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Hans Hansson (1835)

Hans Hansson
Born in Gessie, Malmöhus, Sverigemap
Husband of — married [date unknown] [location unknown]
Descendants descendants
Died [date unknown] [location unknown]
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Hans was born in 1835. Husman in Gessie. In parish records, he was listed as "den yngre" (the younger) and his father as "den gamle" (the old) or "den äldre" (the elder).

Hans moved back to Gessie No 21 where his parents lived in 1862. In 1871, he and his wife and their children moved to Keglinge. By 1888, they had moved to Fosie.

1890 census, Fosie N:o 23[1]
Hansson, Hans, f. 1835 i Gessie Malmöhus län, Ryktare
Jönsdotter, Hanna, f. 1842 i Svedala Malmöhus län
Anders, f. 1879 i Glostorp Malmöhus län
Johan, f. 1882 i Glostorp Malmöhus län
Carolina, f. 1885 i Glostorp Malmöhus län
Betty, f. 1888 i Fosie Malmöhus län


  1. Folkräkning 1890 - Fosie församling, Malmöhus län, bildid: Folk_912013-013 [1]
  • Birth record: Gessie kyrkoarkiv, Födelse- och dopböcker, SE/LLA/13132/C I/2 (1809-1838), bildid: C0065538_00053, sida 89 [2]
  • At Gessie No 21 with parents, wife and children: Gessie kyrkoarkiv, Husförhörslängder, SE/LLA/13132/A I/4 (1862-1867), bildid: C0065529_00057, sida 47 [3]
  • At Gessie No 21 with wife and children: Gessie kyrkoarkiv, Husförhörslängder, SE/LLA/13132/A I/5 (1868-1878), bildid: C0065530_00092, sida 86 [4]
  • At Keglinge No 2 with wife and children: Glostorps kyrkoarkiv, Husförhörslängder, SE/MSA/00284/A I/10 (1875-1884), bildid: C0064958_00087 [5]

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