Help:Nl:Herstellen van je WikiTree account
Categories: WikiTree hulp | Hulp bij Lidmaatschap
Vrijwaring: Dit is een niet-officiële vertaling. De Engelstalige versies zijn de officiële hulppagina's.
Vertaald: Margreet Beers
If you have used WikiTree before, you should still be able to login using the same email address and password you used in the past.
If you don't know your password, you can have one emailed to you from a button on the login page. See Passwords.
If you don't have access to your old email account, you'll need to contact us at Be sure to give the WikiTree ID/URL of your account page and let us know something that will enable us to verify your identity, e.g. a birthdate or relationship that you know is on the account but isn't public.
This page was last modified 18:16, 30 March 2022. This page has been accessed 812 times.