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Sion Hill (abt. 1654 - 1705)

Sion Hill
Born about in Isle of Wight County, Colony of Virginiamap
Ancestors ancestors
Brother of
Husband of — married before 1678 in Virginiamap
Descendants descendants
Died at about age 51 in Surry County, Colony of Virginiamap
Profile last modified | Created 22 Dec 2009
This page has been accessed 7,736 times.



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Sion Hill was a Virginia colonist.

Sion was born about 1654[1] in Isle of Wight County, Virginia to Robert Hill.[2] Robert and his wife Mary were claimed as headrights in 1642 by Francis England for land in Isle of Wight County.[3] Sion passed away about 1705 in Virginia. His exact date and place of death/burial location are unknown. [4]


Sion Hill married Mrs. Elizabeth Spiltember, widow of John Spiltember, who died in 1677.[5] Children of Sion and Elizabeth named by Boddie:[6]

  1. Robert Hill 1678-1765
  2. Sion Hill, 1682-
  3. Richard Hill, 164-1723
  4. Capt Thomas Hill, 1686-1737
  5. Michael Hill, 168_-1755

Children according to the William and Mary Quarterly

  1. 1. Sion Hill, (Robert 1.) born circa 1654, Isle of Wight Co., Va., married 1677, Elizabeth widow of John Spiltimber, (and probably a dau. of Nicholas Smith, of Isle of Wight Co., Va.)


  1. 1. Richard Hill, b. circa 1680/1.
  2. 2. Sion Hill Jr., b. circa 1682; m. (1) Elizabeth, dau. of Capt. Wm. Browne; (2) Gr. dau. of Col. Peter Green of Isle of Wight Co., Va.
  3. 3. Robert Hill, b. circa 1685; m. Tabitha thought to have been a Miss Browne. 4. William Hill, b. circa 1690.

Probably other children.[7]

Tithables and Quit Rents

  • 10 June 1698. Sion Hill and Sion Hill Jr. are listed as Tithables "belonging to Southwarke parish in Surry County", followed by an entry for Robt. Hill; a later record (just before the June 1700 one) has three tithables for Sion Hill: Sion Hill, Sion Hill Jr., Richard "Hall [Hill?]"[8]
  • 1699. Sion Hill is recorded in Surry County Tithable Lists as paying taxes in 1699 for himself and Sion Hil Jr.[9]
  • 1700,1702. Sion Hill paid taxes for himself, Sion Hill Jr., and Richard Hill.[9]
  • 1703. Sion Hill paid taxes for himself and Richard Hill; Sion Hill Jr. paid for himself.[9]
  • 1704. Sion Hill and Robert Hill listed in the Virginia Quit Rent Rolls for Surry County.[9] Robert Hill - 200 acres; Lyon [Sion] Hill - 300 acres.[10]
  • 2 .... Sion Hill , b . 1653 or 1654 , m. 1677 , Elizabeth , widow of John Spiltimber of Surry co Va . She was probably a daughter of Nicholas Smith .
  • Sion Hill was administrator of the estato of John Spiltimber .
  • In 1680 he was with Nicholas Smith among tithables in Surry county ;
  • in 1681 he received a patent for 420 acres in Upper Surry , for importation of nine persons into the Colony ;
  • in 1688 Sion and Robert Hill were together in tithablos , probably brothers .
  • In 1689 in a suit which he brought about a mare he had raffled , he deposes that

he was about 35 years old ;

  • in 1687 was a member of militia , Surry county .
  • In 1702 Sion and Richard Hill were together in tithables
  • in 1703 Sion , Richard and Sion Hill , Jr. , were together in tithables and were doubt loss of the same household .

[1]Notes on the Southerland, Latham and allied families : register of the ancestors of Imogen Southerland Voorhees.


  • Page 85. 12 Oct 1675. William Gray sold to Jno. Salway a mare 12 Oct. 1675. Testified by William Buttler and Sion Hill ....[9]
  • Page 209. 27 Mar. 1679. Administration granted to the following: [list follows, only showing here entry related to Sion Hill]
    • Sion Hill on est. of Mary Davis.[9]
  • Page 211. 16 June 1679. Robert Ruffin declared that at the house of Lewis Williams, of Lawnes Creek Parish, late deceased, he heard Mrs. Williams say that her husband, before he died, gave his son to Wm. Newsum, and his girls to Sion Hill, and his wife and daughter-in-law, named Mary, to Mr. Tompson and ye others of his daughters-in-law to the disposing of his wife. The wife died, and the child went to Mrs. Edwards.[9]
  • Page 16. 16 June 1679. Sion Hill qual Admr. Mary Davies dece'd; Bond, 40,000 lbs, tob. with Geo. Williams & Geo. Foster surety. Wit.: Robert Ruffin & Wm. Edwards Cl. Cur.[9]
  • Page 19. 1 July 1679. Sion Hill qual. as admr. Jno. Spilltimber dec'd. Bond, 40,000 lbs. legall tob., with Joseph Rogers and Jno. Phillips surety. Wit.: Benja. Harrison & Wm. Edwards, Cl. Crt.[9]
  • 1681. Simon Hill patented 420 acres in Surry County, Virginia. (Land Office Book 7, p. 111). In 1685 this land was sold to William Gray.[6]
  • Page 21. 12 July 1683. Sion Hill, Geo. Williams of Surry County, bound to the Court. Sion Hill to pay the orphan of Lewis Williams, deceased, the portion of her late father's estate when she is of age, and to teach her the Christian religion.[9]
  • 1689. Sion Hill, in a deposition, stated that he was then 35 years of age. [Est birth year 1654][6]
  • 5 July 1690. John and Margaret Coker sold to Sion Hill for 1600 lbs of tobacco 160 aces on Blackwater adjacent to Richard Bennett. (Id. 143)[6]
  • 4 Dec. 1704. William Browne Sr. in his will dated Dec. 4, 1704, proved 3 July 1705, instructed his executors to make conveyance of land sold to Sion Hill "contained in my tract of land on the South side of Blackwater, ... the said Hill having already made satisfaction for the same".[6]

Research Notes

The following information about his grandparents/parents moved to research notes, as the information needs confirmation and doesn't actually belong on his profile page (the biography above has sourced information about Robert and Mary). It will be moved to a more appropriate page later. The information about Sion's marriages/son Robert also needs confirmation (for example, there is no indication that he married Hannah Cook, or even married more than once). ~ Noland-165, 17 December 2021

Robert Hill and Ann Kinge's son Robert Hill married Mary Webb:[11]

  • "Robert Hill was born 1615 in Northumberland County, England, and died 1682 in Isle of Wight County, Virginia. He married Mary Webb 1642 in Northumberland County, England, daughter of Steven Webb. She was born about 1621 in Kent County, England, and died after 1684 in Isle of Wight County, Virginia. They emigrated to Isle of Wight from Northumberland County, England in 1642. Their transportation was paid by Francis England, who received a headright grant."[12] [13] Their children:
    • Sion W. Hill, born 1654 in Isle of Wight County, Virginia; died 1705 in Surry County, Virginia. He married (1) Elizabeth Smith in 1677, daughter of Nicholas and Ann Smith. She was born 1662 in Isle of Wight County, Virginia, and died after 1689. He married (2) Hannah Cook after 1689. In 1685 Sion patented 420 acres of land in Surry County, Virginia which he later sold to William Gray. [14] [13] Their son Robert:
      • Robert Hill was born between 1678 and 1683 in Isle of Wight County, Virginia, and died 1766 in Halifax County, North Carolina. He married Tabitha Browne Green about 1705 in Isle of Wight County, Virginia, daughter of Abner Green. She was born 1690, and died April 1765 in Halifax County, North Carolina
    • Robert Hill, born 1667 in Isle of Wight County, Virginia; died 1740 in Brunswick County, Virginia.
    • Family Data Collection - Births

about Sion Hill Name: Sion Hill Father: Robert Hill Mother: Mary Webb Birth Date: 1654 County: Isle Wight State: VA Country: USA

    • Family Data Collection - Individual Records

about Sion Hill Name: Sion Hill Spouse: Elizabeth Smith Parents: Robert Hill, Mary Webb Birth Place: Isle Wight Co, VA Birth Date: 1654 Marriage Place: Surry Co, VA Marriage Date: 1677 Death Date: 1705

    • U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900

about Sion Hill Name: Sion Hill Gender: Male Birth Place: VA Birth Year: 1653 Spouse Name: Elizabeth Smith Spouse Birth Place: VA Spouse Birth Year: 1662 Marriage Year: 1677 Number Pages: 2

    • Seventeenth Century Isle of Wight County, Virginia, Chapter XXX. Willand Deed Book I, 1662-1686, page 584
    • SION HILL of Surry County; whereas George Archer by writing, 30 Jan.,1653, did assign to my father ROBERT HILL, decd, a plantation in Isle ofWight described as a sale from George Bressy to Geo. Archer 7 Dec 1653,now in possession of Edward Wickers and for 4390 lbs tbco paid by EdmundWickers sell all right in the same.

Wife Elizabeth signs dower.

Land Transactions

1724-1766: Land Transactions of Robert Hill (Note: These are transactions of Sion Hill's son Robert Hill.)
  • In 1724 was granted 145 acres in that county on Jan 23 1724 Robert deeded to Arthur Jordon 145 acres on the south side of Fountain Creek a plantation "on which the said Hill is now living with" Tabitha his wife relinquishing owner. Witness: Thomas Alleman, Sr. and Jr.
  • In 1725 Robert was deeded 233 acres of land in Isle of Wight County, Virginia
  • On May 22 1725 Robert was granted 160 acres on the south side of Fountain Creek, Northampton County, North Carolina..
  • In 1738 200 acres on the south side of Blue Marsh in Edgecomb County, North Carolina.
  • He conveyed 75 acres of this land in 1740 with the deed witnessed by Abner Green and Thomas Hill.
  • He received several grants in Edgecomb County, North Carolina.

Lawnes Creek Sion Hill

Possibly a different Sion Hill: At September Court 1677, Surry County, a Sion Hill was on a jury who heard the cases of several persons accused of taking part in Bacon's Rebellion. In the text he is stated to be from Lawnes Creek Parish.[15]
Francis England, who claimed Robert and Mary Hill as headrights (among others) to receive Isle of Wight land in 1642[3] was a loyalist during Bacon's Rebellion (see his profile).
A Sion Hill is recorded 10 June 1674 as a tithable in Lawnes Creek Parish:
  • "William Butler, Sion Hill .. . .. . .. 2"[8]


  1. Sion Hill, in a 1689 deposition, stated that he was then 35 years of age. ~ Boddie's Southside Virginia Families (1955; HathiTrust)
  2. 1679 --- On February 9, 1679/80, Sion Hill, of Surry County, Virginia, confirmed to Edmond Wickins, land sold to Wickins in Isle of Wight County by my father, Robert, HIll, deceased, said land having been assigned to Hill in 1653 by George Archer. This was also signed by Elizabeth Hill. Witnesses were Richard Tibbot and Robert Kae. Isle of Wight Will and Deed Book: 1, 1662-1686, page: 164. ----- SOUTHSIDE VIRGINIA FAMILIES VOL. II, by John B. Boddie, 1956, page: 164 --- SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ISLE OF WIGHT, VIRGINIA, by John B. Boddie, 1973, page: 584.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Nell Marion Nugent. Cavaliers and Pioneers: Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1623-1800. In Five Volumes. Richmond, VA.: Press of the Dietz Printing Co., 1935; page 140.
  4. Find A Grave: Memorial #46343511
  5. 1677 --- Marriage: U. S. AND INTERNATIONAL MARRIAGES 1560-1900 --- Name: Sion Hill - Gender: Male - Birth Place: Virginia - Birth Year: 1653 - Spouse Name: Elizabeth Smith - Spouse Birth Place: Virginia - Spouse Birth Year: 1662 - Marriage Year: 1677 - Number Pages: 2 --- Source Citation: Source number: 529.063; Source type: Family group sheet (from "Gleanings"), listed as parents; Number of Pages: 2 --- Source Information: Yates Publishing. U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004. Ancestry link.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Boddie, John Bennett. Southside Virginia Families. in 2 volumes. Redwood City, Calif., Pacific Coast Publisers, 1955 Volume 2, pages 84, 85, 164
  8. 8.0 8.1 Edgar E. MacDonald, Richard Slatten. Surry County Virginia Tithables, 1668-1703, pages 143-144, 157 (Google Books, accessed 17 December 2021).
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 Surry County Records [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2006. Original data:Davis, Eliza Timberlake. Surry County Records. Baltimore, MD, USA: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1995. Section: Book II, March 1671 to 5 July 1684, pages 78, 97, 111. 126; Search Results, Sion Hill
  10. Wertenbaker, Thomas J. The Planters of Colonial Virginia. New York: Russell & Russell, 1959. Project Gutenberg Ebook: Release date: May 24, 2010, page 193.
  11. Children of Robert Hill (accessed 15 December 2021), citing Craft's East Goes West.
  12. Nugent, Nell Marion, Abstracted and Indexed by. Cavaliers and Pioneers: Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1623-1800. In Five Volumes. Richmond, VA.: Press of the Dietz Printing Co., 1935; Page 140
  13. 13.0 13.1 Craft, Alta DeShazer. East Goes West: History of the Craft-Hill-Harris- and DeShazer-Faubion-Douglass-Howlett Familes. Publisher: A. D. Craft,1984. Located: Dallas Public Library, 929.2C973 C885E. Pg 89. (WorldCat, Hathi Trust, limited view.) Description on WorldCat: "George Craft immigrated from Germany to Pennsylvania, and had two sons, George Craft and Daniel Craft ( 1790). Daniel moved to Botetourt County, Virginia, served in the War of 1812, and married Mary Hamilton in 1814. Descendants and relatives lived in Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oregon, Hawaii and elsewhere."
  14. The Lane Family: The ancestry and descendants of Rev. Tidence Lane, Part I, by Larry A James 1986, pg 9.
  15. Boddie, John B. Colonial Surry. Originally PublishedL: Richmond, 1948. Reprinted Baltimore: Southern Book Company, 1959. Reprinted for Clearfield Company, Inc. by Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. Baltimore, Maryland, 1992, 1997, 2000. Pages 144, 146
  • Ancestry link, U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 - Documentation of marriage to Tabitha Green (no date on this adocument, only state of Virginia listed)
  • Ancestry link, Family Data Collection - Individual Records - Documentation of birth, death, marriage to Elizabeth Smith; parents, Robert Hill and Mary Webb
  • Thomas Maxwell of Virginia and Georgia and His Descendants with a Number of Allied Families. Compiled by Annie Norman, Helen Maxwell Longino, Annie Lou Maxwell. Macon, Georgia: Press of the J. W. Burke Company, 1956.; Pages 382, 383. Gives documentation to the Hill descendants, as earliest immigrants to first settle in the Isle of Wright, VA area.
  • Yates Publishing, U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 (Ancestry Online publication, 2004). Original data...extracted from a variety of sources including family group sheets and electronic databases.
  • Edmund West, comp., Family Data Collection - Births (Ancestry Online publication, 2001; APID 5769::0).
  • Edmund West, comp., Family Data Collection - Individual Records (Ancestry Online publication, 2000; APID 4725::0)
  • Edmund West, comp., Family Data Collection - Deaths (Ancestry Online publication, 2001; APID 5771::0)
  • Find a Grave, database and images ( : accessed 06 November 2020), Find A Grave: Memorial #46343511 for Sion Webb Hill (1654–1705) ; Maintained by Richard Parker (contributor 47021994) Unknown.
  • "Family Tree," database, FamilySearch ( : modified 07 September 2018, 02:41), entry for John Hill (PID; contributed by various users.
  • Ancestry Family Trees (Family tree files submitted by Ancestry members).


  • WikiTree profile Hill-2638 created through the import of The Sammons Family Tree.ged on Jun 9, 2011 by Steve Sammons.

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Comments: 10

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Did I miss something? I don't see support for "William" as his middle name anywhere in the text.
posted by Liz (Noland) Shifflett
The WikiTree connection between Sion and Mary (Boddie) Browne is interesting...
Mary Boddie → John Boddie (her brother) → William Boddie (his son) → Mary Bennett (his wife) → Grace Bennett (her sister) → Green Hill (her husband) → Richard Hill (his brother) → Robert Hill (his father) → Sion Hill (his father)

Keep in mind that the many Green, Richard, and Robert Hills in the area mean that Grace's husband Green may be a different Green Hill than the son of Richard, who may or may not be the brother of Robert Hill, and which Robert Hill is the son of this Sion is still up in the air (although as of this writing, we're down to only two profiles for a son named Robert attached to this profile for Sion).

posted by Liz (Noland) Shifflett
significance of tithables...
  • Richard appears in 1700, paid by Sion Sr, indicating that was the year he turned 16, so he was born c1684.
  • Sion Jr paid for himself in 1703, so he was born c1682.


When there are multiple names, the first name is that of the “master or mistress of a family” (the person responsible for the tax), followed by the names or number of the taxable persons for whom that person would pay the tax. In the 18th century this was males over 16 (children, overseers, apprentices, servants, and slaves), and non-white, enslaved or indentured women over sixteen. A free male 21 or over was legally responsible for his own tax, and thus should be listed separately — although we can’t be certain that this was always the case. As early as 1644, “master of a household” was defined as meaning the person in “command” of the farm or plantation.
When a male appears as an independent tithable, it is reasonable to assume that they were of age. A separate appearance on the tax list indicates tax responsibility, which was normally assumed upon reaching majority. This does not indicate that the person was maintaining a separate physical household. In the case of males between 16 and 21, their parents, guardians, or masters (in the case of apprentices or servants) were responsible for the tax.
posted by Liz (Noland) Shifflett
Hi! I plan to work on this profile a bit to more clearly separate the information that has a reliable source from information that doesn't (e.g., no support for a marriage to Hannah Cook). His wife (currently Elizabeth Smith) should probably be Elizabeth Unknown. And profiles for more than one child named Robert (and more than one for a child named Sion, if you consider middle names), with different wives, are attached. So, while Boddie lists just five children (see list in profile text), there are profiles for eight children attached (as listed below with info per WikiTree as of 15 December 2021):
  1. Sion Hill Jr. (abt.1678-1762), married (1) Elizabeth Brown, (2) Hannah Green
  2. John Hill (abt.1679-) no information other than listed as titheable in 1702 in Southwark Parish, Surry County
  3. Robert Sion Hill (1682-1762), married Elizabeth Marriott
  4. *Richard Hill (1684-1723), married Hannah Briggs
  5. Robert Hill (1684-aft.1762), married (1) Tabitha Green, (2) Hannah Briggs
  6. *Thomas Hill (abt.1686-1737), married Priscilla Gray
  7. *Michael Hill I (1688-1755), married Elizabeth R. Mitchell
  8. William Hill (1689-1745) no other information

If you have sources to share for the children and/or their wives, please do. I also intend to change the profile for his wife from Elizabeth Smith to Elizabeth Unknown - if you have clear primary support that the widow of John Spiltimber who married (2) Sion HIll was born Smith, please share! (Please post those to Smith-10287, as well as any arguments/additional info that her parents are Nicholas and Ann Smith.)


P.S. * by the children's names - Boddie named Richard, Thomas, & Michael as sons, in addition to one each Robert & Sion.

edit on 21 December corrected given name of Hill who married Spiltimber's widow.

posted by Liz (Noland) Shifflett
edited by Liz (Noland) Shifflett
Hi Liz! I was bringing over information from This is my husband's line. I don't have more information. Thank you VERY MUCH for repair work!
posted by Laurie Spencer
Hi, I am trying to find the father of my William Francis Hill b1712 Caroline Co., VA moved to N.C. and d1787

& brother John Hill b1710-moved to Amelia Co., VA and died there in 1779. Some say their father was Sion 1654-1705. Do you have any records that show children? Thank you Mary

posted on Hill-46498 (merged) by Mary (Hill) Kilgore
edited by Mary (Hill) Kilgore
Mary, I was adding in to WikiTree information from, the LDS site. I'm finding some confusion in the records on FamilySearch! Sorry, I don't have more information on this family-it's my husband's side.
posted on Hill-46498 (merged) by Laurie Spencer
Hill-46498 and Hill-50 appear to represent the same person because: Same birthdays, close to identically named parents (who also each need merging), one spouse is the same person (Smith-10287 is correct maiden name, Splitimber-9 is Smith's widow's name). Hill-46498's son Richard needs to take his place in Hill-50's family where he is a missing son.
posted by Lyle McElhaney
This profile is in need of post-merge cleanup and is being edited by the Arborists Team of US Southern Colonies Project. Biography is being rewritten and organized. Sources examined, duplicate sources combined, sources with broken links are being removed or described as broken, etc. New sources will be added as located.

Edit: I think I've gone as far as I can with this profile. Anyone with additional sources is asked to add them.

Edit: Hannah Cook has been removed as wife of Sion Hill. No source has ever been found to indicate Sion had more than one wife. No source has been found to show Hannah Cook was his wife.


Hill-11264 and Hill-50 appear to represent the same person because: basic information on both profiles suggest that these 2 profiles represent the same person
posted by Nalani (Kupau) Briggs

Acadian heritage connections: Sion is 16 degrees from Beyoncé Knowles, 19 degrees from Jean Béliveau, 18 degrees from Madonna Ciccone, 19 degrees from Rhéal Cormier, 16 degrees from Joseph Drouin, 20 degrees from Jack Kerouac, 16 degrees from Anne Murray, 20 degrees from Matt LeBlanc, 19 degrees from Roméo LeBlanc, 19 degrees from Azilda Marchand, 18 degrees from Mary Travers and 19 degrees from Clarence White on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.

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