Audrey (Hoppes) Renno
Privacy Level: Private with Public Biography and Family Tree (Yellow)

Audrey (Hoppes) Renno

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 4 Oct 2022 | 498,393 contributions | 25,568 thank-yous | 1,101 connections
Audrey R. Renno formerly Hoppes aka Martin
Born 1980s.
Ancestors ancestors
Daughter of [private father (1960s - unknown)] DNA confirmed and [private mother (1960s - unknown)] DNA confirmed
Sister of [private sister (unknown - unknown)] [half] and [private brother (1980s - unknown)]
Mother of [private son (2000s - unknown)]
Problems/Questions Profile manager: Audrey Renno private message [send private message]
Profile last modified | Created 4 Oct 2022
This page has been accessed 17,947 times.


Connectors Project Member
Audrey (Hoppes) Renno is a member of the Connectors Project.
Flag of Kentucky
Audrey (Hoppes) Renno is a member of the Kentucky Project.
Audrey (Hoppes) Renno is a member of the Appalachia Project (Central Appalachia Team).
Audrey (Hoppes) Renno is a member of the Appalachia Project (South Central Appalachia Team).
Audrey (Hoppes) Renno participated with Northwest Terriers during the January 2023 Connect-a-Thon.
Audrey (Hoppes) Renno participated with Appalachia Roots during the 2023 Source-a-Thon, adding sources to 20 previously unsourced profiles.
Audrey (Hoppes) Renno participated in the 2024 Wikitree Nebraska Days Challenge.
Audrey connected 211 profiles on the Appalachia Roots Team for the July 2024 Connect-a-Thon.
Audrey (Hoppes) Renno completed week 1 through week 10 in the Watchlist Weevils Challenge.
Audrey (Hoppes) Renno achieved the 16 For 16 award for completing 16 missions in our 2024 16 For 16 Challenge.
Audrey (Hoppes) Renno achieved the 32 For 16 award for completing 32 missions in our 2024 16 For 16 Challenge.

Hello, I am Audrey Martin. I was born in Ohio. I have become the family historian over the years. I have done extensive research on my own tree and have done a little research for a few friends.

I started researching in 2006 when my great-grandmother, Ina Corder Koger, passed away as a way to get to know my ancestors better so I could share what I learned with my future children. My main research interests are in Quaker records, South-Western Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, and Virginia mostly.

My mother was raised in the Quaker faith and has a long line of Quaker heritage on her father's side of the family. Surnames on this line includes: Kleppinger/Clippinger, Stubbs, Roberts, Taylor, Mendenhall, Everson, Kaufman, Mills, Heckman, Wear/Ware, Treese, Dearmond, Hardin, Jones, Miller, Gifford, Tarham, Hanger, Maddock, Hobson, Beck, Cook, Hawkins, Armstrong, Search, Conarroe, Whitson, Johnson, and Benson.

My mother's maternal line includes the following surnames: Bach/k, Roberts, Robertson, King, Hoffman, Maggard, Fields, May, Sergeant, Hodge, Elam, Coffee, Cooley, Raines, Hill, Pugh, Bailey, Stacey, Davidson, Morris, Deaton, and Gwinn.

My Paternal grandfather's line includes the following surnames: Hoppes, Dickerson, Thorn(e), Personett(e), DeLong, Surber, Bucco, Miller, Newhouse, Wallace, McCune, Dinsmore, VanPelt, Sergeant, Mathers, Hart, Hamilton, Wells, Lewis, Elliott, Beverlin, Watkins, Hardin, Hyatt, Smith, Linn, Clark, and Nottingham.

My Paternal grandmother's line includes the following surnames: Koger, Lovelace, Bookout, Cooper, Fox, Cagle, Gregory, Logsdon, Bell, Troxell, Coffey, Waters, Barrier, Loveall, Chrisman, Gholson, Massey, Corder, Kidd, Garner, and Alcorn.


First hand information from Audrey Hoppes Martin.

Advanced Directive

To aid WikiTree in the administration of my account should I be incapacitated, or in the event of my death, I hereby give permission for all private profiles I'm managing to be transferred to any interested WikiTreers, whether or not they are currently on the Trusted Lists. In no event should any of the profiles I manage be deleted. Give them to someone, please!

Only the Trusted List can access the following:
  • Audrey's formal name
  • full middle name (R.)
  • e-mail address
  • exact birthdate
  • birth location
  • images (2)
  • private siblings' names
  • private children's names (1)
  • spouse's name and marriage information
For access to Audrey Renno's full information you must be on Audrey's Trusted List. Please login.

DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships. It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Audrey: Have you taken a test? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.
Comments: 56

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Hey Audrey,

Just wanted to drop you a quick note and thank you so much for all the work you do with adding cemetery categories. I really appreciate it.


posted by Sheila Tidwell
Hello Audrey, thanks for working on Frederick Joseph Vogler (1868-1936). I just noticed that I left a puzzle about his marriage to Wanda Mae Cook, were they married in Steubenville, Ohio or Belmont County, Ohio? Also Wanda isn't attached to him. If you are working on this I'll leave it alone. If not, I am currently re-editing a list of my profiles with these issues.
Hi Audrey. Happy Groundhog Day. I think the connection finder is really neat. Apparently, we are 9th Cousins =)
posted by Adriene Holland
Thank you Audrey for my Sweeney and other comments Much appreciated Kathleen Ingram
posted by Kathleen Carrow
Audrey and Tahney are 16th cousins twice removed

Audrey (Hoppes) Martin and Tahney (Yongue) Huiet are both descendants of William Harrington (abt.1422-1487). We also match on GEDmatch Largest segment = 3.6 cM Total Half-Match segments (HIR) 16.4cM 5 shared segments found for this comparison. 444325 SNPs used for this comparison. 51.924 Percent of SNPs are full identical.

posted by Tahney (Yongue) Huiet
How to you know which profiles don't have burial information and which ones do? Second part with the ones that have burial information how do you know which ones have been linked to the cemetery list in WT and which ones haven't?
posted by Carol (Irving) Weldon
I guess reading the profile is the only way to find out if it has burial information. Whether it is linked to the cemetery list in WT, check categories - bottom of the basic profile page or in Categories section at the very top of the Edit text box.
posted by Sandi Strong
Hi Audrey Martin, some of your surnames are also in my lines. Robertson, King,Taylor,Hill,Morris, Kaufman,Lewis, Smith, Koger,Lovelace,Watkins,Massey, Hardin, Coffey. I'm going to see if we are a match. I also want to thank you for all your research that you do for others. It is well appreciated.
posted by C Elder
Audrey sourced 25 profiles on the Appalachia Roots Team for the October 2024 Source-a-Thon.

Our Team finished in 1st place, with the Normalized Score, for our Division by sourcing over 5,600 Profiles! 

Thanks for joining Appalachia Roots on the Source-A-Thon.

That is an amazing job!!  Check out the Scoreboard or Thon Page for information.

We really could not win this one without you. We have awesome team members! - Can't wait to do it again in 2025!

Appalachia Roots Captains, Erin, Mark, Tabor, and Sandy

Sticker code for your personal profile can be found here

posted by Sandy (Craig) Patak
edited by Sandy (Craig) Patak
My grandfather was Robey Riley Fulk and is buried at a Friends Union Church neat Pinnacle NC. I have taken a DNA test on 23andMe and believe we may be connected.
posted by Wanda Hoots
Hi Audrey.

I've noticed you find many gravesites of our descendants. Some time ago, I searched and searched for any clue/lead for Mary Esther "Polly" (Chipman) Wheeler's burial location (Chipman-256). I never did find it. Would you consider helping me? She was my 3rd great grandmother. She was a Quaker. I would very much appreciate anything you could do. Thank you for your time!

Barb (Egglestone) Furman


posted by Barb (Egglestone) Furman
edited by Barb (Egglestone) Furman
Hi Audrey,

I saw that you added Bonds Grove UMC Cemetery for Ida Eve House & Lucinda Emmaline House. Their father was Ambrose Pinkney House and he is my great grandfather. Are you researching any other information on the House family?

posted by Sarah House

Thanks again for adding cemetery categories to the profiles, which I and others mange. Great Job! Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted by Elida Tirey
edited by Elida Tirey
Thank you Audrey for Completing over 32 for 16 Missions. I will also send the coding for the Stickers in a private message.
Audrey (Hoppes) Renno achieved the 32 For 16 award for completing 32 missions in our 2024 16 For 16 Challenge.
Audrey (Hoppes) Renno achieved the 16 For 16 award for completing 16 missions in our 2024 16 For 16 Challenge.
posted by Darren Kellett
I've been working on adding cemetery categories to profiles. When I got to Lee County, NC, I discovered they were already done. So I looked at Changes and found that you did them. Thank you for your efforts to improve Wikitree.
posted by Paul Schmehl
Thanks for joining Appalachia Roots on the Connect-A-Thon. Our Team finished in 1st place by connecting over 11,000 Profiles! 
Connected 211 Profiles on the Appalachia Roots Team for the July 2024 Connect-a-Thon

That is an amazing job!!  Check out the Scoreboard.

We couldn't do it without you. We have awesome team members! - Can't wait to do it again at the Source-A-Thon in October 2024!

Appalachia Roots Captains, Erin, Mark, Tabor, and Sandy

Sticker code for your personal profile can be found here

posted by Sandy (Craig) Patak
Audrey, thank you for your contributions to Wiki Tree and the many families you have helped find missing/unknown ancestors, including mine, again Thank You and God bless.
posted by Lorin Johnson
Audrey, thank you for adding the Hidy cemetery to my grandmothers profile, I recently visited this cemetery, however I have been unable to locate her grave site, as I want to install a grave marker for her.
posted by Addison Griffith
Information about Ester Frantz Stauffer in the Lorraine Frantz Family Tree:
posted by Lorraine Frantz

I thank you for adding the reference to Gurdin Burnham's grave site. He certainly was a strange figure, apparently living at least a double life. Again, my thanks.

posted by Doug Showalter

Thanks for taking the time to add cemetery categories to so many profiles, including the ones I manage. Great job!

posted by Elida Tirey
edited by Elida Tirey
Hi, my John Hutchins Stanley I (Quaker) b. 19 Sept 1776 married Anna Hopes b 22 Mar 1779 in Surry County North Carolina. They moved to Indiana before 1830. John is buried in the Carver Cemetery and Anna is probably buried there as well but has no stone. She is not forgotten though. They were among the earliest pioneers into that area of Indiana (Madison County). Her father was George Heinrich Happes b. 1747 who married Elizabeth Miller. George Happes father was George Happes who married Catherine Kern Lang. Any connection?
posted by Mary Stanley
Hello Audrey - I also have a lot of Quakers. I see several of the same names in your family, that I have.

One in particular attracted my attention, the PUGH line. I have a James Walling, Jr 1773-1850, whose Mom is identified as Mary White Pugh 1748-1786. Some places just show her as Mary White. Both Wikitree & myself have her identified as Mary Pugh ( Pugh-978 ). Might this be someone that you have info on ? -I'm suspicious that the White part of her name is in error. She is in my Webb & Werner Family Tree on Ancestry. Regards, Bob Cole

posted by Bob Cole
I do have Pugh in my direct line but I don't have any information on a Mary Pugh. I haven't researched this line much either. My 4th G-Grandparents were Joseph Wesley Pugh and Virginia Jane "Jennie" Bailey. Joseph was born in Lee County, Virginia but quickly moved to Kentucky. By 1835, he was getting married in Morgan County, Kentucky and he died in Magoffin County, Kentucky. Keep in mind this line is not well researched. It was likely a result of clicking hints on ancestry in my early days of researching almost 20 years ago. I need to go back and research them more thoroughly. I know for sure I am related through their son Colonel Cornwallis Irvin Pugh. His daughter, Lucinda Jane Pugh Elam is my 2nd Great-Grandmother on my mother's mother's line. Her daughter, Carrie Evaline Elam Back is my great-grandmother and I knew her as a child. She died on Christmas Eve when I was 8.
posted by Audrey (Hoppes) Renno
We share George and Elizabeth Hoppes. Your Mendenhalls married Brown distant aunts of mine. You list McCune as a paternal line surname but I find no McCunes in your tree. My McCunes were VA 1700s..
posted by Ray Vick
Andrew Jackson Hoppes married Martha Jane Newhouse. She was the Daughter of George W. Newhouse and Catherine Bell McCune. This McCune goes back to Ireland in 1705 with John McCune. My McCunes settled in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania and Highland County, Ohio. Andrew and Martha are my 3rd Great-grandparents.
posted by Audrey (Hoppes) Renno
Hi, Audry ~

I, too, am researching Quakers in Pennsylvania, including the Mendenhall and Roberts families. My paternal grandfather was born and raised in a Quaker family, so about a quarter of my ancestors going back 300 years or so are Quaker. In my line, they lived in Chester County PA until my grandfather moved away. Families I'm researching there include Pennock, Yerkes, Lamborn, Hadley, Mendenhall, Baily, Phillips, Harvey, Buffington, Levis, Bowater, Gregg, Morton, Blackburn, Swayne, Bourne, Maris, Townsend, Newlin, England, Streeper, and Pusey, among many others.

I suspect that somewhere in there, we are cousins many times over.

Thank you for the work you’ve done to add to the few profiles I've managed to add to WikiTree.

Dick Pennock

posted by Dick Pennock
Join the Mendenhall Family Association. gota run sorry not to say more
Hey Audrey, I’m not new to Wikitree but I haven’t been active since 2020 and I need to get my memory refreshed.

I saw where you had worked on a profile that I manage and I do appreciate it very much.

Thanks Laurie

posted by Laurie Lowman
Audrey, Notice you are a member of the ABNEY Project. What is your connection?
posted by Robert Abney
I am not related to Abneys as far as I know. I simply enjoy fixing suggestions on profiles that I run across. I did work on a small group of Abneys the other day while working on cemeteries. I also work on Remember the Children project profiles for babies and children. So either of these are ways I might of run into these profiles. Also working on profiles for people that died during the 1918 flu pandemic. Also if they lived in Appalachia I do a lot of work in that geographical region. So many ways I might touch a profile. Most profiles I work on I am distantly related to at best.
posted by Audrey (Hoppes) Renno
Audrey, Thanks you so much for your research. I am a descendant of a Frank W. Roberts (1810-1881). and I know nothing about him. I do know that he had a son, Frank Wallace Roberts born in MA. Everytime I see one of your Roberts postings I dig as deep into it as I can (know that you have already done that). trying to find out more. I do not believe that he was a Quaker, family lore says that he was from Wales.

Keep up the good work and know that there are. many people out here that appreciate what you are doing.

posted by Tim Roberts
I am fairly closely related to Roberts on my maternal side. Her father's family have been Quakers since Fox's time. Came over to Pennsylvania around the time of William Penn. This line includes all of my Robert's connections. Jonathan Roberts (1768-1855) was born in Pennsylvania and died in Preble County, Ohio is my earliest known Roberts ancestor. He was very much a strong Quaker. This side of my family have lived in Preble and Butler counties in Ohio since 1803 and are all Quakers. My mother was born as a birthright Quaker and remained in that church until the age of 18 when there was a church split at the church she had attended since birth. All of my family besides my mother and I still live in this area today. Taylor and Mendenhall are other names closely related to me in the Quaker faith in the southwest Ohio area.
posted by Audrey (Hoppes) Renno
Hi, Audrey. We are a DNA match on chr. 1 (12.9 cM) and 3 (9.6 cM). I did not recognize any of your Quaker names but you do have some other surnames that I also have. Are you on Ancestry?


posted by Cherie Harris
edited by Cherie Harris
Audrey, thanks for your care for the Isaac King Cemetery in Kentucky (adding categories). Happens to be where graves of many of my partner's ancestor are, and it gives me a poke to check their profiles again. Jane
posted by Jane (Snell) Copes
I saw you were doing some genealogy on the leet line, and I am looking for any help regarding a John William Leggett born 5 September 1855 in Mississippi. Told his son that he was an orphan and was named after his father. That is all we know. Would appreciate any information if you run into it. Lynn Pedersen.
posted by Lynn Leggett

Thank you for joining Appalachia Roots on the Connect-A-Thon

Our Team finished in 1st place by connecting 17,576 profiles! 
Audrey connected 26 profiles on the Appalachia Roots Team for the April 2024 Connect-a-Thon

What an incredible job!!!  Check out the scoreboard.

We couldn't do it without you amazing team members! - See you again at the next Thon in July 2024!

Sandy & Patty - Appalachia Roots Co Captains
posted by Patty (Luker) LaPlante
Thanks for doing this for some of my profiles. Could you please tell me how I can add a new cemetery to Wikitree so that I can start adding categories to my profiles ?
posted by Barry Walser
Here you are again, romping through the cemetery categories on profiles I have managed. I'm impressed, seriously impressed. Thank you once again.
posted by Susan Smith
A Thundering Thank You to you, Audrey, for attending to the categorization of profiles I am managing. I'm familiar with the effort to categorize a profile.
posted by Susan Smith
Hi there Audrey, thanks for cemetery-categorizing a couple of Kentucky profiles I added. Looks like our research interests overlap.

Do you have a plugin or tool you use for this type of categorization and can you share it? Either you're superhuman-fast or you're using something that's a big time-saver.

posted by Nathan Kennedy
Thanks for taking the time to add cemetery categories for so many profiles that I and others manage. You're the best!
posted by Elida Tirey
Ms. Martin, you rock! In the name of my ancestors, Thank You for all the cemetery additions!
posted by Richard Schumacher
Audrey, thanks for your recent work adding cemetery categories to many profiles. I don't think you and I have kinfolk I common, and I appreciate your WikiTree work! Jane
posted by Jane (Snell) Copes
Thank you for updating the burial information on my 2nd great grandfather Isaac Wyman Jones! Greatly appreciated!
Thanks for joining Appalachia Roots on the Connect-A-Thon.  Our Team finished in 1st place by connecting over 16,000 Profiles! 
Connected 1 Profiles on the Appalachia Roots Team for the January 2024 Connect-a-Thon

That is an amazing job!!  Check out the Scoreboard

We couldn't do it without you. We have awesome team members! - Can't wait to do it again at the next Thon in April 2024!

Sandy & Patty - Appalachia Roots Co Captains

Sticker code for your personal profile can be found here

posted by Patty (Luker) LaPlante
Hello from the Appalachia Project!

Join us for our online Appalachia Project Party on Saturday, December 9th, 2023 at 2pm (EST)/7pm (UTC).

If you are signed up for our Project's Google Group, look for an email with the easy instructions on how to join. If you are on our Project's Discord Chat Channel, all details were posted under Announcements.

(Please make sure to check your Spam folder as many have mentioned the Monthly Newsletter and other communication is landing in their spam.)

Need to sign up for the Appalachia Project Google Group or Discord channel: Google Group and Discord Chat Channel


posted by Sandy (Craig) Patak
Hi, Audrey

Congratulations on certifying to work on pre-1700 profiles! It’s very important to read and understand the Pre-1700 Profiles page. These profiles for deep ancestors are shared by many, and collaborating on them works best if we all follow the guidelines in the certification quiz.

Primary sources should always be added to pre-1700 profiles at the time they are created. If you don't have a source for a pre-1700 profile, it would be best to ask for help in the G2G forum before creating the profile.

Sheryl ~ WikiTree Pre-1700 Greeter

posted by [Living Moore]
Thanks for joining Appalachia Roots on the 2023 Source-A-Thon.  Our Team finished in 1st place by sourcing over 9,000 Profiles! 
Sourced 20 Profiles on the Appalachia Roots Team for the October 2023 Source-a-Thon

That is an amazing job!!  Check out the Scoreboard

We couldn't do it without you. We have awesome team members! - Can't wait to do it again at the next Thon in 2024!

Sandy & Patty - Appalachia Roots Co Captains
posted by Patty (Luker) LaPlante

We need the Kentucky Project Members to join the Kentucky Genealogical Society's WikiTree Challenge! We are going for the record.... over 500 new profiles!

posted by Pam (Dale) Fraley
edited by Pam (Dale) Fraley
Hello Audrey,

Thanks again for signing up to RAWK five fellow WikiTreers in the month of March.

Here is your RAWKERs sticker code. To display this on your profile, just add curly brackets at each end:

Community Event |image=WikiTree_Event_Images-1.png |text=was a RAWKER |event=We Will RAWK You Event

If you're on Discord, please do join us on the We Will RAWK You channel using this link:

If you're not yet on Discord, this Help page should get you going:

Looking forward to researching with you!


posted by Kathy (Urbach) Nava
Hi Audrey,

I added a few cousins for you. Let me know if you ever have questions! Thanks for participating in the thon!

Mindy Silva

posted by Mindy Silva
Thank you so much for the assistance!! Will continue working on my paternal line tomorrow afternoon. :)
posted by Audrey (Hoppes) Renno
Welcome to WikiTree and DNA.

My name is John Kingman. I am a Coordinator with the WikiTree DNA Project.

When you have your part of our One Big Tree fleshed out and you are ready to supplement it with DNA test matches, please check out the DNA Help category page to see all the DNA help that is available, and the How to Get Started page in particular.

You may see some relatives show up in your list of "DNA Connections" on your profile if they have added a DNA test to their profile. These DNA Connections are possible DNA test matches, they are not sufficient for marking parental relationships as "confirmed with DNA" without providing a DNA Confirmation source citation providing details of the DNA match.

When you are ready to start documenting that your genealogy sources are confirmed by DNA test matches, be sure to follow the guidance at the DNA Confirmation help page. A profile should not be marked "confirmed with DNA" without source documentation for both genealogy and DNA test matching. Also, please try out the DNA Confirmation Citation Maker, I strongly recommend it for creating and/or validating your DNA confirmation source citations.

If you have questions or need assistance, feel free to ask on the G2G Forum using the Tag "DNA" and/or "DNA_Confirmation".

Happy hunting!

John Kingman

posted by John Kingman
Hi, Audrey

We are so pleased you decided to upgrade to the Family Member level.

Please visit our tutorial pages to learn how to use WikiTree: How To Use WikiTree. They will save you time, energy, and frustration as you add your family profiles.

Exploring the site is the best way to learn. One way to do that is to check out the drop-down menus on the top right side of your profile page. Finding a known ancestor and collaborating with the profile manager is another great way to start.

Questions? You can always use the G2G link in the Help Menu to find answers.

Sheryl ~ WikiTree Greeter

posted by [Living Moore]
Welcome to WikiTree!

If you have questions about WikiTree, please click the option to reply to this message and let me know how I can help.

Sheryl ~ WikiTree Greeter

posted by [Living Moore]

Acadian heritage connections: Audrey is 22 degrees from Beyoncé Knowles, 24 degrees from Jean Béliveau, 21 degrees from Madonna Ciccone, 24 degrees from Rhéal Cormier, 22 degrees from Joseph Drouin, 23 degrees from Jack Kerouac, 21 degrees from Anne Murray, 20 degrees from Matt LeBlanc, 20 degrees from Roméo LeBlanc, 21 degrees from Azilda Marchand, 19 degrees from Marie Travers and 23 degrees from Clarence White on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.