Help:WikiTree ID
Categories: WikiTree Help | Navigation Help | Relationship Editing Help
A WikiTree ID is a unique identifier for a profile on WikiTree, such as Franklin-1 or Tudor-4.
Finding IDs
IDs appear:
- At the end of profile URLs such as where Franklin-1 is the WikiTree ID.
- In your Watchlist in the ID column.
- In the pull-down menu in the upper-right corner of any person-related page. Click here for an illustration.
Copying IDs
You frequently need to copy a WikiTree ID in order to paste it into a form to add a family member, or to create a link from within a biography, e.g. "His father was [[Franklin-1|Ben Franklin]]."
Look for this icon on profiles and edit pages, inside profile previews, and on your Watchlist.
Clicking this icon will copy the WikiTree ID to your clipboard. You can then paste it elsewhere.
How IDs are Assigned
The ID for a Person Profile combines the person's Last Name at Birth with a number. The numbers are assigned in the order that people with that last name are added to WikiTree. For example, the first Franklin added to WikiTree was assigned the ID Franklin-1.
The ID for a Free-Space Profile — for the significant places, pets, events, homes, and other things in your history — is simply the prefix "Space:" and the title you've given the page. For example: Space:Fitchburg High School.
This page was last modified 14:44, 9 October 2021. This page has been accessed 338,896 times.