Help:Active WikiTreers

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An Active WikiTreer is a member of this website with a confirmed email address and password.

Every person who has ever lived can (and ultimately should) have a profile on our shared, worldwide family tree.

The majority of profiles are passive, either because they're for non-living people, or for people who aren't using WikiTree.

If a person has been invited to participate on WikiTree but hasn't accepted the invitation yet, they have a pending account. If they accept the invitation and set up a password, they become an Active WikiTreer and the manager of their own profile.

In May 2023 we passed one million active member mark. Although many of these members are not actively contributing to WikiTree, this number does not include past members, members with non-functioning email addresses, or members who are consistently unresponsive to other members.

This page was last modified 14:59, 9 May 2023. This page has been accessed 5,488 times.