William Ingles Sr.
BIRTH 1729 London, City of London, Greater London, England. His Wikipedia Profile claims Dublin, Ireland as his place of birth.
MARRIAGE 1750 to Mary Draper (1732–1815) in Draper's Meadows, Virginia, British Colonial America, now Blacksburg, Virginia, on the Virginia Tech Campus in the area of the "Duck Pond".
DEATH 1782 (aged 52–53) Radford, Radford City, Virginia, USA
LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT Last Will & Testament of William Inglis dated September 26, 1782, proved November 5, 1782
BURIAL West View Cemetery Radford, Radford City, Virginia, USA
The first European wedding took place in the New River Valley in 1750, when the son of Thomas Ingles married the daughter of George Draper, thus uniting the families of two men who had left Ireland and made their way to Draper's Meadow by way of Pennsylvania. Newlyweds Mary Draper and William Ingles resided for a time in the general area where Smithfield Plantation, Foxridge Apartments, and the Virginia Tech Duck Pond sit today. The young couple-we could call them William and Mary of Draper's Meadow-had two young sons, Thomas and George, when the French and Indian War broke out, part of a huge contest between the superpowers of the time, the French and English empires. In the meantime, Mary's brother, John Draper, married Betty Robinson in 1754, and they had a baby.:
By the Treaty of Lancaster in 1744, the Six Nations of Indians renounced their claim to all lands in Virginia and the Wood's River Grant was issued in 1745. Surveying began in March 1746; but in the same year two patents were issued to John Harrison, Jr., based on a previous survey. This survey was probably made about 1743. Others who had lands surveyed prior to 1746 were John Mills and John Buchanan. Among those well enough acquainted with the territory to have locations ready to be surveyed were James Woods, former surveyor of Orange County, Virginia, James Patton, George Robinson, James Burk, James Davis, Peter Rentfroe, George Draper, the Ingles, Charles Hart, Charles Campbell, Charles Sinkler, the Harmons and the Dunkers, a religious sect. An order of Orange County, Virginia, Court of April 1745 mentions Adam Harmons on the New or Wood's River as the western end of a road marked off from the Frederick County line through Augusta. Road orders for the area through 1750 give an excellent idea who were settled in the area at the time. EARLY SETTLEMENT ALONG THE NEW RIVER (NC AND VA) BASIN William D. Bennett:
The Fincastle Resolutions were signed by the representatives elected in Virginia– William and Arthur Campbell, William Christian, Walter Crockett, Charles Cummins, William Edmondson, William Ingles, Thomas Madison, James McGavock, John Montgomery, William Preston, Evan Shelby, Daniel Smith and Stephen Trigg.
It was with the Fincastle Resolutions, the first instance of “liberty or death,” that the American Revolution garnered attention. This document became one of the most important in leading to the Revolution, and its influence on the Declaration means that its legacy persists even today.:
Botetourt County VA Page 83. February 7, 1770. Valentine Linn and Charonoe Linn of Craven County, South Carolina to Davis Robinson. Power of attorney to convey to William Ingles 400 acres of land on the west side of Wood River, otherwise known as Roanoke River. Witnesses: John Bowyer, Robert Elliott.:
Page 119. March 7, 1770. Andrew Boyd to William Ingles and David Roberts. 140 pounds. 620 acres on a branch of Woods River.:
Page 121. June 13, 1770. Israel Christian and Elizabeth his wife to Andrew Lewis, Richard Woods, Robert Brackenridge, William Preston, Bonjamin Hawkins, David Robinson, William Fleming, George Skillern, William Ingles, John Howard, Phillip Love, James Robinson, William Christian, William Herbert, John Montgomery, Stephen Trigg, Robert Doage, Walter Crockett, James McGavock, Francis Smith, Andrew Wood, William Matthews, John Bowman, William McKee, Anthony Bledsoe, Gentlemen Justices of the Court of Botetourt, in consideration of a Court House for said County being established on the real estate herein conveyed, and of 20 shillings paid. 45 acres of land on the east side of Millers 3 May 1774, MCOB 2, p. 7:
This Court doth appoint William Ingles and Stephen Trigg Trustees for this County to get together with David Robinson and William Madison the Trustees for Botetourt County to the Lowest Bidder the Repairing of the Road as they shall direct from this County agrees to bear one half of the Expenses should it not amount to more than fifteen pounds each County (Fincastle):
The Cabells and their Kin: On December 8th, the convention (1776) "Resolved that Joseph Cabell, Thomas Randolph and Germann Baker, gentlemen, be appointed commissioners to receive for and pay to several claimants in the southern district, for services in the late expedition against the Indians, whatever may be due them from the publick, and not called for at the treasury." On December 21, this resolution was rescinded; but, on the same day William Cabell, Joseph Cabell and others were appointed on a committee for considering the petitions of Sampson and George Matthews, and of William Ingles regarding supplies etc., furnished the expedition.
Around 1762, William obtained a license to operate a ferry at the site of the current tavern. William Ingles was in charge of improving and maintaining the road leading to and from Ingles Ferry. The road became part of the Great Wagon Road, The Philadelphia Road and the Wilderness Road. William owned over 900 acres and had about a dozen slaves who worked the land and helped run the ferry and tavern and other enterprises.:
Letter from William Preston July 18, 1779:
Dear Sir:
I have just rec'd intelligence that a number of Tories have embodied themselves up New River in this county [Montgomery County, Virginia], that they took Prisoners; Captains Cox, Osborn & Henderson, the former of whom made his escape. That they also took two men who were sent as spies and kept them ...... Prisoners in which time the spies heard them say that they intended to take the Lead Mines & that thy had but 105 men there they made were five hundred strong....
Colo. Wm. Campbell with 48 men was at the Mines on Fryday...waiting untill he could be reinforced by the militia in that neighborhood who were then preparing to join him; and that the People on that Quarter were greatly alarmed.
This news was brought to me a few hours ago by Colo. Ingles whom I have ordered to draught several companies of Militia, which with those already on foot he is to take command as a Touchstone of his sincerity in the American cause, and March immediately against the Insurgents. He seemed willing to undertake the Business and promises the utmost Exertion in Quelling the Insurrection.
I am really apprehensive that they will be joined by numbers from this county, Washington & Carolina.... become formidable unless an immediate stop be put to their carreer. Should that be the case I shall be obliged to apply to you for your Friendly assistance. At present, however, I shall postone making any Demand until I have further Intelligence. All I would now beg of you is that you would be pleased to give the officers orders to hold their companies in readiness to turn out on short notice. That should matters take an unfavorable turn in our first attempt to repell those people, there may be no time lost in raising a proper number to chastise them as they deserve.
I have hopes that the Insurgents, on hearing that Colo. Ingles is to command the Montgomery Militia, will Disperse. Be that as it will, I shall immediately send you the first certain inteligence I can procure.
I am Dr. Sir, your most obed't serv't.
Wm Preston:
6-1-1790- Mitchell Clay and Phebe his wife Grantor, George Pearis Grantee, 60 pounds, 189A branch of Little Sinking creek. D Trigg, Exor of Wm Ingles to Mitchell Clay 80 pounds, 180 A Black Bottm.:
Annuals of Tazewell County VA, Daniel Trigg, surviving executor of William Ingles of Montgomery County Virginia Deed to John Grills 1806.
See also:
This week's featured connections are New York architects: William is 13 degrees from Daniel Burnham, 20 degrees from David Childs, 26 degrees from Frank Gehry, 13 degrees from Cass Gilbert, 16 degrees from Henry Hardenbergh, 30 degrees from Maya Ying Lin, 14 degrees from Frederick Olmsted, 24 degrees from I. M. Pei, 10 degrees from John Roebling, 14 degrees from Stanford White, 9 degrees from Frank Wright and 18 degrees from Minoru Yamasaki on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.
Ingles, William 1 tithe 10 Slaves 51 horses 67 cattle
Real Property tax roll (four assessments, 400, 50, 67, 390 acres
edited by Bob Pickering