Help:The Free Family Tree
Categories: WikiTree Help | About WikiTree
Our community is on a mission to grow The Free Family Tree — one accurate, shared tree that connects us all, and is accessible to us all for free, forever.
WikiTree is 100% Free
All the genealogy on WikiTree has been contributed by members like you.
It doesn't cost money to contribute to WikiTree, and it doesn't cost money to access what you and others have contributed.
- All the tools are free. All the benefits of membership, every feature and tool, is available to all members who sign the Honor Code. There are no "premium" memberships.
- All the content is free. Although some content is privacy-restricted and some content may be copyrighted by members, such as family photos, nobody pays to access anything on WikiTree. Ever. We also encourage open source developers to make use of the tree in other free applications and projects.
The WikiTree Pledge: Always Free
As the creators and hosts of the WikiTree website, we pledge that our mission is the same as that of the community: to create an accurate, single family tree that will make genealogy free and accessible for everyone.
Free is an essential part of our shared mission. We will never charge for access to the single family tree. And we will never knowingly and willingly sell or transfer the single family tree to any individual or organization that intends to charge for access to it.
How Is It Free?
WikiTree doesn't solicit donations. The business behind WikiTree isn't a non-profit, but it puts the mission before profits.
Costs are kept low because almost everything is done by volunteers. Expenses can then be covered by modest advertisements on public pages. (Members who sign the Honor Code don't see most ads. Logout to see them.)
See also:
- Honor Code: Whereas the above is a pledge that WikiTree makes to its members, the Honor Code is a pledge that community members make to each other.
- About WikiTree: more on the mission and organization.
- WikiTree Team: bios and contact information.
- WikiTree FAQ: answers to questions about how the website and organization work.
- Protecting Our Shared Tree: details on the extraordinary steps we take to ensure that our shared genealogy will never be lost.
- One Tree, Two Tree ... : A fun poem written by a member.
If you have any questions or comments, come post in the "G2G" (Genealogist-to-Genealogist) member forum.
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This page was last modified 23:33, 6 September 2022. This page has been accessed 675,577 times.