Help:Image Types
Categories: WikiTree Help | Image Help
What is the difference between photos and source images and how do you upload them?
Photos vs. Source Images
You can classify an image as a photograph or a source image.
In this simple dichotomy, a photo is an image of a person or thing, and a source is an image about a person or thing.
Source images could include scans of census pages, images of birth or death certificates, photos of gravestones, etc. See Sources for more about their role in genealogy and usage on WikiTree.
Identifying source images is not strictly required. It's an option you may find useful.
Uploading and Editing Photos and Source Images
Photographs and source images are added to WikiTree in the same way. First click to the profile page of a person or thing. You can find these on your Watchlist. From the profile, click the Images tab and look for the "upload" link.
On the image upload page, you can select "photo" or "source image".
The image type can be changed at any time from the image details page.
Viewing Photos and Sources
To view all the photos and source images associated with a person or thing, click the Images tab on the profile. From this page, you can toggle between viewing photo only, viewing source images only, or viewing all images for the profile.
To view all the photos and source images associated with all the profiles in your Watchlist, click the link from the images page for your profile.
See also: Photos FAQ.
This page was last modified 13:43, 30 March 2022. This page has been accessed 14,230 times.