Benette (Heymans) Grobler
Privacy Level: Private (Red)

Benette (Heymans) Grobler

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 7 Jan 2019 | 18,213 contributions | 262 thank-yous | 5,952 connections
Communication Preferences: I am interested in communicating private message with anyone who shares the same ancestors. My family tree is here on WikiTree but it's private.

I am taking a break from research for personal reasons and will be back soon! Happy researching, Wikiteers!

Benette Grobler formerly Heymans
Born 1980s.
Profile last modified | Created 3 Jan 2019
This page has been accessed 9,000 times.

Only the Trusted List can access the following:
  • Benette's formal name
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  • e-mail address
  • exact birthdate
  • birth location
  • images (12)
  • biography
  • family tree
  • father's name
  • mother's name
  • siblings' names
  • children's names (2)
  • spouse's name and marriage information
  • autosomal DNA test connections
For access to Benette Grobler's full information you must be on Benette's Trusted List. Please login.

Comments: 26

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Dankie vir jou hulp met die opkomende Thon

Hier is die instruksies When you find a source:

Edit the profile to add the source, according to our Sources guide.

Remove the
This profile lacks source information. Please add sources that support the facts.
Research Note Box tag.

Save the profile and click the Challenge Tracker button.

On the Challenge Tracker, select the Source-a-Thon checkbox.

Sien jou more in die klets

Thank you for Completing 16 for 16 Missions. I will also send the coding for the 16 for 16 sticker in a private message.

Benette (Heymans) Grobler achieved the 16 For 16 award for completing 16 missions in our 2024 16 For 16 Challenge.
posted by Darren Kellett
Thank you Springbokke !!!! Hope you all had lots of fun !

You all worked hard during this weekend and can be proud of your efforts.. Well done !!!!

We added a total of 1816 new profiles to our SA tree

We are first in division one (total score 6702) ..... Well done Springbokke  !!!!

The total score was 89894 new profiles added to Wikitree Wow our global tree had a "growth spurt"

Our next event is the Source a Thon in October it you would like to get ready for more fun :\)

Goeie more Good morning Springbokke

Julle doen fantasties.. Dankie vir jul harde werk You are doing great.. Thank you for your hard work

Ons is op die oomblik eerste in ons afdeling met 1178 nuwe profilele We are currently at first place in our division with 1178 new profiles

Go Bokke go

Hi Benette

Here is the link to our G2G chat page for the Connect a Thon


Hier is ons Spanblad vir 2024 se Thon wat vandag om 2 nm begin

Geniet dit en lekker werk

Hi Benette

Thank you for helping in The upcoming Connect a Thon

I currently have massive problems with my internet due to the storms and flooding in our aria If you are unable to reach me during the Thon please contact Susan de Bruin if you need assistance

Good luck and enjoy

Hi Benette

The Connect a Thon for July 2024

Just a heads up and to give you time to prepare should you like to join in the fun

The event starts Friday, July 19, at 8 AM EDT (12pm UTC) and runs until Monday, July 22, at 8 AM EDT (12pm UTC).

Will you join us?

Follow this link to register

Good morning

Thank you for joining  the Springbok Source a Thon team

Need to communicate? Ask a Question?     Here is our new post on G2G

Looking forward to work with you 

Have fun and good luck !!!  

Thon has started for the South Africans.. Good luck and have lots of fun

See you in the chat

Thank you for giving of your time to enhance our South African family

We are delighted to have you on our team !

Please post all your remarks and/or questions here Chat Room

Hi Benette

Just a heads up and to give you time to prepare should you like to join in the fun

The next spring Connect-a-Thon will be 21-24 April 2023

Warm regards Ronel

I would love to participate again.
Ek kan nie genoeg dankie se nie

Jy is 'n ster !!

More Benette Ons begin eers om 2 namiddag ons tyd.  ;-0
Invitation to communicate, ask questions or just chat before or during the Source a Thon

Our Team Springbokke. Source-a-Thon 2022 Chat Room Link

Kindest Regards ~ Ronel ~ South African Roots

Registration 2022 Source-a-Thon!  :

Will you join us?

To register, just click the ANSWER button and say "Sign me up!" and include South Africa team Springbokke

It would be great to "see" you there!

Kindest Regards ~ Ronel ~ South African Roots Leader

Namens die Suid Afrikaanse span :

Baie dankie vir jou belangstelling in ons projek en bydrae tot ons Suid Afrikaanse familie

On behalf of the South African team

Thank you for your interest in our project and contributions to our South African family tree

Perhaps you would like to join the South African Roots Project ? Besides links to sources, there are help pages that might also be useful.
posted by Philip van der Walt
Thanks for allowing me acces to Sofia's profile
Heymansen is afgelei van die Hollands, Heyman zn of te wel Heyman zoon. Ek het nog nie op die verbuiging afgekom in SA nie.

Die Hendrik Bernhard Heymans(Heijmans) kom van Nijmegen, Gert Hymans(Hijmans) is nog 'n raaisel. Dan is daar die Heyman en Hyman vanne verbuig van engelse uitspraak van Höman(klink soos Human)-vermoedelik Duits. Daar was ook 'n span 1820 setlaars Hyman van Engeland en dan ook die joodse Hyman span wat hoofsaaklik in latere jare gekom het met die diamante en goud tye. Ook Heymann van Duitsland

posted by Louis Heyman
edited by Louis Heyman
Thanks Benette for taking the Pre-1700 Quiz

Because Pre-1700 ancestors are shared by many descendants, working within a project coordinating them is essential. Please ensure location data matches dates of profile, avoid abbreviations, add sources with citations & links for sources to support the data. From wiki ID go to Research to find sources

The South_Africa Project would be of interest. Adding the tag South_Africa will connect you

Explore Pre-1700 Projects list to find one that fits your research focus, whether time period, location, or topic please read the goals & tasks of the project

Janet ~ Pre-1700 Greeter

PS Links not working, click them in your comment box

Hi Benette, a warm welcome to WikiTree! Many / most of the South African genealogical lines and profiles of the eigtheenth and seventeenth periods (and earlier) have already been made. Many have also been validated with primary sources.

A few handy links to get you started:

  1. Getting Started
  2. Adding to WikiTree.
  3. Pre-1700 Quiz (self-certifying in order to understand better how to de pre-1700 genealogical work on WikiTree)
  4. What are duplicates? Why should and how can they be avoided?
  5. G2G Help - for any questions you may have ....
posted by Philip van der Walt
Hello Benette

Thanks for joining us! I hope you're enjoying our site and our community. I just wanted to check in and see how things are going. Have the New Member How-To pages been helpful or left you with questions?

It's great to have you on board. Enjoy your time here, and good luck growing your branches. If you need help just click on my name you'll be transferred to my profile where you can post a message or send me a private message.

Mindy ~ WikiTree Mentor

posted by Mindy Silva
Thank you Benette for volunteering, you are now a full member of the Wikitree community. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Please start with the How-Tos - they are really useful as you add profiles and learn your way around

If you click the green tags on your profile page, you'll see if other members are following the tag. Add more Surnames, Country or interest tags to improve links to community & research options. Information on tags is on page one of the How To pages. Please consider signing the Honor Code

Take your time, if you need any help using the site, let me know

Janet ~ Wikitree Greeter

P.S. If links do not work in an email from WikiTree, try them from the comment section of your profile page