Honor Code Signatory
Signed 28 Dec 2018 |
82,320 contributions
| 2,641 thank-yous
2,891 connections
Communication Preferences:
I am interested in communicating with
anyone who shares the same genealogical or historical interests.
Here is my family tree.
Karyn Homburg achieved the 16 For 16 award for completing 16 missions in our 2024 16 For 16 Challenge.
Hi! I'm Karyn ~ not Karen! ☺️ Literally ~ KarynnotKaren is my user name at Ancestry, FindAGrave and FamilySearch. And this is all about the spelling ~ not the slang term used by some in a derogatory way!
As Team Leader for the South Australia Team you will find me working on anything and everything South Australia, with a special interest in South Australia War Memorials and creating profiles for the brave men and women commemorated on them.
I am also a member of the Cornwall Team with a special interest in St Agnes, Cornwall and emigrants to South Australia. I am also co-ordinator of the Tonkin Name Study.
I have been researching the men in a photograph that belonged to my grandfather of the 12th Infantry Battalion, 11th Reinforcements Australian Imperial Force taken in 1915 and am attempting to identify those in the photo.
I am also a volunteer taking photographs for FindAGrave at West Terrace Cemetery, and am in the process of adding some of them to their WikiTree Profiles Karyns WTC Photos
That all keeps me pretty busy! Please say Hi if I can help with anything at all and pleeeease ~ call me Karyn!
Paternal relationship is confirmed by an autosomal AncestryDNA test match between Karyn Homburg and R.D., her 1st cousin 1x removed. Their most-recent common ancestors are Herman Neumann and Sabina Opie, the great grandparents of Karyn Homburg and grandparents of R.D.. Predicted relationship from AncestryDNA: 2nd-3rd cousin, based on sharing 316 cM across 17 segments.
Paternal relationship is confirmed by an autosomal AncestryDNA test match between Karyn Homburg and J.G., her 3rd cousin . Their most-recent common ancestors are Thomas Goodwin and Ann Munyard, the great great grandparents of both Karyn Homburg and J.G.. Predicted relationship from AncestryDNA: 2nd-3rd cousin, based on sharing 125 cM across 5 segments.
Maternal relationship is confirmed by an autosomal AncestryDNA test match between Karyn Homburg and S.M., her 2nd cousin . Their most-recent common ancestors are Samuel Carter and Sarah Barnett, the great grandparents of both Karyn Homburg and S.M.. Predicted relationship from AncestryDNA: 2nd-3rd cousin, based on sharing 252 cM across 11 segments.
Maternal relationship is confirmed by an autosomal AncestryDNA test match between Karyn Homburg and H.A., her 2nd cousin 1x removed. Their most-recent common ancestors are John Amos and Rachel Clayton, the great grandparents of Karyn Homburg and great great grandparents of H.A.. Predicted relationship from AncestryDNA: 2nd-3rd cousin, based on sharing 205 cM across 11 segments.
Only the Trusted List can access the following:
Karyn's formal name
e-mail address
exact birthdate
birth location
images (3)
private siblings' names
private children's names (1)
For access to Karyn Homburg's full information you must be on Karyn's Trusted List. Please login.
DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships.
It is likely that these
autosomal DNA
test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Karyn:
Thank you for your commitment to the England Project and its goals in 2024! Together, we have made a significant difference to the quality of the One Big Tree, as we strive towards making English profiles the best that they can be.
It's time for our annual Australia Project membership checkin. Thank you so much for your involvement in the Project in the last year and for all your help improving Australian profiles on WikiTree. Australia Project members play such a vital role in Australian genealogy on WikiTree.
Please could you reply to this profile comment (don't add a new comment!), or send me a private message to let us know if you'd like to stay on in the Project, and to let us know what you plan to work on for the next year, and if you would like to change any of the teams you are on. Our teams are listed on Australia Project Teams.
We know that people move on to new things, so if you no longer want to be in the Australia Project, please let us know so that we can remove you from the membership list.
We're always happy to receive any ideas or suggestions that you have to make our project even better.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
The Australia Project Leadership Team ~ Gillian, Kylie, Margaret and Veronica
Yes I would like to stay with the Australia Project and on the teams that I am currently with. I would like to focus more on adding profiles to South Australian War Memorial categories, and also create and connect profiles for those in the South Australia Old Colonists mosaics.
Thank you for responding to the check-in message, and for your ongoing contributions to WikiTree and the Australia Project, and for doing such a great job as SA team leader, all much appreciated!
We look forward to 2025 being a great year on WikiTree!
Thank you for contributing towards the goals of the England Project! Over the past year, a staggering amount has been done to improve English profiles on WikiTree and we couldn't have done it without you and our other project members.
The England Project leadership like to check in with all our project members at least once a year.
Are you happy to stay in your current project team/s? Or is there another team you would like to join or become more active in?
Please reply to this message by posting a reply below or sending me a private message. I look forward to hearing from you. Please also let us know if you have other feedback about the direction of the project.
Many thanks!
W Robertson, on behalf of the England Project leadership
Karyn, thanks for fixing the broken link on Simon Modistach’s profile. Is there a way to detect broken links easily? I’m sure there must be, I just haven’t looked for it!
Hi John, as a member of the Data Doctors team and team leader for South Australia, I work on the Data Doctor Suggestion list for South Australia (https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Automated:DD_Suggestion_List_AUS_SA) there are quite a few broken links!! But if you are looking to find any suggestions for those profiles on your watchlist, on the top right of your WikiTree screen, hover over the WikiTree tab (next to your WikiTree ID) scroll down to suggestions, and click on there. It will give you a list of suggestions for profiles on your watchlist and a link to those profiles that are connected to you as well.
I'm contacting you for the annual ANZACS Project membership checkin. We really appreciate your involvement in the Project in the last year. Thank you so much for all your help to improve profiles of ANZACs on WikiTree.
Please could you reply to this profile comment, or send me a private message to let me know if you'd like to stay on in the Project, and if so, what ANZACs activity you're planning to work on over the coming year. There are some ideas for activities on this page - Project:Anzacs. You could also add or update your entry on the 'Project Members and what we are doing' heading on that page.
If you've moved on to other things for the moment, that's absolutely fine. We'd appreciate if you'd let us know so that we can remove you as a member of the Project.
The ANZACs Project is a sub-project of the Military and War Project, which has a channel on Discord. If you're not on Discord yet, here's some information - Help:Discord. It's a great way to communicate with other members of the Project and help each other out.
We're always happy to receive any ideas or suggestions that you have to make our project even better.
I would like to stay with the Anzacs Project and get back to working on the Pick a Soldier, Plant a Tree Project in particular men commemorated at Menin Gate.
Hi Karyn, My name is Jimmy Lewis. I will be 70 years old on April 5th 2024.I am married to a wonderful lady named IDebbie. We live at Mountain Rest, South Carolina. I found you on WikiTree’s daily genealogy feed. I use the genealogical relationship instead of your connection. According to that we are 17th cousins. We have the same 16th great grandmother, Jacquette (Luxembourg) Wydeville (1416-1472). My WikiTree ID is Lewis-39192. My main tree is on Ancestry, user name is jlewis-19542, my tree name is Jimmy Lewis Family Tree. I have been DNA tested with Ancestry, FamilyTreeDNA Big Y700, mtDNA, Family Ancestry autosomal DNA results uploaded to FTDNA. My kit number is 953173, I would be willing to share my password privately with you if you would like. On WikiTree I use the genealogical relationship instead of your connection. It is a honor to meet you! I love meeting new family no matter how distant. My email adress is [email address removed] I would love to hear from you if you fill comfortable with it. If not I understand the way things are in our world at this time. May God bless you and your family, your cousin Jimmy Lewis
Hi Karyn! Thank you for your consistent improvement of WikiTree by participation in the Sourcerers Project during 2023!
Karyn Homburg reached the Golden Achievement milestone by sourcing at least one profile in every month of the 2023 Sourcerers Project Sourcerers' Challenge.
Thank you for your commitment to the England Project and its goals in 2023! Together we are making English WikiTree profiles the best they can be!
I'd like to share our end-of-year 2023 Newsletter. You can read it here: England Project Newsletters. We hope you enjoy reading about what we have achieved in 2023!
On behalf of all the England Project Leaders, we wish you a peaceful, productive and enjoyable 2024!
We're contacting you for the annual Australia Project membership checkin. We really appreciate your involvement in the Project in the last year. Thank you so much for all your help to improve Australian profiles on WikiTree.
Please could you reply to this message, or send me a private message to let us know if you'd like to stay on in the Project, and if you'd like to make any changes to the teams that you belong to. The teams are listed on Australia Project Teams.
If you've moved on to other things for the moment, that's absolutely fine. We'd appreciate if you'd let us know so that we can remove you from the membership list.
We're always happy to receive any ideas or suggestions that you have to make our project even better.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
The Australia Project Leadership Team ~ Gillian, Margaret and Veronica
Thanks Karyn for responding to the check-in message, and for your ongoing contributions to WikiTree and the Australia Project, they are much appreciated, and especially your work as SA team leader!
On behalf of the England Project, I would like to thank you for your commitment to the project's goals. Every single contribution you make helps improve English profiles!
The England Project Leaders like to touch base with each of our members periodically to make sure everything is going well. This is our formal annual check-in with you.
Are you happy with your current project team choices? Would you like to join any other teams?
Also, we would really like to hear which team is currently your highest priority. If you are a member of more than one team, could you please rank them from highest priority to lowest? Thank you! If you don’t see yourself as being part of a team, please let us know.
We also welcome any feedback on things you would like to see the project do more of in the future.
I look forward to hearing from you. Please respond to this message by posting a reply below or sending me a private message.
On behalf of all the Leaders, thank you again for all you do and we look forward to you continuing to be a part of our collaborative and fun Project!
Thanks for the check-in. I am happy to continue with the Cornwall team if that's ok. Working on the Tonkin name study, Cornwall is where the majority of the Tonkin's originate, and I will work on those profile's mostly, but also take an interest in Cornwall emigrants to South Australia.
Regards Karyn
Karyn Homburg reached the Golden Achievement milestone by sourcing at least one profile in every month of the 2022 Sourcerers Project Sourcerers' Challenge.
We appreciate your consistent work in improving WikiTree through the Sourcerers Project in 2022!
On behalf of the England Project, I would like to thank you for all your contributions towards the project's goals. Every single contribution you make helps improve English profiles!
I'd also like to share our annual Newsletter with you. You can read it here: England Project Newsletters. We hope you enjoy reading a bit about what has gone on in 2022 and what our Project has achieved.
The England Project Leaders like to touch base with each of our members every 6 months just to make sure everything is going well. There's no need to reply to this message unless you have something you'd like to let us know about (e.g. if you would like to change your team choices or provide other feedback). We will be in touch with you again in the middle of next year when we do our annual check-in with project members.
On behalf of all the Leaders, I wish you a peaceful and productive 2023.
It's time for the annual Australia Project membership checkin. Thank you so much for contributing to the project and Australian profiles on WikiTree during the last year. We really appreciate you!
If you would like to stay in the project, please reply to this message or send me a private message to let us know that you would like to stay on. Alternatively, if your WikiTree and research interests have moved away from Australia, please let us know and we can remove you from the membership list for the moment. You will, of course, be very welcome to rejoin the project down the track whenever you want to.
We are also keen to know if you want to make any changes to the team or teams that you want to focus on. Take a look on Australia Project Teams to see what teams there are to choose from. If you want to discuss this, or have any questions or suggestions about the Australia Project we'd love to hear your ideas.
Thanks for taking the time to get back to us! Oh, and welcome to your new role as team leader for South Australia!
Kind Regards
Margaret Haining
Membership Coordinator
Thank you Margaret! Yes I would love to stay with the Australia project! Am happy to stay with the teams that I am on, working on Anzacs, Immigrants and South Australians mostly.
Fantastic effort on your sourcing additions during the Source-A-Thon on the weekend. Well done. Next time we will beat the "Kiwi Crew"! Ha ha!
Take care and keep on having fun on WikiTree .
kind regards............Nigel Clark
Connections to Super Bowl halftime show performers:
Karyn is
30 degrees from Prince Nelson, 24 degrees from Dan Aykroyd, 24 degrees from Garth Brooks, 28 degrees from Chubby Checker, 29 degrees from Ella Fitzgerald, 25 degrees from Dusty Hill, 37 degrees from Whitney Houston, 21 degrees from Mick Jagger, 23 degrees from Paul McCartney, 24 degrees from Tom Petty, 24 degrees from Chris Stapleton and 27 degrees from Shania Twain
on our single family tree.
Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.
Thank you for your commitment to the England Project and its goals in 2024! Together, we have made a significant difference to the quality of the One Big Tree, as we strive towards making English profiles the best that they can be.
I'd like to share our end-of-year 2024 Newsletter. You can read it here: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:England_Project_Newsletters We hope you enjoy reading about our many project achievements and ongoing developments.
On behalf of all the England Project Leaders, I wish you all the best for a peaceful, productive and enjoyable 2025!
Ian, England Project Leader
It's time for our annual Australia Project membership checkin. Thank you so much for your involvement in the Project in the last year and for all your help improving Australian profiles on WikiTree. Australia Project members play such a vital role in Australian genealogy on WikiTree.
Please could you reply to this profile comment (don't add a new comment!), or send me a private message to let us know if you'd like to stay on in the Project, and to let us know what you plan to work on for the next year, and if you would like to change any of the teams you are on. Our teams are listed on Australia Project Teams.
We know that people move on to new things, so if you no longer want to be in the Australia Project, please let us know so that we can remove you from the membership list.
We're always happy to receive any ideas or suggestions that you have to make our project even better.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
The Australia Project Leadership Team ~ Gillian, Kylie, Margaret and Veronica
Yes I would like to stay with the Australia Project and on the teams that I am currently with. I would like to focus more on adding profiles to South Australian War Memorial categories, and also create and connect profiles for those in the South Australia Old Colonists mosaics.
Thanks! Karyn
We look forward to 2025 being a great year on WikiTree!
Regards, Margaret
I'm just working on the family of https://www.wikitree.com/index.php?title=Special:NetworkFeed&who=Tonkin-2130 Frederick Tonkin 1849-1931, starting from another distant cousin, his daughter's husband. do you want me to add relevant Tonkin ONS stickers to the other family I'm adding, or will you do it?
Thank you for the recent merge requests (four of them). I appreciate your efforts and it's always good to see other South Australian's on the site :-)
Regards, Troy
I have made the requested changes to the profile of my relative, Joseph George Crowe.
David Cowan
Thank you for contributing towards the goals of the England Project! Over the past year, a staggering amount has been done to improve English profiles on WikiTree and we couldn't have done it without you and our other project members.
The England Project leadership like to check in with all our project members at least once a year.
Are you happy to stay in your current project team/s? Or is there another team you would like to join or become more active in?
Please reply to this message by posting a reply below or sending me a private message. I look forward to hearing from you. Please also let us know if you have other feedback about the direction of the project.
Many thanks!
W Robertson, on behalf of the England Project leadership
Karyn, thanks for your efforts to improve our shared tree.
Karyn, thanks for your contributions to the project.
I'm contacting you for the annual ANZACS Project membership checkin. We really appreciate your involvement in the Project in the last year. Thank you so much for all your help to improve profiles of ANZACs on WikiTree.
Please could you reply to this profile comment, or send me a private message to let me know if you'd like to stay on in the Project, and if so, what ANZACs activity you're planning to work on over the coming year. There are some ideas for activities on this page - Project:Anzacs. You could also add or update your entry on the 'Project Members and what we are doing' heading on that page.
If you've moved on to other things for the moment, that's absolutely fine. We'd appreciate if you'd let us know so that we can remove you as a member of the Project.
The ANZACs Project is a sub-project of the Military and War Project, which has a channel on Discord. If you're not on Discord yet, here's some information - Help:Discord. It's a great way to communicate with other members of the Project and help each other out.
We're always happy to receive any ideas or suggestions that you have to make our project even better.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Gillian ~ ANZACS Project Leader
I would like to stay with the Anzacs Project and get back to working on the Pick a Soldier, Plant a Tree Project in particular men commemorated at Menin Gate. Regards Karyn
edited by Staci (Hadsell) Golladay
We are 19th cousins. Nice to connect. Terri
Thank you for your commitment to the England Project and its goals in 2023! Together we are making English WikiTree profiles the best they can be!
I'd like to share our end-of-year 2023 Newsletter. You can read it here: England Project Newsletters. We hope you enjoy reading about what we have achieved in 2023!
On behalf of all the England Project Leaders, we wish you a peaceful, productive and enjoyable 2024!
Best wishes,
Joan, England Project Leader
We're contacting you for the annual Australia Project membership checkin. We really appreciate your involvement in the Project in the last year. Thank you so much for all your help to improve Australian profiles on WikiTree.
Please could you reply to this message, or send me a private message to let us know if you'd like to stay on in the Project, and if you'd like to make any changes to the teams that you belong to. The teams are listed on Australia Project Teams.
If you've moved on to other things for the moment, that's absolutely fine. We'd appreciate if you'd let us know so that we can remove you from the membership list.
We're always happy to receive any ideas or suggestions that you have to make our project even better.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
The Australia Project Leadership Team ~ Gillian, Margaret and Veronica
I would like to continue with the Australia Project and the teams that I am working on. Regards Karyn
Regards, Margaret
Regards, Martin Gannoni (Melbourne).
Karyn, thanks for your work to improve our shared tree.
Karyn, thanks for your efforts to improve our shared tree.
On behalf of the England Project, I would like to thank you for your commitment to the project's goals. Every single contribution you make helps improve English profiles!
The England Project Leaders like to touch base with each of our members periodically to make sure everything is going well. This is our formal annual check-in with you.
Are you happy with your current project team choices? Would you like to join any other teams?
Also, we would really like to hear which team is currently your highest priority. If you are a member of more than one team, could you please rank them from highest priority to lowest? Thank you! If you don’t see yourself as being part of a team, please let us know.
We also welcome any feedback on things you would like to see the project do more of in the future.
I look forward to hearing from you. Please respond to this message by posting a reply below or sending me a private message.
On behalf of all the Leaders, thank you again for all you do and we look forward to you continuing to be a part of our collaborative and fun Project!
Kind regards,
Maddy, England Project Leader
Thanks for the check-in. I am happy to continue with the Cornwall team if that's ok. Working on the Tonkin name study, Cornwall is where the majority of the Tonkin's originate, and I will work on those profile's mostly, but also take an interest in Cornwall emigrants to South Australia. Regards Karyn
Best regards,
Karyn, thanks for your efforts in sourcing this month.
Hi Karyn. Thanks for your efforts to improve our shared tree.
Karyn, thanks for your efforts to improve our shared tree.
Karyn, thanks for your work to improve the tree.
We appreciate your consistent work in improving WikiTree through the Sourcerers Project in 2022!
Thanks for all your work this month and in 2022 for the Sourcerers Project! Happy New Year!!!
On behalf of the England Project, I would like to thank you for all your contributions towards the project's goals. Every single contribution you make helps improve English profiles!
I'd also like to share our annual Newsletter with you. You can read it here: England Project Newsletters. We hope you enjoy reading a bit about what has gone on in 2022 and what our Project has achieved.
The England Project Leaders like to touch base with each of our members every 6 months just to make sure everything is going well. There's no need to reply to this message unless you have something you'd like to let us know about (e.g. if you would like to change your team choices or provide other feedback). We will be in touch with you again in the middle of next year when we do our annual check-in with project members.
On behalf of all the Leaders, I wish you a peaceful and productive 2023.
Best wishes,
Amelia, England Project Leader
It's time for the annual Australia Project membership checkin. Thank you so much for contributing to the project and Australian profiles on WikiTree during the last year. We really appreciate you!
If you would like to stay in the project, please reply to this message or send me a private message to let us know that you would like to stay on. Alternatively, if your WikiTree and research interests have moved away from Australia, please let us know and we can remove you from the membership list for the moment. You will, of course, be very welcome to rejoin the project down the track whenever you want to.
We are also keen to know if you want to make any changes to the team or teams that you want to focus on. Take a look on Australia Project Teams to see what teams there are to choose from. If you want to discuss this, or have any questions or suggestions about the Australia Project we'd love to hear your ideas.
Thanks for taking the time to get back to us! Oh, and welcome to your new role as team leader for South Australia!
Kind Regards Margaret Haining Membership Coordinator
Regards Karyn
Regards, Margaret
Fantastic effort on your sourcing additions during the Source-A-Thon on the weekend. Well done. Next time we will beat the "Kiwi Crew"! Ha ha! Take care and keep on having fun on WikiTree . kind regards............Nigel Clark