Help:WikiTree Apps Server

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Members of the WikiTree Apps Project can request an account on the WikiTree Apps Server in order to upload an app they have created, or to download the database dumps.


How to Get an Account

To have an account on the apps server created for you, email jamie [at] Include your WikiTree ID and whether or not you want access to the database dumps and if so, what you are planning to use them for.

How to Access the Server

You will need an FTP client to be able to transfer files between your computer and the apps server.

If you do not have one, FileZilla is one you can use. If you don't want to use FileZilla, there is a list of other FTP clients at Wikipedia.

If you are using FileZilla, go to File > Site Manager. Click "New Site" and enter the following information:

Protocol: SFTP
User: the username you received when your apps account was created
Password: the password you received when your apps account was created

Any FTP client you choose to use should require similar information.

After entering this information, click "Connect", and if you entered your information correctly it will connect you to the server.

If you are having trouble logging in, double-check to make sure you are trying to connect to instead of, and that are you connecting through SFTP instead of FTP.

How to Upload Your App

When you log in to the apps server you should see a folder named "www". Inside that folder will be a file named "index.php". You can edit that file if you wish, or delete it.

You can place any apps you create in this folder. They can be accessed at the URL

If you want to create multiple apps, put them in different folders in the "www" folder. In FileZilla, you can create new folders by right-clicking and choosing "Create directory". If you create a "test" folder under your "www" folder, you will be able to access it at

Note: The server is set up to look for an index.html or index.php file when you link to a folder. If your app is named something else, you will have to link directly to that file or you will get a 403 error.

To upload files to the server, navigate to the file you want to upload on the left side of the screen, and navigate to the folder you want to upload to on the right side of the screen. Right-click on the file you want to upload and select "Upload".

The server supports Python, Perl, and PHP on the server side.

How to Access the Database Dumps

If you've requested access to the database dumps, you will have a folder called "dumps" that contains the various database dump files.

You can right click on any of the files and download it to your computer.

Most of the files have the filename extension .gz (gzip). Depending on your operating system, you may need to install a program to open these. One such program is 7-Zip.

How to Integrate Your App with WikiTree

Standalone apps on the apps server can be made accessible to WikiTree members, but they are not part of an integrated user experience. For integration, we have Tree Apps and the collaborative WikiTree Browser Extension. See Help:Developers.

Some developers use the apps server as a sandbox before joining one of the GitHub projects and making their app or tool widely available.

This page was last modified 18:44, 31 January 2023. This page has been accessed 1,900 times.