William Hatcher[1] is said to have been born about 1613 in England (per a deposition he gave late in life). Many researchers have attempted to connect this William to the Careby Hatchers from Lincolnshire. The property at Careby was purchased by Dr. Sir John Hatcher on 20 November 1551. The genealogy of Sir John and his descendants begins here: https://hatcherfamilyassn.com/getperson.php?personID=I12451&tree=EHtoAm
"After more than 10 years of researching the English records and documents, Emory Hatcher, through a professional British genealogist, has disproved all possible Hatcher males of the Careby Hatchers as the father of William with one exception. One Henry Hatcher simply disappears from the records after 1599" after collecting 40% of his inheritance. He was never seen again in any known record. There is no proof whatsoever that he might have been the father of William.
Those who assert that William was christened 14 August, 1614 at Ogbourne Saint George, Wiltshire, England however, are connecting William to a different Hatcher family who lived in Wiltshire, a very long way away from Careby.
The given name "Gulielmus" comes from a 1632 marriage record between Gulielmus Hatcher and Marian Newporte, however it is unlikely that Gulielmus and William are the same person.. [2] More research is needed as there are researchers that dispute a marriage prior to William's immigration to Virginia because William would have received more acres of land if his wife had come to Virginia, and there is no such record in the Virginia archives.
Note: "Gulielmus". MEANING: This name derives from the Old Norman name “Williame”, (French: Guillaume; German: Wilhelm).[3]
In 1635 William immigrated to VA aboard the ship "Abigail." He paid passage for 3 others (often assumed to be his wife and 2 sons). In June 1999 the Jamestowne Society accepted the thesis of Jerry Proudfit of Atlanta, GA, that William was not married when he arrived in this country. His argument was based on the fact that had William arrived with a wife and child, Edward, who some believed to have been born in England circa 1633, William would have claimed an additional 100 acres for importing his wife and child. He did not do this, and no wife relinquished her dowry for these early land grants]
Immigration to Virginia
There are many spurious stories which purport to detail the travel of William Hatcher from England to Virginia. Many are based upon inferences from other travels, generally to New England, for which better records exist. Ships traveling to Virginia generally did not visit New England and vice versa.
Also, a land grant referring to the payment for the immigration of a number of people does not mean that the listed people traveled together with or without the grantee of the patent. Such payments were recorded in the form of negotiable instruments which could be bought and sold by the colonists. In general, the wealthiest colonists or merchants in England would pay for the travel and then sell the negotiable instruments to colonists who wished to purchase land. The redemption of these instruments cannot infer anything about the relationship of the named individuals.
In 1635 William immigrated to VA aboard the ship "Abigail." He paid passage for 3 others.[4] The passenger lists for the Abigail 1635 voyages do not provide us any evidence that William Hatcher was a passenger.[5]
William Hatcher's Wikipedia biography has this to say in regards to his immigration to Virginia:
"Hatcher came into the American Colonies about 1635, settling in as a resident of Henrico County, Virginia. Family records attest that he came to the Colonies as a traveling companion and friend of the Parliamentarian, Sir Henry Vane the Younger. On June 1, 1636, he received a patent for land for the importation of himself and three others into the colony. In the land grant office in Richmond, Virginia, are recorded the several grants of land issued to this William Hatcher, in Book 1, page 433, 850 acres; Book 1, page 559, 150 acres; and, Book 6, page 529, 227 acres." [6]
Sir Henry Vane is documented as arriving at (unnamed ship) Boston in October 1635 on a ship also carrying John Winthrop and Hugh Pete[7]
Hatcher family historian, Dennis Stewart provided the following details of Hatcher's immigration to Virginia in his Oct 20,2017 email. " I will be sending you a genealogical report, "Deep Roots and Green Branches--Of the Hatcher Family Tree" (2007) by Robert M. Hatcher. His report includes research by a genealogist in England. William Hatcher left London in July, 1634 on the ship "Primrose." He was listed in the ship's log as a merchant. [8][9]
Whenever and however Hatcher arrived in Virginia, there is no Virginia record of him before his initial land grant of 200 acres dated 1 Jun 1636.[10][11]
By patent dated 4 Jul 1637 for Henrico County, Virginia, he received 850 acres of land. (See page 90 at the side page of source.)[12][13] (Date corrected to July 4 from the original image which reads "fourth of July 1637.")[14]
Also in 1674, William received 227 acres in Henrico County, Virginia, which land would be given to his grandson Thomas Burton, Jr. His son Edward received 1300 acres in same county in 1675.(See page 140.)[15]
House of Burgesses
William Hatcher was elected to represent Henrico County in the Virginia House of Burgesses for 1645-46, 1649, 1652, and 1659.
It is believed that Hatcher was also elected for 1654, but he was not allowed to serve due to spurious allegations made against the Speaker of the House. The story is recorded in the official minutes (translated into modern English):
WHEREAS Col. Edward Hill unanimously chosen speaker of this house was afterwards maliciously reported by William Hatcher to be an atheist and blasphemer according to an information exhibited against him the last quarter court, from which the honorable Governor and Council then cleared the said Col. Edward Hill and now certified the same unto the house: And for as much as the said Wm. Hatcher. notwithstanding he had notice given him of the Governor and Council's pleasure therein and of the said Col. Hill's being cleared as aforesaid, hath also reported, That the mouth of this house was a Devil, nominating and meaning thereby the said Right Worp'll. Col. Edward Hill, It is therefore ordered by this house, that the said William Hatcher, upon his knees, make an humble acknowledgement of his offense unto the said Col. Edward Hill and Burgesses of this Assembly; which accordingly was performed and then the said Hatcher dismissed paying his fees.
Bacon's Rebellion
William Hatcher, Virginia Burgess and close neighbor of the young Nathaniel Bacon, was an outspoken and sometimes hot-headed individual. Hatcher researcher, Dennis Stewart in an October 20, 2017 email to David Douglas had this to say: "Elder Hatcher, as far as I know, took no active part in the uprising against the governor. Yet he did let his sentiments be known, which got him into trouble."[16]
William Hatcher was fined for his participation in Bacon's Rebellion.[17]
Will & Probate
Last Will and Testament of William Hatcher[18]
[place not listed].
22 February 1676/7.
1 April 1680 (proved).
[transcription of Will Book copy entered by the Deputy Court Clerk]
In the Name Of God (Amen) I William Hatcher being in perfect memory but well stricken in years doe make my last will & testament in manner & forme following.
Inprimus I give & bequeath my spiritt to almighty God who gave it to mee, whensoever it shall please him to call me out of this sinfull world & my boddy to the ground.
Item I give unto Thomas Burton Junior the plantation betweene the land of Mr Henry Lound and the land of Gilbert Elam to wit: two hundred & twenty six [226] acres, his choice of all my horses or mares one heifer called blackchopps, a young ewe, and a years schooling & clothes, till he arrives to the age of seventeene years, to the confirmation of which I have hereunto sett my hand & fixed my seale this two & twentith [22] day of February 1676/7.
Memorandum before the signing & sealing hereof, I doe bequeath unto the above mentioned Thomas Burton Jun'r the second choice of all my bedds & furniture thereunto belonging.
Signed: Will' Hatcher.
Witnesses: John Pleasants, Henry Gee.
Executors: [not listed].
William Hatcher was probably buried on his plantation in Henrico, County, Virginia.
Att a Court holden att Varina for the County of Henrico the first [1] day of Aprill [1680]. Pved [Proved] in Henrico County Court the first day of Aprill 1680 by ye oath of Henry Gee and the testamony of Jn'o Pleasants who (being a quaker) refused to sweare but only affirms it to be Hatcher's deed, these partyes being wittnesses to ye same. Entered at Court held at Varina for Henrico County on 1 April 1680.[18]
Note: William Hatcher's Last Will and Testament names no executor or residuary legatee, and in fact mentions no child at all. From the wording of the bequest to Thomas Burton Jr. ("the second choice of all my bedds & furniture"), we presume (1) there was another Will making bequests of portions of his estate to his family or (2) he allowed the remainder of his estated to pass intestate to his family. Both presumptions are problematic because (1) the above Last Will and Testament does not refer to there being another Will, making it a poorly constructed legal document, and (2) he did not die intestate because the above Last Will & Testament was proved in Court, so the Court would have been left to decide who inherits the residuary assets, presumably generating a record.
At the same Court, 1 April 1680, William's brothers Edward and Benjamin made gifts to their brother Henry's children.[19]
Bee it knowne unto all men by these presents that Wee Edward Hatcher & Benjamine Hatcher freely give Y by these preseents confirme it as a free gift to our Couzens the children of our brother Henry Hatcher these things following, viz't
to Henry Hatcher & W'm Hatcher & their heirs for Ever two mares & two heifers & one fether bed & appartennances thereunto belonging, two gunns, this given joyntly betwen them & not to be divided till the first come to age.
And to the three daughters Anne, Mary, & Martha Hatcher all the daughters of our brother Henry Hatcher these things following Jountly given to be divided when the first come to age, three heifers & one mare
all those above express goods is given as above said & putt into the custody of Mr Henry Lound Gardian to the above said orph'ns for the the only use & behoofe of the said orph'ns and that the said Lound hath hereby power given him to sell or dispose of any part thereof as he shall thinke best for the advantage of the said orph'ns only alwaies keeping the produce of the said goods within the County of Henrico, And in case of the decease of any of the above said children the part belonging to him , to be equally divided amongst the surviving children & the daughters is given to them & their heirs forever as ye sonns is, to the time pformance hereof thee hereof thee have hereunto sett our hands & seales this first [1] of Aprill one thousand six hundred & eighty [1680].
Entered at Court held at Varina for Henrico County on 1 April 1680.
Also at the same Court, 1 April 1680, an agreement was executed between Benjamine Hatcher of Henrico County, Virginia, and Robert Sharpe of Henrico County, Virginia, for £[not listed], one half of 200 acres, in Henrico County, Virginia, called Varina, which lately was in ten[?] & occupation of W'm Hatcher (dece'd) And claimed at law by Robert Sharpe, And the right of the said William since his death being derived to the aforesaid Benjamine, And allsoe [?] claimed by the said Robert, Now for a Valuable consideration in hand rece'd by each of the said partyes, … the said tract of land containing two hundred [200] acres … the said tract or dividend of land shall be equally divided into halfes & that the said Robert shall have his choice afer the division. 31 March 1680. Signed: Ben Hatcher, Ro't Sharpe (his mark). Witnesses: W'm Randolph, Hugh David. Entered at Court held at Varina for Henrico County on 1 April 1680.[20]
[each child needs one or more reliable sources that establish they are his children]
The children of William Hatcher and his unknown spouse are:
NOTE: Susannah HATCHER, born circa 1642 in Henrico Co, VA[25] is highly unlikely to be a child of William Hatcher, Sr. Her sons have been shown to have male Y DNA which descends from William Hatcher, Sr. If she was the daughter of William Hatcher, it would require multiple occasions of incest for her sons to pass down William Hatcher's Y DNA. The best view of the available evidence is that Susannah was the wife of William Hatcher, Jr., had at least the male children with that husband, who then died, and Susannah then remarried to Thomas Burton, Sr., who renamed all of the Hatcher children (both given and surnames) to suit himself. See the profile for Susannah for the complete story about this.
NOTE: William, Jr. was moved to firstborn son for several reasons. First, he is first named on the deed for himself and younger brother Henry. Second, he was likely married around the time of that deed, and had to conceive of 5 kids before he passed sometime before Henry (as surviving partner) deeded his land to Edward on 20 Aug 1667 or 1669. Edward was the next eldest, and at the time William, Sr. died, Benjamin was the only other surviving son.
Needs Research: This profile currently has a signficant amount of "data" and "comments" and Research Notes that are in conflict. The profile needs to be reviewed for accuracy with incorrect information preserved in the research notes appropriately labeled (disproven, uncertain, etc). Spratlin-29 16:26, 28 March 2024 (UTC)
Needs Style Review: This profile currently presents a significant amount of discussion about the state of research in the Biography section. This research discussion should be moved to the Research Notes. Spratlin-29 16:26, 28 March 2024 (UTC)
Needs Sources: Some of the citations are email discussions and other information that is not available here. Reliable, accessible sources need to be found. This profile has a large number of "see also" sources that should be reviewed for information that could be included in his Biography and cited. These "see also" sources are of unknown reliability as listed. Spratlin-29 16:26, 28 March 2024 (UTC)
Disputed Parents
The father of William Hatcher is sometimes said to be William Hatcher or Thomas Hatcher of the Careby Hatchers. The current evidence seems to place huge doubt on either man being his father. The identity of his parents is currently unknown. The evidence comes from the research of an English genealogist employed by descendant, Emory Hatcher who after more than 10 years of researching the English records and documents, is said to have disproved all possible Hatcher males of the Careby Hatchers as the father of William with one exception, one Henry Hatcher, who simply disappears from the records after 1599 after collecting 40% of his inheritance.[26][27]
Son of Thomas HATCHER, son of William HATCHER & Margaret LONGE [28]
Disputed Spouse
Some believe that William Hatcher who died in 1680 in Henrico Co. Va. is the same William Hatcher who married Marian Newport in England in 1632.
However, appealing as it may be, there are problems with this conclusion.
First, in 1632 William of Henrico was still under age. He was born 1613 according to a Henrico Co. Va. court deposition dated 1 Aug. 1676. Therefore, in 1632 he would have been about 19 years old.
Second, the signature of William Hatcher of Henrico does NOT match the signature of the William Hatcher who married Miss Newport. We have William's signature from his Henrico Co. will and he does not spell his first name as "Gulielmus" which is an old
rendering of "William".
Note: Is there a reliable source with image for the signature for his Will? Is the signature from the original Will signed by William, or the copy transcribed into the Court Record Book? Spratlin-29 18:13, 31 March 2024 (UTC)
I, Dennis Stewart will present a more plausible wife for William Hatcher of Henrico from the book, "Henrico County, Virginia Land Patent Abstracts With Some Plat Maps", vol. I, by Du Lac.
William Hatcher arrived in Jamestown on the ship "Primrose" in
1634 according to an English genealogical report included in the
paper, "Deep Roots and Green Branches--Of the Hatcher Family
Tree", by Robert Hatcher of Brentwood, TN., pub. 2007. William Hatcher, William Clark and wife Dorothy moved to Swift Creek of Appomattox River in Henrico Co. Va. by 1636. This area is today Chesterfield Co. Va.
In 1636 William Clarke was granted 1,100 ac. in this area, "In right
of now wife Dorothy Garner, late widow of Edward Garner which
was also due him the said Edward Garner by transportation of 22 persons..." In Jul. 1637, William Hatcher was granted 850 ac., it being 450 ac. at Swift Creek including 50 ac. on a small island in the river,
& 400 ac. from his own personal adventure (investment), plus,
another 450 ac. "...by assignment from William Clarke." Mr. Clark
died in 1638.
According to a Henrico Co. Va. Court Deposition dated 10 Oct.
1681 William Hatcher's son Edward Hatcher was born 1635. Since William was in Va. by 1634 that would mean that Edward was born in Va. In c1635. And that would imply that William married not long
after coming to Va.
Dorothy Garner Clark's husband conveyed land to William Hatcher.
In 1638. William's first son Edward Hatcher was likely named after Edward Garner, first husband of Dorothy. Taken as a whole the above would indicate that William Hatcher in 1634, at age 21,
married a daughter of Edward and Dorothy Garner. They have a
son Edward born 1635.
William Hatcher deserted his Swift Creek Plantations and moved to
Varina Parish on the north side of James River. A land grant seems to imply that Dorothy Clark "widow" was still alive in Feb. 1652. As
young William Hatcher came to Jamestowne in 1634 and seemingly
married that same year it would in turn indicate that he was also
married in Jamestowne, almost certainly in the old church still there.
He and the Clark's did not move away until 1636. And finally, notice
this. Marian was a daughter of the historically famous Capt.
Christopher Newport. Yet, William Hatcher and his wife never
apparently named any sons Christopher. The sons were named,
Edward, William, Henry and Benjamin.
Disputed Parents and Spouse
Note: Profiles attached for parents and wives were previously removed. See Research Notes, below. This profile is project-protected to prevent re-attachment of parents/wives without appropriate sources and discussion.
Will Discussion
The personally signed 1680 will (not a complete will, but a Deed of Gift) of William Hatcher is extant.
Note: See above #Will & Probate for a citation to the Will Book copy, entered by the Deputy Court Clerk, and therefore not displaying William's signature.
Alternate transcription
Another translation of the Will of William Hatcher, Henrico County, VA., Will and Deed Book Part 1, pg 121. Will of William Hatcher [29]
To Thomas Burton Jr. the land between Mr. Henry Lound and Gilbert Elam containing 226 acres, his choice of all of my horses and mares, one heifer, one Ewwe, a yars schooling, and clothes until he arrives at 17 years of age. 20 February 1676/7. Wit John Pleasants and Henry Gee. Before signing, "I give also to Thomas Burton Jr. the second choice of all my bed and furniture." Recorded 1 April 1680 (see patent 26 Sept 1674).[30]
His Will, made when he was "well stricken in years" dated 1676/7, was proved 1 April 1680. It names no executor or residuary legatee and in fact mentions no child at all. On 26 September 1674 he had procured a patent for 227 acres of land in Henrico County; this land he devised for life to Thomas Burton Jr. together with the latter's choice of his horses and mares, one heifer, one ewe, a year's schooling, and clothing until he arrives at the age of seventeen, also the second choice of his bed and its furniture. Such a will is more like a deed of a gift to one particular relative than a will; the rest of his property was permitted to pass as in intestacy, and on 1 April 1680 Edward and Benjamin Hatcher, William Hatcher's surviving sons made a gift to the minor children of their deceased brother Henry of cattle and other personal property out of the estate of William Hatcher and then divided the residue among themselves. [31]
Unsorted Notes
August 2020 Changes: The parents and wife were removed based on this G2G discussion, please share reliable sources before making changes.
I am the President of the Hatcher Families Genealogy Association. We have the canonical biography of this man on the Association's web page.[32] The edits I make on 26 Aug 2020 are based upon the massive evidence on our web site. (Signed: Bill Schultz)
A Henrico Co., VA deposition of William Hatcher dated 1677, indicated his age about sixty-three years, making his birthdate circa 1614 [citation needed]
Signature on will copy (said to have been a clerical transcription) appears to read Hatch:[33] (An expert on 17th century handwriting offered an opinion that the colon indicated an abbreviation for the full name of Hatcher, and that the document was a clerk's transcript.)
Christening record of Gulielmus Hatch, Oct 25, 1614, Devon, England [34]
Marriage record between Gulielmus Hatcher and Marian Newport on 27 Dec 1632 in Ogburn St. George, Wiltshire, England.
Ship's passenger list of the ship Hercules, of Sandwich, Feb-Mar, 1634 lists WILL.HATCH of Sandwich merchant and JANE his wife Five children Six servants. [35] NOTE: The Hercules was headed to New England, not to Virginia.
On 01 June 1636, William Hatcher was granted a 200 acre land patent in Henrico County on the "Appomatuck" River, 50 acres for his personal adventures and 150 acres for transporting 3 persons, namely Richard Radford, John Winchester and Alice Emmerton. [36]
Misc. Docs
"Grievances of the inhabitants of Henrico County presented to His Majesty's Commissioners for Virginia under six heads. In reference to the evil consequences of the monopoly of the Indian trade; the uselessness of the forts built to defend them from the Indians and their murders and incursions; the heavy taxes and especially the 60 lbs. per poll. Signed by William Glam, John Pleasants, Solomon Knibbe, Will Hatcher, and John Lewis. Also, The Answers of His Majesty's Commissioners to same. Two papers. 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXXIX., Nos. 90 and 91; also Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXXI., pp. 321, 322.]" [37]
Member of Parliament and took up arms against the King, and for this, being seized by the King's forces, was indicted for treason in 1643. (from the Hatcher Family Newsletter by Donna Whitaker, 1999) (uncertain (possibly irrelevant) reference as this William Hatcher would have been in Virginia by 1635/36) This is most likely a reference to Sir Thomas Hatcher or William Hatcher, sometimes said to be William's father.[38] [Thomas Hatcher of Careby did not inherit his father's knighthood, and so was not a "Sir." And his only known son was John Hatcher, christened on 23 Jan 1633/4. That particular Thomas married on 14 Oct 1617, years after the likely birth of our William. The children of Sir John, his father, are well documented by a 17th century genealogy, and there is no William. And Sir John's father was dead well before 1600. Which is why we cannot conclude that William descended from the Careby Hatchers.
In 1636 William transported three persons to Henrico, Virginia. One of those persons was Alice Emmerton who has been proposed as William's wife by some researchers.[39][40]
It has also been said that William married Mary Ward about 1633/34 in Lincolnshire, England and together they immigrated to Bermuda Hundred, Virginia about 1635. [41]
There are a number of researchers that believe Marian Newporte is the wife of William Hatcher. There is in fact a marriage record between a Gulielmus (William) Hatcher and Marian Newporte that took place Dec 27,1632 at Ogbourne St George, Wiltshire, England[42][43]
Thursday, Oct 19, 2017: Dennis Stewart to David Douglas: RE: William Hatcher's profile on WikiTree
That's fascinating I did not know the Norman version of the given name William. Its funny you found that because some researchers believe that our William Hatcher, Gent., married a relative of Jamestown Captain Christopher Newport. Perhaps you found the origin of that internet belief.
According to a deposition in Henrico Co. Va. he was born 1614 and was a merchant at only age 20, and brought over some headrights in 1634 the year he arrived at Jamestown. I have the name of the ship he came over on but cannot. remember it at the moment. One of his early occupations was tobacco inspector which was very crucial back then as it was a unit of currency. I would like to claim Newport but I am not certain. The following is 'off the top of my head' as I'm at the library and don't have my records in front of me. By 1636 a William Clark with wife Dorothy, widow and former wife of Edward Garner (sometimes Gardiner) of England settled on Swift Creek in Henrico Co. Va. I think Edward Garner had intended to come to Virginia but died before in England. His headrights (land patents) then went to his widow Dorothy. Dorothy soon thereafter married William Clark which meant once she remarried the patents then belonged to her new husband as dictated by English Common Law (recall Shawn Potter referencing limited female property rights of that time in regard to Hannah Carter). William Clark, wife Dorothy, and young William Hatcher all lived together on a point where Swift Creek runs into the Appomattox River. This Clark GAVE (not sold) a large tract (seems like 800 ac.) to William Hatcher in that same area in 1636. Clark died in 1637. So Hatcher had this land plus some additional acreage from his own headrights. Now consider this, William Hatcher named his first son Edward Hatcher, I believe after Edward Garner. I thinkDorothy Garner Clark was mother-in-law of William Hatcher, ie.Hatcher's wife was a Miss Garner. The Hatchers, Garners & Clarks likely knew each other prior in England.
I will mail you the land patents which seem to infer all of this. William Hatcher was a very out-spoken man and fiercely Christian (ironically Hatcher would have dis-liked me because I'm not religious). He was about 61 years old during the time of Bacon's Rebellion, which was really old for back then. Word got back to my cousin Gov. Berkeley that Hatcher was 'running his mouth' supporting Bacon. Elder Hatcher was accused of "Mutiny" (Political freedom of speech was still about 113 years away). He was called before Berkeley's cronies who in the end fined him 8000 pounds of dressed pork to feed the governor's soldiers in the war. Hatcher lived long enough to hear that Berkeley had died in England. I do not know if the changing of governors rescinded his penalty. If not it might have ruined him financially. He signed the "Grievances of Henrico" to the King of England, then died in 1680.
He did not name any of his children in his will. But we have the proof of who his sons were because they filed for his several plantations after his death. The Hatcher home plantation was 'Varina', part of which was once the farm of John Rolfe and Pocahontas. Elder Hatcher named only a grandson in his will, Thomas Burton---son of your Susanna Hatcher Burton Stewart, Susanna being a daughter of old Hatcher.
Hatcher's wife/wives apparently were dead before he made his will and his two surviving sons, Edward and Benjamin were not named.Since it was AFTER old Hatcher's death that the sons got his land it makes you wonder if he was estranged from them? Wm. Jr. died young and Henry Hatcher (my line) died in 1677.
William Hatcher, Sr. did have a temper. Some of his neighbors had been poaching his fish pond--but one day made the mistake of leaving their little boats at the pond. Old Hatcher commanded his servant to take an axe and knock holes in the bottom of the boats, LOL, they went to court over it but I cannot remember the legal outcome.
Your Susan Hatcher Burton later married a Hatcher family friend, John Stewart 'The Glover'--whom I believe is my own 7 greats Y DNA grandfather. Susan's brother Edward Hatcher and John Steward owned tracts at Bermuda Hundred in 1691. I think Steward had a leather shop there.
I'm open-minded if I am wrong. But I tend to think that this is your line/
1) Edward Garner / Gardiner died in Eng. bef. 1634, wife Dorothy. She remarried Wm. Clark and moved to Henrico Co. Va. c1634.
2) Miss Garner, husband, William Hatcher, 1614-1680, merchant / politician, elected 8 times as Burgess to Jamestown. Known children: Edward, William, Jr.(died young), Henry (married Ann Loone), Benjamin, Susanna.
Saturday, January 26, 2019: Dennis Stewart to David Douglas: RE: PS
I need to find my report copy by a genealogist in England who found that William Hatcher's father was a Henry Hatcher, not another Wm. as surmised by William & Mary Quarterly. I need to mail you that, or, I may have already 2 years ago ???
William was in Henrico Co. Va. by 1634. He came on the ship "Primrose", but seems to have gone back to England and then returned on a ship whose name I cannot remember at the moment.
Going by memory here so don't quote me. The birth order of William Hatcher's sons, (Hatcher here permanently in 1636) , are thought to be :
Henry Hatcher, 1638-1677 (my line), md. Anne Lound
William Hatcher, c1640-died young, no wife
Edward Hatcher, born 1643 as a fact according to a Henrico Co. Deposition. Md. Miss Ward.
Benjamin Hatcher, born c1644, cannot remember wife's name. Seems like he left a will and lived WAY past his life expectancy (d. 1728 ???).
Susanna Hatcher (your line, have no idea her age). Seems to have died at Bermuda Hundred and buried maybe behind what is now the Johnson-Bishop house, formerly owned by the late Evelyn Gray. Long story here. Married (Thomas) Burton, then John Steward who owned a leather shop at Bermuda Hundred in 1700.
The following tidbits are from Dennis Stewart(16676)summarizing William Hatcher, Seniors land holdings. This is from the following sources, "Henrico County, Virginia Deeds 1677-1705", by Weisiger & "Henrico County, Virginia Land Patent Abstracts With Some Plat Maps", vol. I, by Du Lac. William Hatcher, immigrant, owned somewhere over 2,300 ac. in Henrico Co. VA., but not all at the same time. In the earlier part of his life he had about 1,850 ac. on the south side of James River(area now Chesterfield Co. VA.). He also had about or over 450 ac. on the north side of James River(area still Henrico Co. VA.). By 1637/38 William Hatcher had 850 ac. on Swift Creek of Appomattox River(plus "a small Island"), plus 150 ac. nearby and bordering a Mary Box. By 1655 William Hatcher had deserted these tracts which were awarded to Henry Randolph in 1657. William also had a 200 ac. tract on Appomattox River, adjoining a Eliz. Ward, widow, in 1636. I do not know what happened to this 200 ac. He had a 400 ac. tract called, "Neckaland"(now called "Jones Neck"), and a 250 ac. farm south of the neck(no name), which went down to 227 or 226 ac. On the north side of James River and partly on the river bank was William Hatcher, Seniors home plantation in 1680 called "Varina", 200 ac., "..at Varina, lately in occupation of said William." He had a plantation called, "Pigg in the Bole(Bowl)", 100 ac.(presumedly where their hog business was located), and "Turkey Island Point", 150 ac., plus "Hatcher's Quarter", location and ac. unknown. According to, "Genealogies of Virginia Families", vol. II, p. 870--881, William Hatcher, Sr. was elected by the men of Henrico Co. as a Burgesse to the General Assembly at Jamestowne, VA., an amazing 8 times, 1644, 1645, 1646, 1649, 1652, 1654, 1658, & 1659.
William Hatcher's YDNA Haplogroup is R-Y34483. Descendants of each of his sons have had "Big Y" DNA tests, and all show this Haplotype. Upstream blocks from this Haplotype are R-M269 > L23 > M412 > L11 > P312/S116 > Z290 > L21/S145 > DF13 > DF21/S192 > FGC3213 > Z16532 > Y34485 > FGC18667 > R-Y34483[44] This includes direct male descendants of John Burton and Abraham Burton who have tested positive for Hatcher DNA.
DNA testing conducted in the past few years has demonstrated that the alleged sons of Susannah Hatcher and Thomas Burton, Sr. have the Y-DNA of William Hatcher, Sr., which might have come from a son of our William (listed above). The best view of the evidence is that Susannah was a Hatcher widow. Based upon the available evidence, only William Hatcher, Jr. died prior to Susannah's marriage to Burton. While it is very difficult to match the date of death of William, Jr. with the dates of birth of the Burton kids who have Hatcher DNA, the DNA doesn't lie, so there must be a way to make all of the births, marriages, and deaths fit together.
Jamestowne Society, Qualifying Ancestors, Hatcher, William- A3608; died 1680, Henrico Co.: 1645-46, 1649, 1652, 1659 (Burgess).
William Hatcher of Henrico County: fined 8000 lb. pork
↑ 18.018.1
County Court, Henrico County, Virginia, Henrico County, Virginia, court records, Record book, Vol. 1-2 1677-1693; database with images, FamilySearch (image 49).
County Court, Henrico County, Virginia, Henrico County, Virginia, court records, Record book, Vol. 1-2 1677-1693; database with images, FamilySearch (image 49).
County Court, Henrico County, Virginia, Henrico County, Virginia, court records, Record book, Vol. 1-2 1677-1693; database with images, FamilySearch (images 49-50).
↑ A deed recorded 1 Apr 1694 makes references to a prior purchase by William Hatcher and Henry Hatcher with subsequent conveyance to Edward Hatcher who further conveyed the property on 1 Apr 1694. See the note below about Susannah.
↑ Deed dated 1 Apr 1680 reading "We, Edward Hatcher and Benjamin Hatcher, do give to our couzens, the children of our brother Henry Hatcher, the following..." thus, Edward. Henry and Benjamin are brothers.
↑ Will written 7 Dec 1710, Henrico County Records Deeds & Wills, 1710-1714, p 35-36 refers to "sister Hatcher," who is presumably the wife or widow of one of her brothers.
↑ Deed dated 11 July 1680 reading "Benjamin Hatcher, son of Mr. William Hatcher, dec'd, late of Henrico Co. ..."
↑ William Hatcher's Will names Thomas Burton Jr, son of Susannah as heir.
↑ Copy of will of William Hatcher, including photocopy (digital image) of signature
↑ "England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:J3X3-TBZ : 6 December 2014, Gulielmus Hatch, 25 Oct 1614); citing MARYTAVY,DEVON,ENGLAND, index based upon data collected by the Genealogical Society of Utah, Salt Lake City; FHL microfilm 916,858.
↑ "England Marriages, 1538–1973 ," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:NXSN-BWT : 10 December 2014), Gulielmus Hatcher and Marian Newporte, 27 Dec 1632; citing Ogbourne St George, Wiltshire, England, reference , index based upon data collected by the Genealogical Society of Utah, Salt Lake City; FHL microfilm 1,279,418.
↑William HATCHER (1614-1680), son of Thomas, son of William & Magt. Longe HATCHER, By Bill Bladh, March 31, 2012
Our kin : the genealogies of some of the early families who made history in the founding and development of Bedford County, V Author: Ancestry.com Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT: The Generations Network, Inc., 2005.Original data - Ackerly, Mary Denham,. "Our kin" : the genealogies of some of the early families who made history in the founding and development of Bedford County, Virginia. unknown: unkn Note: Laminated.|||Index: p. [713]-818.
"A Little Parliament : The Virginia General Assembly in the Seventeenth Century" by Warren M. Billings, 2004 (See Nel Hatcher, Hatcher Families Genealogy Association)
"England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:J3X3-TBZ : 6 December 2014, Gulielmus Hatch, 25 Oct 1614); citing MARYTAVY,DEVON,ENGLAND, index based upon data collected by the Genealogical Society of Utah, Salt Lake City; FHL microfilm 916,858. (Father listed as Tristrumi Hatch)
"Virginia Births and Christenings, 1584-1917," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:VR51-ZDG : 5 December 2014), William Hatcher in entry for John Hatcher, 13 Jul 1733; citing , reference ; FHL microfilm 1036590 IT 2.
William HATCHER (1614-1680), son of Thomas, son of William & Magt. Longe HATCHER, By Bill Bladh, March 31, 2012
The Hatcher Family, Francis Campbell Symonds, The William and Mary Quarterly, Vol. 16, No. 3 (Jul., 1936), pp. 457-468, Published by: Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, DOI: 10.2307/1925219, Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/1925219, Page Count: 12
Wiliam Hatcher (1613–1680), Hatcher Family Genealogy Association.
Find A Grave: Memorial #232779490 for William Hatcher (1613–1680) (memorial only, no gravestone photo). [Lee-5956 notes lots of false information in this memorial including wife and parents.]
Sponsored Search by Ancestry.com
DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships.
Paternal line Y-chromosome DNA test-takers:
Hatcher-3859 and Hatcher-46 appear to represent the same person because: Obvious duplicate, but without any connections. Perhaps delete Hatcher-3859 instead of merging?
Jamestown Society Magazine Vol. 46, #1 Spring 2022
p19 of the magazine that just arrived has an article re
William's contributions and temper and a new memorial
marker has been erected in his honor at 4 Mile Creek
Park on Hwy 5.
"Henrico County Enjoys Early Colonist's Roadside Story
"William Hatcher Marker Dedication", October 2, 2021
Michael Stanhope has done this research that includes William Hatcher data, immigrant
From England to Virginia. It connects to his research for "Thomas Harris of Virginia, died 1688".
I will pick it up with Alice Hatcher , daughter of Nicholas Harris who married
Alice Thatcher, October 25, 1575 in Tunbridge
Alice Harris married Walter Hatcher Jun 10, 1599 in Tunbridge
Issue: Elizabeth Hatcher, bapt. Jan 4, 1600 in E. Peckham (Kent)
Henry Hatcher bapt. Nov 21, 1602
Nicholas Hatcher, bapt. Nov 18, 1604
William Hatcher bapt June 21, 1607 (Michael notes: who can reasonably be presumed to be William Hatcher Sr. the immigrant, Virginia
Source will of Nicholas Harris “In the name of God Amen the 30th day of Auguste 1614, I Nicholas Harrys of Tonbridge in the county of Kente yoman…Walter Hatcher my late son in lawe deceased died seized of divers lands and tenements. ….Henry, Walter, and Nicolas his sonnes…And I mad and ordeyne overseers of this my will,…..”
Without evidence, Michael Stanhope cannot just "presume" that the noted person is William Hatcher, Sr., the immigrant who patented land in Virginia in 1636. That is unacceptable conclusion-jumping. There are at least several known possibilities in the indexes at Ancestry.Com, which in turn are not in any way complete (meaning that there are probably several more possibilities, including the one documented by Stanhope for 1607, which does not appear in the Ancestry databases).
Name William Hatcher
Baptism 18 Nov 1586 Mitcham,Surrey,England
Name Willm. Hatcher
Baptism 25 Aug 1594 Chevening,Kent,England
Name William Hacher
Baptism 12 Jun 1597 Borden, Kent, England
Name William Hatcher
Baptism 23 Jul 1598 Wimbledon,Surrey,England
Name Willm Hutcher
Baptism 22 Mar 1600 Essex, England
Name William Hatcher
Baptism 13 Mar 1602 Ferring,Sussex,England
Name William Hatcher (Father = Thomas)
Baptism 6 Mar 1607 Snargate, Kent, England
Note the last one, which is a different William Hatcher (father = Thomas) from a different parish within Kent christened on a different day in 1607. There needs to be more evidence to jump to a presumption of this sort. Many have tried to connect William "the immigrant" Hatcher to the Hatchers of Careby. This year we were finally able to exclude the last remaining possibility for that connection. If said William is related to the Careby Hatchers, it is a distant cousin relationship stretching back to Surrey, England, from whence the Careby Hatchers arose. But, of course, we continue to look for the missing evidence to reach a proper conclusion.
= Bill Schultz
President, Hatcher Families Genealogy Association
I have removed the "new wife", but left the speculation paragraph. I also removed her as the mother of his children. I have asked the member that did those changes to coordinate in the future.
Although there is a marriage record for Gulielmus Hatcher and Marian Newport it is unclear as to whether this William Hatcher is the same as the subject of this profile. In any case it would seem that if he was married prior to his arrival in Virginia, she did not make the journey with him based on the evidence presented by Jerry Proudfit of Atlanta, GA
The Hatcher DNA project has many members descended from this William Hatcher. Many of the results match perfectly on 67 markers. You can see an interpretation of the results of those DNA tests here:
if the couple married in 63 about 20 yrs after the childrens births then she may not have been the mother and may have been a second wife. could the first wife have been alice emmerton perhaps??? not saying that couples dont have children before marriage of course.
Big Y testing of several descendants of William Hatcher presently shows the haplogroup R-Y34483. These men share about 50 SNPs not shared by any men who are not members of the Hatcher DNA project. This appears to place the split between this Hatcher line and the nearest others at perhaps 1000 BCE.
Of course, new test results appear regularly, and some could appear that share some further SNPs with the Hatcher men. At that point, it is quite possible that a different SNP will then be used to identify the Hatcher line.
Connections to Super Bowl halftime show performers:
William is
20 degrees from Prince Nelson, 19 degrees from Dan Aykroyd, 14 degrees from Garth Brooks, 23 degrees from Chubby Checker, 18 degrees from Ella Fitzgerald, 15 degrees from Dusty Hill, 29 degrees from Whitney Houston, 17 degrees from Mick Jagger, 19 degrees from Paul McCartney, 14 degrees from Tom Petty, 14 degrees from Chris Stapleton and 21 degrees from Shania Twain
on our single family tree.
Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.
The duplicated profile (Hatcher-46) has the same name, birth date and place, and death date and place. Unclear why that profile was created.
The duplicate profile (Hatcher-3859) has the same name, birth date and place, and death date and place. Unclear why that profile was created.
https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=183352 William Hatcher 1613-1680
https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Hatcher-690 Benjamin https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Hatcher-1637 Owen https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Hatcher-1888 James https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Hatcher-2859 Owen Sr. https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Hatcher-89 and Owen Jr., father of Teri Hatcher, Notable. https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Hatcher-2857
edited by Ray Nichols DD
Jamestown Society Magazine Vol. 46, #1 Spring 2022 p19 of the magazine that just arrived has an article re William's contributions and temper and a new memorial marker has been erected in his honor at 4 Mile Creek Park on Hwy 5.
"Henrico County Enjoys Early Colonist's Roadside Story "William Hatcher Marker Dedication", October 2, 2021
I did find this:
Hatch William of Sandwich, Merchant Hatch, Jane, wife Hatch Walter, son Hatch John, son Hatch William, son Hatch Anne, daughter Hatch Jane, daughter
The 'Good ship Hercules of Sandwich' left Sandwich, England in1634 with her master, John Witherley.
This profile is showing up on a Suggestion 586 - Linked to a merged Memorial ID for Find A Grave report. The new Find A Grave memorial is # 232779490.
I didn't want to fix the link because this profile is PPP. Just wanted to let you know.
Thanks, Sheila
From England to Virginia. It connects to his research for "Thomas Harris of Virginia, died 1688".
I will pick it up with Alice Hatcher , daughter of Nicholas Harris who married Alice Thatcher, October 25, 1575 in Tunbridge
Alice Harris married Walter Hatcher Jun 10, 1599 in Tunbridge Issue: Elizabeth Hatcher, bapt. Jan 4, 1600 in E. Peckham (Kent) Henry Hatcher bapt. Nov 21, 1602 Nicholas Hatcher, bapt. Nov 18, 1604 William Hatcher bapt June 21, 1607 (Michael notes: who can reasonably be presumed to be William Hatcher Sr. the immigrant, Virginia
Source will of Nicholas Harris “In the name of God Amen the 30th day of Auguste 1614, I Nicholas Harrys of Tonbridge in the county of Kente yoman…Walter Hatcher my late son in lawe deceased died seized of divers lands and tenements. ….Henry, Walter, and Nicolas his sonnes…And I mad and ordeyne overseers of this my will,…..”
Name William Hatcher Baptism 18 Nov 1586 Mitcham,Surrey,England
Name Willm. Hatcher Baptism 25 Aug 1594 Chevening,Kent,England
Name William Hacher Baptism 12 Jun 1597 Borden, Kent, England
Name William Hatcher Baptism 23 Jul 1598 Wimbledon,Surrey,England
Name Willm Hutcher Baptism 22 Mar 1600 Essex, England
Name William Hatcher Baptism 13 Mar 1602 Ferring,Sussex,England
Name William Hatcher (Father = Thomas) Baptism 6 Mar 1607 Snargate, Kent, England
Note the last one, which is a different William Hatcher (father = Thomas) from a different parish within Kent christened on a different day in 1607. There needs to be more evidence to jump to a presumption of this sort. Many have tried to connect William "the immigrant" Hatcher to the Hatchers of Careby. This year we were finally able to exclude the last remaining possibility for that connection. If said William is related to the Careby Hatchers, it is a distant cousin relationship stretching back to Surrey, England, from whence the Careby Hatchers arose. But, of course, we continue to look for the missing evidence to reach a proper conclusion.
= Bill Schultz President, Hatcher Families Genealogy Association
edited by Bill Schultz
"The Hatcher Family" by Rev. Francis Campbell Symonds, D.D. in Genealogies of Virginia Families Vol II Co-Ha 1982; Seattle Public Library.
Big Y testing of several descendants of William Hatcher presently shows the haplogroup R-Y34483. These men share about 50 SNPs not shared by any men who are not members of the Hatcher DNA project. This appears to place the split between this Hatcher line and the nearest others at perhaps 1000 BCE.
Of course, new test results appear regularly, and some could appear that share some further SNPs with the Hatcher men. At that point, it is quite possible that a different SNP will then be used to identify the Hatcher line.
You can see a presentation of the migration path to this branch of the Y tree here: http://scaledinnovation.com/gg/snpTracker.html?snp=Y34483 Be sure to experiment with the options and menus.