Public Photo

Järvsö AI:5a (1776-1784) Bild 140 / sid 134 (AID: v135789.b140.s134, NAD: SE/HLA/1010096)

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Where: Skärstra, Järvsö, Hälsingland, Sweden map

When: 1776.

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Original digital image: 1108 x 712 pixels.


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Picture from Arkiv Digital of Järvsö AI:5a (1776-1784) Bild 140 / sid 134 (AID: v135789.b140.s134, NAD: SE/HLA/1010096)
Skärstra Nr 5
B(onde eng. farmer) Olof Persson, (born) 1731
H(ans hustru eng. wife) Anna Hindr?
Mod(er?!?! mother I assume this is the mother of Olof Persson) Anna Forsdotter, 1701, död 1778(passed away)
s(on) Per Olofsson 1756
H(ustru) Margta Ersd(otter) 1763
s. Hindr. Olofsson 1758 (looks like Olofs mother has a patronymicon daughter after Hindrik so the son also get this name => we can assume that Annas father also was Hindrik)
s. Eric Olofsson 1772
D(otter eng. daughter) Anna Olsd(otter) 1761,,, Gift 1780( eng. married)
S. Olof Olsson 1768, död 1772(passed away)
D. Brita Olsdotter 1785
S. Olof Pers???1785
posted by [Living Sälgö]