I am an electrical engineer and retired technology company executive. Amongst other hobbies, I now spend a fair bit of time on genealogy for my extended blended family. Between all of them I am currently dealing with ancestors in Canada, the United States, England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Brazil, Lebanon, Syria, Germany, Norway, Poland, Ukraine, and Guyana! I also do volunteer work for SearchAngels.org, an organization that uses DNA testing and genealogy to find the birth families of adoptees.
WikiTree Advanced Directive
It may seem morbid, but in the event of my untimely demise I want to be sure that none of my hard work on WikiTree ends up being deleted. While I fully intend on being around to manage all my profiles for a very long time, in the event of my incapacitation or death I hereby give permission for all of my private profiles to be transferred to Alicia Estrella (Huscroft) Compo and/or Peter Thomas Dempster, whether or not they are currently on their Trusted Lists.
Birth and marriage information entered by Charles Kevin Huscroft at registration. Note that my legal name is Charles Kevin Huscroft but that I go by my second name and thus have manipulated use of the various name fields so that I do not appear in concise forms as Kevin K. Huscroft or Charles Huscroft as this is confusing to those that I interact with via email.
Maternal relationship is confirmed with an AncestryDNA test match between Charles Kevin Huscroft GEDMatch A826613 and Michael Lupoli Jr GEDMatch A837936, third cousins once removed. Predicted relationship reported by AncestryDNA: 4th Cousins based on sharing 33 centimorgans shared across 2 DNA segments; Confidence: High.
Maternal relationship is confirmed with an AncestryDNA test match between Alicia Estrella (Huscroft) Compo GEDMatch A390938 and Michael Lupoli Jr GEDMatch A837936, fourth cousins. Predicted relationship reported by AncestryDNA: 4th Cousins based on sharing 32 centimorgans shared across 2 DNA segments; Confidence: High.
Maternal relationship is confirmed with an AncestryDNA test match between Charles Kevin Huscroft GEDMatch A826613 and Robert Johnson, second cousins. Predicted relationship reported by AncestryDNA: 2nd Cousins based on sharing 279 centimorgans shared across 16 DNA segments; Confidence: Extremely High.
Maternal relationship is confirmed with an AncestryDNA test match between Charles Kevin Huscroft GEDMatch A826613 and Leslie Ann Cross GEDMatch TBD, second cousins, once removed. Predicted relationship reported by AncestryDNA: 4th Cousins, based on sharing 53 centimorgans shared across 5 DNA segments; Confidence: Very High.
Maternal relationship is confirmed with an AncestryDNA test match between Charles Kevin Huscroft GEDMatch A826613 and Douglas Philip Riddell GEDMatch TBD, first cousins. Predicted relationship reported by AncestryDNA: 1st - 2nd Cousins, based on sharing 916 centimorgans shared across 36 DNA segments; Confidence: Extremely High.
Paternal relationship is confirmed with an AncestryDNA test match between Charles Kevin Huscroft GEDMatch A826613 and Gary Blake GEDMatch TBD, second cousins, once removed. Predicted relationship reported by AncestryDNA: 3rd Cousins, based on sharing 98 centimorgans shared across 7 DNA segments; Confidence: Extremely High.
Paternal relationship is confirmed with an AncestryDNA test match between Charles Kevin Huscroft GEDMatch A826613 and J. Tabor GEDMatch TBD, third cousins. Predicted relationship reported by AncestryDNA: 3rd Cousins, based on sharing 104 centimorgans shared across 7 DNA segments; Confidence: Extremely High.
Paternal relationship is confirmed with an AncestryDNA test match between Charles Kevin Huscroft GEDMatch A826613 and Dawn (Habart) Terrill GEDMatch TBD, second cousins, once removed. Predicted relationship reported by AncestryDNA: 3rd Cousins, based on sharing 146 centimorgans shared across 9 DNA segments; Confidence: Extremely High.
Paternal relationship is confirmed with an AncestryDNA test match between Charles Kevin Huscroft GEDMatch A826613 and Marjorie Jeannine Blake GEDMatch TBD, second cousins, once removed. Predicted relationship reported by AncestryDNA: 3rd Cousins, based on sharing 193 centimorgans shared across 11 DNA segments; Confidence: Extremely High.
Maternal relationship is confirmed with GEDMatch Genenis test match between Doris (Grant) Rake GEDMatch FD2233589 and Charles Kevin Huscroft GEDMatch A826613, fifth cousins. Largest segment = 9.7 cM, Total Half-Match segments (HIR) = 24.6 cM (0.7 Pct), Estimated number of generations to MRCA = 4.9, 3 shared segments found for this comparison.
Unsourced Work List
This profile lacks source information. Please add sources that support the facts.
This profile lacks source information. Please add sources that support the facts.
This profile lacks source information. Please add sources that support the facts.
This profile lacks source information. Please add sources that support the facts.
This profile lacks source information. Please add sources that support the facts.
This profile lacks source information. Please add sources that support the facts.
This profile lacks source information. Please add sources that support the facts.
This profile lacks source information. Please add sources that support the facts.
This profile lacks source information. Please add sources that support the facts.
This profile lacks source information. Please add sources that support the facts.
This profile lacks source information. Please add sources that support the facts.
This profile lacks source information. Please add sources that support the facts.
This profile lacks source information. Please add sources that support the facts.
This profile lacks source information. Please add sources that support the facts.
This profile lacks source information. Please add sources that support the facts.
This profile lacks source information. Please add sources that support the facts.
This profile lacks source information. Please add sources that support the facts.
This profile lacks source information. Please add sources that support the facts.
This profile lacks source information. Please add sources that support the facts.
This profile lacks source information. Please add sources that support the facts.
This profile lacks source information. Please add sources that support the facts.
This profile lacks source information. Please add sources that support the facts.
This profile lacks source information. Please add sources that support the facts.
This profile lacks source information. Please add sources that support the facts.
Only the Trusted List can access the following:
Kevin's formal name
e-mail address
exact birthdate
birth location
images (4)
private siblings' names
private children's names (2)
spouse's name and marriage information
For access to Kevin Huscroft's full information you must be on Kevin's Trusted List. Please login.
DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships.
Paternal line Y-chromosome DNA test-takers:
Kevin Huscroft:
AncestryDNA Paternal Lineage (discontinued) 37 markers, haplogroup E1b1b, Ancestry member KevinHuscroft
Kevin, Your Personal Profile Names should start with Huscroft-1. For example, the following would be the correct Category Name:
Category:Huscroft-1 Death Unsourced Profiles
This distinguishes personal categories from public categories. As it stands now, your personal Categories are showing up on error reports that the Category Team is managing. Let me know if you need help Renaming these categories.
You've been a member for about 4 years so I thought I would check in to see how it's going. Have the How-Tos been helpful or left you with questions? Most of us have questions after all that information!
I want to help! Click my name, send me a private message or ask in the comment section of my page. Sometimes links don't work in emails. If that's happened to you, check the public comments on your profile. The links will work from there.
Cindy ~ WikiTree Messenger
PS I saw your note about how things have changed since you joined and I thought I would share with you what is shared with our newest members these days! Thanks for all the great work you do!!
Thank you for merging the profiles for Compo, Compeer, Compeau, etc.
In the future, if you are doing multiple merges, please see Merging Multiple Duplicates about why the order in which the merges are done matters.
Short version - figure what the final WikiTree ID should be (the lowest-numbered profile with the correct spelling/styling) and merge all the duplicates directly into it. (See this page for more info.)
Charles - Can I be added to the "Trusted List." My name is Richard Townsend, son of the 97 year old and still going strong Frieda Townsend, grandson of John Sauer, etc. i have a lot of info i could add.
Thanks for your merge requests. I'm not able to agree to the merging of James Sheppard 1199 in your tree with James Sheppard 1083 in mine because the parents are completely different. My James's parents were John (who was from Farnborough in Berkshire) and Sarah - I've now added them to my tree here. However, it seems that the other Sheppards are matches although it's best to get the parents sorted out first so that the trees are in synch.
You are now a member of the WikiTree Community Kevin.
Please note we are trying to build one Collaborative Tree which means one profile per person. The software helps you ensure no duplicates are entered as you add any Profiles to WikiTree.
Our G2G forum has discussions on almost any question, and you can check out the introductory WikiTree video that a member created.
Our Mentor Team are a friendly bunch of volunteers who will be glad to help you.
Because everyone adds improvements to the tree, WikiTree is constantly becoming more complete and accurate, one profile at a time. Thanks for offering to help build our shared tree :)
Connections to Super Bowl halftime show performers:
Kevin is
26 degrees from Prince Nelson, 17 degrees from Dan Aykroyd, 22 degrees from Garth Brooks, 27 degrees from Chubby Checker, 26 degrees from Ella Fitzgerald, 21 degrees from Dusty Hill, 34 degrees from Whitney Houston, 22 degrees from Mick Jagger, 19 degrees from Paul McCartney, 20 degrees from Tom Petty, 20 degrees from Chris Stapleton and 19 degrees from Shania Twain
on our single family tree.
Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.
Category:Huscroft-1 Death Unsourced Profiles
This distinguishes personal categories from public categories. As it stands now, your personal Categories are showing up on error reports that the Category Team is managing. Let me know if you need help Renaming these categories.
G. Moore
You've been a member for about 4 years so I thought I would check in to see how it's going. Have the How-Tos been helpful or left you with questions? Most of us have questions after all that information!
I want to help! Click my name, send me a private message or ask in the comment section of my page. Sometimes links don't work in emails. If that's happened to you, check the public comments on your profile. The links will work from there.
Cindy ~ WikiTree Messenger
PS I saw your note about how things have changed since you joined and I thought I would share with you what is shared with our newest members these days! Thanks for all the great work you do!!
I have tidied up the Bio...There were no good sources listed. Go ahead and add the correct data and sources.
There are several items listed in my tree on Ancestory.com
Thank you for merging the profiles for Compo, Compeer, Compeau, etc.
In the future, if you are doing multiple merges, please see Merging Multiple Duplicates about why the order in which the merges are done matters.
Short version - figure what the final WikiTree ID should be (the lowest-numbered profile with the correct spelling/styling) and merge all the duplicates directly into it. (See this page for more info.)
Thank you for helping clean up our tree!
Cheers, Liz
Rick Townsend
With regards, Michael
Here's a link to merging help in case you can't find it. Merging Let me know if I can assist you or you have any merging questions.
Regards, Michelle (Arborist project leader)
Please note we are trying to build one Collaborative Tree which means one profile per person. The software helps you ensure no duplicates are entered as you add any Profiles to WikiTree.
Our G2G forum has discussions on almost any question, and you can check out the introductory WikiTree video that a member created.
Our Mentor Team are a friendly bunch of volunteers who will be glad to help you.
Because everyone adds improvements to the tree, WikiTree is constantly becoming more complete and accurate, one profile at a time. Thanks for offering to help build our shared tree :)
April Dauenhauer