Help:WikiTree Day/Symposium Schedule

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Categories: WikiTree Symposium 2023

Thursday, Friday & Saturday, November 2-4, 2023

See also: Sunday, November 5, 2023

Here is the full schedule for WikiTree Symposium. Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Here's a time zone converter.

For details on the speaker presentations, see here.

EDT UTC Thursday Friday Saturday
8:00 AM 12:00 PM "Google Tools for Genealogy"
Thomas MacEntee
Play the "Google Tools for Genealogy"Thomas MacEntee.
"Genealogy A-Z: A Trivia Adventure"
Thomas MacEntee
Play the "Genealogy A-Z: A Trivia Adventure"Thomas MacEntee.
8:30 AM 12:30 PM
9:00 AM 1:00 PM "Immigrant Secrets"
John Mancini
Play the "Immigrant Secrets"John Mancini.
"Reverse Phasing - What and Why?"
Kevin Borland
Play the "Reverse Phasing - What and Why?"Kevin Borland.
9:30 AM 1:30 PM
10:00 AM 2:00 PM "DNA Consultations at"
Melanie McComb
Play the "DNA Consultations"Melanie McComb.
"Hidden Treasures: Discovering Local Sources in Your Irish Research"
David Ryan
Play the "Hidden Treasures: Discovering Local Sources in Your Irish Research"David Ryan.
10:30 AM 2:30 PM
11:00 AM 3:00 PM "Why Can't I Find My Irish Ancestors? Solutions for Your Irish Research"
David Ryan
Play the "Why Can't I Find My Irish Ancestors? Solutions for Your Irish Research"David Ryan.
"A.I. and Genealogy:
The Basics and a Bit Beyond"
Steve Little
Play the "A.I. and Genealogy:The Basics and a Bit Beyond"Steve Little.
11:30 AM 3:30 PM
12:00 PM 4:00 PM "Free Space Page for the Win!
Sharing the Letters
of Rev. T.O. Ellis, M.D."
Connie Davis
Play the "Free Space Page for the Win! Sharing the Lettersof Rev. T.O. Ellis, M.D."Connie Davis.
12:15 PM 4:15 PM "Lunch with GenFriends"
Play the "Lunch with GenFriends".
12:30 PM 4:30 PM
12:45 PM 4:45 PM LUNCH
1:00 PM 5:00 PM "DNA Group Projects and WikiTree"
Mags Gaulden
Play the "DNA Group Projects and WikiTree"Mags Gaulden.
"Breathing New Life Into
Your Boring Ancestors"
Melissa Barker
Play the "Breathing New Life IntoYour Boring Ancestors"Melissa Barker.
1:30 PM 5:30 PM
2:00 PM 6:00 PM LUNCH "DNA Chef Bingo"
Meli Alexander
Play the "DNA Chef Bingo"Meli Alexander.
2:15 PM 6:15 PM "Lunch and Learn"
Genealogical Publishing Company
Play the "Lunch and Learn"Genealogical Publishing Company.

"Connect By Sharing Photos & Stories"
Catherine Nelson
Play the "Connect By Sharing Photos & Stories"Catherine Nelson.

2:30 PM 6:30 PM
2:45 PM 6:45 PM LUNCH
3:00 PM 7:00 PM "Tech Troubleshooting -
What Would You Do?"
Thomas MacEntee
Play the "Tech Troubleshooting -What Would You Do?"Thomas MacEntee.
Cousin Connections"
AJ Jacobs
Play the "ConstitutionalCousin Connections"AJ Jacobs.
3:30 PM 7:30 PM
4:00 PM 8:00 PM "Hidden Clues in
Photos of Women"
Maureen Taylor
Play the "Hidden Clues inPhotos of Women"Maureen Taylor.

"Who Needed It Anyway?
Getting Around the 1890 Census"
Sara Cochran
Play the "Who Needed It Anyway?Getting Around the 1890 Census"Sara Cochran.

"Did I Get Everything? - Creating a Checklist for Genealogy Research"
Thomas MacEntee
Play the "Did I Get Everything? - Creating a Checklist for Genealogy Research"Thomas MacEntee.
4:30 PM 8:30 PM
5:00 PM 9:00 PM "Hillbilly Highway:
The Outmigration of Appalachians"
Sandy Patak
Play the "Hillbilly Highway:The Outmigration of Appalachians"Sandy Patak.
"Keep Your Family's History
Safe For the Future!"
Marian Burk Wood
Play the "Keep Your Family's HistorySafe For the Future!"Marian Burk Wood.
“Verifying Descent from
Salem's Accused Witches”
David Allen Lambert
Play the “Verifying Descent fromSalem's Accused Witches”David Allen Lambert.

5:30 PM 9:30 PM "A Brief Tour of Gravestone
Eric Weddington
Play the "A Brief Tour of GravestoneSymbolism"Eric Weddington.
6:00 PM 10:00 PM "Mastering the Updated
Library and Archives Canada Website:
Strategies for Success"
Kathryn Lake Hogan
Play the "Mastering the UpdatedLibrary and Archives Canada Website:Strategies for Success"Kathryn Lake Hogan.
"Memory Keepers"
Peggy Clemens Lauritzen
Play the "Memory Keepers"Peggy Clemens Lauritzen.
"Ancestral Planting &
Gardening Traditions"
Roseann Kent
Play the "Ancestral Planting &Gardening Traditions"Roseann Kent.
6:30 PM 10:30 PM
7:00 PM 11:00 PM "Sifting Through the Cookbooks
for Our Female Ancestors"
Eleanor Brinsko
Play the "Sifting Through the Cookbooksfor Our Female Ancestors"Eleanor Brinsko.
"Military Pensions:
Vital Records in Disguise!"
Patti Gillespie
Play the "Military Pensions:Vital Records in Disguise!"Patti Gillespie.
"Mysterious Codes:
Passenger Manifest
Letters and Numbers"
Christine Cohen
Play the "Mysterious Codes:Passenger ManifestLetters and Numbers"Christine Cohen.

7:30 PM 11:30 PM "What is an Archivist?"
Rusty Heckaman
Play the "What is an Archivist?"Rusty Heckaman.
8:00 PM 12:00 AM "A Wealth of Websites: Deciphering the German Script Made Easy"
Katherine Schober
Play the "A Wealth of Websites: Deciphering the German Script Made Easy"Katherine Schober.
"Finding the Friends, Associates and Neighbors"
Shaunese Luthy
Play the "Finding the Friends, Associates and Neighbors"Shaunese Luthy.
"Marking Your Ancestors'
Footsteps in Google Maps"
Lianne Krüger
Play the "Marking Your Ancestors'Footsteps in Google Maps"Lianne Krüger.
8:30 PM 12:30 AM
9:00 PM 1:00 AM "Yore Ancestry Travel Bingo"
Jessica Armstrong
Play the "Yore Ancestry Travel Bingo"Jessica Armstrong.
9:30 PM 1:30 AM
10:00 PM 2:00 AM "Discussion Panel:
Italian Maiden Names"
Play the "Discussion Panel:Italian Maiden Names".

10:30 PM 2:30 AM
11:00 PM 3:00 AM "Unravelling the Threads:
Creating and Sharing Your
Family History on Social Media"
Jon Marie Pearson
Play the "Unravelling the Threads:Creating and Sharing Your Family History on Social Media"Jon Marie Pearson.

11:30 PM 3:30 AM
12:00 AM 4:00 AM "Digging into Finding Aids:
The Road Map to Any
Manuscript Collection"
Melissa Barker
Play the "Digging into Finding Aids:The Road Map to AnyManuscript Collection"Melissa Barker.

12:30 AM 4:30 AM
1:00 AM 5:00 AM "Researching in New Zealand
with the NZSG"
Sarah Hewitt
Play the "Researching in New Zealandwith the NZSG"Sarah Hewitt.
1:30 AM 5:30 AM
2:00 AM 6:00 AM
2:30 AM 6:30 AM
3:00 AM 7:00 AM "Social and Civic Clubs:
Discovering Your Ancestors’
Community Involvement"
Melissa Barker
Play the "Social and Civic Clubs:Discovering Your Ancestors’Community Involvement"Melissa Barker.

3:30 AM 7:30 AM
4:00 AM 8:00 AM "Breaking Down Brick Walls in England"
Play the "Breaking Down Brick Walls in England".

4:30 AM 8:30 AM
5:00 AM 9:00 AM Tour of the Scotland Project
Play the Tour of the Scotland Project.

5:30 AM 9:30 AM
6:00 AM 10:00 AM BREAK
6:30 AM 10:30 AM
7:00 AM 11:00 AM "Researching Your Jewish Roots
in Eastern Europe"
Alina Khuda
Play the "Researching Your Jewish Rootsin Eastern Europe"Alina Khuda.
7:30 AM 11:30 AM
EDT UTC Thursday Friday Saturday

This page was last modified 18:50, 18 September 2024. This page has been accessed 283 times.