Help:ONS and OPS Coordinators

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A ONS (One Name Study) or OPS (One Place Study) Coordinator is a member who leads a One Name Study or One Place Study without formal Project Leader status.

one_name_studies.gif one_place_studies.gif

Coordinating a project is all about communication. Communication is essential for collaboration. ONS and OPS coordinators help to organize surname and place studies as a genealogical collaboration platform that is centered around a particular name or location.

Taking on the role of an ONS or OPS Coordinator is a serious commitment. In order to become an ONS or OPS Coordinator, a member must have:

  • signed the Honor Code;
  • been on WikiTree for at least 90 days; and

This commitment also requires collaboration requests and inquiries related to your Name or Place Study to be responded to in a reasonable period, and that you accept the following principles in relation to your Name or Place Study:

  • that it has a global scope;
  • that it includes research within countries or time periods where sources of genealogical data are readily available; and
  • that it will research and store all data in WikiTree as the core genealogical dataset.

A coordinator can always work at their own pace, and with their own priorities - but they should never prohibit members from providing their own research as well.

How the Badge is Removed

If an ONS/OPS Coordinator is being mentored or involved in a conflict escalation their Project Coordinator badge will be removed until the mentorship is concluded.

In addition, if an ONS/OPS Coordinator cannot be reached for more than two weeks, their badge may be removed. Once communication is resolved, the badge may be returned.

This page was last modified 16:34, 27 December 2022. This page has been accessed 2,249 times.