Honor Code Signatory
Signed 15 Dec 2018 |
2,291 contributions
| 63 thank-yous
1,650 connections
Communication Preferences:
I am interested in communicating with
cousins and anyone else with an interest in genealogy.
My family tree is at <https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/tree/167389944/family?cfpid=322173871754>.
I look forward to hearing from cousins, regardless of how distantly related they are. I would especially love to hear from those associated with my matrilineal line 2nd great-grandparents, Oliphant Williams and Maggie Robinson. I have been researching for many years to try to find information about their two children who died before the 1900 census as well as the identity of Maggie's biological parents. Family legend has it that she was adopted.
I have taken the full sequence mtDNA test on FTDNA. I have a rare haplogroup called U6b2, and have recently become part of a new haplogroup, U6b2a. My autosomal DNA is on Ancestry, MyHeritage, 23andMe, and FTDNA, as well as GEDMatch (Kit #BC879327C1, a combination kit including Ancestry, MyHeritage, and 23andMe).
Suzanne (Gunter) McClendon competed in the 2023 WikiGames.
I was born Suzanne Gunter, with no middle name. My mother didn't give either me or my sister middle names. She figured we would have a middle name, as our maiden name would serve that purpose once we got married.
There’s just one glitch there. My legal maiden name is not my biological maiden name. My biological maiden name is McDaniel. It is too much hassle to change a name and I love the daddy who unknowingly raised another man’s child, so it stays “Gunter”. I have never known the sailor who helped my mother to conceive me and he never knew that I existed until last year. I hold nothing against my biological father. He was young, just turned 18 years old, and stuff happens. My mother looked like a Disney princess back then and who can resist a Navy uniform?
Twin brothers and a little sister came shortly thereafter. All of us were born within 2 years and 11 months. Mother always said that she used every clothesline in the neighborhood for drying diapers.
More to come later... (SGMc/31 Oct 2021)
First-hand information. Entered by Suzanne Gunter at registration.
Maternal relationship is confirmed by a GEDmatch test match between Suzanne (Gunter) McClendon GEDmatch A769881 and her mother [Spence-3747|Madeline (Spence) Gunter] GEDmatch BT9759649. Their most-recent common ancestors are William Spence and Maggie (Pressley) Spence. Estimated number of generations to MRCA = 1.0, based on sharing 3586.1 cM (100.017 Pct) across 22 segments and X-DNA sharing 190.1 cM (100.078 Pct).
Maternal relationship is confirmed by an autosomal AncestryDNA test match between Suzanne (Gunter) McClendon and TW, her 2nd cousin 1x removed. Their most-recent common ancestors are Julius Pressley and Carrie Williams, the great grandparents of Suzanne (Gunter) McClendon and great great grandparents of TW. Predicted relationship from AncestryDNA: 2nd-3rd cousins, based on sharing 108 cM across 5 segments.
Paternal relationship is confirmed by an autosomal MyHeritageDNA test match between Suzanne (Gunter) McClendon and BJW, her 2nd cousin 2x removed. Their most-recent common ancestors are James Wren and Mary Downing, the 3rd great grandparents of Suzanne (Gunter) McClendon and great grandparents of BJW. Predicted relationship from MyHeritageDNA: 1st cousin twice removed - 4th cousin, based on sharing 91.3 cM across 5 segments. Suzanne is the daughter of Private who is the 2x great grandson of the common ancestors James Wren & Mary Downing.
Paternal relationship is confirmed by an autosomal 23andMe test match between Suzanne (Gunter) McClendon and KHE, her 3rd cousin . Their most-recent common ancestors are John Yates and Martha Davis, the great great grandparents of both Suzanne (Gunter) McClendon and KHE. Predicted relationship from 23andMe: 3rd cousins, based on sharing 62 cM (.83% DNA shared) across 2 segments.
Paternal relationship is confirmed by an autosomal AncestryDNA test match between Suzanne (Gunter) McClendon and Larry Lamberson, her 1st cousin 2x removed. Their most-recent common ancestors are William Salmons and Rosa Cox, the great great grandparents of Suzanne (Gunter) McClendon and grandparents of Larry Lamberson. Predicted relationship from AncestryDNA: 2nd - 3rd cousins, based on sharing 112 cM across 6 segments.
Only the Trusted List can access the following:
Suzanne's formal name
e-mail address
exact birthdate
birth location
images (1)
private siblings' names
private children's names (2)
spouse's name and marriage information
For access to Suzanne McClendon's full information you must be on Suzanne's Trusted List. Please login.
DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships.
Maternal line mitochondrial DNA test-takers:
Suzanne (Gunter) McClendon:
Family Tree DNA mtDNA Test Full Sequence, haplogroup U6b2, FTDNA kit #B40800, MitoYDNA ID T15739[compare]
It is likely that these
autosomal DNA
test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Suzanne:
My husband, Bill Hoover, (Hoover-4392) is an even closer cousin to you than I am.
He is your 9th cousin twice removed.
Mary (Repps) Jones (abt.1633-bef.1710) is your most recent common ancestor.
This week we have your last stop on the guided tour. Hopefully, you're feeling like a WikiTree pro! If not, you can always revisit the tour stops via the comment boxes on the right side of your profile.
You've covered a lot of ground the past few weeks. Today, we want to give you just a few more tools that can take you even deeper into the WikiTree forest without getting lost: How to Dig a Little Deeper.
Please do not hesitate to ask questions!
Thanks, WikiMesssenger Cindy
PS Good work so far! Have you noticed on your ancestor profiles on the bottom right is "Research" where you can get sources and more information? Give it a try sometime!
You may have been hard at work getting connected to family members who are already here and adding those who were missing. You probably have at least a few profiles that you manage now.
There's a fast and easy way to access those profiles using the Watchlist. So, this week we're going to look at How to Manage Your Watchlist.
You've been here for several weeks now! We hope your profiles are starting to come together and that you've enjoyed getting to know us a little better.
You're probably getting a good feel for the collaborative nature of WikiTree by now. We know that collaboration isn't always easy. So, we've put together a few pointers that can make working in this type of environment a little easier: How to be a Successful WikiTreer.
Dont hesitate to ask questions as that is the only way we gain knowledge!
It's time for your next stop on your guided tour. This week, we'd like to introduce you to our community and show you some ways to get more involved and stay up to date on everything that's going on: How to Join in the Community.
You've been here a week now, and we hope you enjoyed your first stop on your guided tour of WikiTree and were able to make good use of the things you learned.
I'm a member of the Mentor project, and I just wanted to check in and see how things are going.
I would be happy to answer any questions you might have, after working through How to Start Climbing Our Tree
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!
If you have not done so, set your Followed preferences to include DNA.
It's not hard to add DNA test information to profiles on WikiTree, just make sure you add the tests to the actual test participant's profile & set the Privacy to private w/ public biography & family tree to show the tester's part of our tree. For help see How to DNA on WikiTree
We also encourage you to join our Google+ Community for DNA discussions, questions & new information.
You are now a confirmed member, and you can get started adding your family members. As we've said, WikiTree is quite different from other genealogy sites. So, we've put together a guided tour to help you learn how to use it. Your first stop is How to Start Climbing Our Tree.
Tomorrow, you'll hear from a Mentor who will check in to see how you're doing and answer any questions you might have.
Next week, you'll get another message with your next stop on the guided tour.
You can also meet some of our members by joining in the fun with our Question of the Week in the G2G forum: [https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/360737
What is your most memorable genealogical discovery?
Welcome to WikiTree! The email we just sent has helpful links to get you started.
WikiTree is different than other genealogy websites
because our goal is to have one profile per person, and
that means we share ancestors and work together as a
BIG collaborative team!
What brings you to WikiTree? Do you have research youd
like to share? Are you interested in how your family fits
into the big tree?
When you confirm your email address, youll be given an
opportunity to volunteer to help document our collective
family history. Use the Tags and comments to tell us
about your genealogical interests.
When you volunteer, one of our Greeters will confirm
your membership. Then you'll be able to add your family
to the tree!
Connections to Super Bowl halftime show performers:
Suzanne is
26 degrees from Prince Nelson, 22 degrees from Dan Aykroyd, 17 degrees from Garth Brooks, 29 degrees from Chubby Checker, 20 degrees from Ella Fitzgerald, 16 degrees from Dusty Hill, 32 degrees from Whitney Houston, 21 degrees from Mick Jagger, 22 degrees from Paul McCartney, 19 degrees from Tom Petty, 19 degrees from Chris Stapleton and 26 degrees from Shania Twain
on our single family tree.
Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.
Thank you also for your kind words regarding my family story.
Have a blessed day.
Your sis in Christ, Suzanne
My husband, Bill Hoover, (Hoover-4392) is an even closer cousin to you than I am. He is your 9th cousin twice removed. Mary (Repps) Jones (abt.1633-bef.1710) is your most recent common ancestor.
Best regards, Cousin Marion
How cool that you both are cousins to me!
Thank you for sharing this with me.
Your sis in Christ, Cousin Suzanne
This week we have your last stop on the guided tour. Hopefully, you're feeling like a WikiTree pro! If not, you can always revisit the tour stops via the comment boxes on the right side of your profile.
You've covered a lot of ground the past few weeks. Today, we want to give you just a few more tools that can take you even deeper into the WikiTree forest without getting lost: How to Dig a Little Deeper.
Please do not hesitate to ask questions!
Thanks, WikiMesssenger Cindy
PS Good work so far! Have you noticed on your ancestor profiles on the bottom right is "Research" where you can get sources and more information? Give it a try sometime!
You may have been hard at work getting connected to family members who are already here and adding those who were missing. You probably have at least a few profiles that you manage now.
There's a fast and easy way to access those profiles using the Watchlist. So, this week we're going to look at How to Manage Your Watchlist.
As always, your questions are welcome! ~Mary
You've been here for several weeks now! We hope your profiles are starting to come together and that you've enjoyed getting to know us a little better.
You're probably getting a good feel for the collaborative nature of WikiTree by now. We know that collaboration isn't always easy. So, we've put together a few pointers that can make working in this type of environment a little easier: How to be a Successful WikiTreer.
Dont hesitate to ask questions as that is the only way we gain knowledge!
Thanks, WikiMessenger Cindy
As always, your questions are welcome!
Thanks, Cindy
You've been here a week now, and we hope you enjoyed your first stop on your guided tour of WikiTree and were able to make good use of the things you learned.
Our next stop will give you some pointers on how to make your profiles stand out: How to Make the Most of a Profile.
As always, your questions are welcome! Check out our g2g forum at: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/
Dorothy B
I'm a member of the Mentor project, and I just wanted to check in and see how things are going. I would be happy to answer any questions you might have, after working through How to Start Climbing Our Tree If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!
Regards Ronel
If you have not done so, set your Followed preferences to include DNA.
It's not hard to add DNA test information to profiles on WikiTree, just make sure you add the tests to the actual test participant's profile & set the Privacy to private w/ public biography & family tree to show the tester's part of our tree. For help see How to DNA on WikiTree
We also encourage you to join our Google+ Community for DNA discussions, questions & new information.
You are now a confirmed member, and you can get started adding your family members. As we've said, WikiTree is quite different from other genealogy sites. So, we've put together a guided tour to help you learn how to use it. Your first stop is How to Start Climbing Our Tree.
Tomorrow, you'll hear from a Mentor who will check in to see how you're doing and answer any questions you might have.
Next week, you'll get another message with your next stop on the guided tour.
You can also meet some of our members by joining in the fun with our Question of the Week in the G2G forum: [https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/360737
What is your most memorable genealogical discovery?
Welcome to WikiTree! The email we just sent has helpful links to get you started.
WikiTree is different than other genealogy websites because our goal is to have one profile per person, and that means we share ancestors and work together as a BIG collaborative team!
What brings you to WikiTree? Do you have research youd like to share? Are you interested in how your family fits into the big tree?
When you confirm your email address, youll be given an opportunity to volunteer to help document our collective family history. Use the Tags and comments to tell us about your genealogical interests.
When you volunteer, one of our Greeters will confirm your membership. Then you'll be able to add your family to the tree!
We're really glad you're here!
Gilly Greeter