The biography for Brenda Horne is empty. What can you add?
First-hand information. Entered by Brenda Horne at registration.
Only the Trusted List can access the following:
Brenda's formal name
full middle name (E.)
e-mail address
exact birthdate
birth location
For access to Brenda Horne's full information you must be on Brenda's Trusted List. Please login.
DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships.
It is likely that these
autosomal DNA
test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Brenda:
You are now a member of WikiTree! Please help us build one Collaborative Global Family Tree, which means only one profile per person. It's important that no duplicates are created and profiles are properly sourced- if you have pre-1700's ancestors to add please read our Pre-1700 profiles info.
To help you get started, view this introductory WikiTree video.
Welcome as a guest to WikiTree! We're growing a FREE worldwide family tree, striving for ONE collaborative profile per person.
To start:
1. Our Honor Code is a very important part of why our community is such a friendly place to grow your family tree so please take some time to read it.
2. Feel free to ask a question at our G2G forum. Our help pages, menu top right -very useful information.
Want to Join us? Click the volunteer button and leave a comment here on your profile about your genealogical journey. Please tell me how you plan to contribute i.e putting your family on, giving information to the community or asking for help. Its also nice to say what experience you have, if any.
Check out the How-to pages for some quick tips that will save you time, energy, and frustration as you add profiles and learn your way around.
If you have any questions about how WikiTree works, let me know!
Peggy ~ WikiGreeter
Thank you for adding your DNA to WikiTree. Getting the Best from DNA will tell you more about how DNA kits are used on WikiTree.
I hope this helps! If you have any questions or problems, let me know.
Take care,
Laura ~ WikiTree Greeter
I hope you're enjoying WikiTree.
Our vision is to build a collaborative tree. Be sure to look for Duplicates before adding a profile, and always include Sources for your information.
Our Help Index covers topics you may have questions about.
Our G2G Forum is where many of our generous members help each other out.
Visit our "Weekend Chat". Say hello, introduce yourself, and see what other members are up to right now!
Of course, I'm here to help in any way Im able.
Keith ~ WikiTree Mentor
Glad you Volunteered!
You are now a member of WikiTree! Please help us build one Collaborative Global Family Tree, which means only one profile per person. It's important that no duplicates are created and profiles are properly sourced- if you have pre-1700's ancestors to add please read our Pre-1700 profiles info.
To help you get started, view this introductory WikiTree video.
For a list of Member benefits, see Community Members page.
We also have Mentors who will be glad to answer questions.
Welcome as a guest to WikiTree! We're growing a FREE worldwide family tree, striving for ONE collaborative profile per person.
To start:
1. Our Honor Code is a very important part of why our community is such a friendly place to grow your family tree so please take some time to read it.
2. Feel free to ask a question at our G2G forum. Our help pages, menu top right -very useful information.
Want to Join us? Click the volunteer button and leave a comment here on your profile about your genealogical journey. Please tell me how you plan to contribute i.e putting your family on, giving information to the community or asking for help. Its also nice to say what experience you have, if any.