Help:Badges and Points

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Genealogists contribute to WikiTree because of our shared mission to connect the human family on one tree. It's not about scoring points. Nevertheless, badges add a little fun to our community. Practically speaking, they're also a quick way for other members to see what aspects of the community you're involved in and how experienced you are.


Membership Badges

Each member type has a badge.

guest.gif family-pending.gif family-member.gif wiki-genealogist.gif

Star Badges

Members award star badges to each other. Click a badge below to see who's been given it and why. Consider giving one.

family.gif community.gif superstar.gif generous_red.gif generous_blue.gif generous_green.gif

Achievement Badges

These badges are awarded for doing or achieving something. Click on any badge to see how it's earned.

genealogist.gif dna_tested.gif triangulator.gif gedcom.gif pre_1500.gif pre_1700.gif big_heart.gif connection_challenge.gif cemetery_challenge.gif data_doctor_winner.gif connect_a_thon_winner_2025.gif source_a_thon_winner_2024.gif sourcerer_challenge.gif sourcing_sprints.gif project_challenge.gif earned_wings.gif 52_ancestors.gif g2g6.gif challenge_mvp_25.gif challenge_bounty_25.gif challenge_winner_25.gif

Topical Project Badges

These are for active participants in projects. The badges for topical projects — projects that cover profiles from a given time period, location, or with a certain historical connection — look alike, except that each one has its own project tag in a unique color. If you join a project, the project leader will add the badge to your profile. Click on any badge here to see the active members of the project.

1776.gif acadia.gif anzacs.gif australia.gif bahamas.gif belgium.gif canadian_history.gif czech_roots.gif disasters.gif dutch_cape_colony.gif early_scandinavia.gif england.gif euroaristo.gif filles_du_roi.gif france.gif germany.gif great_war.gif holocaust.gif huguenot.gif hungary.gif india.gif ireland.gif italy.gif jewish_roots.gif latin_america.gif louisiana_families.gif magna_carta.gif mayflower.gif medieval.gif mexico.gif military_and_war.gif native_americans.gif netherlands.gif new_netherland.gif new_zealand.gif nordic.gif notables.gif palatine_migration.gif penn.gif pgm.gif poland.gif portugal.gif presidents.gif puerto_rico.gif quakers.gif quebecois.gif religion.gif roll_of_honor.gif scotland.gif slavic_roots.gif south_africa.gif southern_colonies.gif spain.gif switzerland.gif titanic.gif united_states.gif us_civil_war.gif wales.gif

Activity and Functional Project Badges

These badges say that you do something very specific, e.g. Greeters greet new members. Some of these are the most important badges on WikiTree, proudly worn by small groups of members. Click on a badge for more information.

supervisor.gif coordinator.gif team_captain.gif team_leader.gif trail_guide.gif accessibility.gif adoption_angel.gif ambassador.gif arborist.gif blogger.gif categorization.gif cemeteries.gif connectors.gif data_doctor.gif dna.gif enhancements.gif global_outreach.gif greeter.gif integrator.gif languages.gif translator.gif local_volunteer.gif mediator.gif mentor.gif moderator.gif multimedia.gif one_name_studies.gif one_place_studies.gif professional.gif profiles.gif ranger.gif rangers_sunday.gif rangers_monday.gif rangers_tuesday.gif rangers_wednesday.gif rangers_thursday.gif rangers_friday.gif rangers_saturday.gif societies.gif society_member.gif sourcerer.gif templates.gif tree_hugger.gif hacktoberfest_2024.gif source_a_thon_2024.gif connect_a_thon_xiii.gif challenge_25.gif challenge_captain_25.gif emeritus.gif

Contribution Counts and Club Badges

Most edits, additions, and other types of contributions are counted. You can see your current count on your profile or in the pull-down menu at the top of any page under "My WikiTree." Making 100 or more, or 1,000 or more, contributions in a given month (as calculated using GMT) earns a club badge.

2412_club100.gif 2412_club1000.gif 2411_club100.gif 2411_club1000.gif 2410_club100.gif 2410_club1000.gif 2409_club100.gif 2409_club1000.gif 2408_club100.gif 2408_club1000.gif 2407_club100.gif 2407_club1000.gif 2406_club100.gif 2406_club1000.gif 2405_club100.gif 2405_club1000.gif 2404_club100.gif 2404_club1000.gif 2403_club100.gif 2403_club1000.gif 2402_club100.gif 2402_club1000.gif 2401_club100.gif 2401_club1000.gif 2312_club100.gif 2312_club1000.gif 2311_club100.gif 2311_club1000.gif 2310_club100.gif 2310_club1000.gif 2309_club100.gif 2309_club1000.gif 2308_club100.gif 2308_club1000.gif 2307_club100.gif 2307_club1000.gif 2306_club100.gif 2306_club1000.gif 2305_club100.gif 2305_club1000.gif 2304_club100.gif 2304_club1000.gif 2303_club100.gif 2303_club1000.gif 2302_club100.gif 2302_club1000.gif 2301_club100.gif 2301_club1000.gif 2212_club100.gif 2212_club1000.gif 2211_club100.gif 2211_club1000.gif 2210_club100.gif 2210_club1000.gif 2209_club100.gif 2209_club1000.gif 2208_club100.gif 2208_club1000.gif 2207_club100.gif 2207_club1000.gif 2206_club100.gif 2206_club1000.gif 2205_club100.gif 2205_club1000.gif 2204_club100.gif 2204_club1000.gif 2203_club100.gif 2203_club1000.gif 2202_club100.gif 2202_club1000.gif 2201_club100.gif 2201_club1000.gif 2112_club100.gif 2112_club1000.gif 2111_club100.gif 2111_club1000.gif 2110_club100.gif 2110_club1000.gif 2109_club100.gif 2109_club1000.gif 2108_club100.gif 2108_club1000.gif 2107_club100.gif 2107_club1000.gif 2106_club100.gif 2106_club1000.gif 2105_club100.gif 2105_club1000.gif 2104_club100.gif 2104_club1000.gif 2103_club100.gif 2103_club1000.gif 2102_club100.gif 2102_club1000.gif 2101_club100.gif 2101_club1000.gif

For 2010-2020, see the archive.

In 2020 we also added a new way to count contributions: Surname Contributions.

Contribution counts and club badges shouldn't be taken too seriously. These counts are not an indication of the value of a member's contributions. Adding a thoughtful, well-written and well-sourced biography is counted once, the same as fixing a little typo.

Changes that affect two profiles are counted twice. For example, when you add a family member the addition of the relationship to the existing person is counted and the creation of the new profile is counted separately. All merge and match actions are counted twice, with the exception of Rejected Matches from FindMatches, which are no longer tracked at all.

To really appreciate the value of a member's contributions, view their contributions feed.

G2G Points and Titles

Contributions in our Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) Forum are tracked separately from other WikiTree contributions.

All these actions generate points:

  • Asking a question.
  • Posting an answer.
  • Voting up an answer.
  • Having your question voted up.
  • Having your answer voted up.
  • Having your answer selected as the best.
  • Selecting an answer to your question as the best.

Voting down a question or answer costs points.

The number of points in G2G earns you a title. You start as a G2G Rookie. At 300 points you're G2G Crew. From there, the sky is the limit.

Those who earn 6,000 points are awarded the G2G6 badge. g2g6.gif

This page was last modified 21:44, 8 January 2025. This page has been accessed 139,334 times.