Note: Mohel: Cantor Kalman Joffe. Played keyboards and sang in numerous rock bands including Hot Flash and The Deliverables. Sang in Adath Emeth, United Orthodox Synagogues and Congregation Brith Shalom choirs. Played Ziegfield tenor and other roles in "Funny Girl", Herman in "Sweet Charity", Billy Crocker in "Anything Goes", Shroeder in two separate productions of "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown", Slovich, the butcher in "Les Mesughirables" (based on "The Fools") and The Rabbi in "The Gold".[12][13]
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WikiTree profile Heffler-37 created through the import of fulltree.GED on Jan 4, 2012 by Max Heffler Heffler. See the Changes page for the details of edits by Max Heffler and others.
Source: S101 Title: Heffler, Julia Ann Wasserman Abbreviation: Heffler, Julia Ann Wasserman Italicized: Y
Source: S103 Title: Heffler, Max Gerald Abbreviation: Heffler, Max Gerald Italicized: Y
~12.50% ~25.00%Florence Moore :
Autosomal DNA Test, GEDmatch LL270151[compare][compare x]
~6.25% ~25.00%Abe Moore :
23andMe, GEDmatch FR1653459[compare][compare x], yourDNAportal ABE1d5120e4
Family Tree DNA Family Finder, GEDmatch FR1653459[compare][compare x], yourDNAportal ABE1d5120e4, FTDNA kit #B6332
I could use your help, I am so confused & my family story is long & confusing. I am the daughter of William Brier (Breier, Braier, Breier) & the granddaughter of Abraham (various Hebrew spellings) - who is the brother of Jakob Breuer. I am trying to connect everyone & have no relatives or a lot of historical information to go on. I think I am Huffstetler-77 & you can see what I have managed to do. It’s as messy as my files. I know that I am related to Sam Feld (changed from Feldman) & Harvey Rosenberg (also variations). While I am Jewish, I only know a few Yiddish words & no scholarly knowledge (California raised). Susan
Hi! MatchBot has proposed a match between Walker-22645 and Walker-5690. Since the latter is "red" privacy, I can't tell whether the match should be approved or rejected. Could you take a look?
Acadian heritage connections:
Max is
26 degrees from Beyoncé Knowles, 27 degrees from Jean Béliveau, 27 degrees from Madonna Ciccone, 27 degrees from Rhéal Cormier, 27 degrees from Joseph Drouin, 26 degrees from Jack Kerouac, 28 degrees from Anne Langstroth, 27 degrees from Matt LeBlanc, 26 degrees from Roméo LeBlanc, 26 degrees from Azilda Marchand, 27 degrees from Mary Travers and 28 degrees from Clarence White
on our single family tree.
Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.
edited by Susan (Huffstetler) Manard
Thanks! Liz Shifflett ~ MatchBot MP