Brother of
[private sister (1920s - unknown)] [half], Dorothy (Heffler) Davidoff[half] and [private brother (1940s - unknown)] [half]
Husband of
[private wife (1920s - 2000s)]
Father of
[private daughter (1940s - unknown)], [private daughter (1950s - unknown)], [private daughter (1950s - unknown)], Max Heffler and [private son (1960s - unknown)]
at age 91
in Houston, Harris, Texas, United States
WikiTree profile Heffler-30 created through the import of fulltree.GED on Jan 4, 2012 by Max Heffler Heffler. See the Changes page for the details of edits by Max Heffler and others.
Source: S100 Author: US (WWII Army Enlistment Records) Abbreviation: US (WWII Army Enlistment Records) Publication: 1938-1946 Paranthetical: Y
Source: S101 Title: Heffler, Julia Ann Wasserman Abbreviation: Heffler, Julia Ann Wasserman Italicized: Y
Source: S109 Title: US, TX, Harris County marriage license Abbreviation: US, TX, Harris County marriage license Italicized: Y
Source: S15 Title: US, TX Death Indexes or certificate Abbreviation: US, TX Death Indexes or certificate Italicized: Y
Source: S1717 Title: US (Selective Service Postcard) Abbreviation: US (Selective Service Postcard) Publication: 1943 (Feb 16) Italicized: Y Paranthetical: Y
Source: S26 Title: US (Social Security Death Index) Abbreviation: US (Social Security Death Index) Publication: Social Security Administration Italicized: Y Paranthetical: Y
Source: S34 Title: Heffler, Joseph Henry Abbreviation: Heffler, Joseph Henry Italicized: Y
Source: S36 Title: Abbreviation: Italicized: Y
Source: S5 Title: US, TX (Heffler, Manuel - Social Security Application) Abbreviation: US, TX (Heffler, Manuel - Social Security Application) Publication: 1936 (Nov 24) Italicized: Y Paranthetical: Y
Source: S63 Title: US, TX, Harris, Houston Census (ED 72 Sht 28A) Abbreviation: US, TX, Harris, Houston Census (ED 72 Sht 28A) Publication: 1930 (Apr 15) Italicized: Y Paranthetical: Y
Source: S65 Title: US, TX, Harris, Houston City Directory Abbreviation: US, TX, Harris, Houston City Directory Publication: 1920 - 1921 Italicized: Y Paranthetical: Y
Source: S66 Title: US, TX, Harris, Houston City Directory Abbreviation: US, TX, Harris, Houston City Directory Publication: 1922 Italicized: Y Paranthetical: Y
Source: S67 Title: US, TX, Harris, Houston City Directory Abbreviation: US, TX, Harris, Houston City Directory Publication: 1929 - 1930 Italicized: Y Paranthetical: Y
Source: S68 Title: US, TX, Harris, Houston City Directory Abbreviation: US, TX, Harris, Houston City Directory Publication: 1930 Italicized: Y Paranthetical: Y
Source: S80 Title: US, TX, Harris, Houston City Directory Abbreviation: US, TX, Harris, Houston City Directory Publication: 1923 - 1924 Italicized: Y Paranthetical: Y
↑ Source: #S1719 Page: 10 Quality or Certainty of Data: 2
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It may be possible to confirm family relationships.
Paternal line Y-chromosome DNA test-takers:
Max Heffler :
Family Tree DNA Y-DNA Test, haplogroup R-BY30938, FTDNA kit #2805, MitoYDNA ID T16625[compare] +
Y-Chromosome Test, haplogroup R-Y2630
Joseph Heffler:
Y-Chromosome Test 48 markers, haplogroup R-BY30939
It is likely that these
autosomal DNA
test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Joseph:
100.00% 100.00%
Joseph Heffler:
23andMe, GEDmatch IA4837786[compare][compare x], yourDNAportal JOS67c32280
Family Tree DNA Family Finder, GEDmatch IA4837786[compare][compare x], yourDNAportal JOS67c32280, FTDNA kit #B1828
50.00%Max Heffler :
23andMe, GEDmatch XJ5020124[compare], yourDNAportal MAX739a0853
AncestryDNA, GEDmatch XJ5020124[compare], yourDNAportal MAX739a0853, Ancestry member Max_Heffler
Family Tree DNA Family Finder, GEDmatch XJ5020124[compare], yourDNAportal MAX739a0853, FTDNA kit #2805
Autosomal DNA Test, GEDmatch M177048[compare], yourDNAportal MAX739a0853
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