Warren Harding
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Warren Gamaliel Harding (1865 - 1923)

President Warren Gamaliel Harding
Born in Blooming Grove, Morrow, Ohio, United Statesmap
Ancestors ancestors
Husband of — married 8 Jul 1891 in Marion, Marion, Ohio, United Statesmap
Descendants descendants
Died at age 57 in San Francisco, San Francisco, California, United Statesmap
Profile last modified | Created 12 Apr 2009
This page has been accessed 29,917 times.
The Presidential Seal.
Warren Harding was the President of the United States.
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Preceded by
28th President
Woodrow Wilson

Preceded by
Theodore E. Burton
Warren G. Harding
29th President
of the United States

US Senator (Class 3)
from Ohio
Seal of the US Senate
Succeeded by
30th President
Calvin Coolidge

Succeeded by
Frank B. Willis


Presidential Profile Biography

Notables Project
Warren Harding is Notable.

Warren Gamaliel Harding was born on November 2, 1865 in Ohio.[1]He was the first of eight children born to George Tryon Harding and his wife Phoebe Elizabeth Dickerson-Harding. He died in San Francisco, California on August 2, 1923. He married once, to Florence Mable King Kling DeWolfe on July 8, 1891 in Marion, Marion, Ohio. No children were born to this marriage.

He started as a newspaper publisher, and then became involved in politics, moving from lieutenant governor to senator and then to president in 1921. As president, he was a fiscally conservative Republican. His presidency started in a period of post-war economic depression. His economic policies brought the country into a time of prosperity. He advocated for African-American rights. He recognized the future importance of petroleum. These are among his positive legacies.

The material online is often contradictory, making the true facts about Warren Harding difficult to discern. There are many rumors, scandals and allegations of corruption in the material about the Harding Presidency.

Illegitimate Child

Nan Britton claimed in a book that her daughter, named Elizabeth Ann Harding, was the daughter of Warren Harding.[2] In 2015, DNA tests confirmed these rumors.


This timeline intermingles dates and events from genealogical, biographical, and historic perspectives.

  • April, 1861 - April, 1865 - United States Civil War.[3]
  • November 2, 1865 - Warren Gamaliel Harding born in Blooming Grove, Ohio, USA.[1]
  • 1866 - Charity, sister of Warren Harding born.[4]
  • 1867 -Mary, sister of Warren Harding born.[5]
  • 1872 - Eleanor Priscilla, sister of Warren Harding born.[6]
  • 1874 - Charles A. Harding, brother of Warren Harding born.[7]
  • About 1875 - George T. Harding, Warren's Father's bought The Argus, a weekly paper published in Caledonia, Ohio.
  • May, 1875 - Daisy, sister of Warren Harding born.[8]
  • 1875 - 1882 - Warren Harding studies journalism and learns the newspaper business by hands on experience.
  • May 31, 1876 - Victoria, sister of Warren Harding born.[9]
  • March 11, 1878 - George Tryon Harding, brother of Warren Harding born[10][11]
  • November 9, 1878 - Charles A. Harding, brother of Warren Harding died and Eleanor Priscilla, sister of Warren Harding born.[12]
  • 1879 - (Phoebe) Caroline Harding, sister of Warren Harding born.[13].>[14]
  • 1882 - Warren Harding graduated from Ohio Central College.[1]
  • 1885 - Abigail Victoria Harding Lewis, b. May 31, 1885[15].[16]
  • 1886 - Harding has bought the newspaper, Marion Daily Star.[1]
  • July 8, 1891 - Marriage of Warren Harding and Florence (King) Kling DeWolfe.
  • 1899 - 1903 - Harding serves in the Ohio Senate.[1]
  • 1901 June 28th - Freemasons: "Warren G. Harding November 2, 1865 – August 2, 1923 March 4, 1921 – August 2, 1923 Initiated on June 28, 1901 in Marion Lodge No. 70, Marion, Ohio. Raised on August 27, 1920 in that Lodge."
  • 1904 - 1906 - Lieutenant Governor of Ohio.[1]
  • January 1, 1915 - Death of Harding's stepson, Marshall Eugene DeWolfe.[17]
  • 1916 - 1921 - Senator from Ohio[18].[1]
  • 1920 - the Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution - Prohibition of Intoxicating Liquors - takes effect. It is not repealed until 1933.
  • 1920 - 1921 - The country is in an economic depression.[1]
  • November, 1920 - Warren Harding wins the popular vote for President by a landslide. He is slogan: --"Less government in business and more business in government."[19]
  • March 4, 1921 - Warren Harding is inaugrated President of the United States.
  • August 2, 1923 - President Harding dies suddenly, apparently from a heart attack.[1]

Rough Draft Notes

Difficulties found in finding good documentation for the Harding siblings. Wife attached to the profile who most probably could not have been his wife. Spelling of his wife Florence's maiden name in question:King or Kling?


African-American ancestry - None found, but there are gaps in his genealogy.[1]
Mistresses - Letters were found many years after Harding's death that lend credence to the rumor.[1]
Corruption - Several of Hoover's appointees were convicted in the Teapot Dome Scandal, but he, himself, was not charged with bribery. He died before the full investigation of the scandal was completed.[1]
His death was unnatural - He had the symptons of cornary problems just before his collapse and probably also had pneumonia. His physician was present when he passed on.[20][21]


  • Harding County, New Mexico was named in President Harding's honor.


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 Wikipedia: Warren_G._Harding
  2. The Four Mysteries of Warren Harding
  3. Wikipedia US Civil War
  4. 1880 Federal Census
  5. 1880 Federal Census
  6. Upstairs at WhiteHouse, no primary source found
  7. Upstairs at WhiteHouse, no primary source cited
  8. 1880 Federal Census
  9. 1910 Federal Census
  10. 1880 Federal Census
  11. Upstairs at WhiteHouse
  12. Upstairs at WhiteHouse, no primary source cited
  13. 1880 Federal Census
  14. Upstairs at WhiteHouse
  15. 1910 Federal Census
  16. Upstairs at WhiteHouse
  17. Wikipedia Marshall Eugene DeWolfe
  18. About2.com
  19. Whitehouse.gov President Harding
  20. The Four Mysteries of Warren Harding
  21. Strange Death of Harding

About.com Warren Harding

*Footnote referral from Wikipedia, discusses the scandels associated with Warren Harding

For further reading:

  • McCartney, Laton (2009) The Teapot Dome Scandal: How Big Oil Bought the Harding White House and Tried to Steal the Country. Random House, New York.

further reading

xxxxxxxxxxxx This is for the profile of Warren Harding's mother.

on line abstract of Ohio VR:
Morrow County, Ohio Vital Records, 1830-93 about Dickerson, Phoebe Name: Dickerson, Phoebe
Birth Place: Morrow co., OH
Birth Date: 21 Dec 1843
Father's Name: Isaac Dickerson
Mother's Name: Charity Vankirk
Spouse: George T. Harding
Marriage Date: 7 May 1864
Marriage Location: Morrow co., OH
Children: Warren, Chattie, Mary, Priscilla, Daisy, Charles
Death Date: After 1880

xxxxxxxxxxx Unresolved issue spelling of Mrs. Harding's maiden name.

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DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships. Paternal line Y-chromosome DNA test-takers: It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Warren: Have you taken a test? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.

Comments: 13

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The organisation of this page could be improved. Take a look:

1 Presidential Profile Biography 2 Illegitimate Child 2.1 Timeline 2.2 Rough Draft Notes 2.3 Rumors 3 Legacy 4 Sources

posted by Ian Beacall
edited by Ian Beacall
Book for reference:

The ancestry of President Harding and its relation to the Hardings of Wyoming Valley and Clifford, Pennsylvania by Miller, Clara Gardner, 1861-


posted by Michelle Ketcham
Unfortunately, the connection falls apart at https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Harding-121 The connection of this man to "Richard" has been proven incorrect.
posted by Robin Lee
Category: Freemasonry

"Warren G. Harding November 2, 1865 – August 2, 1923 March 4, 1921 – August 2, 1923 Initiated on June 28, 1901 in Marion Lodge No. 70, Marion, Ohio. Raised on August 27, 1920 in that Lodge." wikipedia.com

posted by Carole Taylor
I am working on a project about people with US Counties named after them. Which brings us to Harding County, New Mexico, which was named after President Harding. (And it was a NM Senator who went to jail over the Teapot Dome scandal, too!) That's what I'd add to this profile - a sentence about the NM County, and perhaps a few other things named after him, and a tag for the Category, the following between double square brackets:

Category:Namesakes US Counties

Privacy setting won't allow me to add this myself.

posted by [Living Winter]
Let's add this article to the sources where we talk about the rumor of an illegitimate child.
posted by Robin Lee
This could be interesting, he had an illegitimate (DNA-confirmed) daughter:


posted by Moritz Ferner
Is it possible to compress his timeline to single spacing so we don't have such a LONG way to go? Thank you for your consideration, Renee
posted by Renee Malloy Esq
Warren Harding is notable.
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posted by Doug Lockwood

Connections to Kings: Warren is 21 degrees from Martin King, 15 degrees from Barbara Ann King, 14 degrees from George King, 17 degrees from Philip King, 22 degrees from Truby King, 20 degrees from Louis XIV de France, 17 degrees from King Charles III Mountbatten-Windsor, 16 degrees from Amos Owens, 17 degrees from Gabrielle Roy, 20 degrees from Richard Seddon, 24 degrees from Pometacom Wampanoag and 33 degrees from Charlemagne Carolingian on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.