Kathleen (Hill) Tesluk
Privacy Level: Private with Public Tree (Yellow)

Kathleen (Hill) Tesluk

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 4 Jan 2015 | 6,792 contributions | 143 thank-yous | 2,085 connections
Communication Preferences: I am interested in communicating private message with cousins and anyone else with an interest in genealogy. Here is my family tree.
Kathleen Tesluk formerly Hill
Born 1960s.
Ancestors ancestors
Daughter of [private father (1930s - unknown)] DNA confirmed and [private mother (1930s - unknown)] DNA confirmed
Sister of [private sister (unknown - unknown)]
Mother of [private son (1980s - unknown)], [private daughter (1990s - unknown)] and [private daughter (1990s - unknown)]
Problems/Questions Profile manager: Kathleen Tesluk private message [send private message]
Profile last modified | Created 14 Sep 2014
This page has been accessed 2,497 times.

Only the Trusted List can access the following:
  • Kathleen's formal name
  • e-mail address
  • exact birthdate
  • birth location
  • images (1)
  • biography
  • private siblings' names
  • private children's names (3)
  • spouse's name and marriage information
For access to Kathleen Tesluk's full information you must be on Kathleen's Trusted List. Please login.

DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships. Maternal line mitochondrial DNA test-takers:
  • Kathleen (Hill) Tesluk: Family Tree DNA mtDNA Test HVR1 and HVR2, haplogroup H, FTDNA kit #238812
It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Kathleen: Have you taken a test? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.
Comments: 30

Leave a message for others who see this profile. If you prefer to keep it private, send a private message to the profile manager. private message
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We hope you can join the MidAtlantic Team for the 2023 Source-a-thon. It will start 8 am EDT on Friday, September 29th and end at 8 am on Monday, October 2nd. The Source-a-thon is different from the Connect-a-thon in that we will be improving existing profiles. To register for the Source-a-thon, please answer this post:


Also, different is that most of the prizes given out at the hang outs are donated by members so there are a wide variety. If you would like to look at what has been donated so far or to donate a prize yourself:


Looking forward to seeing you there.

Mickey Bazley & Lucy Selvaggio-Diaz Co-Captains Mid-Atlantic Team

posted by Michele Bazley
Hi Kathleen,

Just a quick reminder the next Connectathon is coming up the weekend of July 14th to 16th. We would love to have us join us again on the Mid-Atlantic Team. To register, answer the post in G2G: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1595502/have-you-registered-for-the-july-2023-connect-a-thon-yet?start=560#a_list_title

Hope to see you in the branches

Mickey Bazley Co-Captain Mid-Atlantic Team

posted by Michele Bazley

It is hard to believe but it is time for another Connect-a-thon. It will start 8 am Friday, April 21st and run through 8 am Monday, April 24th. We hope you will join the Mid-Atlantic Team again for another weekend of adding profiles to Wikitree. To register, please answer this post in the G2G forum:


Mickey & Lucy Co-Captains Mid-Atlantic Team

posted by Michele Bazley
Hi Team Mid-Atlantic!

The January Connect-a-Thon is coming up shortly, 8 AM EST, Friday January 13th to 8 AM EST Monday, January 16th.

The rules are simple. You need to start from an existing profile and add family to it, parents, children. (If you have siblings to add, add the parents first.) It must have at least one source.

You get a point for each profile you create. You do not have to use the challenge tracker or count--the system will do it automatically. Avoid creating profiles for living people as they will not count.

There is a lnk for the challenge tracker on our team page; https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Team_New_York

Our team chats on Discord. These are the instructions for setting it up are here: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:Discord

To get to know your team mates and make sure you can get into Discord and our team chat, try posting a picture of something in your home town without any explanation. And, the others can try to guess where it is. This is just for fun and not required!

If you don't want to use Discord or have problems with it, you can send a pm to either Lucy or me with any questions.

Mickey Bazley Co-Captain Mid-Atlantic Team

posted by Michele Bazley

We hope you can join us for the next Connect-a-thon. It starts Friday, January 13th at 8 am EST and ends Monday, January 16th at 8 am EST. (You don't have to be available the entire time.) Regisration ends Wednesday, January 11th.

To register, answer this post in the G2G forum and ask to be put on the Mid-Atlantic Team: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1505819/have-you-registered-for-the-january-2023-connect-a-thon-yet?start=0#a_list_title

If you do not have a project of your own to work on, in addition to the Unconnected and Needs Profiles lists on our team page, the Civil War project is looking for participants to help connect Civil War veterans: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1506578/us-civil-war-january-2023-challenge

Mickey Bazley & Lucy Selvaggio-Diaz Co-Captains Mid-Atlantic Team

posted by Michele Bazley
Hi Kathleen,

Wow, even with our challenge tracker issues Mid-Atlantic Part Deux had credit for sourced 1,503 profiles and Mid-Atlantic US was credited with sourced 1357 profiles. Thanks for being part of Team Mid-Atlantic.

Mickey Bazley & Lucy Selvaggio-Diaz Captains

posted by Michele Bazley
Hi Kathleen,

We hope you can join Team MidAtlantic for the 2022 Source-a-thon. It will start 8 am EDT on Friday, September 30th and end at 8 am on Monday, October 3rd. The Source-a-thon is different from the Connect-a-thon in that we will be working on existing profiles. There are links on our team page to lists of unsourced profiles: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Team_New_York

To register for the Source-a-thon, please answer this post:


Also different is that most of the prizes given out at the hang outs are donated by members so there are a wide variety. If you would like to look at what has been donated so far or to donate a prize yourself:


Looking forward to seeing you there

Mickey Bazley & Lucy Selvaggio-Diaz Co-Captains Mid-Atlantic Team

posted by Michele Bazley
Hi Kathleen,

Eowyn drew my attention to your "WikiTree and the FAN Principle" blog post. I love it! This puts into words some points that I don't think have ever made so well. Over the years, many people have criticized WikiTree for being less structured than traditional genealogy software. You explain the benefits beautifully.


posted by Chris Whitten
Hi Chris,

I appreciate your kind words -- and also the shout-out in the WikiTree News this morning! --Kathleen

posted by Kathleen (Hill) Tesluk
when there are pros, there is con. Where can I find 'non-so-pleasant' outcomes for wikitree? any clue? thank u ( kathleen) in advance... i shall dig into your pros post...
posted by [Living ye]
You are absolutely right, nothing is perfect.

For me, WikiTree is the best of the available options for recording shared family history. Yes, there are downsides to WikiTree -- just look at the vast number of profiles that have no sources, dubious sources, or are flat out wrong. BUT, if you look at all the other family tree sites, you will see the exact same thing. I think that WikiTree's barriers to entry (signing an honor code, learning how to edit your posts, etc.) makes it a little harder for the casual user to come in and change data on a profile. Even flawed information is something that a serious researcher can use, either to find a good source, or to debunk it.

Good luck!

posted by Kathleen (Hill) Tesluk

We would love to have you join the Mid-Atlantic Team for the Connect-A-Thon. The event will start on Friday, July 15th, at 8 AM (EST) and run until Monday, July 18th, at 8 AM (EST). You do not need to be available the entire time and there will be links on our page to the Needs Profiles categories .

If you would like to join us then please answer the G2G post here https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1431009/have-you-registered-for-the-july-2022-connect-a-thon-yet and ask to join the Mid-Atlantic Team.

Hope you will join us again!

Mickey Co-Captain for the Mid-Atlantic Team

posted by Michele Bazley
Hello Kathleen my name is Dawn Jones (Watt) I was going through the family connection area saw your name and recognised the ancestor Elizabeth Hill, Robert Duncan is my great grandfather, Robert James is my dads father, I havnt bothered looking at that section of wikitree, so anyway thought to say hi, I have found distant member on my mums side that's Gavin Dunn we have made contact. So nice to find someone else.
posted by Dawn (Watt) Jones

Thanks so much for being a member of the Mid-Atlantic Team for the April Connectathon. It was a fun and productive weekend. We added 3,716 profiles to Wikitree between the two teams and had 49 people participate. Considering many of us can’t stop at just one source, we may never make the top ten, but we did great!

Mindy usually sends out a wrap up message in which she mentions how to delete from your watchlist profiles you do not want to continue to manage. Can I make a request, wait until tomorrow before you do this, and then can you check your suggestion list and see if there are any typos that need to be corrected. We don’t want to add to the data doctors’ work.

See you next thon Mickey

posted by Michele Bazley

Thanks for your comment on Simms-1110, which I have addressed.

I was wondering if we were related, and although you have added you DNA test, I cannot tell. Per the WikiTree DNA Project... When you post DNA test information on a WikiTree profile, WikiTree needs to be able to see the profile Family Tree Tab (top of WikiTree Profile) to make DNA connections down the ancestral lines.

I would like to strongly recommend that you change the privacy level on this profile and all of the ancestors to be at a level that allows everyone to see the Family Tree tab. Click the Privacy tab and set your level to Private with public tree or Private with public biography and tree. Your sensitive information will still be hidden.

Thanks! Bill Vincent - DNA Project Member

posted by Bill Vincent Ph.D.
Hi Bill,

Thank you for your note and for updating the URL. I have changed the privacy setting on my profile so you should be able to access the tree now. I ran the match between your kit and my mother's (the potential link is on her father's line) and there was no shared DNA, although there were 17 matches in common. The common ancestor would be Thomas Luckett b.1720, so not terribly likely that we'd find a DNA match. But I appreciate you bringing the privacy level issue to my attention! All the best, Kathleen

posted by Kathleen (Hill) Tesluk
Hi Kathleen

Thanks for being a member of the Mid-Atlantic Team for the January Connectathon. It was a fun and productive weekend. We added 2,936 profiles to Wikitree, almost a thousand more than last July’s Connectathon.

In Mindy’s wrap up message, she mentions how to delete from your watchlist profiles you do not want to continue to manage. Can I make a suggestion, before you do this, can you check your suggestion list and see if there are any typos that need to be corrected. We don’t want to add to the data doctors’ work.

See you next thon Mickey

posted by Michele Bazley
Hi Kathleen, We corresponded a year or so ago regarding our trees on ancestry.com and I just saw this tree of yours here.

Would it be possible to add my father as a son of Alva Cleon Lynch McBrayer, please? If you have time.

Daddy's name is William Paul McBrayer. He was born and he died in Forest City, NC.

DOB - July 9, 1926. DOD - July 5, 2000.

I would really appreciate it. (He also had six siblings.) Thank you!

Susan McBrayer (I may be signed in under the name "Tim Keith." Can't remember.)

posted by Tim Keith
Please check out the updated Ambassadors Project page and see what we’re doing to get more visibility for Bloggers.

If you would like to join in, please send me a private message with what teams you would like to be on, as well as the email you want to use for the google group. If you use a different email address for trusted list access on WikiTree, please note that as well.

I look forward to hearing back from you!

posted by Chris Ferraiolo
Hi Kathleen,

This is to check in with you about your Blog. Are there any updates?

I’d also like to invite you to join the WikiTree Ambassadors as part of the Bloggers Team.

WikiTree Ambassadors are volunteers who have taken on the mission of spreading the WikiTree Love across a variety of channels. There are five other teams, if you have an interest in any of them in addition to the Blogging team, just let me know:

Hope to hear from you soon!

Azure Rae ~ WikiTree Ambassadors co-Leader

posted by Azure Robinson
Hey Kathleen,

Saw you were going to Roots Tech this week and thought I'd look you up. Hi! I'll see you there for sure - I'll be the one in orange. Also, a project of note is the US Southern Colonies Project check it out at US Southern Colonies Project. Mags

posted by Mags Gaulden
Hi Kathleen,

Congratulations, you have now been a WikiTree member for one month! Here are a few ways to dive in even deeper:

  • Check out our blog, a monthly newsletter along with tips, interviews, and guest posts from people in the larger genealogy community.

Let me know if I can be of help, including with your GEDCOM.

Carole Partridge, WikiTree Mentor

P.S. 1279 contributions - wow!

posted by Carole Partridge
Hi Kathleen

You may be interested in some of WikiTree's current Projects. Projects can be a great resource for sources and collaboration:

The full list of projects may be seen by selecting PROJECTS from the FIND menu.

Happy WikiTreeing

Hi Kathleen

I see you have a DNA badge. Did you know we have a WikiTree project for DNA where a lot of great new things are happening? You will find it and WikiTree's other interesting projects by using the FIND link top right of most WikiTree pages, select PROJECTS from the drop down box. WikiTree's DNA project has information listed that might be of interest to you, and feel free to contact any of the members if you would like additional details.

You might also like to read the discussions tagged with DNA in the G2G forum.

Happy WikiTreeing


Hello Kathleen,

How are you doing? Hope you're enjoying our site.

Our vision is to build a collaborative tree. Please make sure to look for duplicates on WikiTree before adding a profile. Having dates and locations attached to every person assists in our mission as well.

Feel free to check out How To Use WikiTree. It's a great step-by-step guide.

Also Help Index with links to topics you may have questions on. Don't forget our G2G Forum where many of our generous members help each other out.

And of course, I'm here to help in any way I’m able. Just ask!

Robert ~ WikiTree Mentor

posted by Keith Hathaway
Hi Kathleen,

Just a quick PS

Don't forget to Head over to the G2G forum. and take a minute to introduce yourself in the Tree House or ask a question in any of the other categories. There's also a brickwall tag in the G2G forum: for that "special" ancestor who is eluding you.

Best Wishes, and have fun adding your leaves and branches!


posted by Fred Adamson
Thank you for volunteering!

You are now a member of the WikiTree Community! Please remember that we are trying to build one Collaborative Global Family Tree which means only one profile per person. It is important to ensure that no duplicates are created and profiles are properly sourced.

To help you get started, check out an introductory WikiTree video that a member created. For member benefits, see our Community Members page.

We also have a Mentor Team who will be glad to answer questions and help you with any specific problems.

Welcome and Enjoy!


posted by Fred Adamson

I notice you plan to or already uploaded a GEDCOM. If you go to our Help Index, there is a lot of great information under GEDCOM that you will find useful for GEDCOM imports to WikiTree. Here are two quick links: step-by-step of the process including screenshots that you might find helpful. 'Before you import a GEDCOM'.

Please keep in mind that our vision is to build a collaborative tree with just one profile per person, so please make sure to look for duplicates on WikiTree before adding a profile. Thank you for taking the time to go through your gedmatches.

Good Luck,


posted by Fred Adamson
I am fully committed to the concept of one family tree of mankind, and support WikiTree's effort to achieve this. I've been pursuing my family history for more than 30 years and am active in local genealogical societies. Looking forward to collaborating with all of you!
posted by Kathleen (Hill) Tesluk
welcome to Wikitree as a guest!

To help you find your way, the help pages and search features can be accessed through the links on the upper right hand corner of almost any page. Feel free to post a question in the G2G Forum or on a relevant profile page. If you would like to contribute to Wikitree, please click the Volunteer link to receive your ‘Volunteer’ badge, and post a comment here on your profile to tell us that you are interested in family history and wish to join us. We will be very glad to welcome you to the WikiTree Community.

posted by [Living Stewart]

Rejected matches ›

Connections to Super Bowl halftime show performers: Kathleen is 26 degrees from Prince Nelson, 20 degrees from Dan Aykroyd, 16 degrees from Garth Brooks, 27 degrees from Chubby Checker, 24 degrees from Ella Fitzgerald, 17 degrees from Dusty Hill, 30 degrees from Whitney Houston, 21 degrees from Mick Jagger, 21 degrees from Paul McCartney, 18 degrees from Tom Petty, 18 degrees from Chris Stapleton and 24 degrees from Shania Twain on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.

H  >  Hill  |  T  >  Tesluk  >  Kathleen (Hill) Tesluk