Note: Went to Tyler, TX to bro Henry; Changed name to Manuel Ira Heffler; Heffler's Food Shop: 1918 McKinney; also b.1/5/1898; Kobylowloki, Trembowla, Janow, Budzanow (gmina), Galicia (Ternopol oblast)/Kobylovoloki/y; SSDN has b 12/25/1898; Betty Heffler said the marriage between Mike and Mildred was when Michael Gayle was about 8 years old.
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File: N:\MaxData\FamilyPictures\Heffler Tiras Wasserman Moore Family\Heffler, Mike Ivan x.jpg
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File: N:\MaxData\FamilyPictures\Heffler Tiras Wasserman Moore Family\Heffler, Mike Ivan.jpg
WikiTree profile Heffler-10 created through the import of fulltree.GED on Jan 4, 2012 by Max Heffler Heffler. See the Changes page for the details of edits by Max Heffler and others.
Source: S109 Title: US, TX, Harris County marriage license Abbreviation: US, TX, Harris County marriage license Italicized: Y
Source: S12 Author: Teter, Gertrude M. and Donald L. Title: US, TX (Texas Jewish Burials) Abbreviation: US, TX (Texas Jewish Burials) Publication: 1997 Texas Jewish Historical Society Italicized: Y Paranthetical: Y
Source: S13 Title: US (WWI Draft Registration Cards) Abbreviation: US (WWI Draft Registration Cards) Publication: 1917 - 1918 Italicized: Y Paranthetical: Y
Source: S15 Title: US, TX Death Indexes or certificate Abbreviation: US, TX Death Indexes or certificate Italicized: Y
Source: S1717 Title: US (Selective Service Postcard) Abbreviation: US (Selective Service Postcard) Publication: 1943 (Feb 16) Italicized: Y Paranthetical: Y
Source: S25 Title: Guessed date based on birth Abbreviation: Guessed date based on birth Italicized: Y
Source: S26 Title: US (Social Security Death Index) Abbreviation: US (Social Security Death Index) Publication: Social Security Administration Italicized: Y Paranthetical: Y
Source: S34 Title: Heffler, Joseph Henry Abbreviation: Heffler, Joseph Henry Italicized: Y
Source: S5 Title: US, TX (Heffler, Manuel - Social Security Application) Abbreviation: US, TX (Heffler, Manuel - Social Security Application) Publication: 1936 (Nov 24) Italicized: Y Paranthetical: Y
Source: S58 Title: US, TX, Harris (Heffler, Mike - Naturalization) Abbreviation: US, TX, Harris (Heffler, Mike - Naturalization) Publication: 1924 (Apr 16) Italicized: Y Paranthetical: Y
Source: S59 Title: US, TX (Heffler, Mike - Death Certificate) Abbreviation: US, TX (Heffler, Mike - Death Certificate) Publication: 1984 (Apr 30) Italicized: Y Paranthetical: Y
Source: S60 Title: US, TX, Harris, Houston (Heffler, Mike - Obituary) Abbreviation: US, TX, Harris, Houston (Heffler, Mike - Obituary) Publication: 1984 (May 1 Houston Chronicle and Post) Italicized: Y Paranthetical: Y
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DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships.
Paternal line Y-chromosome DNA test-takers:
Max Heffler :
Family Tree DNA Y-DNA Test, haplogroup R-BY30938, FTDNA kit #2805, MitoYDNA ID T16625[compare] +
Y-Chromosome Test, haplogroup R-Y2630
Joseph Heffler :
Y-Chromosome Test 48 markers, haplogroup R-BY30939
It is likely that these
autosomal DNA
test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Mike:
100.00% 100.00%
Mike Heffler:
Autosomal DNA Test, GEDmatch LL225396[compare][compare x]
Heffler-10 shows as having taken an autosomal DNA test. The kit #LL225396 at GEDmatch is labeled as "Mike Ivan Heffler," but Mr. Heffler died over 25 years before the testing technology was available. Based on kit diagnostic analyses, the kit does not appear to be the result of a GEDmatch computational phasing, but to represent test data from someone other than Mr. Heffler. Per WikiTree guidelines, the DNA test information on this profile should be deleted.
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