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“Coming Thunder had four wives, the principal one being called He-sja-soo-ke-ga or Light Eyes." (Jipson, 222) Hišjasukega may be analyzed as Hišjasu-ke-ga. Hišjasu, is "eye," from hišja, "face," and su, "seed." The terminal -ga is a definite article suffix used in personal names. The element -ke- and possible variants, is unattested in the sense offered by Jipson, meaning "light". The /k/ of the syllable ke may represent the palatal /k/ represented in standard orthography by /x/. Gatschet records the word xí , meaning, "yellow, the color of plums going into brown, of somebody’s eyes." Otherwise, the word xi usually means "mist, fog, smoke."
“Coming Thunder had four wives, the principal one being called He-sja-soo-ke-ga or Light Eyes. He had several children; among them Little Winneshiek, John Winneshiek, Mrs. James Hall, Mrs. Bearheart, Mrs. Greyeagle and Mrs. James Blackhawk (mother of John Blackhawk).” (Jipson, 222)
Thanks are due Richard Dieterle for the research and creation of this profile. Please see his contributions to the pre-rename version of this profile.
This week's connection theme is the Puritan Great Migration. Hišjasuxiga is 22 degrees from John Winthrop, 21 degrees from Anne Bradstreet, 20 degrees from John Cotton, 19 degrees from John Eliot, 20 degrees from John Endecott, 17 degrees from Mary Estey, 18 degrees from Thomas Hooker, 19 degrees from Anne Hutchinson, 21 degrees from William Pynchon, 19 degrees from Alice Tilley, 16 degrees from Robert Treat and 20 degrees from Roger Williams on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.
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