Anne Guiness was born 12 Jan 1812 in Dublin, Ireland. She was the daughter of Arthur Guiness and his wife Anne Lee Guiness.
Source: S-2126399396 Repository: #R-2129772227 Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
Entry #44 on Guiness family tree: The Guinness family; by Guinness, Henry Seymour, 1858-1945. Publication date: 1954, Topics: Guinness family, Publisher: London, Lund Humphries, Collection: Allen_County; Americana Digitizing, Sponsor: Internet Archive, Contributor: Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center, Language: English, Volume 2. See:
WikiTree profile Guinness-103 created through the import of ancestry_myers_2011.ged on Jun 1, 2011 by Moreen Hay. See the Changes page for the details of edits by Moreen and others.
This person was created through the import of Ancestry Wiki.ged on 14 March 2011.
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