. (And her inventory provides her death date, yay!)
posted by Bobbie (Madison) Hall
edited by Bobbie (Madison) Hall
Nice. (And you're very welcome.)
posted by Patrick Griffith
Hi Patrick

One of our mentors created a tutorial for the GEDCOMpare process that others found very helpful. I hope that you will too.

If you have any questions about how WikiTree works, let us know by using the "reply" link under our comments, or by clicking our names to visit our profiles. From there, you can leave a comment, or send a private message.

Karen~ WikiTree Greeter

Hi, Karen! I only just uploaded my split GEDCOM yesterday. I've just been pretty much matching them so far and posting comments and/or adding or correcting dates on some profiles where I've noticed... issues. 😂

Not so much editing or adding new people at the moment. It seems like a massive undertaking. 😆

Thank you for the link! I'm sure I will find it useful.

posted by Patrick Griffith
edited by Patrick Griffith
Hi Patrick,

My apologies for the late reply. It is a big undertaking, and the joy of one person per profile, means that if you are lucky enough to match with others, all the hard work has been done for you 😊. The link can be a back up for if you hit any problems,

I am here to help when needed

Have fun, and take care


Hi Patrick, re Essex Deeds Volume 15 you posted about on Samuel Graves profile, was that available online somewhere, or where did you find the information? I'd love to take a look and add the source with location to his profile.

Thank you.

posted by S (Hill) Willson
Hi Patrick. Thanks for the info you posted in the comment section of Wm. Buck.

I'm having a busy week and will try to get at it later.


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Karen ~ WikiTree Messenger

Hi Patrick,

Thanks for taking the Pre-1700 Quiz!

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Use the Pre-1700 Projects list to find one which best fits your research focus, whether time period, location, or special event. Read the goals and tasks of the project and join if it is a good fit.

Let me know if you have trouble finding projects which fit your focus. Click my name, then ask in the comment section of my page.

David ~ Pre-1700 Greeter

posted by David Selman
I wanted to suggest that you edit your tag(s) to show any surnames you are researching in separate tags. When you list a surname, location or historical event in your tags, you can then click them and see a list of other WikiTree genealogists who are also researching those names, locations, etc.

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We are delighted that you have decided to join us and hope you will have many pleasurable ancestor hunts!

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Shirley ~ WikiTree Greeter

P.S. If you ever get a “page Not Found” error when you click a link in a WikiTree email, you can usually find a functioning link in the public comments section of your profile page.

Acadian heritage connections: Patrick is 23 degrees from Beyoncé Knowles, 20 degrees from Jean Béliveau, 19 degrees from Madonna Ciccone, 20 degrees from Rhéal Cormier, 19 degrees from Joseph Drouin, 18 degrees from Jack Kerouac, 19 degrees from Anne Murray, 21 degrees from Matt LeBlanc, 19 degrees from Roméo LeBlanc, 19 degrees from Azilda Marchand, 17 degrees from Marie Travers and 18 degrees from Clarence White on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.

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