Help:Profiles of Sources
Categories: WikiTree Help | Profile Creation Help | Sources Help
You may want to create a new free-space profile about a source.
This can be useful if the source will be cited on multiple profiles and if one of these applies:
A.) You have more information about the source than will comfortably fit in a conventional citation.
This could include multiple places to find the source. This can be especially helpful if the source is on the web and its URL may change. Having a free-space profile means if the location of the source changes, you only have to update it one place.
B.) You may want to collaborate with others to add information from the source to WikiTree profiles. The free-space profile can be a center for your collaboration, essentially like a free-space project.
If either (A) or (B) apply, create the profile for the source and link it from the Sources section of profiles. Simply make the title of the source a link to the free-space profile.
This page was last modified 14:51, 9 October 2021. This page has been accessed 15,154 times.