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Profile pages are the building blocks of WikiTree.

WikiTree Profile Pages

WikiTree has two types of profiles:

  1. Person Profiles
  2. Free-Space Profiles for anything other than individual people.

Content that's specifically related to someone in particular should go on a person profile. There's room for biographical notes, sources, memories about the person, photos and documents, genealogical research notes, and a bulletin board for comments. Person profiles are connected to each other through family relationships and thereby fit on our collaborative family tree.

Any content that isn't directly related to a person can go on a free-space profile. These are still "profiles" in the sense that they are centered on something in particular. They're about a town, a beloved dog, a family home, a cemetery ... whatever. You can profile anything. Go ahead and create an Encyclopedia of You.

This page was last modified 18:02, 30 September 2021. This page has been accessed 45,249 times.